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Things That Are on Your Mind


つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Nov 12, 2007
In bed
Well, I actually have quite the dilemma on my mind I am currently pondering.

Do I pin my boyfriend down and shave off that horrible beard myself, or punch him till he does it himself? Choices, choices... One way or another, he's losing it, no matter how much he's crying about it.


Apr 22, 2011
Well, I actually have quite the dilemma on my mind I am currently pondering.

Do I pin my boyfriend down and shave off that horrible beard myself, or punch him till he does it himself? Choices, choices... One way or another, he's losing it, no matter how much he's crying about it.

punch him, he might not tell you but secretly he likes being punished.


The Good Samaritan
Mar 20, 2012
Canberra, Australia
Well, I actually have quite the dilemma on my mind I am currently pondering.

Do I pin my boyfriend down and shave off that horrible beard myself, or punch him till he does it himself? Choices, choices... One way or another, he's losing it, no matter how much he's crying about it.

1.) Get a lawnmower
2.) Shave that badboy off
3.) Pimp slap him
4.) ???
5.) Profit

I am also thinking about how great Stana Katic is. I am thinking about how jealous Zorth is, too.

Lord Vain

Dawn of a New Day
Nov 29, 2011
I am thinking about how life is like a play...everybody has parts, there are heroes and villains among others, dramatic events and romance, and of course life and death. It's an act that has no foreseeable conclusion, however unlike any other play we aren't able to memorize our lines nor are we given our parts in the act either, it all just comes to us naturally.
Feb 23, 2011
I asked two girls to prom last Friday and they said this to me:

So now I'm running around with the idea that I'm ugly...

In addition to that, my teacher wants me to go to prom because I have self-esteem issues... :(

First off...

>Going to prom...


I would have punched their lights out. Just kidding, but I wouldn't have been happy about that had it happened to me. Although, I might not have been angered, either. I imagine that I'd have been cold and uncaring about it, if anything. Better yet, I might have constructed a cold comeback of epic proportions—enough to send them home crying to their parents. You should have retorted in the same manner, Ven. The sad truth would have surely been enough to make them regret ever being mean to you...


I doubt going to prom would fix anything. Hell, if anything, it'd probably make things worse. Your teacher probably just came up with some generic suggestion that could have applied to any given teenager; adults do that a lot. However, you're not just any given teenager. You're Ven (or whatever your real name is irl). Going to prom might very well boost the self-esteem of others, but that doesn't mean that it will work for you.

My suggestion would be to stick with positive people with positive ideals. From my experience, while prom has a myriad of personality types, a good handful of them are total jerks—opposite of the positive characteristics touched upon above. Thus, the prom may not be the ideal place to boost one's self-esteem...

Good luck, hume...
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Jul 1, 2012
I just kinda wish I could just go back sometimes and change a few things, let a few people stay in my life, not let people in and whatnot, sometimes life can be sucky when you think back to what could have been but oh well... Just one of them days when you get reminded.

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