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Game Thread The Mask Festival

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Hazian approached cautiously. Just because this was a festival didn't mean trouble couldn't occur. Ganondorf was proof enough of that.
The Salesman said,
"A Mask to bask in. Beneath the veil we shed the shackles, welcome to the festival."

The way he spoke took some getting use to for those who did not live in Termina.

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Hazian examined his collection carefully.
Among the masks shimmered one with a white hair line, eyes as bright at pearls, and markings on the face, one was blue crecent at the forehead and four stripes of blood on the cheeks.
"The Deity therein dwell to smite the gates of hell."

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Dawn of the Third Day, 29 days Remain
Walking among the crowds was a figure in dark gray fur, one eye covered in a patch, his snout pointing as he went, his jacket burgundy and swaying like his belt that had a blaster holstered. In the crowd a Blue crested feathered figure drew his blaster, "Wolf! Draw!"
Turning the Eye Patched Minion of Andross said,
"So its McCloud's best bird.. tell me, what does a bird do when you clip its wings?"
He reached for his blaster handle slung at his side, the crowds broke to allow some space.
Falco squinted, his yellow beak opening as he said,
"Tell me Andross' Pet.. if I aim for your other eye, what will you do blind?!"
As the two began to draw, Clocktown Guards surrounded in their plate mail, their helms tight. Some of them had not only steel arms, some had what appeared to be crossbows with some sort of immolated tips. Wolf eyed them as the Captain said,
"This is a festival! No shooting! Resolve your differences and disputes in the Games!"
Wolf growled as he withdrew his claw fingers from the handle of his weapon. Falco stepped away and said,
"See you in the games Star Wolf!"



He who hates the darkness and the light fears.
Oct 3, 2024
Wherever the journey takes me
Hazian saw his opportunity and slid into Ganondarf's tent. He bowed before the chief and offered the mask. Ganondorf who was in good spirits, took it and put it on. By that time Hazian had left the room, knowing he would have no problems this festival.

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Hazian saw his opportunity and slid into Ganondarf's tent. He bowed before the chief and offered the mask. Ganondorf who was in good spirits, took it and put it on. By that time Hazian had left the room, knowing he would have no problems this festival.
Ganon who donned the mask, now had skull with horns of bone that rose like the edges of scythes. The Fortune Teller offered the box to him.
"The Masku.. it is ready my King.."

The Phantom Ganon's eyes burned yellow.

Prince Reaper

Twilight General
ZD Champion
Apr 5, 2024
The Twilight Realm
The Gerudo Gypsie was blushing more now that another Voi had complimented her looks. She had two Hylians showing interest in what Ashai called love.
"I shall be careful.. I hope Ganondorf avoids my booth.. may these talismans protect me!"

Turning to Ventara, she smiled and said, "My name is Neera. May I ask your namesake?"
She found his demeanor beguiling. She wondered if the fluttering of her heart was normal.

The Happy Mask Salesman was opening his booth and lines of people were trying to get theirs. One a fox mask, another bunny, and one even was Gerudo. Seeing Hazian, the Happy Mask Salesman waved his hand, bidding him approach.
*Roun approached the Happy Mask Salesman*
"Happy Mask Salesman, so we meet again what is your plot or as you'd preferer what are you doing back in termina?" Roun asked

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
*Roun approached the Happy Mask Salesman*
"Happy Mask Salesman, so we meet again what is your plot or as you'd preferer what are you doing back in termina?" Roun asked
Handing a mask to a child, The Salesman said,
"The Host who gives the toast am I. With these masks I offer a cask, a time to drink as adventure is on the brink."

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