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The Member Fact Game

Din Akera

Jan 27, 2010
My own little world
I asked you what your super power would be (in truth or dare) and you said control others minds, like king of the world. That's what it means.

uh... has several names he goes by on the forum
Aug 18, 2009
I asked you what your super power would be (in truth or dare) and you said control others minds, like king of the world. That's what it means.

uh... has several names he goes by on the forum

Oh, now I get it. I thought you meant the powers I summon to deal damage to that 50 word count rule. :P

She wants anyone to call her Din.

--Edit--Just ninjad me. (Shadsie) lol Oh, and do explain. ^^


Sage of Tales
Has a scary armored guy in his sig.

(I work at a barn/horse ranch. The horses kept there are show horses and hunting horses. Don't worry - in our area foxes aren't considered pests and are good for rodent control so the hunters don't kill them - they just chase them around - an excuse for people to ride their horses around the countryside. Sadly, I do not get to ride any of the horses - I just clean up their poo, but it's a job I enjoy a lot more than retail or anything else "normal").

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