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The Song of Storms Paradox


Weapon of a Lifetime
Nov 2, 2011
I actually believe he was mistaking the suns song for the song of storms. Bear with me this may sound fan-ficish, I believe shiek may have seen the well all dried up and taught it to him. He confused one for another and that is that. songofstorms.jpgsuns_song.jpg See the similarities?
Oct 16, 2011
Or this is not a paradox. Ganondorf brainwashed Guru just like he did Indigo after getting the triforce of power, only better making it is complete reality when he himself drained the well. When you force link to go back in time to do it, things are already in a jumbled ball and so it doesn't even mater. Timeline overwrite. or what is 6*9? 42. that works.

"Don't blink" or things may change.


Hero of the Stars
Nov 10, 2011
Lost Woods
clearly time travel is used multiple times throughout the zelda franchise, but not in the same way and i read somewhere a few things about the types of time travel used. il compare ocarina of time and majoras mask. In ocarina it is key that you travel back and forth to unlock certain elements of the game - like the song of storms. In Majoras Mask however, the only reason time travel to the past is necessary is so you dont die after the 3rd day. without that element you wouldnt have to travel back in time in MM.

on to the song of storms. In ocarina of time you learn the song as an adult because a child (young link) played the song to guru guru 7 years ago. This is a fact in the future no matter if you have done this in the game or not. This could imply that in the timeline of the game, you playing the song of storms for him is a set event that can not be changed. It is inevitable. that way even if you havent learned the song yet as an adult, you were already destined to play it for guru guru as a child.

Say the same windmill situation was in majoras mask. say you know the song of storms and play it for guru guru messing up the windmill. that would completely change the timeline of the game and create a future where the windmill is messed up. however, as we know in majoras mask when you return to the first day almost all events you have done are erased and reset. This being said, you clearly havent played the song for guru guru. Now if this time around you dont play the song for him, the windmill will not be messed up in the future, realizing now that choices you make in the past can completely change the future, where in this situation in ocarina, the messed up windmill future is inevitable.

now im not saying that the "your actions affect the future" time theory isnt present in ocarina of time. In fact it is this actions effecting future theory that creates the split timeline. im just saying that the song of storms scenario is not avoidable for whatever reason.

hopefully this helped and hopefully i dont sound stupid lol
Nov 11, 2011
It's because he had to go back to the past and play it for him then. And once you alter the past, the future changes to correspond to it.
Oct 16, 2011
Or this is not a paradox. Ganondorf brainwashed Guru just like he did Indigo after getting the triforce of power, only better making it is complete reality when he himself drained the well. When you force link to go back in time to do it, things are already in a jumbled ball and so it doesn't even mater. Timeline overwrite. or what is 6*9? 42. that works.

I am adding more to this. As you play the song of storms as a kid, Ganondorf does it. You have opened the door of time at this point so he has the power to do so and confuse everybody. What Guru Guru remembers in the future is still what Ganondorf did. This possibility is not a paradox. It ends When you learn the song. It can coincidentally begin when you play the song of storms as a kid but if you don't it will still happen and it doesn't make a difference. Too bad there is no proof to something like this because the devs didn't care about it this much but it could have happened with no problem.
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Actually you learn the song because it is relevant to the story and in some point of your adventure you'll have to mess the windmill up with the song. If Link somehow manages to complete his quest without having to mess the windmill up, the song of storms will not exist because Guru-Guru never heard you play it, so you never learned it.


It's a time paradox. The real question is: How did it enter the loop? It's existence is unnecessary, therefore it SHOULDN'T exist.

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