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Twilight Princess revisited


Emancipated Wind Fish
May 11, 2014
United States
1. What's exactly wrong with save statues? Since they're optional, you don't have to use them if you don't want to. It will allow more casual players to complete large dungeons and such in shorter sittings (without having to backtrack).

2. The majority of fans disliked the tears of light quests. I didn't say get rid of them. I just said make them better.

3. The sword skills weren't difficult to find. Moreso just less consequential than they should've been. Yeah, I could find them but why would I want to when (A) I'll have to backtrack, (:cool: there isn't much of a notification system letting me know where to get which one and (C) the combat is so easy I never needed them.
Jul 25, 2012
It's been quite a while since I've played Twilight Princess, but last time I played the game, I remember thinking that the beginning of the game where the story is being set up and you are completing what essentially is a tutorial... that entire section moved extremely slow. I kept feeling like I just wanted to get into the game, and it probably took me 30 or 45 minutes to even really get to that point. Gah!

I can't think of too much else I'd change. Twilight Princess had the most gorgeous Hyrule I think we've seen in any Zelda game; I loved riding Epona around the country just to admire the landscape. Many of the characters were much more engaging and well developed than they had been in any previous entries into the series. I felt that Hyrule Castle Town was exceptionally well done and really felt bustling and alive in a way that none of the other games before or after have quite captured. Unfortunately, Hyrule Castle Town was one of the few places in the game that really felt alive in this game. As others have pointed out, most of the overworld, though beautiful, seemed barren. It would be nice if we saw a few more interesting people on their own journeys as well as other points of interest dotting the landscape; I think it would help the whole game to feel more alive.


The Diplomatic Dinosaur
Jul 1, 2012
Early Cretaceous North America
1. What's exactly wrong with save statues? Since they're optional, you don't have to use them if you don't want to. It will allow more casual players to complete large dungeons and such in shorter sittings (without having to backtrack).

2. The majority of fans disliked the tears of light quests. I didn't say get rid of them. I just said make them better.

3. The sword skills weren't difficult to find. Moreso just less consequential than they should've been. Yeah, I could find them but why would I want to when (A) I'll have to backtrack, (:cool: there isn't much of a notification system letting me know where to get which one and (C) the combat is so easy I never needed them.

1. Well I don't think that save statues are would actually make the dungeons any easier to navigate. This is because Ooccoo allowed you to exit the dungeon from any room and then warp straight back to that room from anywhere in the world. Essentially adding save statues would be redundant because Ooccoo serves the same function. Other wise I have no problem with save statues if they are the solution to the navigation problem in the dungeons of other games.

2. Sorry, I didn't read your original post close enough. Your right it would be beneficial if the light tears were made more fun to find for people who didn't originally enjoy them.

3. (A) I had no problem with back the tracking, I'm not quite sure why people dislike it so much but I guess I just want an excuse to revisit areas. (:cool: Wait, "a notification system letting me know where to get which one" do you mean where to find the Sheika/howling stones or the location of the golden wolf? (C) I don't find TP's combat too simple (in terms of depth)/too easy, but it would be greatly beneficial if they made the combat more difficult and complex by increasing both enemy damage and AI capabilities. Then I do agree the hidden skills would be more worth the time finding them.

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