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Spoiler The Sand Ship

Apr 4, 2012
I thought that this was the only boss battle that they really missed on. The dungeon itself was great, the only thing that I'd change is that I'd use the Timeshift Stones more aggressively in puzzle-solving.


One of the Sheikah
May 1, 2012
It was a pretty cool dungeon, I'm not too sure what my favorite one from SS is yet though...
I remenber trying to defeat Tentalus, it took me like half an hour the first time cuz I thought you had to cut off all of it's hair before you could go to it's eye xD I'm so slow
Apr 6, 2012
He's the only boss I fought with a smile on my face.I like that dungeon,It made crazy for about 1 hour,the ship is the best maze I ever saw.

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