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Game Thread The Legend of Zelda: Blossoms of Shadow

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
*Yante reloaded his sanshakubōa fired*
Then he exclaimed, "Mostly dead is there anything you can do?"
Midna nodded her pointy hood with the metal crown that dangles on her forehead with ruby.
“Yes! She can be saved.. but we will need a mushroom from this forest, it glows yellow gold and white, csn you find it noble warrior?”

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
*Yante easily snuck around the moblin and headed upstairs to look for the mushroom, when he didn't find it he returned to the forest to continue looking*
There was a pond with water falls and something glowing yellow & white inside the waterfall. There could be heard a sweet song rising from behind the curtain of water.

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
*Yante retrieved the shroom and gave it to midna*
[No Great Fairy Visit? Lol]

Great Fairy rises up to see the mushroom taken away,
“Awww shucks.. I haven’t seen anyone in an age.” :D

Midna took the shroom and broke it down in a pot, she conjured some magic she swirled her hand which made green liquid fall into it. She then stirred it with great walnut she had gotten.
“She needs to swallow this., help me lean her head back.”

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Midna helping Yuri ingest the walnut and then said a prayer over her.
Bellum was knocking more trees over as Twili fired more bolts at the Monster.
“Now we wait..” said The Twilight Queen.

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Back at Hyrule Castle

Zelda srood back as Ganon had removed his hood. She reached for her Estoc, when Rauru with his sagely hand placed his hand against the thin blade and said,
“Princess.. he is not the enemy.”

Zelda scoffed,
“How can that be?!”

Ganon closed his hands together.
“When Daku destroyed me.. The Goddesses showed me the truth.. that we are pawns in a curse.. set long ago by a being named Demise.”

Zelda squinted,
“How do we know this is not some ruse?”

Ganon drew closer,
“I no longer possess the Triforce of Power.. as you well know. My strength is no longer as it was, thus I have placed myself in peril to come here..”

Zelda raised her estoc’s tip to his throat, Ganon leaned into point which pressed beneath his chin and orange hair.

“If you believe me to be your enemy Princess, command me, and I will gladly take my life.” (Variation of Nathan Algren’s words in The Last Samurai)

Zelda lowered her blade.
“This Demise.. if the curse is broken.. how can it be broken?”

Ganon respinded,
“Din, Nayru, and Farore must stand together to end Demise’s Curse.. all three persons possessing the Triforce shards must as One face Him.”

Zelda nodded,
“That could be a problem.. Rinku and Daku.. I got separated from both of them. Rinku no longr wants to save Hyrule.. Daku.. sigh.. he would probably join Demise..”

Ganon cracked his knuckles,
“Have faith Princess or we will be doomed to this dance for another millennia..”

Zelda sighed,
“I never thought I would say this.. what is the plan Ganon.”

Prince Reaper

Twilight General
ZD Champion
Apr 5, 2024
The Twilight Realm
Back at Hyrule Castle

Zelda srood back as Ganon had removed his hood. She reached for her Estoc, when Rauru with his sagely hand placed his hand against the thin blade and said,
“Princess.. he is not the enemy.”

Zelda scoffed,
“How can that be?!”

Ganon closed his hands together.
“When Daku destroyed me.. The Goddesses showed me the truth.. that we are pawns in a curse.. set long ago by a being named Demise.”

Zelda squinted,
“How do we know this is not some ruse?”

Ganon drew closer,
“I no longer possess the Triforce of Power.. as you well know. My strength is no longer as it was, thus I have placed myself in peril to come here..”

Zelda raised her estoc’s tip to his throat, Ganon leaned into point which pressed beneath his chin and orange hair.

“If you believe me to be your enemy Princess, command me, and I will gladly take my life.” (Variation of Nathan Algren’s words in The Last Samurai)

Zelda lowered her blade.
“This Demise.. if the curse is broken.. how can it be broken?”

Ganon respinded,
“Din, Nayru, and Farore must stand together to end Demise’s Curse.. all three persons possessing the Triforce shards must as One face Him.”

Zelda nodded,
“That could be a problem.. Rinku and Daku.. I got separated from both of them. Rinku no longr wants to save Hyrule.. Daku.. sigh.. he would probably join Demise..”

Ganon cracked his knuckles,
“Have faith Princess or we will be doomed to this dance for another millennia..”

Zelda sighed,
“I never thought I would say this.. what is the plan Ganon.”
(I want to yell I can help but Ganon's still Ganon)
*Ditir heard Ganon speaking but didn't believe it so he kept listening*

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
(I want to yell I can help but Ganon's still Ganon)
*Ditir heard Ganon speaking but didn't believe it so he kept listening*

Ganon replied,
“We need to find the Daku and Rinku. I shall seek out Daku.. my existence will get his attention since he killed me.. I suggest you find Link Milady..”

Zelda sighed,
“It is time I faced this..”
She called to Ditir,
“Will you help me?”

Prince Reaper

Twilight General
ZD Champion
Apr 5, 2024
The Twilight Realm
Ganon replied,
“We need to find the Daku and Rinku. I shall seek out Daku.. my existence will get his attention since he killed me.. I suggest you find Link Milady..”

Zelda sighed,
“It is time I faced this..”
She called to Ditir,
“Will you help me?”
*Ditir was startled out of his hiding spot*
How did I not feel her probing me
"Princess, Ganondorufu," Ditir greeted, "Yes I will, Ganon judging by the direction of the ship he was on he was headed to the Gerudo kingdom, are you sure you want to go there? And Zeruda Rinku is almost definitely still on the island.
"What your not leaving for a month?!?!?!?!?!?" Rinku asked, "That's what your schedule says"

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Ganon looked at the Fierce Deity, and nodded.
“It is best I speak to Daku, he will not believe I live and know what I do unless I show my face.”

Zeruda sighed,
“Back to the sea..”

Rauru spoke up,
“Milady.. may I suggest you use your powers? Since you have been to the island, you can successfully teleport there.”

Zelda nodded,
“I will this once.. I exhausted much of my power during those kidnapping days.. when Daku was serving The Shogun..” she looked at Ganon, “You.”

Raising her hands she created a field of light, rings with runes surrounded her and Ditir. They were then transported to Rito Island.

[Note to readers, I am writing Rinku/Link/Hero of Time from here on]

Rinku had just spoken with Tetra who exclaimed her intent was to remain in port a month. The Hero of Time went to the dock and rested against a wood pillar, when a light formed and appearing beneath rings that levitated luminous and sparkling of golds was Zeruda, who’s hair levitated briefly.

She saw Link who rose, his blue earings glowing from the light that dissipated. She slowly approached in her white and pink Kimono.


The Hero of Time replied,

There was a moment of silence shared between them before The Princess of Hyrule resumed speaking,
“I have come to entreat, to ask you to help my kingdom.. to help me one more time.”

Rinku sighed,
“I sail away.. find a remote island and somehow you come calling..”

Zelda drew closer,
“We have a chance to end the conflict cycle once and for all.. to bring a lasting peace.”

Rinku eyed her with his blue eyes and said,
“Is not that the promise every time I brandish this blade?”

He drew The Master Sword and tossed it at her feet.
“I am weary of it Zelda.. I told you..”

Zeruda picked up the Legendary Blade and rose holding it by the flat and handle.
“This is different.. Ganon has returned as Daku did and this time he is on our side.. there is a Curse, a being named Demise placed on us and all generations.. our only chance to put it to an end is to face Him with all shards of the Triforce.”

Rinku sighed,
“Trusting Ganon.. that is a first.. have you considered he is lying?”

Zeruda nodded,
“I have considered wverything.. do not forget I possess Nayru’s Wisdom. And if there is an ounce of truth to what he says, it is worth dying for.. to end the cycle of conflict and bring peace to our world.”

Link chuckled,
“Nice pitch.. alas I have heard it all before.”

Zelda got on a knee holding the blade up,
“I am asking you.. nay I beg you to help us this last time.. I know what my family did you cannot forgive.. alas I am not those men.. I am Zeruda Hylia! I ask you to take up your sword Knight of Hyrule! Help us defeat this great evil!”

Link turned back and approaching her he said,
“No.. I am done being a hero..”

Zeruda wept,
“We cannot prevail without Farore’s Power!”

Link held out his hand, a glowing triangle appearing on his gauntlet knuckle,
“Then take it! Cut my arm off and seize the power!”

Zeruda dropped the Master Sword and buried her eyes in her gloved hands, making them wet with tears.
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