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The Great Fairy Escape

Daku Rinku

Defender of the Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Ashai’s Classroom


The Hero of Time had saved the world and no one knew…

Navi as Link stepped from the Sanctuary of Time floated off, leaving The Lad since she had fulfilled her purpose in helping guide him. The Hero of Time felt a great sorrow fill his heart as he watched his friend disappear into the ray of light.

The Lad returning to Kokiri Forest sat in a log as tear dropped from his eyes on to moss. He had traveled through space and time, and had a great adventure. Now he was alone as before.. when he heard some laughter. The Young Link made his way to a great log that was imbedded in a great rock wall. Inside he he rollsd out on to pavers of purist white, the room itself was hewn of stone, and two great lampstands burning with a moss green flames. Before him a pool of blue sparkling water.

Reaching for the Ocarina, he pulled out one, looking at the holes, and bowing hus head he threw it in and turned to leave, a tear rolling down his eye.

Suddenly a tune began to play:

The Boy paused and turned when rising out of the water was a figure of such enchanting beauty, her hair fell in three long separate flows of pink, her skin like the mason stones of white and her breasts, and lower regions covered in ivy. She floated in air, her feet clade in brown leather boots.

“You returned!”

The Lad looked at her in awe, he remembered many great fairies in his quest, this one he had forgotten, he was ashamed to say.

“Can I heal you of any wounds?”

Link shook his head.

She looking at his downcast expression and reached out with her hand.

“You look so sad..”

Link looking up at her with his big blue eyes said,

“I lost a friend..”

The Great Fairy floated on to her side and held her head with her hand, her finger nails pink like her hair and almost glowing.

“Your friend.. was a fairy?”

Link nodded,

The Great Fairy leaning forward said,
“Navi.. I know her.”

Link suddenly felt stirred,
“Could you find her?!”

The Great Fairy rubbed her soft chin.
“Yes.. I can.”

Link raised his hand,
“Great! Let’s go!”

The Great Fairy sighed,
“I am afraid that is impossible.. I cannot leave this place.”

Link’s ears lowered like leaves about to fall.

“There has to be a way!” shouted The Little Hero of Time.

The Fairy laughed,
“There is one.. if a Man visits and takes my hand, the spell keeping me here will break.”

Link shuffled his boots.
“Uh.. I am a boy.”

The Great Fairy nodded,
“Seven years it would take.. seven long.. lonely years.”

Link held his index finger under his lip and said,
“I will be back then, I promise.”

The Great Fairy responded,
“Do not make a promise to a Fairy if you know you cannot keep it.”

Link looking at her intently said,
“I will return.”

The Young Hero made his way out of the Forest and headed to Kakariko Village, there he entered The Temple of Time, approaching the pedestal with a sword protruding out of it. The handle and crossbar were perriwinkle purple, with diamond of gold like a double sided arrowhead. Link leapt up, his hand hanging from quillions that looked like wings, he then took the handle and pivoted his boots on the pedestal to pull it pit when a great blue light swirled around him and he felt his body levitate and fall into a white pool where and great black hands swirled around churning the milk like liquid, when rising out was a figure in a green tunic and cap, and landed on a cold slab with the Master Sword in hand. He looked into the flat of the blade, his reflection startling him.

Seven years had passed.. and that meant. He rushed outside, the world much the same as it was, with people older, including him. He headed back to Kokiri Forest, and saw vined has covered the hole that lead therein. Taking his weapon he cut at them and tried to fit, but his body was too big. The irony, as a child he could enter, but could not set her free, now he could set her free and could not enter.

The Hero contemplated how to proceed, when he saw a Bomb Flower, it was as if the Golden Goddesses had sent divine intervention! Taking one, he set it at the enterance, the fuse lighting and then it exploding. It made a great crack, and yet he needed more, he returned to flower that regrew another bomb like bulb and set it in place, repeating this several times, with the sound of boom! Shaking the forest and rock. At last there was a hole large enough that he could wiggle through. Inside there was darkness, the two great lamps lomg gone out, and the water was still. Ivy grew over the Great Triforce seal.

The Adult Hero shouted,
“Hello? I have returned! I kept my promise Great Fairy.”

There was no response.

TAG: @TheFairyWithBoots

Daku Rinku

Defender of the Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Ashai’s Classroom

Link lit a fire arrow and touched the lampstands, each immolating with the orange flame. He then stepped into the pool of water, wading in it to his knees, below he felt a hole that was plugged with kelp. Taking out a spade he began to spoon it out and remove the gunk plugging the hole, when a gyser sprouted, throwing him up in the air and he flew shouting, “Ha-ret!!”

He lands on the white hewn stones in their sqaures, when the pool began to sink down the hole, Link rising to his feet quickly dashed, leaping into the maelstrom forming form smaller whirlpool, The Hero was caught in the swirl of water that took him down. He fell down what seemed a waterfall, and fell for what felt an age. Landing in dark water, he bobbed at the top of the surface and saw candles, all beeswax flicker at a stone table, which upon it was a great chrysalis, like four great peridot leaves folded together in a pod. The Hero approached and placed his hand with his leather gauntlet running up against it.

Placing his hand on the great pod he felt a beat that was faint, and closing his eyes he wished,

“O Great Fairy.. rise from your slumber and let us together break this spell.”

The beat stopped and opening his eyes The Hero lowered his head and stepped away. It was then the leaves spread open and hand with moss and ivy weaving around it grabbed at his shoulder. Turning, Link felt her skin as he took hold of her hand ans with that she sorsng from pod and began to laugh as she levitated.

“You came! I am free!”

The Hero held her hand and smiled, When the candles went out, and the ground shook. The Great Fairy looking at him, pulled the Man into her arms and flew upward. The Temple was collapsing and she using her power ascended, holding the Hero in a great glass like bottle. When they at last came to the surface, and there Link rolled out of the open glass on to the mossy ground. The Great Fairy took a step, her boots touching the earth outside the shrine for the first time. She felt the wind blow across her skin, and she leaned down to Link,

“Are you alright?”

The Hero laid on her bent knee and leg,
“I think so.. you.. are free.”

She smiled, her pink blossom like hair lapping over him as she held him tight,

“Thank you..”

Link closed his eyes and smiled as the Giant of a Lady pulled his body to her cheek.

“One last thing.. I forgot to tell you..”

Link opened his eyes,

She winked,

“We are wed.”

Link felt the air pulled out of him and he felt faint.

She laughed and said,
“Well that is how it works.. Great Fairies or Nymphs can only leave their haunt if they fall in love with a man and leave to be his wife.”

Link lost consciousness as she laughed. The Great Fairy watching over him as he slept.
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Daku Rinku

Defender of the Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Ashai’s Classroom

The Hero awoke and he saw the tops of the trees and light making the leaves luminescent. He sat his head up and saw no one, and he began to wonder if it all was a dream. Then he stood up and saw his shadow that caste on the bark of the great tree was tall and he realized it was not.

He heard a sweet and excited voice say,
“You are finally awake my groom.”

Link felt dizzy as a shadow covered him like a cloud and he looked up when a strand of hair touched his cap.
“This thing about us.. you were teasing right?”

The Great Fairy came down, her face next to his.
“Mmmmmmm.. afraid not. That is the rules..”

Link almost teetered again, and she held his arm so he would not collapse.
“For what its worth.. I will help you find your friend. And maybe.. in time.. you could begin to love me..”

The Hero of Time heard a very distinct and sorrowful tone in those last words. He looking at her, the freckle dot on her face as big as an eye.
“Alright.. lets do it.”

She smiled, and landed, towering over him in her boots like a Gerudo.

Link asked,
“What do you want to do first?”

Giving s beaming smile and tilting her head, she said,
“Shopping! I want to go shopping!”

Knowing just where to go, The Hero lead His Partner to Kakariko Village. The inhabitants looked at her, she lookee in one window and a shop keeper screamed.
Some of the men in street looked at her as she walked over them, their eyes burning. Link looking at the reaction said,
“Maybe some clothes are in order? I mean I like the ivy as a Kokiri.. but..”

The Great Fairy nodded as she smirked.

Link then became flushed as he considerec looking at her,
“Uh nothing will probably fit.. we need to go to a tailor..”

The made for back of a shop where, inside a Old Lady, named Impa gathered as much thread and fabric she could.
“I hope you like green.. its all I have an abundance of.”

The Great Fairy laughed happily.
“I love green!”

The old lady taking a needle and thread raised it up and said, “Now I shall sow!”
Suddenly the old woman’s hands moved as if they were the wings of bird, flapping so fast that she pieced together a large dress and stockings for her boots. Link paced back and forth, when The Great Fairy came out in her new outfit, and he tripped back.

“Does it look alright?” She asked.

Link nodded,
“It looks.. ahem.. great!”

She blushed.
“What next?”

The Hero of Time rubbed his neck, and said,

She wrinkled her nose, and nodded. Leaning against a well, Link brought them some Hydromelon which The Great Fairy held like a grape. They both ate together.
“I was thinking.. you need a name. I cannot keep calling you Great Fairy.”

She looked down at him and winked. He large lashes swaying as if little branches in the wind.
“What would you call me?”

Link blushing a little said,
“Fay.. if that is ok.”

She smiled, her perfect pearly white teeth showing.
“Fay.. I like that.”

Daku Rinku

Defender of the Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Ashai’s Classroom


At the crumbled Fountain in The Forest of Kokiri there was the sounds of hooves tapping on earth and stone. A black raven flew with one red eye, and landed on the horn of a towering figure. He had long blond hair that was braided, and two great curved horns.

Petting the head of the black bird that perched on the horsehoe shaped horn near his face, The Satyr said,

“So someone has broken the spell and let her out..”

The Raven made croaking sound, and he motioned with his hand,

“Find her..”

The Black Bird soared into the sky and flapper its shadow wings as he headed out above the canopy of brenches and leaves, turning as it swooped towards the Hylian Hills and in the direction of Hyrule Castle.

Emerging around The Satyr was a group of Moblins, each holding clubs made of horse bone. They encircled the Gilded Horned One and resting their weapons in the soil as they chanted,

“Acantho! Acantho!”

His golden eyes flared with a fire like that of the smiths that forged swords.

Fay walked with a new lightness in her dress, Her Hero walked by her side. Some little girls chasing butterflies that came from her long skirt began to laugh. The Village was merry, and Link admitted that seeing her free of the Fountain made him feel a sense of happiness. In all this jubilation he had almost forgot Navi, and the search for her. Fay pausing, placed her hand on a pottee plant, making it grow, and its flowers bloom in pinks and burgundies. Life swirled around her, and Link could see how intoxicating the power she had was. It was then in this happy moment he felt a chill as a black bird flew over, croaking and circling above Fay. The Hero saw that one of its eyes glowed the color of blood.

Fay was distracted by the children at play around her with their nets trying to catch butterflies of pink and peridot that she summoned. Their laughter was a symphony to her ears, for she had known silence for many years.

The Hero of Time aimed his longbow, and let fly an arrow, the Raven swerved and it missed. Link drew another from his quiver as he took aim with one eye closed, and fired. This shot struck the wing made it fall, black feathers descending like leaves of death. The Hero went in search, Fay occupied by the playful children. He came upon one feather, then another, and a third when he heard a croaking. Suddenly the Raven fluttered at him, its beak aiming for his eyes like a black iron blade. Link ducked his head, his long blond longs swirling and the cap torn clean off.

The Black Bird was now wresrling in the green cap, the air in its one wing. Link taking the tip of the Master Sword removrd the cap from the creature, and held it down with flat of his blade, its red eye looking over at him when he recovered it with his cap and poised the blade,

Back at Kokiri Forest, Acantho one eye was blood red and faded,

“An Elf.,. So she has paired herself with an Elf.”

Turning to his Moblin Horde, The Satyr said,
“The time has come to shed the shadows of the wood and step into the light.. we are heading to Hyrule!”

The Swine faced Warriors with their singular horns let out a cry as they raised their clubs.

The resumed the chant from before, “Acantho! Acantho!”

The Satyr using his hooves began to skip tun until he was in gallop, his Horde behind him. Acantho’s long blond braided lockd flowing in tails and his eyes burning as a fire that now was burning within him, a passion that had no bridle to tame.

Back in Kakariko Village, Link tossed his cap in a refuse pile and sheathed his blade as he came to a scene where the villagers were dancing in a circle with Fay in the center laughing with such innocence, unaware as The Hero was, that a shadow was coming…

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