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Ocarina of Time Top 5 Reasons Why People Should Stop Looking to Ocarina for a Great Game

May 11, 2011
1 - The story is ok. Yeah it's a little basic, with not much going on, but that doesn't make it bad, plus I was too busy being captivated by the atmosphere and gameplay. So the story, while not amazing, was still enough for me.

2 - I don't think the gameplay was that basic. But even so, basic gameplay is not a bad thing. The gameplay for me was damn enjoyable, and to me that is all that matters. The only flawed gameplay IMO was the iron boots malarkey in the water temple, which has since been fixed anyway.

3 - No way. This is the part I disagree with the most. The music is awesome. Yeah it's midi, but that doesn't matter at all to me. It is one of the best scores in gaming history, and the songs are so catchy and memorable.

4 - Is it? Maybe it is, but it didn't bother me. Nor did I really notice. I found TP's field to be more empty.

5 - This is the point I agree with the most. The amount of rupees you could hold was flawed, my wallet was always full, and I was at times stuck on what to spend them on.
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Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
3) The musical score is weak
It's all catchy, but it's MIDI grade and frankly not up to par. They couldn't be bothered to fix this even in the 3DS remake. The music is literally lifeless; it's like elevator music that you tune out due to how damn annoying it can get after the 20th exposure.

Really? Really? Really...
Sheik's theme, the Windmill Hut(Song of Storms), Lon Lon Ranch's theme(Epona's song), Hyrule Markets theme(As young Link), the Castle Courtyard theme, Kakariko Village, Temple of Time, Gerudo Valley, Kepora Gebora's Theme. ANY living being that says that these were not great tunes doesn't know true beauty.

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