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General Art The Saga of Seven: Sky Warriors

Apr 16, 2010
Here it is! I hope you like it! Please comment and tell me what you think! This is rated PG-13 for violence and language.

The Hooded Man
The Prophecy

The Hooded Man entered the dark cave at twilight. Each footstep on the damp rock echoed throughout the cavern. Water dripped slowly from the ceiling. Every few seconds, a small bat with glowing eyes would fly from one perch to the other.

"It's here," the Hooded Man said to himself. His voice was pure evil.

He delved further into the cave where a reptile-like creature with black wings and large fangs, called a Juo, appeared. The Juo glanced at the Hooded Man for the blink of an eye then ran back to where he had came.

The Hooded Man laughed at this. He had become accustomed to being a source of fear, and he enjoyed it.

The cave got darker as the man went on. It seemed as if with every step he took a percentage of the remaining light was absorbed into nothingness. The circumstances remained for any heat that would dare stay in the Hooded Man's presence.

Stalactites and stalagmites surrounded him. He was getting closer; in no time the prophecy would be all his. A stalactite fell from the ceiling and landed inches away from him. He pulled it out of the ground and threw it at the wall. The stalactite broke into pebbles. The Hooded Man's strength was unquestionable.

The Hooded Man let out a sigh of relief when he finally reached the prophecy. A broken slab of obsidian withholding the fate of Vesena. He read it to himself. It read:

Seven tears in the cry of war,
Shall fight until there is no more.
The evil king's justice will be served,
And peace of the land will be returned.

The Hooded Man thieved the prophecy and felt a large shake. He laughed as the cavern ceiling fell all around him.
Aug 18, 2009
Short intro, just the way I like them. So this hooded man went into a cave, read and stole the prophecy. Cool, I like the way you arranged it in the end, the prophecy that is. Keep it up, HoT.
Feb 19, 2011
At Home.
That was awsome job , nice work i liked how you made the story so far its comeing along just cant wait to read the whole thing!:)
Apr 16, 2010
Sorry for the wait! I haven't had much time to write.

Chapter 1: The Letter

Vesena was a large kingdom. This information could have fooled Damera. He had never left his home village of Ragasal. Ragasal was a small village; populated by no more than thirty. The village was invincible to the problems of the outside world. They were kind farmers with no worries besides their fellow villagers and their agriculture.

At first site, Damera was an average 17-year-old boy; six feet tall, messy black hair, muscular arms, handsome face. He wore a dark gray shirt with cutoff sleeves and black pants.

But he was anything besides average. He didn't know this right now, and neither did anyone else. When Damera awoke he realized he had slept in the open field of his farm. It was a habit. On warm nights he would lay and observe the stars and end up falling asleep. Damera didn't mind it a bit.

He stood up and patted the grass off his clothing. He slowly walked across the field of corn and into his small home. It was all one room: he had his bed in the back corner, a table in the other corner, a bookshelf to his right, and all the rest of his belongings to his left.

Damera walked to his left and rummaged through his disorganized possessions until he found a small brown sack full of coins. He grabbed a handful and out them in the pocket of his pants. Why did Damera need this money, he was going to the town square to buy some supplies.

A short walk was all that was needed to reach the town square; outside of Damera's property a mere one minute walk had you arriving in the heart of the village. Still partially asleep, he trudged towards the town square.

The town square was approximately one hundred feet on each side, crammed with wall-to-wall brick shops. In the center was a white marble fountain spewing out crystal-clear water. Damera entered in the south end and walked west to Hiro's Everyday Shop. A bell was triggered when Damera opened the wooden door and stepped in the shop.

The owner of the store was Paul Hiro. He was a tall, dark gray haired man with a long, straight nose. His shop had most of the necessities of living: food, milk, weapon, etc.*

"Hey there, Damera! What brings you here today?" he said when he sighted Damera.

"Hi, Mr. Hiro. Well, I needed a bottle of milk. And I was wondering where I could find Guma."

Hiro placed a milk bottle gently on the counter he stood behind. Then he said, "Guma is at our residence. He's practicing his sword-fighting skills."

Damera swiped the bottle off the counter and flipped a coin that was caught by Hiro. "Thanks, Mr. Hiro." Paul Hiro slightly nodded his head and watched Damera leave out the door. The bell was triggered again.


Damera arrived at the Hiro's residence in the north outskirts of town. They were one of the three others except for Damera that owned farms. The other villagers lived in their shops in town square.

He saw Guma Hiro slicing at stacks of hay on wooden posts that represented people. He was a talented sword-fighter. Guma had dark skin, and short black hair. He was Damera's age, and was the same height. He wore a blue tunic and pants, and a white cape. Guma was nicknamed Grizz because he could be silent and cunning or ferocious like a grizzly bear.

Grizz swiped at one of the many haystack foes with his silver sword and it collapsed. He sidestepped to attack another, but stopped in his tracks when he noticed Damera.

"Hey there Dame. Have you come for a round?" Grizz always wanted to sword-fight with Damera.

"Come on, Grizz," Damera sighed, "you know I don't even have a sword."

"Oh well. When you get a sword, I'll be the first person you'll battle." Grizz winked. "Anyway, father asked me to run an errand for him in town square. Would you like to come along?"

Damera nodded. Grizz placed his sword in the field in the middle of a circle of the haystacks on posts.

The two friends went to town square. There was now more villagers roaming around. They wore bright colors that popped in the sunshine that was at its noontime high. Damera and Grizz went into Altea's Bank in the east part of town. The bank served as the primary bank, in fact the only bank, of the village of Ragasal. Damera didn't use the bank, he trusted Altea, but he preferred to keep all his coins in his possession.

Altea Taragon was the same age as the two boys who entered her bank. She had long brown hair, and sparkling hazel eyes. She smiled. "Hi there! Can I help you?"

Grizz approached the counter; Damera followed right behind him.*

"I'd like to make a transaction," Grizz said. He flashed a quick grin.

Altea nodded. She kneeled behind the counter. She had all of the villagers' accounts in boxes there. She stood up and asked, "How much would you like to take out of your account?"

"Um," Grizz rubbed his chin, "I'll have twenty coins."

Altea handed him the coins in a sack. She smiled again. "Have a nice day!"

Grizz said, "Thank you," and Damera waved goodbye. The two exited the bank.

"What was that for?" Damera asked. He squinted his eyes; the sun was shining on them.

"Oh, nothing, Damey boy. Just ready to get some more out is all." Grizz seemed to be hiding something.*

From the west entrance to town square, a regal man trotted in on horseback. He wore a purple button-up jacket. He was the postman. "I have a letter for Sir Damera Tomahawk," he declared loudly.

Damera was surprised by this. He was not expecting a letter. He walked to the postman, grabbed the letter from his outstretched hand, and showed his appreciation via a gold coin and a "thank you."

The letter had the seal of the royal family of Vesena: a cloud with a purple lightning bolt. The symbol of the Sky Warriors.

Damera opened the letter. Inside was a piece of parchment. Grizz peered over his shoulder. They read it and turned to look at each other. Grizz sprinted away following the postman. He pushed him off his horse, got on, and road off. Damera raced after him.

*End of Chapter 1*


Hero of the Zora
Nov 5, 2010
Haha, I like how he just pushes the postman off. It looks really good so far. Can't wait to read more.
Apr 16, 2010
Chapter 2: The Blacksmith of Vesena

The whole town gazed at the scene. Damera and Grizz had flown by them in a matter of seconds. No one knew why besides those two, and the villagers could only wonder to themselves the causes of this abnormal situation. The postman found himself on the ground in a daze.

Grizz, on the postman's horse, was outrunning Damera plenty enough to keep him away. He showed no signs of slowing down; every few seconds he would urge his horse to go faster.

Damera kept on running, but knew at some time he would have to stop. Luckily he was well-conditioned and could continue longer than an average boy his age.

Grizz was regretting leaving his sword at home. Having that he could've fought a defenseless Damera. But he kept on riding, and Damera followed close.*

Then Damera decided it was time to stop; he would never catch up to the horse. He knelt on the ground *sapped of his energy. He could not believe he let Grizz get away. Damera panted and gasped for air, then fainted in the field outside of Ragasal.


Damera awoke in a small hut. It was dim and cool, and had a window, a table, a small bed, and a fireplace. A large man sat on a wooden stool at the table next to the fireplace. He was in his forties with a long, scraggly black beard. He had gargantuan arms and black smudges all over his body.

Damera found himself on the small bed. He looked over at the man. The man hammered at a long blade. Damera forced himself into a sitting position; the bed creaked as he did this.

The man must have heard Damera. "Looky there, the boy wakes from his slumber." He had a rather deep, scratchy voice, as if he was coughing when he spoke. He continued to hammer at the sword and every so often he would use a whetstone to sharpen it. "Now why's would I find a boy fainted in the field?"

Damera cleared his throat. "It's a long story."

The man grunted. "Tell me m'boy, does it look like we're runnin' low on time?"

It fell silent. The man raised the sword and observed it. He looked content but not completely satisfied. The sword elongated to about three feet. It had a golden blade with diagonal divots on each side for extra velocity. The hilt was also gold with an emerald in the center. "This is Drakarius," he said when he noticed Damera gazing at it. "Not the real one, a replica."

Damera narrowed his brows. "Excuse me, what's Drakarius?"

The man chuckled. "C'mon m'boy, it's only the sword once used by the leader of the Sky Warriors."*

Damera nodded although he didn't fully understand.*

"It's a gift for the royal family," the man said. "King's me cousin."

"What's your name?" Damera asked. "I'm Damera."

"The name's Igantor, blacksmith of Vesena," he said proudly. Igantor slightly puffed out his pectorals. "Hey, Damera, I was going to deliver this to the king and queen, but I have injured my leg and cannot make the journey. Would you like to take my place?"

Damera shrugged. He needed to get back home, but he would love to meet the royal family. "Yes. I will."

"That's m'boy!" Igantor emphatically cheered. "The sword is ready now, you could arrive at the castle by dawn." He handed Damera the replica of Drakarius and a map. "That's me map of the land. Should due ya well."

Damera observed the map. There was Ragasal on the south end, a black dot that must've been their current location, and a red dot in the northeast end which was Vesena Castle and the surrounding town of Royale.*

Igantor slightly grinned at the seat of a young man setting off on an adventure. "You should get going then, and here's a bottle, you can fill it with fresh water from the *Vesena River." As Damera said his thanks and opened the door into the cool, gray night he said one last thing, "Look out for Grizz."

Damera nodded and muttered to himself when the door swung shut, "It's not polite to read other's mail."

*End of Chapter*
Aug 18, 2009
Very lively and well detailed, HoT, I really liked the chapters, especially when they receive the letter and Grizz pushes the postman off the horse, lolz. I also like the way Damera was left behind, Grizz was sure in a hurry, I wonder why. Hope you keep writing, I have caught up, good going. ~Ao ^^
Apr 16, 2010
Thanks Atsie:)

Everyone here is the list of signups so you know who's who(the rest of the characters were created by you're truly):

Altea Taragon (Destiny)
Artemys Pericles (Atsuma)
Stephanie Houslam (Zelda's Child)
Annabeth Regan (zelda 8)
Livion Regan (kokirion)
Preyl Finian (MikauIncarnate)
Living Darkness (i-am-link)
Sarah Swiftshot (Elvenknight)
Ella Rose Amakiir (Meego7)
Cole Aremes (Soldier of Link)
Nitra Helio (Myriadviper42)
Pandora Jagskel (THP)
Stelios Karagiros (green goron)
Zordo Danuscus (jedizora)
Gabe Jo McGee (gabesawakening)
Green Doron (SuperLink)
Vanessa "Vee" Semin (Bigelover)
Aug 18, 2009
Thanks Atsie:)

Everyone here is the list of signups so you know who's who(the rest of the characters were created by you're truly):

Altea Taragon (Destiny)
Artemys Pericles (Atsuma)
Stephanie Houslam (Zelda's Child)
Annabeth Regan (zelda 8)
Livion Regan (kokirion)
Preyl Finian (MikauIncarnate)
Living Darkness (i-am-link)
Sarah Swiftshot (Elvenknight)
Ella Rose Amakiir (Meego7)
Cole Aremes (Soldier of Link)
Nitra Helio (Myriadviper42)
Pandora Jagskel (THP)
Stelios Karagiros (green goron)
Zordo Danuscus (jedizora)
Gabe Jo McGee (gabesawakening)
Green Doron (SuperLink)
Vanessa "Vee" Semin (Bigelover)
You're welcome. And thanks for adding this list, it will surely come handy to me if not to others. Looking forward to another update soon. ~Ao

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