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Video Games = Art?


Of the Forest
Dec 13, 2012
The Lost Woods, Kokiri Forest
Without a doubt, I would consider video games to be art. All of the time and effort that goes into a game is equal, if not greater, than any other piece of artwork you will find nowadays. A lot of game developing companies have entire teams devoted to creating beautiful environments, weather you can actually reach them to fully appreciate them or not.

Not to mention all the work that goes into animating and programming to make the game what it is.

However, I am referring only to the games I play, so this may not apply to those games you play.
It all depends on your opinion.


The Brony
Oct 23, 2012
The Untied Countries of Earth
To determine whether or not something is art you first have to define art. Like most things I prefer my personal definition to a bore broad one from a dictionary. I define art as:

Something that moves you to a form of deep though about meaning of the object in question.

This itself can also be considered broad because of an ill defined term being "deep thought" but that is a different conversation altogether.

I do believe many video games are art personally. I believe many video games aren't art as well. Every person will have a different view of art based on this definition. My art will be different from your just as your would be mine.

I consider just about every video game with a story to be art. Off the top that is automatic. Now just because something is art doesn't mean that it's good art.

Something to thing about.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Videogames are art, more amplified forms of other mediums such as the portrait or sound bite. What set videogames apart from other forms of art is not only visual and audio presentation but player interaction which immerses observers in the experience. Recently, certain titles such as Mass Effect have endeavored to increase this effect by connecting decisions from one installment to the next. Past decisions prove costly or beneficial; this leads to a greater sense of realism as events are not isolated occurrences but part of a larger complex.

The above conglomeration rouses a plethora of varied emotions if well executed. Art is in the eye of the beholder therefore an enjoyment of the product is required for an individual to classify it as art. That said, there is at least one person in the world who takes delight in something particular whether it be the petals of a flower blowing in the wind, the juxtaposition of colors in a Van Gogh painting or bullets masquerading through the air towards their intended target.

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