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Twilight Princess Sequel RP: The Light Invasion (Game Thread)


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"I know, boy. You do have an abnormally large nose. Anyway, that's not what I meant to talk to you about," Rengo's grandma says and takes Rasul a little further away from the others. "You see, we come from a family of mages. Nothing extraordinary, but very nifty nonetheless. I did a lot of traveling back in my day and I can tell that you've been doing the same kind of traveling yourself. I can even see that you encountered by grandson many years ago in a world not even I have been to. But Rengo was older then. I can see that much by having you in my presence. Tell me this, dwarf, does Rengo know that you've met him before?"
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Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
"He hasmt the faintest.... I feel sorry you've never been to Kaladesh. It was quite the place"


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011

Rasul sits and awaits the words of Rengo's Grandmother


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"I have no clue," Rengo says to Dmitri. "Grandma has always been somewhat mysterious. But she makes the best food!"

"Kaladesh is it? I am unfamiliar with that plane," Rengo's grandma explains. "Well, whether it was you who traveled forward in time, or if it was Rengo who traveled backward, it seems like Rengo eventually will spark as well. Rasul, would you please do me a favour and tell Rengo some of what you know about planeswalking? Tell him when you deem the time is right. I think my grandson deserves to know about it before he sparks. I would tell him myself, but I do not think he is ready to learn of it quite yet. Can you promise this old woman that you'll teach him about it before your journey comes to an end?"


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
"I shall attempt to inform Rengo about my past dealings with him, at a time I deem fit...you never said your name, maiden"


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"Thank you, Rasul," Rengo's grandma says with a modest smile. "You are by no means obligated to tell him that you've met him before. All I ask is that you tell him about the art of planeswalking. Thanks again. My name is Linora."


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
"no need to thank me, Linora."
Rasul tapped Linora on her ass and winked before joinig the others, to keep a façade that maybe something freaky went on


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Linora's husband had passed away many years ago, so she rather enjoyed the tap. She then joined the others around the table. Rengo was very curious about what they'd discussed, but he didn't bother to ask.


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Rasul began to politely eat at the table " so, Rengo, Death Mountain is where we're headed, eh? I am a Brother to the Gorons. might make passage easier"


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"Sounds good," Rengo admits. "Although the relationship between the Gorons and us Hylians has been very open and peaceful ever since the Hero of Twilight freed their chief from being possessed be evil."


The game is on!
"I haven't the faintest," says Rengo. "I never actually met the guy."

After dinner Rengo offered to help wash the dishes, but Linora threw her grandson and his friends out before they got the chance to help.

"Okay then. Time to meet Darkell at the foot of the mountain. It's not far. Right this way."

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