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Thoughts on Ghirahim?


Apr 22, 2011
He looked badaass when he had his robe on, but when he made that weird and disturbing tounge thing and took his robe off he was just bizarre..However he is a zelda villain which seems to express his anger and feelings more than any other.. :)


Sage of Darkness
Jul 24, 2011
Hyrule Castle Town
I just thought of something. Now I'm new to these forums so I don't know if its been brought up before (probably has) but alot of people think that Ganon and Ganondorf are not the same person. They think Ganon is this evil demonic spirit that controls Ganondorf. I don't really like this theory and prefer that Ganon is just Ganondorf's more powerful form but if it is true, does anyone think Ghirahim might be connected to him? I mean Ghirahim IS the "Demon Lord" and this is the first game in the timeline and Ganon doesn't appear. Is it possible Ghirahim could become Ganon or maybe the person he is serving or somebody else in the Dark Tribe?

I personally don't think he's actually serving anyone, I think the Dark Tribe as a whole could just be the main villains and maybe the thing that becomes Ganon is apart of it.

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