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General Modern Weird Settings in Future Zelda Titles


Sage of Tales
I read the article today on the front page: http://www.zeldadungeon.net/2014/09...-be-any-style-other-than-medieval/#more-96774

And it got me thinking.

What are some of the oddest ideas you've seen or had for a setting-tweak for Hyrule and surrounding lands? What are some of the ideas you think might actually work?

And don't say "ONLY MEDIEVAL!" - because the GAMES THEMSELVES so far haven't actually been very good at sticking to the magic/medieval/generic fantasy-setting roots. Maybe the first few games, but... right now, I'm replaying a game that has the great Hero and the spirit of his princess riding around on steam-trains. When I go back to replaying Skyward Sword, I will be interacting with intelligent robots. Twilight Princess had the shootout at the OK Corral - er, shootout at Old Kakariko Village. Also, The Grand Era of Seafaring and Piracy, anyone?

Nintendo experiments a lot with the Zelda series. It makes one wonder if they are going to up the ante and really milk a setting-tweak.

On the topic-main-page, I got to speculating how "The Legend of Korra" took an animated Asian/Medieval setting (for "Avatar"), industrialized it and turned it into the rough equivalent of the 1920s. I actually *don't* want to see that for a proper Zelda game because Nintendo would be accused of ripping off the good folks at Ginormous Madman Productions. However, in idle speculation, I can't help but think that might be a fun setting, if for nothing more than to see cheesy movies about the Hero of Time done up like the Nuktuk serials for the current Link to cringe at whenever he visits a theater in Castle Town.

Some people would like Zelda to go more futuristic...

Personally, I am partial to the idea of the Wild West mixed in. It was played with in Twilight Princess. Then I started writing fan fiction about such settings. I've actually written not one, but two Zelda-Westerns. Dramatic-style, not comedy. The Great Desert is my famous/infamous one, written with a co-creator. It incorporates science-fiction, too, and really got weird and wonky by the end. I see it reviewed on random websites when I Google myself and it seems to be a "You love it or you hate or you love it and then hate it" kind of fic. Never really got the remake off the ground Then there's Westward! - which is a little more "Zelda" in that it is a sequel-ish thing to Twilight Princess and doesn't have a single gun in it, as I recall. It's a story about Link leading an Oregon Trail-type of expedition into lands newly acquired for Hyrule.

--- I don't really know if my fanfic settings would work in an actual game, but they were fun to write and do provide good examples of fan-speculation (my own) of Hyrule being given weird settings.

How far do you think Hyrule can be stretched? What alternate / possible future setting mix-ups can you envision?

(Note: Please don't flame my fanfics here. They were posted as examples only. If you want to flame them because you think they suck, I don't put an restrictions upon who can leave guest-comments over on my fanfiction dot net account). - They are merely samples here of "Look! A fan, over the years, has come up with weird settings!"


The Diplomatic Dinosaur
Jul 1, 2012
Early Cretaceous North America
It is interesting that a fantasy sires like The Legend of Zelda doesn't really have that many fantastical settings. By that I mean that most of the locations/ environments that the games feature are very grounded in reality, we see lots of woodlands, swamps, rivers, mountains/volcanos, grass lands, oceans, deserts and realistic human settlements. There are few fantastical geologic formations or alien/ magical settings. I can only think of a few examples TP's Twilight Realm, MC's Minish World and Sky Land, SS's Silent Realms and floating islands, ALBW's/ ALTTP's Lorule/Dark world and lastly MM's "Inside" The moon. (please point out any I've missed) So I do hope to see more unique environments in future games.
Sep 4, 2014
What are you referring to?

Every Zelda that has featured Toon link. that artstyle is perfect to use when they want to destroy conventions....Look at Wind Waker/Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks....Minish Cap also does some of this....its a style that allows multiple things.

You never see the older Zelda's breaking apart to much from the other themes. Theres always a central renaissance theme (Zelda 1 and 2 are closer to medieval). But wind waker intentionally feels "not-Zelda" or "barely a Zelda game"


Sage of Tales
I disagree.

While Spirit Tracks feels "off the norm" for me (I still love the game), Wind Waker gave me LOADS of that fairy tale / fantasy book feel that I've gotten from prior Zelda titles. New Hyrule / Adult Timeline feels a bit more modernized, but it still has that charming heroic fairy tale vibe for me. So, as originator of this thread, I say Toon Link definitely counts.
Sep 4, 2014
I disagree.

While Spirit Tracks feels "off the norm" for me (I still love the game), Wind Waker gave me LOADS of that fairy tale / fantasy book feel that I've gotten from prior Zelda titles. New Hyrule / Adult Timeline feels a bit more modernized, but it still has that charming heroic fairy tale vibe for me. So, as originator of this thread, I say Toon Link definitely counts.

I dont think thats what made Zelda consistent so far. the original 6 Zeldas were just a fantasy more than a fairy tale....Wind waker and beyond feel like a fairy tail. its like Twilight princess, its not the same feeling you get from wind waker.

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