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The Legend of Zelda: Underworld

Daku Rinku

On Break (Will Not Be Online for Now)
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Ashai’s Classroom

The realm of Termina has become a haven for Oni (demons) that now terrorize the inhabitants. Seeking aid, The Kami known as the Fierce Deity had been summoned, and he will need help to rescue Termina from the monsters that plague it.

~Draws major inspiration from Inuyasha~


The Kami (God) -Feirce Deity Link

The Megami (Goddess) -Zelda

Hadesu Oni Heika (Hades The Demon King) -Ganon

The Masuku -Majora, Right Hand of Demon King

The Daku -Dark Link, Left Hand of the Demon King

The Towairaito Megami (Twilight Goddess) -Midna

The Fantomu -Phantom Ganon

The Hiro (Hero) -Link

All Majora Mask, Twilight Princess, and Tears of the Kingdom characters are playable.
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Daku Rinku

On Break (Will Not Be Online for Now)
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Ashai’s Classroom
Is it possible that we are heading towards a cataclysm that cannot be stopped? Termina was saved from The Falling Moon and now The Gates of Hades has been unleashed upon it…

In the Woods outside Clock Town a figure in a white hood runs carrying a satchel as creatures gave chase. The demons manifested as serpents that swam in the wind as if ships in the sea. The Cloaked One came to the threshold of gorge, and there the serpents of fire red and orange circled as they growled, the figure stood at the edge of the treeline overlooking a cliffside and said,
“Kami.. Kami..”

Tossing off the satchel to reveal a mask with pointed ears, tan skin, and white hair, the figure pulled it over their face, and fell on their knees as the serpents oni grew greater and became as great cedars in size as they descended to attack. White and purple light beamed out of the mask as the Shrouded One screamed, and then a great bubble of white light rose up into dome that made the demons recoil and standing where the short figure was now a titan in silver armor, his breast painted with golden crescent moon and circle, his eyes white as the hottest fires, his hair as snow, and his forehead marked with four blades of blood curved as teeth and on his forehead a creat of blue. He held out a great helix sword of emerald and and squinted at a oni drake that curled and came near, he swung the massive blade, tearing the spirit apart and swept in a circle with such fierceness that he caused a whirlwind to throw three more serpents into a tree, which he pinned with the tip of his blade, skewering them.

The First God has come.. and the Demons tremble.
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Daku Rinku

On Break (Will Not Be Online for Now)
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Ashai’s Classroom
Some plot points:

The Oni/ Demon King, Ganon, is going to release hades on Termina.

The Gods/Goddesses and Hero are trying to stop him and his Demons.

There will be a reveal soon, two sons of the Demon King.

King Link

The Hero of the Kingdom
Jun 16, 2024
The Great Sky Island
In a tent a bard was preparing himself to tell his alloyed tale to the one known only as the Daku. He had just finished praying to Nayru when a bright flash of pure white light appeared. Out of the flash a blond woman appeared she had wise green eyes and she flickered between having gem like horns and not.

“ Who are you? “ cried the bard.

“ I am the 2nd of the gods to enter these bloodstained lands.” Replied the Goddess.
“ Tell your master the second has come. “

Daku Rinku

On Break (Will Not Be Online for Now)
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Ashai’s Classroom
In a tent a bard was preparing himself to tell his alloyed tale to the one known only as the Daku. He had just finished praying to Nayru when a bright flash of pure white light appeared. Out of the flash a blond woman appeared she had wise green eyes and she flickered between having gem like horns and not.

“ Who are you? “ cried the bard.

“ I am the 2nd of the gods to enter these bloodstained lands.” Replied the Goddess.
“ Tell your master the second has come. “
Daku in his dark black robes sat at table, the oak riddled with marks and rings of the tree it was cut from. A black saucer of Sake he held and drank as a bard told his tale. The Dark Son on his seat was then stirred from his stupor as lightning seemed to flash and Woman appeared of singular beauty, her horns appearing and fading away.

She was addressing the Bard when Daku directing his glowing garnet eyes at her.

“There is only One Master in these lands Goddess.. The Demon King, and you are too late..”

Downing another black cup of Sake, he rose, his fangs bearing as he stuck out his tongue and ran his index and middle finger around it.

“This world is a lost cause, go back to your Sacred Realm.”

Daku drew a glowing curved blade, it swirled with what appeared to be blood circling the edge and back edge.

*Majora Arose from the rubble of the moon*
"I'm back... For revenge Deity... Find me if you can"
*Majora Grinned and laughed a cold, dark, vengeful, laugh.*
Kami felt a familiar presence and began to walk towards the threshold of Clock Town. He felt the swirling tunnels that the demons used to travel across in the astral plane. Opening his own portal of purple and white light, he disappeared into it.
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Daku Rinku

On Break (Will Not Be Online for Now)
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Ashai’s Classroom
Name: Phaedra
Gender: Female
Species: Hylian / Sheikah
Height: 6’3”
Weignt: 39kg
Phaedra was once head of the Sheikah until she betrayed them in order to save Daku. Her bond with the Demon Half Breed was considred grounds for her exile to Termina. She now uses her knowledge of Zonai magics and tech to serve The Demon King and protect her husband.


Daku drawing his blade with blood of rite was ready to assail Zelda when emerging at the sound of gong was a woman clade in black and gilded Kimono who began to slowly walk as she held a Sheikashi handle side on her neck. Her skin was smooth as albaster, and her hair white as snow. Her eyes were gray and had pupils of deep crimson.

She shuffled in her ornate dress tell she came between the goddess and the Half Demon.

“It is unwise to tilt with a god.. husband.”

Daku turning to her, great blooms of pink flowing in the air, creating a barrier between them and Zelda. The Half Demon drew closer to her, “This habit of yours.. wife, it growing irritating. You do not have to come to my aid so oft.”

Turning she looked at the Dark Caped Warrior with his eyes aglow like flames of deepest garnet.
“We must away, The Demon King must know that the gods have come.. and I prefer not to bury you this day my love. You are strong, and soon will be strong enough to fell any god.. but I beg you to show patience and heed my council.”

She lowered her head as she placed her fist in her left palm. Her entreaty moved Daku as he drew near, and said,
“I have never heard you speak thus.. alright, I will honor your wish my dearest.”

He too her fist out of her other hand and kissed it, and sheathed his scrimitar like a fang beneath a lip.

The two then walked away from the wall of blossoms, and a gateway opened as a gong chimed.
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Daku Rinku

On Break (Will Not Be Online for Now)
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Ashai’s Classroom
Daku and Phaedra arrived at mountains of Termina, beyond it a necropolis buildings silent as graves. In the sky a great ribbon of red lights arched and descended upon a great tower. As they crossed a bridge of shadow stone, Stalfos and demons stirred as The Prince and His Bride made there way to the Source, there at two great gray doors with round medallions of obisidian steel that were molded into spikes.

Taking Phaedra’s hand, Daku kissed her palm as he looked her in the eyes. Phaedra placed her soft hand on his cheek.
“Go my love.. tell our king of what has come..”

Daku kissed her palm oncd more as the great doors were drawn back, and two Poes with lanterns cackled as they lead the way with their lanterns. There in center of the Great Fortress a figure bathed in fire with eyes of blood. Daku drew closer and then knelt.

You stink of Saki..”

The voice was deep and guttural.

Daku looked up to the towering figure of a Man with side burns and hair ablaze and skin dark as molten rock.

Daku spoke up,
My King.. the gods have come, I have seen one with my own eye.”

The Demon King snarled,
I know.. my gaze is everywhere. I saw you had not the strength to confront the Megakami..

The voice was as a dagger that cut at Daku.

You are weak like your mother.. and unworthy of leading my legions! So I shall send you to find one suitable for the task.. The Hiro.”

Daku protested,
“Father! He is our enemy!”

Daku was levitated up as flame like serpents coiled around him, burning his body.

Go and summon him! I have no confidence in you..”

Daku fell to his knees, smoking.
“Yes.. my King.”

The Prince staggered out the great doors where Phaedra grabbed him from falling. She saw the charred marks on him.
“Daku! Are you alright? You are burned!”

He looked at her with hollowness on his eyes,
“He has commanded I seek out his Heir..”

Phae kissed him on the cheek and neck as she held him in her arms, m
“That is you!”

Daku shook his head,
“No.. He means another.”


A Young Man in a half toga of turquoise over his exposed toeso swept his hand at a demon and blasted it with topaz light that burned the serpent. Around him villagers cheered, as the worm demon fell down in the square before the long blond haired Hero,
“Rinku! Rinku! Rinku!”
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