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What Annoyed You Today?

because i couldnt walk through the scanner without help because my foot is broken, i had to stand waiting for someone to help me. my mom left a box in the basket of my knee scooter and i asked her about it and she said it was sunglasses and it was fine. it wasnt fine the tsa yelled at me thinking i was trying to sneak something in. and no one there was in any shape to help me walj through the scanner so they had to do a pat down instead. my dysphoria is a mess and i was trying my best to conceal that i was crying

i hate the airport

Mr. Pibb

San Fresco
May 31, 2023
Today I got pretty annoyed when my friend almost crashed his car on the interstate then said “I sure hope we have enough gas to get where we’re going.” I then saw the gas light was on…not by best Wednesday.
online, i am just done. i dont belong anywhere. i found a nice group of people to talk bugs with on discord but someone told me yesterday that i know "too much" about bugs that i make it uncomfortable for them to talk in discussions. apparently im hard to approach and im so bothered that i might be keeping people from talking how they want because i took over a channel. today someone flipped at me for sharing a bug i saw in another channel (which i did spoiler tag with a content warning btw), and i just dont think i fit in... anywhere. i was already feeling lousy about this, but this is just kind of confirmation and ive been on the cusp of a mental breakdown for the past day or so

offline, i am ****ing burned out from my cousin bringing her gremlins over every. single. day. and their giant dog with a long ass snout that will lick you in the face from across the couch because his nose is just that long, you cant block him. cant handle babies, toddlers... and i cant walk so i just get stuck in a spot and have to deal with the two year old trying to steal my stuff that i put out of reach and he still gets them

also totk spoilers: been getting the geoglyph cutscenes, and i am feeling very let down despite having low expectations in terms of like the wasted potential of this game... what im getting of the plot is atrocious god moding playing with history like putty. it a way it feels more like a reskin of age of calamity more than it does breath of the wild

Mikey the Gengar

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
Have you ever had Mexican food? It's literally all sour and savory

I've never had Mexican food be sour

Well you've never had Mexican food
You've probably had American food pretending to be Mexican food

You sound like an american
Only Americans diss the food

I am not dissing American food

"well it's not REAL Mexican food" is dissing the food

But the fact that you thought Mexican food is not sour means that it's not Mexican food is it

Because I had it in America that means it's not authentic

No it's not authentic because it doesnt taste like Mexican food
You can call it tex-mex if you want

The Latinos who have home cooked for me did it wrong ig

I don't know why you are so offended
You very clearly have a very limited palette
That's alright

This behavior ticks me off so much


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Have you ever had Mexican food? It's literally all sour and savory

I've never had Mexican food be sour

Well you've never had Mexican food
You've probably had American food pretending to be Mexican food

You sound like an american
Only Americans diss the food

I am not dissing American food

"well it's not REAL Mexican food" is dissing the food

But the fact that you thought Mexican food is not sour means that it's not Mexican food is it

Because I had it in America that means it's not authentic

No it's not authentic because it doesnt taste like Mexican food
You can call it tex-mex if you want

The Latinos who have home cooked for me did it wrong ig

I don't know why you are so offended
You very clearly have a very limited palette
That's alright

This behavior ticks me off so much
Are you the 1st or 2nd?


Let's all just pretend I no longer exist
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
My parents went out to a state park or something today, my mom told me they would be gone most of the day. She asked me to do a load of dishes before she got back (despite my protest that I was already doing my usual Saturday living room/ dining room/ hallway cleaning). This was the interaction we had when she got home-

Me: I did the load of dishes like you asked me to.
My mom: Oh! Thank you! I didn't expect you to do that!
Me: You told me to do it though?
My mom: Oh yeah I was kidding *laughs*
Me: ...

Yeah. I'm not necessarily annoyed that I had to do it, it wasn't that big a deal only took like 20 minutes. I'm more annoyed that she just. Told me to wash the dishes. And was joking. And expected me to get that.

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