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Twilight Princess Was TP Ganon's Final Appearance?

Kaleb Dampf

YouTube- www.youtube.com/user/F3artheReaper
Mar 31, 2011
US of A
After slaying Ganon with the Master Sword, he loses the piece of Triforce he owns. Are we going to see a new villain, or will he return?


I am a Person of Interest
Jul 12, 2010
Ganon's Tower
I am 100 percent sure that Ganondorf will return. If Nintendo makes any more games in between Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess, it is doubtful that he will return in those games, but after Twilight Princess, he definitely can. Nintendo is great with making many stories up, and I'm sure it won't be that hard to find one as to how to bring Ganondorf back to life. Man people place ALttP/LA and/or LoZ/AoL after Twilight Princess on the Zelda timeline (I only put LoZ/AoL after my timeline), and they feature Ganon. Ganon could be somehow used in a possible explanation to bring Ganondorf back. So, yes, he will return.


luke is my wife
Apr 9, 2010
See, the thing is, I'm not too sure Ganondorf actually lost his piece of the Triforce. It faded away when he was killed, but that could mean a myriad of things. It could just symbolize the life flowing out of him or something of the sort. At least, that's what I always thought it could be. But anyway, even if Ganondorf did lose his piece of the Triforce, I do expect him to be back. For one thing, arguably the three most successful Zelda games (Ocarina of Time, The Wind Waker, and Twilight Princess) featured Ganondorf. That might mean something, or it might mean nothing. I just think Ganondorf has been such a staple villain in the Zelda series that he can't not come back. It's like permanently taking Bowser out of Mario. The games could work without him, but it just wouldn't seem so classical to me.

I wouldn't doubt that there will be some other villains thrown in (like Vaati, Ghirahim, etc.), but I firmly believe Ganondorf will not only make a return to the series soon but will also remain the staple villain of Zelda. I always liked Ganondorf as a villain. Frankly, I think it's a bit odd to have a game about the Master Sword or the Triforce without him. And to me, the Master Sword and the Triforce are classic elements of Zelda, and I love games based around them (like OoT, TWW, and TP). I've noticed that generally, if Ganondorf is not in the game, neither is the Master Sword. They really just don't work without each other, in my opinion. I do think Ganondorf will return to the Zelda series soon enough.


and Tonic
Nov 29, 2010
The Flying Mobile Opression fortress
I am certain we will be seeing Ganondorf again in the future. TP was not the only time he has died by Link's hand. And we have seen him lose the triforce three times before this. (LoZ, ALTTP, WW) So I cannot see a real reason why Nintendo would retire the character after the events of TP. Ganondorf is too important to the overall story to be dropped forever, he was the original and is still the main antagonist of the series. Even if he is not present in the series he was still an important figure that started the entire sequence of events involving the triforce, Link and Zelda.

Just because he is not around now does not mean he will not be around again. Fans like a break every once in a while to see something new. Batman has other villains, it is not always Joker every time. Even the Sonic and Mario series has introduced other villains for some games when they like to use something new. Companies need to change things up sometimes so they do not become stale. I would prefer a couple more Ganondorf free games before he is returned to the series. Mostly because I think Ganondorf is set on sucha high level as the main villain, that I would rather he not have any small showings. He should be saved for the grand epic adventures that involve the bigger threat to Hyrule. The other villains can have their time in the spotlight too but they are usually not on the same level.


[the.Jumping.Bean] ~
Dec 15, 2009
New Hamster!
Nintendo wouldn't get rid of one of the main antagonist of a story, so Ganondorf is coming back. His Triforce disappeared probably because he got killed.
As Djinn mentioned, companies need to spice things up with different enemies. c: It wouldn't be fun if it was the same thing over and over.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Remember Ganon's final words before the triforce symbol on his hand faded. He made it clear it wasn't over. To me it indicates he will return and I know he will. The triforce symbol on his hand faded. But who says he won't be revived somehow? Nope this is not the last we saw of Ganondorf. And he is not only the main villain but also one of the chosen ones. So he definitely will return.

Kaleb Dampf

YouTube- www.youtube.com/user/F3artheReaper
Mar 31, 2011
US of A
That's true... he said the same thing in Ocarina of Time.... that was 1998, then he returned in Twilight Princess in 2006. That's seven years of our time waiting, and almost a few millenia for him.
Jun 14, 2011
Hopefully Ganondorf will make an appearence in Zelda Wii-U. Failing that, Zelda 3DS?

Like People say, They cannot get rid of the main antagonist that started off the series. It's like getting rid of Bowser from Super Mario, it wouldn't work.
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Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
I would think surely not. I see no reason for him to be completely killed on both timelines. He's definitely gone for good after WW, but there's still a possibility he can come back after TP. His "death" was very sketchy as to whether or not he completely died. Plus, he's the main villain of the series (which goes back to him not being killed for good on both timelines). It wouldn't make much sense to get rid of him this early.
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There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Nuh-uh. First off, Ganondorf didn't "lose" his Triforce; it merely flickered as it faded from him. I think this is how Nintendo wanted to show that Ganon was losing his life rather than his Power. :triforce:

Secondly, Ganondorf hasn't been shown his full limits, so no. He was evil and extremely arrogant in Twilight Princess. You could tell by his sneer that he felt for certain Hyrule was in his grasp this time. His air of authority severed any doubts; he even took on Midna's spider-shadow form with ease; but the only time he backed down was when facing Link, because he remembered how the boy had routed him in his Ocarina of Time days. So, until we see an indomitable Ganondorf, I'm sure he won't be done for sure.

Lastly, Ganondorf is the Legend of Zelda's official enemy, which is pretty self-explanatory; however, not to be pretentious in this matter, there will be other enemies to exclude Ganon every few games, most likely, but he'll be a recurring element, just as Bowser is in the Mario franchise. Trust me, as much as Bowser is used in that series as the main villain about every time, so Ganondorf can be used in Zelda way more without growing old.
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Sep 5, 2011
Sedondly, Ganondorf hasn't been shown his full limits, so no. He was evil and extremely arrogant in Twilight Princess. You could tell by his sneer that he felt for certain Hyrule was in his grasp this time. His air of authority severed any doubts; he even took on Midna's spider-shadow form with ease; but the only time he backed down was when facing Link, because he remembered how the boy had routed him in his Ocarina of Time days. So, until we see an indomitable Ganondorf, I'm sure he won't be done for sure.
If i was getting the living S*** kicked out of me i would be giving it my all, I think that ganondork is just strait up weak... I cant remember a game he was realy hard to beat.

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