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The Most You've Spend on a Video Game


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
My two largest purchases came into fruition mainly because of the Season Pass, so I will not count those. (Ninja Storm 4 Limited Edition and Gears: Judgment; the latter was not worth it, if I do say so myself.) As a standalone entry, Halo 4 cost me the most at around 65 dollars. Even though I never fully immersed myself into the game, I don't regret the purchase.

I almost feel like a fool after reading this thread, with many of you taking a more frugal approach to gaming expenditures! I probably should return to such a mindset! :cooky:
Dec 16, 2014
Milwaukee WI
half centaur
I'm not sure this counts since it's not just a game, but I bought a $100 PSP TV for my PSP1000 so I could p lay Tekken 5 DR on my PSP with a controller on a TV. Had to completely dismantle the PSP and wire/put it together myself. Certainly not a ton of money but a decent amount with a big amount of effort tied to it. This was long before PSP 2000 came out with TV output, and the PS3 version of DR as well (was in arcades only).



Kylo Ken

I will finish what Spyro started
Aug 10, 2011
Resident Evil HD collection. Code Veronica X, 4, 5, and 6 for 90 bucks. Pretty good deal, right?


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
The most I spent was on Resident Evil 6. I bought the Archives Edition on 360 which came with RE4, CVX, 5, 6, and the Degeneration film. I also bought the Anthology Edition on PS3 the very same day which came with RE director's cut, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Both of them were 90 dollars each so in total I spent 180.
This might not count but probably wind waker hd.

Not only did I buy the game but I bought a new hd tv and a wiiU just so that I could play it, it ended up nearer the four figure mark by the end...

If that doesn't count though, I payed £70 for Project Zero 5 on wiiU, special version :)


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
so I'm ready to admit this...

my most paid game is now Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, sitting at around $75-ish
I guarantee this'll be the last I ever spend above retail price for a game, and I sure hope nothing will surpass this

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