I have never realky minded it. I actually found enjoyment out of it. See, I enjoy sailing across the Great Sea as well as overcoming the trials between me andnthe Triforce Charts. Maritime battles are another gameplay element I liked and wishes there was more of, so the combination of it and the warship battle was something I got much enjoymentm out of. All miscelanious puzzles and battles needed to obtain the charts were great in their own rights. The act of salvaging the pieces themsleves was somewhat rekaxing for me actually and never really got on me nerves. Collectively, it was a fun experience.
I would also like to mention the cost of deciphering the charts. See, money in The Wind Waker isn't hard to come by, so there really wasn't a situation where this bothered me. With most charts I find I return with a considerable sum of Rupees found with it.
Finally, I'd like to take a look at the tweaked quest seen in WWHD. Contrary to my thoughts on the original quest, I actually welcome this change. Sure, I enjoyed the original format, but not to the point where I feel that the experience would be marred with this change. Though I didn't mind salvaging the Triforce Shards, it sure did take a while. This change fixes what little problems I had and what many problems others have had.