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Things That You Don't Forgive


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Hello, what things do you not forgive.

Me, I don't forgive people drinking my chocolate syrup, I don't forgive people for hitting my car door with their car door, and I especially don't forgive people hurling insults at my family.

1) Chocolate syrup is a sacred thing that turns the disgusting compound that we call milk into a Holy Drink fit for only holy warriors: chocolate milk. If people consume my chocolate syrup, it will lower my life force and my power level, and that is not a good thing..

2) Hitting peoples' car doors is such a dick move I just can't explain it right now. Why would you EVER hit somebody's door? Because you're not paying attention. Sorry, but you're a freaking driver. Drivers are supposed to pay attention. To their surroundings, to themselves, and especially to their cars. If you hit my car door, I will scream at you until YOU are blue in the face from wanting to wet yourself but simply being unable to due to shock. I will not tolerate that madness. It isn't justified for a driver to hit another driver's door. If a passenger does it, I can't really blame them because they aren't focus. But a driver is supposed to be at all times so long as they are within their car's vicinity. ****ing jackasses I swear to God.

3) If you insult my family I will crush you underfoot. I will rain heavenly justice upon you. I will take your belongings and piss all over them. The reasoning is because my family is very important to me. Although the family cell is being destroyed as we speak, what little of it remains has given me Structure and Backbone. Because of my family, I have been able to rise from a level of mental retardation into an average joe schmoe; quite literally, if my parents and siblings weren't there, I would have died premature. Sure, I get mad at my family sometimes. But I never insult them. I might joke around with them. But I don't insult them. They're important to me and they always will be.
May 4, 2014
stealing-I'm the type of girl that will share something, sometimes i'll even share my stuff with people I thoroughly despise. don't steal from me. I don't care if it's something puny like snagging a nickel on top of my shelf or polishing off the last of my chips, I'm not that petty. but steal cash, clothes, a towel, a game or a cd something of that sort and I don't care if we were the bestest of friends before, I now hate you for not asking if you could at least borrow something. don't talk to me, don't hang out with me.

physical abuse-if you hit me or beat me up or worse you will be on my ****list till your dying day, I''ll come p*** on your grave when you hopefully try and pick a fight with the wrong person and get your comeuppance.

teachers who can't be bothered to get off their butts when they see violent bullying going on-if you can't say something as simple as knock it off or call security then go find a different job, preferably one that doesn't involve you being in charge of other people's kids. your the adult in this situation. ACT LIKE IT!!!

manipulators who will go out of their way to make themselves look like the victim and you the one completely in the wrong.

In short, I really hate bullying types of people.

I'm actually pretty forgiving. but I can certainly hold a grudge if I've been seriously wronged.
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Sage of Tales
I feel like I should be able to forgive anything, because I've made a lot of mistakes and I believe strongly in the ability to change for the better and in redemption.

However, there are some things that I will go on imagination-torture-sprees over and things that will make me look side-eyed at you forever.

1. Telling people (even jokingly) to commit suicide. There is a particular method (one I attempted once) that especially pisses me off. "Go drink a glass of bleach" will make me look at you with a bit of fire forever. This includes people on this thread. Suicide and depression and so forth are very serious business with me. I know some people will say "I was just joking." NO. You don't pull that shiz within my line of sight. IT IS NOT A JOKE.

2. Pissing on people's grief. If someone is mourning a loss - a loved one, or even a pet, or if they are going through other very serious real life issues (rape survivor, abuse survivor, etc). If someone is a jackass about it, decides that's a cool thing to mock... that's about when I want to skin you alive and make you wear your own skin as an overcoat as you are twitching and shivering. It's not something I'll actually do outside of imagination-land, but if I caught you in real life doing that, I would probably try to bust your jaw or break your nose or something.

3. Superiority. You know, when people think they are "inherently superior" to others for some arbitrary reason. Like, you don't believe in anything. Great. Good for you. Whoop de dingle doop. I hope you have all the freedom and meaning in the world with your worldview, but, to coin a phrase "I am not an animal! I am a human being!" - You are NOT some member of some shiny, superior ur-species. You are equal to us all, whether you like it or not. Your life does not "mean more" than mine, or any one else's. Same with your artistic tastes, or where you were born, your country, your wealth, your job, your education, or your gender, or your orientation, or whatever. We're all a bunch a muncha cruncha humans. Maybe, feeling superior to a an actual Nazi or a serial killer is okay, but for the most part, nope. You're in the ratty-human pit with the rest of us. Get over yourself.


Hello Sweetie!
Jun 18, 2011
Bullying - the act of deliberately making another person's life miserable is utterly despicable. If you need to put someone else down to feel good about yourself, something is seriously wrong with you. Whether it's verbally, physically, online, doesn't matter. It can all cause life-long damage to another person. I talk from experience.

Abuse - this includes sexual abuse. Just why, why would you do something so despicable?

Victim-blaming - it's another way of victimizing them, not to mention it helps perpitrators get away with their actions. I knew a girl who was sexually abused by her own dad as a child, who as a teenager finally had the courage to take him to court. Her father's side of the family shamed her for it, blamed her for his attempt to kill himself.

Animal cruelty - if you can't treat animals well, stay clear away from them. When I was little, some kids decided it would be fun to throw stones at my aunt's dog who was in their backyard. The dog lost all trust in people outside the immediate family. For years and years everyone else, including myself had to be really careful around that dog. We couldn't pet her, couldn't show her that none of us would hurt her. Those kids harmed her for life.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
If you lie to me you're on my off-list. And I don't mean small lies but things like: "You were never ever there for me in my whole life." I had this being said to me while the person who said that was living in my own damn house for nearly a year after being kicked out of her own house. This happened before as well. I have been there for this person the whole damn time and this really made me mad. I dropped the thing but haven't forgotten it. There is nothing I hate more than being lied to. I'm not a fool so don't take me for granted.

Animal and child abuse. You can never ever give me any excuse to abuse an animal or a child. NEVER. I hate abusing people in general but things people do to animals and children is gruesome and disgusting.

Bullying people. There are no excuses to bully someone and to make their lifes hell. I don't buy the "they brought it upon themselves" crap either. If you think you are superior to someone and bully them because they " deserve" it for whatever reason I hope you will be haunted for the rest of your life after death as well.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
"You were never ever there for me in my whole life."

This is something that I cannot stand. I hear this said after people divorce "he never helped me out with anything" or "she was always a good for nothing" or "I did all of the work anyway" well guess what. Sure you're mad or you're angry or confused or whatever. But don't lie to my face and say that I was never there for you. That I NEVER did any good. I hate that so much. Speaking for myself, I know I do some very bad things (online!). But that doesn't somehow invalidate the good I've done. I'm not saying that the person who has committed heinous crimes worthy of Holy Retribution can be made good because he fed a goat some milk. But the fact remains that that person DID do some good, so don't try to cover it up


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
This is something that I cannot stand. I hear this said after people divorce "he never helped me out with anything" or "she was always a good for nothing" or "I did all of the work anyway" well guess what. Sure you're mad or you're angry or confused or whatever. But don't lie to my face and say that I was never there for you. That I NEVER did any good. I hate that so much. Speaking for myself, I know I do some very bad things (online!). But that doesn't somehow invalidate the good I've done. I'm not saying that the person who has committed heinous crimes worthy of Holy Retribution can be made good because he fed a goat some milk. But the fact remains that that person DID do some good, so don't try to cover it up

<3 you chocolate! You nailed it!!!

Deleted member 14134

Some ******* hit my driver side when my car was parked on the street in front of the house causing the door to be wedged shut. Had to crawl in through the passenger side for a month until I got it fixed. Left no note. Can never forgive that person, keyed every car in the neighborhood that day to make sure I got it back.

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