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Thoughts on EoW's Final Boss Fight


Let's all just pretend I no longer exist
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
So I finally beat Echoes of Wisdom today. The game was amazing I had an awesome time playing it. The final boss however, I wasn't very fond of.

My first issue with the battle was the fact that that I felt very disconnected from it. Sure, I was creating monster echoes, but otherwise all Zelda really did was run around and try not to get hit. She wasn't really doing anything. I think a better formula might've been needing to do something specific to reveal the boss' hit box and give Link an opportunity to strike. When Zelda can't fight, give her a puzzle. Something that's plays into her strengths rather than the strength of the Moblins being chucked at the bad guy.

Secondly I thought I was a little on the easy side. I only used 3 smoothies and they were my weakest ones. Now I will admit, I was wearing a damage reducing charm and had 16 heart containers. But most of the damage I did obtain was less because it was challenging and more because the fight was just really long.

Anyway, that's my thoughts. What did you guys think of the final battle.


What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
ZD Legend
It was just as boring as the rest of the combat, only now you’re not even allowed to switch to sword mode. Link gets to do the fun part while I have to sit back and provide a support role. Wee.

Just another point for the “this game would be significantly better if only I were allowed to play as the main character” chart.

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013
I enjoyed the spectacle of it. It was nice to have a good old slugfest with the final boss alongside Link. Heck, it was finally nice to see Zelda, usually little more than a background character in her own franchise, taking a prominent role in the final battle. I liked the different phases and the hand traps you had to avoid.

I didn't like the design. It was very... ball-like. It was effectively a big ball with arms.

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
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ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
I absolutely loved it. Easily jumped into my top 3 final bosses in the whole series. The buildup, the Zelda-Link cooperation, the music, the atmosphere... all of it was stunning. I couldn't ask for more.

My first issue with the battle was the fact that that I felt very disconnected from it. Sure, I was creating monster echoes, but otherwise all Zelda really did was run around and try not to get hit. She wasn't really doing ananything.
Would you say a wizard casting spells isn't doing anything? Zelda is a mage fighter. She plays like a mage. I personally felt super engaged the whole time, and that's coming from a guy who doesn't like to play wizard classes in rpgs.
I didn't like the design. It was very... ball-like. It was effectively a big ball with arms.
Idk man, his uncanny resemblamce to Tri certainly gave me chills, even before he started absorbing them. We're talking about the concept of primordial chaos mashing together a vessel from the bodies and likeness of stolen angels of the gods. That sounds pretty sick to me. :eyes:

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013
Idk man, his uncanny resemblamce to Tri certainly gave me chills, even before he started absorbing them. We're talking about the concept of primordial chaos mashing together a vessel from the bodies and likeness of stolen angels of the gods. That sounds pretty sick to me. :eyes:
I got that vibe, but it didn't really do much for me. Tri themselves was already just kind of a ball, so being a bigger ball just doesn't make for interesting boss design to me.


Let's all just pretend I no longer exist
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Would you say a wizard casting spells isn't doing anything? Zelda is a mage fighter. She plays like a mage. I personally felt super engaged the whole time, and that's coming from a guy who doesn't like to play wizard classes in rpgs.
As far as a mage fighter goes, I feel like there's a difference between casting a fireball and casting a monster that casts a fireball. It's that extra step that creates the disconnect for me even if it has the same end result.

Idk man, his uncanny resemblamce to Tri certainly gave me chills, even before he started absorbing them. We're talking about the concept of primordial chaos mashing together a vessel from the bodies and likeness of stolen angels of the gods. That sounds pretty sick to me. :eyes:
Ngl I had mixed feelings on the design. I love it for all the reasons you said. Conceptually it's both horrifying and fascinating. A broken amalgamation vaguely resembling the light that opposes it as it consumes and snuffs out said light is a killer concept. Practically, though, it kiiinda just looks like Tri and Calamity Ganon had a baby.


Jun 22, 2011
United States
I enjoyed it, but it was easy. I summoned 3 beamos over and over, kept my distance, and only was threatened when Null tries to grab you from underground. The water phase was very engaging and fun though. I brought 20 smoothies with me and finished the battle with a few hearts missing without using a smoothie as Null dropped hearts almost as often as I got hit. I think they could have been more creative with phases. The final phase is similar to the first phase, and when the water phase appeared, I expected something along the lines of the Zant fight from Twilight Princess. It ended up being an interesting water phase sandwiched by two similar phases. After water they could have done sand, fire, ice, and forest/dark/spider (Faron themed).
Sep 22, 2022
Inside the walls
I thought it was really clever how you could use Bind to pull Null's arms out and expose the weak points.
Also, Null's design is pretty neat, though very basic-- but I think that's because of the art style of the game as a whole. If it had the art style of, oh, say, Twilight Princess, then... Null might have been the most potent nightmare fuel this series has ever seen. (It still kind of is, at least psychologically, when you consider that it's the literal embodiment of the chaos that existed before the world was created. The formless nothingness, given form and substance.)

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