Last week's winners:
Last week's Question: If Link were to gain the ability to transform in the next Zelda-game, what would you like him to be able to transform into?
Third Place: Nothing (0.0%)
Second Place: A completely new transformation (36.4%)
First Place: No transformations (63.6%)
This week's question: Would you like a spin-off game where you play as Shiek (Zelda) during the 7 years where Link is asleep in OOT?
YES, Great idea!
Yea, it sounds decent
No, but I would get it anyway
No, I don't like the idea
Don't know
Last week's Question: If Link were to gain the ability to transform in the next Zelda-game, what would you like him to be able to transform into?
Third Place: Nothing (0.0%)
Second Place: A completely new transformation (36.4%)
First Place: No transformations (63.6%)
This week's question: Would you like a spin-off game where you play as Shiek (Zelda) during the 7 years where Link is asleep in OOT?
YES, Great idea!
Yea, it sounds decent
No, but I would get it anyway
No, I don't like the idea
Don't know