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The timeline is real, but do we really need it?

Jul 30, 2023
I will say it again, Nintendo doesn’t care. They want to make the series like Final Fantasy. Have no connection with each installment, but they still want your nostalgia. So just make your own timeline before Hyrule Historia.


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Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
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Yeah sorry about that.

I personally have the Oracle games before, though I haven't sat down and made my version of the timeline.

I will make thread on the idea that I have about on why I think ALTTP, The Oracle games, and LA should be in this order.
I'm so glad someone agrees with me on this, the Oracles games should absolutely be before LA

I think that the timeline is important to have solely for the fact that it kind of keeps Nintendo in check. That's not to say they weren't mostly ignoring it in TotK, because they were. And it's not to say the timeline is good, because it isn't. Personally if I was to attempt to fix it I'd get rid of the Downfall Timeline + Botw and Totk and place all those games in a new timeline branching off of Skyward Sword (that's a seperate theory in and of itself though). We all know though that if Nintendo had their way, they'd put minimal effort into the story and continuity. They'd want to just rinse and repeat Link fighting Ganondorf even if it makes no sense like this is a Mario game (sorry not sorry Mario fans). Because they know Ganondorf is the "Big Bad" of the Zelda series even if they've already killed him several times. I say that if they want to keep bringing him back, they can, but they should at least have to make some attempt to justify it.

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