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Things That Are on Your Mind


Staff member
We are doing our classes online via Zoom this semester at university.

During our first tutorial class tonight (we just finished the three hour session) the group was infiltrated by about a dozen random people who were all drawing disgusting images and hurtling the most vile racism toward our tutor just because he has an Indian accent. A student from our class must have shared the link with these people, as when the tutor made a new link and password and emailed it to the class the trolls were able to join that new session too.

The tutor looked really upset by it and I feel so angry that those people treated him like that. Maybe it's the straw that broke the camel's back after a very very stressful few weeks for me but I cried after the class cut out for the first time in a long while. The fact that someone in my class thinks that this is funny really disgusts and upsets me a great deal. I can't imagine how horrible they've made him feel.


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
We are doing our classes online via Zoom this semester at university.

During our first tutorial class tonight (we just finished the three hour session) the group was infiltrated by about a dozen random people who were all drawing disgusting images and hurtling the most vile racism toward our tutor just because he has an Indian accent. A student from our class must have shared the link with these people, as when the tutor made a new link and password and emailed it to the class the trolls were able to join that new session too.

The tutor looked really upset by it and I feel so angry that those people treated him like that. Maybe it's the straw that broke the camel's back after a very very stressful few weeks for me but I cried after the class cut out for the first time in a long while. The fact that someone in my class thinks that this is funny really disgusts and upsets me a great deal. I can't imagine how horrible they've made him feel.
Eww what a **** i hope he got punished by 100 demerits and years in prison....


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
We are doing our classes online via Zoom this semester at university.

During our first tutorial class tonight (we just finished the three hour session) the group was infiltrated by about a dozen random people who were all drawing disgusting images and hurtling the most vile racism toward our tutor just because he has an Indian accent. A student from our class must have shared the link with these people, as when the tutor made a new link and password and emailed it to the class the trolls were able to join that new session too.

The tutor looked really upset by it and I feel so angry that those people treated him like that. Maybe it's the straw that broke the camel's back after a very very stressful few weeks for me but I cried after the class cut out for the first time in a long while. The fact that someone in my class thinks that this is funny really disgusts and upsets me a great deal. I can't imagine how horrible they've made him feel.
"Zoom bombing" is a big thing that is happening to a lot of people right now and my mother who teaches elementary school has had some parents from her class unwilling to use Zoom for meeting with their children because of fear of "Zoom bombers" hijacking the meeting.

There are a decent number of features built into Zoom that can help prevent or at least mitigate things like this: https://www.pcmag.com/how-to/how-to-prevent-zoom-bombing

It's really awful that there are people who are using this heath crisis as an excuse to spread fear and hate, but there are even more people who are working tirelessly to help people in this time of crisis. Good actions are not always as loud as bad ones, but they certainly outweigh them.

Fred Rogers said:
"When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, 'Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.' To this day, especially in times of 'disaster,' I remember my mother’s words and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers—so many caring people in this world."

I feel like more than ever, it's important to take words like these to heart and look for the people who are helping. The doctors, the nurses, the grocery store workers, the tutor they just harassed, the people staying at home, and everyone else who is working to keep things working so that as many people as possible will survive this crisis. Their thoughtless acts of cruelty are nothing in the face of all the courage and compassion we will see in these trying times. Stay strong, Jimmu. :)


Jun 7, 2017
the present
"Zoom bombing" is a big thing that is happening to a lot of people right now and my mother who teaches elementary school has had some parents from her class unwilling to use Zoom for meeting with their children because of fear of "Zoom bombers" hijacking the meeting.

There are a decent number of features built into Zoom that can help prevent or at least mitigate things like this: https://www.pcmag.com/how-to/how-to-prevent-zoom-bombing

It's really awful that there are people who are using this heath crisis as an excuse to spread fear and hate, but there are even more people who are working tirelessly to help people in this time of crisis. Good actions are not always as loud as bad ones, but they certainly outweigh them.

I feel like more than ever, it's important to take words like these to heart and look for the people who are helping. The doctors, the nurses, the grocery store workers, the tutor they just harassed, the people staying at home, and everyone else who is working to keep things working so that as many people as possible will survive this crisis. Their thoughtless acts of cruelty are nothing in the face of all the courage and compassion we will see in these trying times. Stay strong, Jimmu. :)
Who the heck is Fred Rogers


❤️ love yourself ❤️
ZD Legend
I think I just saved Shadow from getting attacked, or even killed, by a dog.

I had to go out in the dark with a flashlight down the long driveway, then across a long stretch of lawn, to go get the trash can and put it by the house. As I went out, Shadow ran out too. I didn’t get him back in, because he goes out often, and I was going to put him back in when I got back anyway. So I start down the road and Shadow follows me all the way up to the end of the driveway, then stops there. I proceed to go get the trash can. As I come back he sprints up the driveway back towards the house when he hears the loud noise of the trash can get near. But as he running, a large dog bounds from the direction of my neighbors house towards him. I let go of the trash can and run up there as fast as I can as they run behind the house. I go to the backyard and only see a flash of dog go around to the other side of the house. I run back to the front, and scare him again, and he runs back to his house, leaving me to see if he had mangled my cat.
I search for a couple of mins, back and forth, until my light catches the shine from his eyes, and I see he’s alright. You don’t know how much relief I felt when I saw him. I quickly picked him up and brought him inside.

I am SO glad I ran up and scared the dog when I did, or Shadow might not have made it. Hope you understood my story

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