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Things you would improve in OoT

Oct 6, 2016
I would probably improve the linearity. Not because it bothers me, but rather because as a kid it used to bother me that you could do the spirit and dark temple in any order, but everything else had a set order. It's not that big of a deal, though. I would probably also try to make most of the puzzles inside dungeons more intricate and complex, not because of difficulty, but rather to address some moments where they feel not as puzzle-y.
Oct 2, 2016
I'm not sure that's a fair question to pose, since at the time, not a single thing listed here was even considered an issue. Most of these issues that people are coming up with are based on works design like filling the overworld and NPC usefulness. These things are staples of gaming today, especially in big sandbox games we're comparing it to, but when Ocarina of Time came out, this entire concept was brand new. Given the fact that this game was a gateway from the old school 2D world of gaming to the grand settings we find ourselves trekking through in games of this era, I think it was the best anybody could have done at the time.
I understand your point. The emptiness of the over world was definitely more of an awe factor rather than an inconvenience, but I don't think it's exactly the change in the gaming world. It's the fact that people have hammered so many hours into that game, and it just becomes apparent. At least for me anyway. I can't speak for other people, and their ideas.
But your idea makes total sense. I just took it a different way, I suppose.


Oct 24, 2012
Crisis? What Crisis?
Pan-decepticon-transdeliberate-selfidentifying-sodiumbased-extraexistential-temporal anomaly
There's no reason why the child portion needs to be so linear, other than Ninty doesn't trust their players to stay on point and not get lost (which should be the *point* of any zelda game, but I digress...)

Make Zora's river, Death Mountain/Goron City available from the moment you leave the forest.

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