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Breath of the Wild theory of inflation (rewards)

We've seen in BotW's demo that the shrines dotted around the map often yield powers for the Sheikah Slate like magnesis and cryonis.

We've also seen that Link can change the environment with weapons and tools he finds in the over world like cutting down trees with axes...

Back in the day, special abilities and world altering items would have been treasures earned in dungeons...

We know that there will be dungeons in BotW, we just don't know how many or how big.

Now that we have access to world altering items and powers I'm left wondering what we will find as reward items in the dungeons.

This is assuming that we'll still be able to find items in dungeons, but if we are, what could be more helpful than world altering items and powers?

What could we possibly find in dungeons to top those?

What are your thoughts?


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Dungeons could give items that advance Links quest. For instance the sailcloth is needed before you leave the great plateau, perhaps there will be areas you need dungeon items to access.


A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
I am actually thinking that the items of the hero are in the dungeons.
So you will get the Hero's Bow in a dungeon
You will get the Hylian Shield in another
In another you will get the Hylian Tunic
This will make dungeons have significant rewards that you will want, however, they will not be necessary to beat in the game.
Oct 14, 2013
I am actually thinking that the items of the hero are in the dungeons.
So you will get the Hero's Bow in a dungeon
You will get the Hylian Shield in another
In another you will get the Hylian Tunic
This will make dungeons have significant rewards that you will want, however, they will not be necessary to beat in the game.
So the game will have 100 significant rewards for us? Because there is 100 of these shrines/dongeon things scattered all over the game world.

This is how I'd hope it would be. But I think some of these will not have all that great rewards. 100 great rewards feels a few too many for Nintendo to come up with. But you never know, Nintendo could pull it off.


A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
So the game will have 100 significant rewards for us? Because there is 100 of these shrines/dongeon things scattered all over the game world.

This is how I'd hope it would be. But I think some of these will not have all that great rewards. 100 great rewards feels a few too many for Nintendo to come up with. But you never know, Nintendo could pull it off.
There are hundred of shrines. There probably won't be hundreds of dungeons.
That is the big difference here.


A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
Will each of the shrines have a substantial reward? If so that's a lot of substantial rewards in the game.
Each shrine gives you Spirit Orbs, which do something. We don't exactly know what those do, but we know you get them.
Aug 20, 2016
The shrines might offer augments to weapons and runes after you get all of the base runes. Much like the great fairy fountains in windwaker that increased the size of your quiver and bomb bag. Perhaps shrines will increase the range of the magic magnet and increase the size and number of the ice pillars that you can make.
Sep 21, 2014
Honestly, I don't think they will constrain themselves to having specific types of rewards in specific types of dungeons. If I had to venture a guess, I would say they likely took a page from Skyrim's book (the holiday game that beat the everloving tar out of their last entry) and mix it up. In that game sometimes you found treasure or unique loot drops, or you found Words, or sometimes you just fought a tough enemy and finished a tiny little quest/story that was unique to that dungeon, like helping some researcher find something at the end or killing some special bandit lord. And that's good because if you try to keep it all to a theme then you run the risk of having to stretch the bull**** with stuff when you're running out of ideas, so you end up with the Magic Shoelaces of Staying Tied Slightly Better or the Pocket Lint of Not Having to Deal With More Pocket Lint.
Sep 21, 2014
The shrines might offer augments to weapons and runes after you get all of the base runes. Much like the great fairy fountains in windwaker that increased the size of your quiver and bomb bag. Perhaps shrines will increase the range of the magic magnet and increase the size and number of the ice pillars that you can make.
Or perhaps there are shrines that bulk up your other items, like how ALBW item upgrade system worked. (that upgraded Fire Rod is a beast)


A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
Honestly, I don't think they will constrain themselves to having specific types of rewards in specific types of dungeons. If I had to venture a guess, I would say they likely took a page from Skyrim's book (the holiday game that beat the everloving tar out of their last entry) and mix it up. In that game sometimes you found treasure or unique loot drops, or you found Words, or sometimes you just fought a tough enemy and finished a tiny little quest/story that was unique to that dungeon, like helping some researcher find something at the end or killing some special bandit lord. And that's good because if you try to keep it all to a theme then you run the risk of having to stretch the bull**** with stuff when you're running out of ideas, so you end up with the Magic Shoelaces of Staying Tied Slightly Better or the Pocket Lint of Not Having to Deal With More Pocket Lint.
I am not sure how to break this to you... But Skyrim is really just a watered down version of Oblivion for the masses......
The story isn't that good comparatively
The quests are mindless compared to Oblivion
Morrowind actually had way more variety in weapons and skills as well. There are way more different types of magic, magic is actually useful, you have more skills to level up, and items are way harder to find, making there more of a reason to do quests and dungeons in Oblivion.
The quests also give way better rewards in Oblivion as well.

Combat with your sword, and graphics were slightly better than Oblivion... But almost everything was better executed in Oblivion over Skyrim.


Source of stink
May 21, 2016
5th layer
I am not sure how to break this to you... But Skyrim is really just a watered down version of Oblivion for the masses......
The story isn't that good comparatively
The quests are mindless compared to Oblivion
Morrowind actually had way more variety in weapons and skills as well. There are way more different types of magic, magic is actually useful, you have more skills to level up, and items are way harder to find, making there more of a reason to do quests and dungeons in Oblivion.
The quests also give way better rewards in Oblivion as well.

Combat with your sword, and graphics were slightly better than Oblivion... But almost everything was better executed in Oblivion over Skyrim.
Others say the same for Oblivion vs Morrowind, saying Morrowind is far superior to Oblivion. I agree with Ancient about having leveled dungeons and rewards, might provide for an even more unique experience for each player

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