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Game Thread The Legend of Zelda: Blossoms of Shadow

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Rinku, Zeruda, and Ganon argued over these matters when there was loud rumble, great black clouds and thunder on the horizon.
Ganon gasped,
“Impossible.. the desert has not known rain in an age..”

Zeruda looked at the storm clouds and said,
“There is no time to mourn.. we must away to Eldin and stop this Demise.”

Link sighed,
“Goodbye for now Daku..”

Nabooru asked him,
“Why do you say for now?”

Rinku replied,
“My brother has died before.. and he can only truly perish if I do.”

Nabooru’s eyes got big.
“Then that means.. he is alive?!”

Zeruda responded,
“Somewhere.. I encountered him on Zant’s Island.”

Ganon interrupted,
“That is why I made him a Daiymo.. alas we must make for Eldin where my Phantom summons our Demise.”

Zeruda began to open the gateway. Rinku, Ganon, Nabooru and her all transported in a great white light.


Midna and Yuri with the Twili rested, when they heard the crackle of lighting and clouds of shadow heading north. Midna felt it..
“Something is coming.. a nameless fear.. we must not run from it.”
Yuri replied,
“I am with you my Queen!”
Midna turned and gave a amirk with her plum lips. The Twilight Queen, The Yiga, and The Twili marched towards the North, as they did pouring out of Hyrule Castle was an army, at the head of it was Rauru in his monk robes that met Midna.
“The Twilight Queen! You have come no doubt at this turn in the tide.”
She nodded,
“Sage of Light.. indeed, I have come to help fight this Nameless Evil.”

Rauru nodded,
“He had a name Milady.. Demise, The Demon King.”

Midna touched her bottom lip with her long fingernail.
“I thought he was a legend..”

Rauru steadied his stead,
“I am afraid not.. we should combine our forces to fight his army. I only pray The Golden Goddesses are with us and our heroee will wield their power to stop him.”

Midna nodded, her ruby with metal knots swaying on her forehead,
“Agreed, let Twilight and Light drive out darkness.”

The two joined together in the largest army Hyrule had ever seen. There were Gerudo mercenaries, Shieka, Zora with water suites armor that helped keep their bodies moist, and few Goron who were not native to Keldin, but had made Hyrule their home.


Zeruda, Ganon, Rinku and Nabooru came out of the rings of light and landed on volcanic rock, before them was the great Death Mountain which was smoking, the ground shaking, The Princess of Hyruke gasped,
“An Eruption! He must be in the Mountain.”

Ganon rushed towards it, Zerusa gave chase too, Rinku as well his Hylian Shield and Sword clanging as he followed, Nabooru outrunning him to run beside Zeruda.,

Inside The Mountain of Fire, Phantom Ganon held up the sword of Demise, and chanted,
“Come forth Demon King! Give us a glorious Demise!”

The black cloud swirled as bolts of lightning went down the mouth of the Volcano, striking the blade that made the Phantom fall off the cliff into a pit of lava below, more bolts striking cauldron of magma as he sank with the sword.

Ganon entered a great arched opening and looked inside, Zeruda, Nabooru, and Rinku reaching it after, all of them panting.

Ganon shouted,
“He is here! I felt him!”

The pit of Lava began to rise, Ganon backing up,
“Get back! To the enterance! Quick!”

They all dashed as lava ruse up the flute and exploded put of the top, Ganon, Zeruda, Rinku, and Nabooru watching as a figure rose up in the air bathed in flame, a great hole of shadow opened and great clouds of shadow fell like blosooms on the molten being that cried out:

Forming was great locks of hair made of flame, and the shadow blosooms made a kimono of black with robes as the Great Demon King levitated.

Ganon gasped,
“He has returned..”

“By Hylia.. we have failed!”

Rinku coughed on the fumes.

Nabooru shuddered,
“Are we doomed?”

Demise held out his hands, great chains rustled that hung as a belt as his eyes looked down upon the figures below, he recognized them,
“Goddess Hylia.. The Hero.. and..”
He floated down to them, looking intently at Ganon,
“The blood of my Curse..”

Ganon made a fist,
“You have doomed us to this cycle of endless conflict.. no more! I will end this!”

He winded up his fist with a great flame, the Triforce of Power shining on it as he punched, Demise raising his hand to catch it, Ganon gasping as his momentum of punching kept going, the ground shaking.

“Hahaha.. fool.. you do not understand.. my return has left you weakened.. the curse is no more.. which means your power is gone!”

He crushed Ganon’s hand who cried out, shattering the Triforce shard, and making him fall on his knee.

Zelda conjured a beam of light that she fired at Demise, it bounced off him and exploded causing a rock slide. Rinku charged with his Master Sword and thrusted, the blade stopped by a Demise’s hand cuasing friction that threw The Hero of Time back and tumbling down a slope. Nabooru lunged and bore down with her scrimitar, using his forearm to block, The Demon King snapped it in two, making the Gerudo Chieftan stare in horror.

Demise then threw Ganon into the air on his back.
“You are no match for my power.. there will be no stopping The Blossom of Shadows!”

As he levitated, storm clouds began to caste the whole realm into a darkness, the sun blocked out from Keldin to Hyrule to Zora Domain and Gerudo Valley.

All was bathed in eternal darkness…

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Zeruda crawled on the ground towards Rinku,
“Are you alright?”

The Hero of Time got gasped and said,
“Aye.. what of Ganon?”

They heard a groan, they made there way to where great Gerudo lay, her hand shattered.

Rinku tried to rrach for his hand with some wrapping he ripped from his tunic, Ganon lashing out,
“Do not touch it! Leave it be!”

Zeruda drew near,
“My King.. let me.. please I have the power..”

Ganon relented as she softly took it and with her hand called forth her power, a great white light surrounding his fist as he groaned, Rinku holding his other arm steady.
When the light faded Zelda collapsed, Nabooru catching her and Rinku coming to her side,
“I feel dizzy.. and weak.. what is happening?”

Ganon replied,
“He mentioned my power was dininished.. perhaps yours as well.. and you Rinku.. The Triforce seems to have lost its potency..”

Rinku looked at his Once Enemy,
“How are we to defeat him if that is so?”

Ganon sighed,
“He may not be defeatable.. in that case we truly are doomed..”

Zeruda winced,
“No.. we must not give up.. there has to be a way..”

Rinku looked as a tear if blood went down her cheek.
“Something is wrong! We have to get her to a great fairy or something!”

Ganon sighed,
“Better make haste.. if our powers are fading.. it is possible all magic mat be effected.. come!”

They descended Death Mountain and came a pass where they saw a great army approaching, they ran to the dry field and waved. Midna and Rauru approached on Horesback, and saw the condition of Zeruda.

“By the gods.. she is poorly.. we must make camp.” Said Rauru.

Ganon said,
“Hurry Sage.. our powers have faded.. and I fear soon no magic will work to mend.”

Midna dismounted as she looked at Rinku, he then looked at her as a tent was erected in great haste, inside Zeruda was laid on a cot and cold compress put on her head as Rauru chanted and used potions. Midna callee for some of her Twilight power to help, though she felt weakened by the exertion.

Outside Ganon and Rinku stood. The Hero of Time pacing as the Titan of a Gerudo sat,
“I never thought that my creation would bring forth such hell.. The Phantom was meant as minion to do my work from afar.. not do thus.. not bring this calamity..”

Rinku turned and sat beside The Former Shogun,
“Life is like a stone we caste in the pond.. the ripples unkown till they surface and turn into waves.”

Ganon nodded,
“That is well said, I had no idea you were a poet.”

Stepping out Rauru held a cloth he wrung as he approached, both The Hero of Time and Shogun stood.
“She is a little better thanks to the Twilight Magic.. alas she is asleep and unable to travel. I’m afraid we must stay put till she is well enough to take back to the castle.”

Ganon grabber a Yari and said,
“We best create a parameter and build some fortifications.. Demise will have who knows what servants.”

Rinku nodded,
“May I see her?”

Rauru gestured with his hand to tent. The Hero of Time stepped inside and saw Midna washing her hands. She turned to see him standing over The Princess of Hyrule.
“You watch over her as a faithful knight..”

Link turned,
“We had some bad blood seperate us for a time.. I wish I had not allowed that to harm our friendship.”

Midna drew close in the light,
“You do not love her?”

His blue eyes fixed on her red ones, and he said,
“There was a time I did.. that seems so long ago now.”

Midna smirked,
“You hold her responsible for the crimes of her father and ancestors?”

Rinku shook his head,
“No.. I see now she is nothing like them.. what hurt me more was fighting for a crown.. a kingdom that was no better.. worse even than The Shogunate.”

Midna chuckled,
“Oh Rinku.. how short sighted you are.. desperation, good intentions, and bad lots in life have the capacity to make the finest soul grow cold and do unspeakable ills.”

Rinku nodded,
“I know.. I have always had privilege of making easier choices.. fight the darkness.. battle whatever monster the Powers drop into this world.. I never had to have the courage she has.. to make hard choices.. to rule.”

Midna gave a nod,
“To rule.. to take the fates of many and weight them in the balance of your choices is a heavy burden.. to bear alone. She deserves a partner in this.. you have to decide if that is you or someone else..”

Rinku nodded,
“I know who it ought to be.. funny how I fought it for so many cycles.. she even bidding me to do so..”

Outside Ganon was taking wood stakes and making walls and filling pits with them. He was channeling his energy and frustrations, building a defense against what he knew would come…

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023

Near the flames of Eldin.. a dark bubbling tar pit began to stir as if something was swimming beneath the surface. Reaching out of the ink pool was a hand and a that grabbed at the edge of the pit and pulled, rising up was a figure deformed in a thick sheet of blackness that fell in falls as it fell on the ground.

There a heart beat broke the silence so loud that the arms and legs began to crawl the hill leaving a trail of oil as it came to a boot that stopped its ascent, long hair as flames hung above as a figure towered over the tarred one.

Snapping his fingere and all the oil blew off the being to reveal white locls, red eyes, and tunic of ebony black.

“Who are you?” Asked The Demon King.

Daku voided pil from his throat and said,
“The Damned..”

Demise eyed him,
“Then welcome..”

The Demon King levitated the Daiymo to his feet and examined him.
“You bare a remarkable resemblance.. for that I should snap you like a twig..”

Daku felt his windpipe close, as Demise hand shifted in strange movement to squeeze it.,
Daku did not struggle.

“You do not fear death.. you welcome it..”

Daku gave a nod, to which Demise loosened his grip.
“You have the scent of the gods.. why have they sent you?”

Daku whispered,

Demise raised his brow,
“Being cryptic with me is a grave mistake..”

Daku replied,
“I have come for one purpose..”

Demise tilted his head.

“To kill a Hero..”

The Demon King squinted as he released his grip of his tracea.
“I do not need aid in what is to come..”

Daku stepped forward,
“I am only here for the Hero.. then I will be free of this misery.. this dreadful dream called life..”

Demise turned,
“You are link to this petulant paladin?”

Daku gave a nod,
“If he dies.. so will I..”

Demise fixed bis burning eyes on Daku,
“Ouroboros.. I will call you that.. since you trapped in rebirth.. and bent on your self destruction.”

Daku bowed his head.

Demise looked down at the camp,
“You shall have your prize.. eternal death.. first you will serve my purpose.. the Blossom of Shadows..”
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Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Ganon had barely gotten the stakes in place when rearing on a black stead was a figure in a tan cloak with a hood, a metal visor peering out as he leapt over the half pillars of spikes thrusting a Yari into a Guard, the Horseman drew an Odachi (long Katana), cut at more Samurai who were holding their ground around the tent.

Rinku exited the tent into this tempest and drew his Master Sword which caught a wide slash from Odachi, nearing knocking The Hero of Time over. The Dark Stead was neighing loudly as the Hood Figure swept its long blade to find purchase in another guard. Ganon leapt ad with fist wound it up strike, but it missed and hoofs hit him in the head as he was trampled a little. Yuri swung her sickle chain weapon at The Dark Rider who grabbed it and pulled,
“Oh no!”
She said as she was dragged, she let go of the chain but it caught around her leg and she let out a scream as she was taken away. Rinku tried to prusue on foot, but he was no match in speed; The Dark Rider leapt over the spikes, and Yuri smashed into the two pillars and was squeezed through. Being drag up to Keldin, she moaning in pain as the Dark Rider stopped and stepped off his mount, his spurs ringing as he walked, his hood sweeping dowmm as he reached for her with his black glove and she passed out of consciousness.

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Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Rinku returned inside the tent where Midna stood over a sleeping Zeruda. The Twilight Queen looking at him said,
“You look troubled.. I heard a great commotion outside”

The Hero of Time drew closer and said after swallowing,
“We were attacked.. Yuri has been taken captive.”

Midna sighed as she walked around The Princess of Hyrule.
“Surly you will pursue till she rescued.”

Rinku nodded,

Midna read his face,
“You suspect something.. a trap?”

Rinku gave a nod,
“I have no choice.. I must save her.. though the cost could mean we will not defeat Demise.. Ganon said all three Triforce shards are needed ro seal him..”

Midna interjected,
“You think this is a plan to neutralize one piece and so then the curse can never be ended.. to go then is to risk everything..”

Rinku went and took Zeruda’s hand, and knelt down,
“There is only one way to ensure The Demon King does not succeed..”

Hours later..

Rinku climbed the cliffs of Eldin, the great heat making him perspire as he wore his red Goron tunic. He followed a trail of black hoof prints and then boot prints, till he came to a great peak where he saw a figure clade in black with a hood, he rose and said,
“Well.. so you came after all..so.. predictable”

Rinku drew his Master Sword
“What do you have nine lives brother?”

Daku drew black his hood and smirked,
“You knew me.. and still you rode?” (Edward The Black Prince, A Knight’s Tale).

Rinku threw his Hylian shield on the ground, taking his sword in both hands.
“Where is Yuri?”

Daku with red eyes looked over the edge,
“Oh.. hanging around..”

Rinku coukd hear a chain rustling against rock, and he looked over to see her hanging from her weapon above a open halo of magma.

“This is the end my brother.. for both of us..” said Daku.

The Mountain of Death grumbled,
Daku cackling,
“How fitting! Death Mountain agrees!”

Rinku pointer his tip at his brother,
“What has Demise promised you?”

Daku circled without drawing his blade yet,
“An end to all this.. this miserable cycle of death and rebirth.. I have grow weary of it.. have not you?”

Rinku shook his head,
“Demise subjected us to this circle of conflict.. he is not the one who can end it..”

Daku drew his Darkmaster,
“We shall see..”

The Two Brothers crossed blades, and then or began, their steel sweeping around it other as edge met edge and filled the sir with the clang of combat. Daku using one hand beat at Rinku’s blade with a fury that nearly snapped the weapon. Rinku took it and did parries, one cut came close enough to Daku’s eye, cutting the nose.

Daku paused a moment,
“Not bad brother.. tell me.. after all we have seen.. all that has happened.. why do you fight? Yoy saw for yourself that Hyrule is corrupt and as evil as The Shogun was.. why draw your blade for either side? Why not let Demise punish all for their crimes..”

Rinku held his blade in a high guard,
“I fight for the good that remains.. the little shards I see in people.. in the deeds of ordinary and extraordinary folk.. even you.. Darkness believes it has the last word.. I see candles brother.. and I will supply the wax and trim the wicks even if it means my light goes out in the end..”

Daku drew his blade in a over shoulder cut and shouted,
“Fool! There is no light in me! All shall go out and there will be nothing!”

Daku drove his blade in a thrust with such ferocity that Rinku leapt off the cliff top and seeing Yuri he angled in his roll to grab her chain. Daku went off and fell, Rinku kicked the cliff wall and swung to catch him, The Hero of Time holding on to Daku’s hand, Yuri was still unconscious. The Hero helped his brother to cliff wall and he then climbed and pulled up the chain, hoisting her body to the top. Rinku then reached for Daku to help him up, offering his hand, Daku took it and drew a knife thrusting it up into his chest cavity.. Rinku spat some rose water, as he helped his brothee up into a embrace.
“Its over..” said Daku.

Yuri stirred in that moment and saw them hugging and rosewater descending Rinku.
Daku lifted his brother’s hand and did not see the Triforce of Courage,
“Wait.. what?!”

Rinku looked at him as he pushed him back to edge.
“I give you your wish.. and yet you will not extinguish the brightest candle of all..”

With that they both fell over, Yuri lifting her hand and gasping.

Back at the Tent, Midna held her hand out with a triangle on it, as a tear descended her cheek.
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Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Ganon felt it, he nearly toppled over as he saw a great beam of ligjt and swirl of shadow rise over Death Mountain to the Heavens. Running towards the camp was Yuri with tear stained cheeks, she was draghing her chain weapon when she collapsed and Ganon caught her.
“What has happened?!” Asked The Former Demon King.

Yuri shouted,
“He’s gone! He’s truly gone! Rinku is dead!”

Ganon held her his eyes conveying a stunner expression. For many cycles they had fought, and he had hated the Hero of Time, and yet now with him gone he felt a sense of loss he did not understand. Was it possible his for had brought meaning to his life? And now without him, how was The Shogun to keep his wit and sword sharp? The grief the Gerudo King felt was beyond anything he had anticipated and helping Yuri to a place to test, he began to beat his mighty jade colorer fist in a post as he cried out in anger.

Inside the tent, Midna stood solemn, she had felt the souks of Rinku and Daku leave their clay to head to The Sacred and Twilight Realms respectively. It was at this moment Zeruda opened her eyes, those soft green ones as she raised up in her long blond hair.
“What.. where Am I?”

Midna tended to her Highness,
“We are near Keldin.. Demise has beaten us back with his power.. and..”

Yuri opened the tent, and fell at Zeruda’s feet weeping.
Zelda placing her hand on The Yiga’s white locks said,
“Yuri.. why are you so forlorn? What has happened?”

Yuri looked up with eyes like little pools of water and said,
“He’s gone.. My Lady.. Rinku is no more.”

Zeruda looked over at Midna in disbelief, who gave a nod that what The Yiga was saying was true.
Zeruda got up from her cot and wobbled,
“Where.. where is his body? I can..”

Yuri shook her head.
“It fell in fire.. there is no body..”

Zeruda stumbled, as tears began to descend her white cheeks, Midna helping brace her and hold her.

The Requiem of Rinku had begun.. Ganon splintering posts outside and the Three Ladies all weeping together in the tent.

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Outside the tent a great pyre burned as all stood around it. The Night sky was clouded by the Darkness of Demise, no stars could be seen. Yuri held up a green cap, and passed it to Zeruda, who took it and stained it with her tears. Midna drew near and placed her light turquoise hand on The Princess’ naked shoulder.

No one had words, Ganon took a wineskin of Noble Prusuit and took a big swig. His eyes full of rage as he watched the orange flames dance. Yuri was in tears as well when she said softly,
“Poor Blue Eyes..”

There was a hope that this was only an interim, that Rinku would rise again as he did in The Shadow Temple. After all his Shadow, Daku, had come back multiple times. Alas this time both perished, and there was a certainty in their hearts that this truly was the end of the brothers. Even The Fierce Deity had disappeared, perhaps returning to Termina. One by one the heroes were leaving, and now an enemy, Ganon, was on their side, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” (Arab Proverb).

They all watched the fire, as if in a trance, tears falling as they each recalled memories of The Hero of Time in their minds. Zeruda felt such sorrow she never got to mend things between them, and that now they might never get a chance too…

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Demise stood on Death Mountain, her flaming hair swaying with the circle of clouds like crown over head head that hung upon the mountain. He peered down at the camp on his threshold, and held out his hand, rising out of dark arch of the volcano was legiond of Moblins and Bokobilins.

“The time for eternal darkness has come.. and hope to be lost..”

With that he unleashedca great burst of flame that struck the spikes of wood and immolating them like kindling made Ganon stir, Zeruda, Midna, Yuri and the Combined Forces of Hyrule and The Gerudo. The Goblins stormed the walls. Some trap doore made them fall into pits of wood stakes, Ganon drew a Gerudo Scrimitar and with his right hand smote the Moblin with his fist. The Goblin falling to the ground as he cut his neck in twain. Midna formed a trident of white light she threw at pair of Bokoblins who were thrown into the air. Zeruda drew her Etoc and dipped the thin tip into a Goblin, she flexed it like a stingwe as she thrusted.

The assault made the armies of Hylians and Gerudo form a sea of souls that beat at the sorties of Demise’s skirmishers. The Demon King levitated in front of his Mountain came to the great hole in the peak and with bis flaming hair he descended in and there was a great eruption. Magma spewed forth in great balls of flame that felp as if catapulted by trebechets. Hordes of Hylian Bushi were engulfed in the rocks of fire, Demise rose out of the great smoke as lava trails arched down like fingers at the camp. The Goblins had been a diversion, his true weapons was earth and fire, Din’s great power seemed to favor him.
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Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Ganon seeing The Dmeon King floating charged oast some Stalfos, he began to rise up the slopee to Death Mountain. Yuri swung her chain weapon to knock down some Boko, tangling them when she saw Ganondorufu run towards Demise.
“Ganon wait!”

The Yiga did a somersault and gave chase. She had sickle blade in hand.

Zeruda and Midna were back to back, using their Light and Twilight powers to shield the armies from rock debris and fire. It was draining, alas proximity to one another, Courage and Wisdom, made them stronger.

At Death Mountain, Demise watched as his mountain of fite heaped death on the amies below, and then he saw The Gerudo King standing below him, armed with steel. The Demon King descended and smirked.
“You should be aiding me.. you are the Seed of my wrath.. wrought in my curse to bring destruction on this world..”

Ganon held his sword ready,
“I tire of your games.. of this cycle you doomed us to! I had to relive being a monster! Derided! Dejected! Demonized all due to you!”

Demise chuckled sinisterly,
“You would not exist if not for my Curse..”

Ganon drew to sword reach and said,
“Your words are twisted.. I would have been a happy Gerudo in my lands content to live with my people.. instead of trapped in this cycle of death and rebirth!”

Demise drew her Corrupted Master Sword with its jaggid edges, He swung his blade and it snappee the Gerudo steel in half.
“Your power is nothing compared to mine! When I finish with this world, I wil ascend to Sacred Realm and take my place as the only God! The blood of deities will stream from the heavens blanketing this desolate realm!”

Ganon looked at his hand that glowed, a lava flow passed between them and riding on it, was The Master Sword. It stopper and the lava began to cool black with little veins of orange. Ganon walked over to the weapon.
“goddesses.. hear me.. The Hero to whom the blade belongs is no more.. strengthen mt hand to wield it or this Demon will come to your doorstep.. I ask you Din to help me.. I wield your power no longer in my plans.. your will be done..”

The Master Sword began to glow ad it rose up, the blade lengthening and the quillions shifting to compensate. Ganon approached and drew The Master Sword which chimed, he held it with both hands and let the mirror flat of the blade reflect his face of jade green and fire orange hair.

Demise stood ready, his long hair of flames crackling as he swept his sword to create a whirlwind of flames that came at Ganon. The Gerudo King met the fires with a purple flame that extinguished them. He then swung with both hands, the legendary blade falling down on jaggid edge of Demise’s Sword. The Two Titans held in the lock up asserting their power.
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Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Demise and Ganon titled as Death Mountain spewed forth great molten rocks from its peak, which fell anew on the armies below. Ganon swung the Master Sword in a emerald green spin wave that knocked The Demon King back, who eyed His Progeny.

“You have become Son of my Wrath.. and yet even with that relic.. you are no match for the power of the end!”

He levitated up in a orange flame, and held his Great Razor spiked Master and then dashed down on Ganon who drew The Master Sword to catch it. There was a lpud rang of blades, and then Ganon gasped, saliva flinging from his mouth and his eyes trembling. The the main blade had been parried, but the spike edges like a saw had dug into his side, and with swift pull, Demise cut at the flesh as if fresh timber and Ganon fell on his back, coughing up green fluid. Yuri came running and saw The Gerudo King fallwn, she drew near and Ganon reached for her, he took his hand as Demise held his blade like wing ready to deliver a decapitation.

Yuri held his fist as the Triforce Shard of Power did glow, and he looking into her eyes as he choked her closer his eyes and he tightened his grip on her hand as the death stroke rent his head from his shoulders in a spray of peridot green that covered The Yiga with her white hair and her red eyes that looked in shock. Demise held the flat to lift her chin up,

“Your quest to give him peace was in vain.. there is nothing save The Void!”

As The Demon King removing the blade preparing his stroke, a beam of great light struck him, making him turn his attention to Zeruda who came running, her hair was cut short in mourning of the Hero of Time, and Midna caste a spear of white light. The Two Princesses unleashed a volley of bolts that made Demise beat at the beams with his sword, Yuri cradled her hand when beneath it she saw light between her fingers. A triangle of golden light shinning, Zeruda and Midna came to her sides, The Princess of Hyrule asking,
“Are you alright?”

Yuri nodded,
“Ganon.. is gone..”

Zeruda looking down saw the felled Gerudo King.
“I never thought I would fell sorrow at his defeat..”

Midna made a great disc of white light, it used it as as shield to block the molten artillery of Demise.
“We must make haste Zelda! He is growing stronger!”

Zeruda sighed,
“With Ganon gone.. what hope can there be? We needed all three shares of the Triforce to seal him.”

Yuri rose up and held her fist knuckle out to Zeruda,
“Look! He gave it to me!”

Zeruda gasped,
“You now carry Din’s Power! Quick we must stand as one!”

Demise leapt with his great black blade that now was ablaze that broke Midna Midnight Shield. Yuri threw her chain weapon around the Demon King’s neck as Zeruda blinded him with ligjt, him drawing back,

Midna called up black roots deep beneath the volcanic earth with Farore’s Power. Demise shouted,
“You cannot hold me! I am a god! I will ascend to Sacred Realm! I will cover all in darkness!”

A great wave of flame exploded in shroom around The Demon Kong that threw all three Ladies like fleshen points of a triangle around him. He drew his blade up to choose Zeruda first, when the sky broke opeen and rays of light fell on all three, Demise cut at The Princess of Hyrule but the light held the blade in place. He growled and snarled, when falling from the heavens was a pink red, green, and blue that landed in each of the three respective keepers of the Triforce.

Zeruda levitated up her hair glowing turquiose and her eyee with bluel ight as they opener, Yuri’s white locks were orange and pink flames and Midna orange hair had leaves of peridot green strewn in it.

Demise growled,
“This is my hour! The Doom of this world is mine to bring!”

Zeruda, Midna, and Yuri pointed their hands and the three pieces of the Triforce appeared as metal shard and flew digging their points into Demise on all sides as he shouted, they they began to move about him as they cut his body into pieces of white light drawing inside him as the three became one and at they touched a great ball of white light rose up from inside The Demon King as he was disintergrated into a pile of black dust that a great wind blew away.

The Golden Goddesses then rose out of Zeruda, Midna, and Yuri and their voice as one said,
“Touch as One!”

Zeruda, Midna, and Yuri from three sides came to the spinning Triforce with their hand poised to touch, each carrying in their heart the Wish as One.

As Zeruda’s white hand touched, Midna’s turquiose one touched, and Yuri pale hand touched, a great white light rose from The Triforce across the world, turning the armies of evil to ash and bathing all in light…

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023

Zeruda opened her eyes and she found herself in the courtyard of Hyrule in her traditional dress. She looking about heard the cooing of doves, that flew over the garden with green bushes and tall trees, when she saw a figure in Green Mantles. She began to follow with a slow gate, then she sprinted as she came the corner, and saw a man in forest green with a cap, long blond locks falling in bangs at his forehead.

He was petting a horse with a white mane, and reddish body, when he turned to her with his blue eyes. In them The Princess saw that warmth from before, and he held out his hand. Zeruda approaching took it and he helper her up on the saddle and then took his place in front of her. She leaned her head on his back neck as he took the reins and said,

Epona neighing took off in a shot through the white stone courtyard past well trimmed flame shaped green trees. They came to he draw bridge and then to main Hylian Plains where they rode as the sun shone in the sky above.

In The Gerudo Valley A Man with Jade Skin and reddish hair rode his black stallion beside a Gerudo Lady with his hand and hers held together and the Gerudo cheering as they threw white rose petals. Ganondorfu was now a gentle yet firm King, and all lust for power faded.

The Twilight Realm was no more, Midna and Twili now were in the Sacred Realm where her black robes were replaced with white and her crown gilded. At last The children of the Interlopers were outcasts no more.

As for Daku, as all shadows he did not return having served his purpose. Though he was not forgotten by Zeruda who saw hints of him in Rinku, as if the goddesses had fused them together in some mysterious way.
The Fierce Deity it is said returned to Termina or perhaps another world that needed aid, for Hyrule was now free of Demise’ Curse and had no need of fierceness to fight the darkness, for there was none.

Of Ashley The Witch, she finally got her wish, a world without conflict that she could enjoy peace and quiet in the Woods.

Yuri watched from Hyrule Castle as Blue Eyes and The Princess rode off, she was in purple blue of the Sheikah, all divisions of the Yiga no more. She smiled as she turned back and said,

“And they lived.. happily ever after.”


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