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"Western Civilization is dying"


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
By accident I purchased a book titled something similar, briefly looking at the description it was stating porn and non-white men were the cause of its death. I think that's a lot of pie farts personally.


Rock and roll will never die
Jun 15, 2012
London, United Kingdom
Firstly, 'western civilisation' doesn't only refer to America. Sometimes it's nice to remind people that it's not the only country on earth. Also it's a heads up to say that 'non-western' isn't automatically backwards, negative or dangerous. Choose your words wisely.
Secondly, the idea that it's falling apart is just bull**** pedaled by old, right-wing, scaremongering idiots who are afraid their positions are threatened. And everyone who buys into it is either ignorant or is misunderstanding. I'm not saying all change is good or bad, as has already been said, it's objective.

The changes we may think we need could turn out to be totally negative for society but also, as has been seen (and trust me to pull out the history books) over the course of recorded history, lots of changes which seem like a bad thing turn out to be great. For example, the abolition of slavery in the southern united states. The 'society' of the day, i.e. everyone who had only ever known the Antebellum south, thought that anarchy would break out and hellfire would fly everywhere if black people were free (before anyone objects, yes plenty of people were aware slaves were only there because of wanting to keep the southern economy afloat, but the overwhelming majority of 'ordinary' people would have grown up thinking it was totally normal and believed everything that was said about black people, including that they were less intelligent and so forth. So don't get on me about that because historical and cultural context is extremely important when you draw examples like the one I am). But of course now most people of all walks of life and backgrounds agree that slavery is abominable.

Now, at the moment, the 'order' are scared because of globalisation. There has been more migration in the past century than at pretty much any time in history all at once because of technology, basically, and seeing people from different cultures is not only nervewracking to the ignorant who only read The Daily Mail but also allows people like e.g. Trump to scapegoat people based on their beliefs or whatever for the problems of the world (while it is true that religion is the main cause of war, it's still extremely unfair to start labeling every person with a set of beliefs as a terrorist). The same people are afraid of socialism because they might lose some of their power which comes from capitalist wealth and they're afraid of so-called 'millenials' because digital natives like us, with a constant supply of information and education that they can't tap into, all of us being so interconnected thanks to the internet and being born at the tail end of a long period of inequality... they think we're taking something away from them, deep down. So they label us as stupid or less intelligent or whatever.

The fact is, society has to change to progress. Look what happens when things aren't allowed to change and people aren't allowed to learn with the times; you get the Dark Ages, where all science, progression and learning comes to a halt and sets humanity back a bunch of years. And if it's not in one way it's another. But once again let me state, change is objective. Just we all have to ride it whether we like it or not.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Not all Muslims are terrorists but the religion oppresses women. Males from muslim cultures come to ours and see the way our women are dressed and see them as prostitutes who are inviting them.

Look at Sweden, they are letting tons of Muslims in and the rape there is highest in Europe. Both them and Germany have been trying to hush up their increase in sex attacks as a result of muslim migrants because of course its seen as racist to blame Muslims.

As it stands without proper integration their culture is incompatible with ours and huge rates of immigration is only going to make the problem worse. Anyone who says otherwise is in denial.
Aug 12, 2015
Won't disagree with you @Deus, as much as I would like to. I just think there has to be a different way than locking them all out. I also firmly believe that it's wrong to judge people before you know them. I know Islam has a troubling view of women, but even that is not true all across the board. I know plenty of muslims who don't think that way.
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