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We Wont Be Seeing Any Silent Realm Game Play from Game Informer.


Hero of the Skies
Aug 24, 2011
Hey all, it's TheMinish here with post about something I am a bit annoyed about. Game Informer recently released their impressions video for Skyward Sword. They made one comment that destroyed my hopes for Exclusive Video 5, which will go up next week.

So the guy said that they didn't have any gameplay footage of the Silent Realm. This is a bit of a disappointment for me as I was hoping that their final exclusive video would be of the Silent Realm. I assume now that the final video will be of Link fighting the Lizalfos (because of the short clips in the Video Preview and coverage trailer).

The reason this is disappointing for me is because I wanted to see something that completely focused on this area of the game. I guess I'll have to wait for November :(

So, are you a bit annoyed that we wont be seeing any Silent Realm stuff? Or were the small clips from TGS and the screen shots enough to make it fine? Sound off!

EDIT - I agree with all of the below now, I don't want more spoilers
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Sep 20, 2008
I'm not sure really. It would have been very interesting to see the Silent/Siren realm and how it plays out exactly. But I guess they want to make it a suprise. It would be no fun spoiling a key element of the game this early before the release date. Though, i'm expecting they'll do a feature of it or something near the release date. Rather like valve with their new Portal 2 elements demonstrated before the release of Portal 2. (one for each week).

If they don't show it at all, I won't be disapointed. I'm often prone to spoil games by looking at their new elements/story details a while before they release. So for SS, i'm going to try and hold the urge to look off for as long as possible.


Hylian Warrior
Dec 12, 2010
I personally am happy because then we won't get spoiled (for the people that don't want to be spoiled) and the 5th video is probably about the Lizalfos which I can't wait to see:) and we will probably see Silent Realm game play soon.
Feb 23, 2011
I can agree with the others here. I do not want to be spoiled by any more news or info, particular something as 'big' as the Silent Realm. I have a habit of predicting video games, and I'm good at it; very good. If I am spoiled anymore, I will likely predict the entire plot, which I am trying to avoid.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
A small sample of the Silent Realm would be fine, but not enough to spoil the entire event. I'd really want an idea on how it would work.
Sep 23, 2011
I'm really hoping later Silent Realm levels give us some challenge. For these sections to not feel like filler, they will have to really nail the suspense and stealth.

I'm also wondering how this other world ties into the story. From what we know, I'm having trouble thinking of any possible theory that makes sense.
Sep 18, 2011
I would really love to hear that terrifying "industrial music" that is said to be heared when the guardians have spotted you, or something. However, I prefer not spoiling the game any further.

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