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Spoiler The Poe Salesman



There are many theories as to the true identity of the Poe Salesman. It is possible that the Poe Salesman is indeed a ghost himself; the physical manifestation of a character who has died.


When Link is a child, a Hyrulean soldier who claims that he is really interested in ghosts can be found inside the small house near the entrance to Hyrule Castle Town. When Link returns as an adult, the small house has become the Poe Shop. It is possible that the soldier was killed during Ganondorf's attack on Hyrule Castle and chose to pursue his interest in spirits as a ghost himself. It could also be that he underwent some sort of transformation with the aid of Ganondorf. It should also be noted that the Poe Salesman has a picture of the Triforce on the wall behind his shop and a picture of it on his belt with the bird-like part of the Hylian crest moved up a little. Out of the people theorized to be the Poe Salesman, the guard (being a Hyeulean Guard) is the only one that would have a connection to the Triforce.

Boy in the Graveyard

There is also a young boy that can be found playing in the Kakariko Graveyard when Link is a child. The boy buys the Spooky Mask from Link because he is interested in ghosts and the paranormal. Also, he is seen patroling the graves with a stick similar to that of the Poe Salesman's. This child is never seen when Link returns to the village as an adult, and it is possible that he somehow became the Poe Salesman.

The man who "sees the truth"
When Link is an adult, the old man Shikashi can be found around Kakariko Village. He tells him about a man with an eye that could "see the truth". Link eventually retrieves the Lens of Truth, a Sheikah item that allows him to see the truth, from the Bottom of the Well. It is generally accepted that the unnamed character's truth-seeing eye is the Lens of Truth, but it is also possible that he had a real eye that could see the truth. The bright light found in the face of the Poe Salesman could be an eye. It could be possible that the Poe Salesman is the unnamed character, as Shikashi remarks that he long since died.

In Majora's Mask, the Poe Salesman bears a slight similarity to Garo Robes, spirits of the Garo that once roamed Ikana. His appearance, as well as his frequent re-appearances in the Ikana area and knowledge of the Garo may suggest that he has some connection to the Garo tribe.

If their is any other theories please tell.


Archer Extraordinaire
Aug 31, 2009
Fishing pond
I think that in Ocarina of time he is a the guard due to them saying the same things but in MM I think he is probably A Garo.


The King
Aug 18, 2009
Hmm... I think that the poe salesman and the soldier are two different person. Also, the poe salesman says: ''Because of the great Ganondorf, it is a fine time to start a business like that'', well something like that. The soldier just died and the other just start this business.


I gotta go with the guard. It makes the most sense, and on my first playthrough, I remember making the connection. I feel that's the one you're supposed to gravitate towards. Although, your theories on the others are pretty interesting, and worthy of recognition. The kid from the graveyard runs a close second.

the walrus cat

the walrus who was a cat
May 12, 2009
Either the guard or the little kid in the graveyard.

The guard might have just ended up in Kakariko village or was killed by Ganondorf, but from his dialog and location it seems fairly likely.

The little boy seemed like he wouldn't become so evil if he was supposed to be the poe salesman, but he's pretty young and had an interest in ghosts. He's not there in the future (that we know for fact, rather than guessing he is some other strange guy), and his absence isn't as explainable as the guards.


Apr 19, 2009
I think it's neither. You are basing this evidence on what? The fact that the guard is standing there, and says he has an interest in ghosts? That The kid has the same kind of Stick, and that we never see him grow up?

The guard is a Guard of Hyrule, I am sure that Ganondorf would not leave him alive intentionally, and RIGHT under his nose. Let alone grant him his wish and let him run some sort of weird Ghost shop. Even if this were true, What the Hell did Ganondorf do to him?! Suddenly give him a great big red eye and make him alot shorter by the looks of things. I just don't think that it is logical to assume that they are the same person at all.

As for the kid, you don't see him when he grows up... So what? Would you even recognise him if you saw him grown up? His mum has probably got him hidden inside so he doesn't get attacked by all the monsters around. As for the stick. I'd like to know how it suddenly grew in size, by about 3 times! Just because the kids grows up, doesn't mean the stick does. Also, after 7 years, I just don't think that the kid would be old enough to do all this, and wouldn't be old enough to be that tall.

So, I'd say it's just a completely different person. That's the logical explanation.


Mother Hyrule
May 17, 2009
on a crumbling throne
I'd have to go with angelkid on this one. The guard becoming the Poe Salesmen is the most probable of what you've listed, but it's very unlikely. I figure that the Poe Salesman is just a shady character who's finally able to open up shop once Ganondorf comes into power. It's more likely that the salesman has a poster of the Triforce because he, too, covets the power. On top of that, it's more of a sloppy drawing than a poster. Other Zelda games teach us that there are many who seek the Triforce, so it's possible that he's just another seeker.

Oh...you are quite an energetic young man. You're brave and handsome, too. Heh heh heh...your name is Link, isn't it. Heh heh he...don't be surprised. I can read people's minds. If I looked as good as you, I could run a different kind of business...heh he heh... My shop is the only Ghost Shop in Hyrule. Because of the great Ganondorf, it is a fine time for a business like this...heh heh heh... Oh...I can only hope the world gets even worse! The ghosts, called Poes, are spirits of concentrated hatred that appear in the fields and graveyard. They hate the world! Young man, if you catch a Poe, I will pay a lot of money for it... Heh heh hee!" — Poe Salesman

As you can see, the salesman is a mind reader, so I doubt he was ever that guard. More than likely, he's just a shady character who didn't have to keep to the shadows once Hyrule had been consumed by evil. The text I colored blue could even be taken as a "dirty" joke, showing that this character is rather "impure", which only further emphasizes his darkness. His dialogue leads me to believe that he was never a nicer character. Instead, he seems to be somebody who was just waiting for somebody like Ganondorf to appear so that he could thrive. In a good, clean world like before Ganondorf took over, he would never have had a chance. He even refers to Ganondorf as "great" like other followers do. And, if you look beside his bed, there are what appears to be multiple bottles of alcohol (or "special" milk, harharhar), which is a very common image linked to shady character- in games, movies, cartoons, and so on and so forth. No, I don't think he was ever any other character.... just some darker fellow waiting for the right moment in time.
Aug 30, 2009
when i was 9, i noticed that the guard was talking about gohost and i think i read this on zelda peida.


Aug 25, 2008
Considering the fact that the guard was replaced by the Poe Salesman as an adult, it seems very likely it is him. However, I'm glad you included the Garo thing there. The Garo Ninjas are undead according to their speeches, so if it is the soldier, he's most likely been cursed by Ganondorf as an undead.


The Blue Bomber!
Sep 19, 2009
Ganon's Tower
It is possible that the guard is the poe collector. Such as the Hyrule citiziens being cursed so they aren't who they really are. (Being a soul collector)

Lord Liam

First off, I'd like to say that this you have some really good theories on the Poe salesman, and while I can't really prove any of them right, I can prove one of them wrong.

When Link is an adult, the old man Shikashi can be found around Kakariko Village. He tells him about a man with an eye that could "see the truth". Link eventually retrieves the Lens of Truth, a Sheikah item that allows him to see the truth, from the Bottom of the Well. It is generally accepted that the unnamed character's truth-seeing eye is the Lens of Truth, but it is also possible that he had a real eye that could see the truth. The bright light found in the face of the Poe Salesman could be an eye. It could be possible that the Poe Salesman is the unnamed character, as Shikashi remarks that he long since died.

The weilder of the Lens of Truth is actually Bongo Bongo, boss of the Shadow Temple. Bongo Bongo is a shapeshifter, and when he was found stealing the Lens of Truth (It hasn't been confirmed from where yet) his house was burned down, and his hands were chopped off, as well as his head. The well was built ontop of the ashes of his old house, and they sealed his spirit there, along with the Lens of Truth.

So, it is not the Poe Salesman who could see the truth, but probably the Guard from when you were a kid.


I'm back!!
Must I point out something?
The guard inside the house never says he is interested in ghosts, he just says he would like the world to have more problems so he wouldn't be so bored.

Also, there isn't any evidence that the child at the graveyard became the Poe Salesman, he probably left the graveyard when Ganondorf filled it with poes.

Finally, the man who created the lens of Truth is Bongo Bongo, so the Poe Salesman probaly is a random sadistic guy who likes ghosts and that stuff.

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