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Pokemon Art The Scale of Azure

Apr 16, 2010
Here's my story. It's based on the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series (Explorers of Time/Darkness in particular), and therefore will have some similarities. However, in my opinion, this story will be able to hold its own and be independent from those.

This is rated PG for some violence and perhaps some language. Most likely there will be nothing worse than what you find in a regular Pokemon game. If there is any cussing, I will warn you in advance.;)

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The Scale of Azure

Chapter One - Awakening

I awoke near a palm tree. I thought nothing of it, because for some odd reason, it looked familiar. The grass surrounding me brushed gently against my - tail? Surely enough, from my lower back extended a orange tail that fluttered about either from instinct or the slight breeze whirling through; a small blaze minded its own business upon the tip of my tail. I don't remember having a tail, I thought. Then again, I didn't remember anything. I strained my brain for an answer, but I could remember nothing but a flash of blue light.

Great, I thought, I'm stranded here with no memories besides a blue flash and not having a tail before now. Apart from the lack of memory scenario things seemed alright. The sun shone bright, glistening my orange fur. Outside of the patch of grass I lied in, apricot sands engrossed my field of vision up to the calm cerulean sea. Delicate waves ingrained with white bubbles followed a continuous pattern; one in which the wave - a mere two or three feet in height - would suspend itself in the air for a second, then slowly plummet to a peaceful doom. The sky was cloudless and similarly bright to the sun it held captive. To my left an eerie cave invited me to a less peaceful doom than that of the waves. I shivered slightly at the thought of it and quickly turned away. To my right the beach extended forever; at least, that's how it seemed. Halfway to nothingness, a green slope stood one hundred feet tall; it abruptly broke off at the peak, and the outer half appeared as a large wall of rock. The hill partially intruded into the sand, and atop it a small building made of wood took residence. Answers.

I decided to investigate the wooden building. While struggling to my feet, I noticed something: I was only four feet tall. I did not remember anything from my past, but I knew this was not my body.

I began walking towards the hill. Walking seemed rather difficult, either because I was in a new body, or because I had awoken from an unknown quantity of time in unconsciousness. I stumbled out of the patch of grass, crossed a small area of sand, then I was off the beach and on grass that slightly tickled my feet. (Could I call them feet? They seemed more like paws to me.)

I was now facing the hill. On my right-hand side, I could see several landmarks in the distance. A large mountain range dominated the scene. I wondered just how extensive this land was.

After a minute or two I had reached the foot of the hill. I had not comprehended the steepness of it from afar, but now it was indisputable. I ascended with half-hearted trudges. When I was halfway up the hill, I took a break to catch my breath. The sun had began to set, creating an orange and pink effect in the sky. I wish I could've watched it longer, but I needed to reach that wooden building. I climbed higher. I walked resolutely as the slope became more steep. With two more long strides, I reached the top.

I let out a sigh of relief and observed the building. It did not look like much; it was made entirely of wooden logs and had a closed door front and center. A few feet away from it a large hole was built into the ground and covered by a grid of wood. I assumed it was some sort of entrance mechanism, so I decided to walk onto it. I was concerned about its sturdiness - or, rather, the lack thereof - but when I stepped on it, it held up well.

The grid creaked, which I thought was scary, until I heard two voices yell loudly,

"He's here! He's here!"

I jumped at the sudden yelling. I was not sure if myself being there was good or bad. Just when I thought I was in danger and should leave, the door suddenly opened in front of me.

With no other viable choice, I entered.

*End of Chapter*​
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Srishti is annie is eduarda right?
May 28, 2010
Ontario, Canada.
Wow, Hero, that was a beautiful first chapter! There was a lot of description, and many uncommon words :P I felt like you described the scenery more, and how Charmander actually felt less. Like maybe his head hurt when he woke up, or maybe he found himself staggering a little bit. You could have written about how he felt lost - or maybe he didn't because the palm tree looked familiar :P But you get my point ;) Overall, this chapter was amazing. I did find one mistake in it but:

After a minute or two I had reached the foot of the hill. I had not comprehended the steepness of it from afar, but now it was indisputable. I ascended with half-hearted trudged. When I was halfway up the hill, I took a break to catch my breath. The sun had began to set, creating an orange and pink effect in the sky. I wish I could've watched it longer, but I needed to reach that wooden building. I climbed higher. I walked resolutely as the slope became more steep. With two more long strides, I reached the top.

Should be "I ascended with a half-hearted trudge" ;)

But I could see a lot of effort put into this chapter, good job ^^

Edit: Or it could be trudges :P
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