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Time has passed: Thoughts on Smash Bros. 4


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
im not that disappointed since i didn't join on that stupid hype,but they did make a few modes worse so that brought it down a bit
otherwise it's exactly what i foresaw it being,another smash bros game

and once again,you can't say anything bad about melee w/o some elitist wanting to skin you alive


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Smash Bros. 4 has now had a bit of time to sit and bake in the sun, so I'm wondering what you think of it now that a bit of time has passed. Is it as good as you initially thought? Have a few things come up you're not too happy about? Tell it, gurl, right here!

I refused to buy the game because there was no story mode and Ganondorf was not being given an original moveset, there was no new Zelda character such as Ghirahim either which was a great disappointment to me. There was also the fact there was no solid snake returning and that i did not even like any of the new characters that much only further removed any incentive for me to buy smash U.

My best friend bought a wii U and smash bundled together around Christmas time so I decided to give the game a fair go. It's not a bad game, but it just feels like an HD extension of Brawl rather than a huge step up.


Feb 14, 2014
I really like it because I didn't put my expectations so high, like some people who hoped that it was even better in competitive gameplay than Melee. I just really like that there's a big roster of characters, really cool stages, a lot of music to collect, custom moves, so many trophies, amiibo, etc. Maybe it doesn't have much to appeal to extremely competitive players because all they want to do is to go straight into battles on flat levels with no items. Nothing wrong with playing that way - and even I like playing like that a lot - but, of course it'll basically be the same game as you played before because you're not exploring new features, but just doing stuff you can do on previous versions.

I really like the game.
Sep 23, 2013
United States
I refused to buy the game because there was no story mode and Ganondorf was not being given an original moveset, there was no new Zelda character such as Ghirahim either which was a great disappointment to me. There was also the fact there was no solid snake returning and that i did not even like any of the new characters that much only further removed any incentive for me to buy smash U.

I'm remember being pretty peeved that Ganondorf was still a Captain Falcon clone. Why is it so hard for them to give the guy an original moveset? It's even more insulting that Ghirahim wasn't a playable character despite how popular he is in several regions.

Only newcomers I liked were Rosalina & Bowser Jr., but that's it.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
I've spent a lot of time playing the 3DS version of the game since I've been waiting for a portable Smash Bros. for years. It's a great franchise to get a quick few matches in after a long day at school. I also love Smash Run because it reminds me of Melee's superb adventure mode.

The Wii U version of Smash 4 is nice for some online matches; however, I don't do much more than that. Event Match and Master and Crazy Orders are fun in short bursts.

Honestly, I wouldn't mind Sakurai stepping down from the series after this. I still love Smash, yet it feels all too familiar. Compare this to Mario Kart 8 that is arguably the most refined and fluid installment he that franchise. I still come back to it eight months after release.


Feb 14, 2014
Honestly, I wouldn't mind Sakurai stepping down from the series after this. I still love Smash, yet it feels all too familiar. Compare this to Mario Kart 8 that is arguably the most refined and fluid installment he that franchise. I still come back to it eight months after release.

In my opinion, Mario Kart 8 is fun, but not that much different from 7.


Feb 14, 2014
I consider Double Dash, 7, and 8 to be the best in the series. While 7 introduced a lot of the concepts in 8, it still suffered from suboptimal online. 8 has the benefit of the best online play for any Nintendo game ever, and antigravity has made for some truly unique tracks.

Anti-gravity tracks are really cool, but, the camera stays fixed to where it always looks like you're just flat on the ground. I wish I could actually see I'm upside down or on the wall.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Anti-gravity tracks are really cool, but, the camera stays fixed to where it always looks like youre just flat on the ground. I wish I could actually see I'm upside down or on the wall.

I don't want to detail this Smash Bros. thread too much, but the change in perspective is primarily to avoid disorientation. There are games that have used upside perspectives well; however, it can become one huge headache in a racing franchise.


Feb 14, 2014
I wish Ghirahim was in Smash. Only makes sense - Majora's Mask came out a year before Melee did, so Young Link and the Great Bay stage were in the game. Skyward Sword came out in 2011 - and this game came out a little over 2 and a half years later. Why isn't Ghirahim in it? There's a Skyward Sword stage in the Wii U version, why not Ghirahim!?

Maybe he'll be a DLC character. But, I'm not gonna get my hopes up.
Sep 23, 2013
United States
I wish Ghirahim was in Smash. Only makes sense - Majora's Mask came out a year before Melee did, so Young Link and the Great Bay stage were in the game. Skyward Sword came out in 2011 - and this game came out a little over 2 and a half years later. Why isn't Ghirahim in it? There's a Skyward Sword stage in the Wii U version, why not Ghirahim!?

Maybe he'll be a DLC character. But, I'm not gonna get my hopes up.

He is in the game, but sadly, he's an Assist Trophy instead. They just want to make room for more clones.


Sep 21, 2013
The Expansion
I'm satisfied with Smash 4. Only satisfied. That's not a bad thing, though, at least to me. Satisfaction was all that I was expecting.

For my own personal reasons (nostalgia, mainly), Melee remains my favorite, but I think Smash 4 is - objectively - the best Smash Bros. game. It has the most characters, the most stages, best online play, etc. It didn't blow me away like Melee and Brawl did those years ago, but it took what they brought, perfected them, and added a few new features. Nothing truly mind-blowing came from Smash 4, but that's okay. I'm honestly baffled by the people saying "Sm4sh sucks, it's just the same as Brawl, nothing new, 6/10". Like, what exactly were you expecting? Maybe I have no imagination, but I can't think of any major gameplay additions they could have implemented that wouldn't have ended up seeming hollow, or completely alienating the fans. Smash 4 wasn't meant to showcase creativity, but streamlined perfection.

I wouldn't be disappointed if there were to be no more new Smash Bros. games, if Smash 4 was the last. The series has reached its peak in quality, and any future installments that would do nothing but make simple, minor adjustments would make the Smash series become stale, in my honest opinion. Unless the next game would take some huge leap and drastically alter the gameplay, I think Smash Bros. is better off left alone.

...So now I'll talk about the actual game! I love many of the new characters (Robin and Greninja in particular), and the stages are really good. The music selection is great (but I don't like the main theme that much. It gets repetitive), and there are a **** ton of trophies. Online play is well improved from Brawl, and Smash Run is fun... well, most of the time.

The gameplay feels very smooth, if a bit disappointing compared to Melee. I will forever be perplexed by Sakurai's refusal to bring the core gameplay back to the standards of Melee (fast-paced, intense, requiring hours upon hours of practice), but I still think Smash 4 has a lot of potential in its competitive department. New techniques that will spice up the metagame are still being discovered by fans, so I'm sure tournament matches will be a lot more interesting a year or two from now than they are now.

He is in the game, but sadly, he's an Assist Trophy instead. They just want to make room for more clones.

What? Ghirahim wasn't absent from the game only so the team could "make room for more clones". Clones are simple last-minute additions that are put in the game only to make the roster seem bigger, or to please fans for having that particular character be in the game. While a new character would take weeks to create and fine-tune, a clone would only take several days. Ghirahim was probably thought of at some point in the development, but maybe they didn't have the time to work on him with all the other things they had to do, or maybe they thought he just wasn't a good fit for the game.

But yeah, Smash 4. Good game. 9/10. Very fun. GJ, Sakurai and co.


Emancipated Wind Fish
May 11, 2014
United States
I've played crazy amounts of Melee when it came out, absurd amounts of Brawl when it came out and a lot of Smash-3DS last year. So by the time Smash Bros for Wii U came out, I was already burned out. It's like eating a huge breakfast, eating a huge lunch, eating a huge dinner and having no room for dessert.

There are times when I truly enjoy playing it, but other times I get bored really quick (after 10 minutes) and kinda play against my friends because I'm obligated to. The game's never unpleasant for me, though - it just lacks that spark I used to have with it.

I agree in terms of features, the Wii U version is the best yet. Smooth online, large balanced character roster, plenty of modes, detailed level editor. I'm kind of jealous of people who are playing Smash and getting to experience all of this their first time. Since this game is about long-term replay value, I may warm up to it eventually though.

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