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The Concerto of Spirits

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
It's time for the next chapter! I don't want to say any sort of preview for this one... Just enjoy. ;)

Chapter Twenty-Two
True Conviction​

The day after their meeting with the Council, Sitri enjoyed a delicious breakfast of eggs and ham in Granye’s home. Rasta was already at work, but they also shared Link and Tetra’s company. The three of them had stayed in town for a day to rest after the nightmare they experienced in Whittleton. As she gulped down a glass of freshly-pressed orange juice, she kept stealing nervous glances at her two new friends.

It’s kind of awkward... After how long we spent being at odds, we’re friends now. I’m still not used to it... B-but I want to be. I never really had friends my own age before...

Whenever Sitri caught Link’s gaze, he would smile cheerfully. He always seemed to radiate kindness and positivity. She found it easy to get along with him. On the other hand, she and Tetra both had a hard time maintaining eye contact with each other. She was going to be a more difficult case. But she still wanted to try.

Granye seemed to be more bubbly than all of them put together, even Link. The three had stayed with her the night before, and though Sitri didn’t want to be a bother, she was surprised at how much the kind woman enjoyed the extra company. She hummed to herself as she poured Tetra a cup of coffee.

“Thanks. I gotta say, you brew a mean pot.” Tetra said gratefully.

“Isn’t it? I don’t mean to brag, but Rasta always says he can’t start a day without it!” Granye said pridefully.

“Can’t say I blame him. It hits nice.” Tetra agreed. “Thanks again for letting us stay here, by the way. It’s much appreciated.”

“Yeah, thank you!” Link said between mouthfuls of ham.

“Don’t mention it! I just love having company over! Sitri stays here every now and then, too, so I’m used to having guests! I bet it beats spending money on an inn, huh?”

“Heh, you said it.” Tetra grinned.

“You’re always so kind, Miss Granye... Thank you.” Sitri said softly.

She continued to eye Tetra, trying to be subtle about it. They were the same age, but she was able to drink coffee like it was nothing. The first time Sitri tried a cup, it was so bitter it made her gag. She felt awful that Granye went to the trouble of brewing her something she couldn’t even drink. Link didn’t seem to want any, either. She wondered how Tetra was able to down it so easily.

The pirate captain also seemed a lot more amicable today than she was used to seeing. Every conversation she ever had with her until yesterday was thorny and aggressive. Then again, she didn’t exactly greet her peacefully, so maybe that was what she deserved. Perhaps Tetra was perfectly willing to be reasonable and polite, provided whoever she was speaking to offered her the same courtesy.

I feel like such an idiot... I hope being friends with her isn’t hopeless. They both said they’ll support me in becoming the next Hero of Spirits, and they also promised not to try to build their kingdom here. I really want to get along with them... Alphonse had his own group of friends that he saved the world with, so maybe they can be mine...?

“So, I heard from Rasta that you’re going to be assisting Lady Mikhaeyla. That’s a big responsibility. You’re going to get started today, right?” Granye said, sitting down at the table with her own cup of brew.

“Yeah, we’ll pack our stuff and get out of your hair in an hour or two. First thing we gotta do is go see our crew in Great Bay, find out how they’re getting on.” Tetra said.

“I hope everyone’s fine.” Link said.

“Eh, those bozos can handle anything. That dog Linebeck is the one that worries me.” Tetra frowned.

“I guess I’ll go with you guys, s-since we’re gonna be working together now!” Sitri said earnestly.

“Yeah!” Link said, sharing her enthusiasm.

“Huh? Uh, y-yeah.” Tetra said awkwardly.

“Hehehe. I’m so happy you’ve made some new friends, Sitri! You’re all welcome here any time you like!” Granye said, her face shining like the sun outside.

“Miss Granye... Thanks.” Siti said, her cheeks turning a little pink.

Suddenly, they heard rapid tapping on the window overlooking the streets. Granye walked over and found a round little dove pecking on the glass, as if it were asking to be let inside.

“Oh my! What do we have here? This dove has something around its neck.” Granye said curiously.

Sitri’s blood froze. She shot out of her chair and looked over to the window. It was exactly as she feared.

“That’s Chino! Let him in!” she said urgently.

“Oh? He’s a friend of yours?” Granye said, pulling the window open.

“Uh oh. That’s the bird that brings you news, right?” Tetra said, also rising to her feet.

Link gulped nervously as Chino fluttered inside. He landed on Sitri’s arm and allowed the girl to remove the canister he was wearing. She couldn’t fumble with it fast enough. Her heart sank when she read what was on it.

“Guys, it’s Great Bay! It’s being raided again!”

“What?! Come ON, enough with this! I swear, I’m gonna wring that Beelzebub’s neck!” Tetra shouted angrily.

“Not good. Our friends are there...” Link said.

“Yeah. Hopefully they can handle the mess until we arrive. Sorry, lady, but we gotta cut outta here sooner than we thought.”

“You’re going to help? Just be careful! I don’t want you kids getting hurt!” Granye said worriedly.

In a mad hustle, Sitri, Link, and Tetra cleaned themselves up and got their gear together. In two minutes, they were rushing out of the house and toward the train station. They felt bad about leaving so abruptly, but time was of the essence. As they ran, Sitri’s mind spun with anxiety.

Now that we know the raids are being caused by Beelzebub, it feels completely different. I can’t believe he’s acting again so soon! Maybe he knows Aunt Mikha’s not here right now... And why is he attacking Great Bay again? Is it because Tetra’s crew is there, or is he trying to do what he did to Whittleton? Either way...

“We can’t let him get away with this...” Sitri growled.

a a a

Nudge had seen a lot of things over his many years of pirating, but he always felt confident in his ability to pull through and win the day. That is, until he saw the situation unfolding before him. Great Bay City was surrounded on all sides by ten pirate ships covered in monsters, miniblins and big blins galore. That was more than three times as many enemy ships than they had to deal with before. It was the kind of sight that would drain a man of hope.

“You’ve gotta be kidding... Why are there so damn many?!” Gonzo despaired.

“Man, just when that Laughing freak and those Loko-whatsits disappeared somewhere, too... I thought we were finally catching a break!” Senza complained.

“Gah! What are we going to do?! You’ve got to protect me, you hear?” Linebeck squealed.

“Put a sock in it! You’re gonna help us!” Nudge said. “Listen, our captain and Link aren’t here right now! But with any luck, they’ve caught wind of what’s going on! I saw some townspeople send off a bird with a message! If they’re still with Sitri, they’ll see it, too, and come running back!”

“Nudge is right. Our captain ordered us to keep the people safe. And damn it, we’re gonna do it, one way or another! We’ve got to hold on, at least until they get here!” Gonzo said, slamming his fists together.

“Y-yeah! We’re the best pirate crew on all the seas! We can do it if we try!” Niko said, trying to psych himself up.

“That’s still a lot of enemies. Any clever strategies on how to handle ‘em all?” Zuko asked.

“Look, most of them have to dock on all the wooden floats surrounding the island. It’s a shame, but we’re gonna have to break all the bridges so they can’t make landfall.” Mako suggested.

“Good thinking. Sucks for these people’s homes, but they can always rebuild.” Senza agreed.

“And we’ll be here to pick off the ones who do make it ashore. Let’s get all the people back in the middle of the city!” Gonzo rallied.

With a determined war cry, the pirates got to work immediately. After some rough persuasion, Linebeck helped lead the civilians to the makeshift shelter in the center of town. It was surrounded on all sides by tall stone buildings, so it was easy to fortify by blocking the roads leading to it.

Meanwhile, the crew got the town's militia up to speed on their plan. The need to destroy the bridges was difficult for them to swallow, but they all agreed that the people’s lives were more important than the town itself. They scattered about, grabbing the tools they needed to get the job done.

Hammers and other blunt instruments were among the first things they collected. Torches and fire bottles prepared by the crew were passed around, as well. The idea was to walk out a short distance and smash holes in the wood. They would burn the far side and keep smashing what remained on their side as they returned back toward the shore.

Once everything was ready, the crew and the militia split up and started going around to each walkway, as many as they could reach at once. As long as they could create a sizable gap between the land and the wooden floats, they’d be able to buy themselves some time. All the while, the enemy ships inched closer and closer to town. Even from this distance, Nudge could see their bloodthirst whirling in their eyes. He remembered what Mikhaeyla said about them possibly being under some kind of mind control spell and shuddered.

I wonder if the Captain figured out if that was true or not. I’m sure she and Link are out there doing what they can about it. Haven’t heard from them since they left... But I know they’re fine. And I know they’re gonna come back for us.

The crew rushed as much as they could afford to. Circling the entire island and destroying every last bridge could take hours. Even with all the extra hands, it was going to be slow. Nevertheless, for each bridge they destroyed, that was one less way for the monsters to get into the city. They had to take down as many as possible.

Time passed excruciatingly. One by one, the enemy ships started docking. The miniblins spilled off the decks like a flood, barely able to contain themselves. In their haste to navigate across the wooden floats and bridges, some of them even slipped over into the sea and drowned, making the crew’s job just a little easier. But not easy enough.

The bridges on the east and west sides of town were destroyed. But they didn’t have time to take care of the north side, or the south side where the train station was. Gonzo and Senza positioned themselves in the south with Niko, while Nudge took up watch in the north with Zuko and Mako. They each had a handful of militia members with them. The moment to fight had come.

Thanks to their efforts, the monsters were being funneled across the floats to the north and south. More and more kept falling into the sea as they charged across the narrow bridges to reach their only way to land. More still tried to make the jump across the broken bridges, but none succeeded, and they drowned. Even one less monster to deal with was all too welcome.

Nudge readied his cutlass. The militia members wielded some of the hammers they were using, as well as shovels and large sticks. They didn't have much in the way of weaponry. Most of the fighting would likely be on the crew’s shoulders.

The monsters arrived at last. Filed down across the few remaining bridges in the north, Nudge tried to employ the same strategy they used in Papuchiya. One after another, he cut them down as they approached, not letting them set foot on land. The militia tried to copy him, but with less effective weapons, they couldn’t kill the miniblins in one strike. They were quickly overwhelmed. Two of them were surrounded and stabbed to death by the miniblin’s pitchforks.

“Damn it! We can’t hold the line like this! Retreat back to the city!” Nudge commanded.

Throwing his last fire bottle at one of the bridges, Nudge led the surviving militia members away from the shoreline. His new plan was to lead them down the streets between the buildings and employ hit-and-run tactics around the many corners. They would do this while slowly regrouping outside the barricade protecting the shelter.

Zuko and Mako followed close behind Nudge, throwing rocks and sharp objects at the pursuing monsters with their slingshots. They did everything they could to slow them down. Whenever they successfully knocked over a monster, the militia would beat on it until it died. But that only worked on the miniblins.

The big blins were barreling forward now. Those rocks may as well have been flies. There was no slowing down a charge like that. Nudge leapt between them and his friends, ducking under an axe and stabbing his sword through the burly brutes. They didn’t so much as flinch, but they still fell face-first on the ground in a shower of blood.

He killed two, but five more were on their way, with even more miniblins nipping at their heels. Nudge grabbed the axe one of the dead blins dropped, wielding it in his left hand and his cutlass in his right. Anything to gain an edge. When they tried to corner him from both sides, he blocked their strikes and spun, ripping into their flesh with his blades.

The militia members were unfortunately not so lucky. Three more had been crushed to death by the advancing big blins in the time it took Nudge to do that. He clenched his teeth in frustration, wishing he could have done more to help them.

“This is bad. We're taking a lot of losses...” Zuko said.

“We've just gotta make it to the barricades! Stay strong!” Nudge encouraged.

There were only a couple surviving members of the militia left on their side. Nudge hoped Gonzo was faring better with his group. Dashing between the buildings was their only defense against the horde. Soon, they could see the barricades up ahead. All they’d have to do is climb them, and they’d have a high-ground advantage.

The shelter where all the civilians were was on the other side of the barricades. It was set up in the town square, and there were four roads leading into it. Tall buildings walled it off on every other side, and all sorts of wooden and metal plates were built up to close off the roads. There was room to stand on top of them, and there were some lookouts positioned up there. When they saw the approaching mob, they started to panic.

“Everyone who's able-bodied, help us out! Throw anything and everything you can think of at them! Keep them at bay, no matter what!” Nudge bellowed.

The sentries passed along the message, and in a few minutes, frightened volunteers came back up with them. Tables, chairs, shoes, bricks, rocks, glass vases, and anything else they could find in the shelter that was heavy enough were being tossed over the side. Beneath that hail of miscellaneous baubles, Nudge and his group reached the barricade and scaled it as fast as they could.

Behind them, the miniblins were frothing at the mouth. They started climbing the barricade, too, but now that Nudge was up there, he was able to hack away at them, keeping them from reaching the top. Whenever he killed one, it would fall backwards and knock another down to the ground with it. The volunteers around him were raining down random heavy objects on the ones that fell. Some of them were crushed, others were knocked out.

And then the big blins arrived. They stomped on top of the fallen miniblins without a care. Some of them tried to strike the barrier with their weapons, but Nudge wasn’t having it. He leapt down on top of one, stabbing his sword into its skull. When it toppled over, he made sure it fell sideways, knocking down a couple more like dominoes. He cut through each of them in turn while he had the chance.

This repeated for a strenuously long time. The flood of monsters never seemed to end. While standing on top of the barricade, Nudge looked to the south and saw that Gonzo and his group ended up having to do the same thing they were. There were also volunteers and more militia members handling the east and west sides as best they could.

Then, one of the buildings next to Nudge started to shake and crack apart. In minutes, the whole thing collapsed in on itself, forcing many of the volunteers to abandon their positions. The terrified civilians crowded together more densely in the center of the shelter, fearing for their lives. The rubble that fell from the building crushed many of the miniblins and big blins in its wake, but in their place rose up new monsters that Nudge had never seen before.

These brutes were almost as tall as big blins, but with far more pronounced muscles. They were also covered in green scales, with fish-like heads and fins where their ears should be. Their salivating jaws were lined with two rows of sharp teeth. They were wielding curved swords and metal shields, and they hissed excitedly as they closed in.

“No! Where did all the geozards come from?!” one of the militia members said.

“So that’s what they’re called? What horrible timing...” Nudge complained.

To make matters worse, more of the buildings surrounding the shelter started to collapse in the same way. All of their walls of safety were crumbling down. The only bright side was that the debris was crushing many careless miniblins and big blins. Soon enough, it would just be the geozards.

Nudge cut down the last of the blins on his side, only to be met with charging geozards heading his way. No time for a breather, he relented. Gripping his two weapons tighter, he rushed to meet them. The buildings were knocking down the barricades as they fell, so it was more important than ever to keep the monsters from closing in.

The first geozard swung its sword recklessly. Nudge blocked it with his own blade, and then cleaved through its chest with his axe. The thing was so out of its mind that it didn’t even try to raise its shield. The next two were much the same. But the fourth one slipped past him and made it into the shelter.

“No! Watch out!” Nudge shouted.

Zuko and Mako tried to pull its attention away by slinging more rocks, but it shrugged them off and kept racing toward the unarmed citizens. A mother and daughter pair screamed, shielded by a man that looked like their family. Nudge gritted his teeth and threw his axe with all his might.

The axe hit the geozard dead-on in its back, and it fell on its face before it reached the people. But there was no time to relax. More were still coming. The east, west, and south sides were being overrun. Gonzo and the others tried their best, but one by one, the militia members were being killed.

Another geozard rushed at the same family from before. “Amirah, you’ve got to take Ericka and run!” the man said.

“No! We can’t leave you!” the mother cried.

“Daddy, please!” the girl begged.

The man did his best to ignore their pleas as he picked up a heavy stick. He stood to face the incoming monster for his family. As Nudge saw this, he felt something deep in his heart ache. For a moment, he pictured the sight of Link’s back, standing tall and proud against insurmountable odds. The vision seemed to fill him with conviction.

Ah... I wonder if this is how Link feels at times like this. Please, share some of your courage with me!

Nudge’s feet moved without relying on his brain. He thought he heard his crewmates shouting his name for a moment, but he didn’t stop. He acted on what was in his heart. Just as the geozard closed in on the innocent family, Nudge leapt between them. He tried to parry its attack, but instead, he got its sword pierced through his gut.

“NUDGE! NO!” he heard Gonzo scream.

A pain unlike anything he ever felt before ripped through his entire body. He coughed up blood, staining his teeth red. He struggled to breathe, his entire body shaking from the splitting agony. He could feel his vision start to turn black. He no longer had the strength to raise his sword.

Damn it... I messed that up... I’m sorry, guys... Guess this is it...

His consciousness was fading. There was still fighting going on around him, but it was out of his hands now. He’d just have to trust the rest of his crew to get the job done. As the lights were going out, he found himself wishing he could have seen Link and Tetra just one last time.

The shrill whistle of a train snapped him back. His glassy eyes looked to the southwest and spotted a train rushing toward town. All of a sudden, he felt a new burst of energy welling up inside him.

Link and the Captain must be on that train! They’re coming for me! I can’t die... Not yet! I still have... a job to do!

Nudge’s hand whipped out and grabbed the sword that was still impaled through his gut. The geozard was trying to pull it out, but he wouldn’t let it go. He started grinning even as blood spilled from his lips.

“Heheh... You’re not... getting off that easy!” he choked.

With the last of his strength, Nudge raised his sword and stabbed through the geozard. The beast let out a quiet hiss, and he felt its grip slacken until it let go of its sword entirely. It tumbled over on its back, dead on the ground. He’d done it. The family was safe. He turned to look at them, and they were watching him with horrified expressions.

“No... You shouldn’t have... for us...” the man said.

“Heh... It’s fine... I had... a job... to...” Nudge tried to say.

He collapsed to his side, his vision going dark again. His breathing was growing more and more shallow. This time, it was really it. On the edge of his mind, he could hear cheers of victory rise through the air. He couldn’t move his head to look at why, though. But in a moment, Gonzo and the rest of his crew moved into his line of sight.

“Nudge... We did it... We got every last damn monster!” Gonzo said.

“Hang in there! Don’t die on us, man!” Senza yelled desperately.

Niko was crying his eyes out. Zuko and Mako hung their heads in shame and despair. They could see the writing on the wall, even if the others didn’t want to accept it yet. Even Linebeck was at his side, tearing up a storm.

“Come on, you’ve gotta keep fighting! Don’t you want to see the kingdom Captain Tetra’s gonna make?!” Gonzo yelled.

“Captain... Tetra...” Nudge breathed.


That voice brought a little life back to him. He looked past his friends and saw the face of his captain. She’d made it, after all. Link was right at her side, and even Sitri had come, too. Just like he knew they would. That was enough for him.

Sitri covered her mouth in horror, already crying for him. Link, too, ran over and joined the crew at his side, sobbing just as much as Niko. Tetra stood right there with him, and he was surprised to see tears streaming down her face, as well.

“Damn it, what were you thinking?! I didn’t give you permission to die! Don’t you dare leave us behind!” she yelled.

“Nudge, please...!” Link cried.

For some reason, Nudge felt strangely at peace. Perhaps it was because he was surrounded by all of his friends, their love for him overflowing. A memory surfaced in his mind at that moment. He could see himself standing on a glorious pirate ship, sailing the roiling ocean with the sun beaming in a clear, blue sky overhead. He was surrounded by his entire crew, their swords held high, pointed toward the horizon. Everyone’s smiling faces filled his life with more joy than he could impart to them. But he had to try to tell them, while he still could.

“It’s been fun, you guys...”

And with those quiet words, Nudge took his last breath.

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
The next chapter is ready! This one was a lot of fun to write... been waiting for this part for a while. It's time for one of the story's major conflicts to come to a head. Enjoy!

Chapter Twenty-Three
The Laughter Ceases​

Gray clouds were carried over Great Bay City on a damp wind, accompanied by the rumblings of thunder. The air grew thick with moisture, warning of the coming rain. It almost seemed fitting, as if the sky were mourning along with Link and his friends.

Nudge was dead. A core member of their crew for years was gone. The void he left behind split the rest of them apart, as did the stinging sense of guilt.

Link sat on his knees, his fists clenched painfully tight. By the time he and Tetra and Sitri had arrived, Nudge was already dying. They were too late. None of them could have imagined an outcome like this. None except for one.

“This is... all my fault...” Tetra grieved.

This surprised everyone. Their captain wasn't the type for self-loathing. It didn't suit her, any better than that sword suited Nudge's gut.

“Captain, please...” Gonzo started. “He tried his best... All of us, we-”

“No, that's not it!” Tetra yelled. “I knew something like this could happen, but I still-! Ugh...”

“Wh-what do you mean?” Niko asked.

Tetra didn't look like she wanted to say it. Whatever it was, it was clearly eating her alive. Link felt physical pain just from seeing her like that. He put a hand on her shoulder and encouraged her to continue with a nod.

She looked at him, and for the first time in a while, he saw fear in her eyes. That was something he’d only seen a handful of times before. Once, when she first discovered she had royal blood, and that her true name was Zelda. Once more, when she was turned to stone by a wicked life-stealing monster. And once again, his prideful, surly, abrasive captain held fear within her, this time at the thought that she was responsible for her friend’s death.

Even so, she nodded back at him. She took a deep breath and explained herself.

“When we first arrived and we helped out in Papuchiya, Tarno thanked me by reading my fortune. He said if we stayed, someone would die. I never told you guys because I wanted to stay here anyway... I knew something like this might happen, and I ignored it! And now Nudge is dead! It's all my fault...”

The crew was quiet after that. They weren't sure what to think or say after hearing such a thing. Link was shocked that she'd kept this fortune from them for so long, but he wasn't really surprised to hear that she ignored it. That sounded like her. But now she was blaming herself for Nudge's death because of it, and he couldn't allow her to do that to herself.

Link reached out to her again. This time, he cupped her hands in his own. “It’s not your fault.” he said firmly.

“What...? Don’t be stupid! I just told you! If we hadn’t stayed here... If I had just listened to that dumb fortune, Nudge would still be...” she argued.

“Maybe so...” Gonzo said. “But it’s still not your fault. Nudge made his own choice. I know, ‘cause I was here watching him. And I probably woulda done the same thing he did.”

The family sitting nearby looked at each other and nodded. The father spoke up. “If it’s anyone’s fault, it’s ours... He died protecting us.”

“Even if... Even if the fortune was right... I don’t think it would’ve mattered to him. Because you guys stayed here, so many other lives were saved. I didn’t know Nudge too well, but I wonder... What would he think of that?” Sitri said quietly.

Tetra looked at each of them in turn. The wheels were spinning in her head, and she bit her lip. “Damn it, I know all that... I know what you’re saying is right... But...”

She still seemed uncertain. Link decided to give her another push. “What else did the fortune say?” he asked.

Tetra hesitated, and she squinted her eyes like she was trying to recall. “‘The inheritor of the lion’s will... Trials and tribulations await you in this ancient land... You will face pain and loss before you find success and glory... The seeds of your future will be sown...’ That’s everything.” she told them.

“The seeds of our future, huh? Even though we’re not gonna build our New Hyrule here? That's weird.” Zuko said.

“See? The fortune’s just a load of nonsense! That part about someone dying was just a coincidence! It has to be!” Senza said.

“Yeah, you guys promised you wouldn’t do that... And it’s impossible to control who lives and who dies. I know that perfectly well...” Sitri added.

“Right? So please, don’t blame yourself, Captain!” Gonzo encouraged.

Tetra looked in awe at everyone surrounding her. Link could tell by the expression on her face that she expected to be admonished for hiding the fortune. Perhaps that’s what she thought she deserved. She could be pretty hard on herself at times. Link gave her an encouraging smile of his own, partly to help her get back on her feet, and partly to lift his own mind out of a pit of sadness.

Nudge was dead. There was no changing that. It broke his heart, as it did for the rest of his friends. But now, more than ever, they had to keep going. For Nudge’s sake, too, they had to keep fighting for Hyleigh. It was the best way they could honor him. And he was sure that Tetra understood that, even if she wasn’t ready to face it yet.

A loud thud from a boot startled the group. Link turned around to see where it came from, and his skin clammed up. He could feel the hairs standing up on his neck. The raid was over, but the danger was not.

“Hahahaha! You wanna know who’s fault it was, huh? Obviously, it was his own fault for being so damn weak!”

Zoie was back again, always showing up when he was least expected, or wanted. His appearance looked rough, likely from all the fighting he’d been doing since the other day, but he was still grinning from ear to ear. And this time, he was dragging something along behind him. Rather, someone.

“Oh, no... That’s Kuudo and Byrne!” Sitri said, recognizing them.

Indeed, he was dragging two people by their hair. One was a small woman with blue hair, and the other was a large man with black hair. They had to be the two Lokomo Mikhaeyla said she’d entrusted with his defeat. And now they knew how that went. He tossed them roughly in front of himself like they were battered luggage. They didn’t stir or grunt.

“Hah. Don’t worry, they aren’t dead! Yet.”

“Zoie... Get the hell out of here. We don’t have time for the likes of you.” Gonzo spat.

“Hahahahaha! That’s rich, coming from such a weakling! Like you could ever tell me what to do.” he ragged.

“... Take it back.” Tetra rasped, slowly rising to her feet. “You don’t get to come out here and bull**** about my dead friend. Take it back, right now.”

“Aw, what’s wrong? Need a reality check?” he taunted. “Here’s how the world works: the weak die, and the strong get the last laugh!”

“SHUT UP!” she screamed.

Tetra drew her cutlass and rushed toward him in the same breath she shouted with. Zoie laughed excitedly and drew his axe with an impressive flourish. He gripped the hilt with both hands, and its head became surrounded in pink flames. The air around him chilled instantly.

Angrily, she pivoted to the left and ducked under his first strike. His axe exploded when it hit the ground behind her, and she was knocked forward a few paces. However, she rolled into the momentum, and when she righted herself, her knees were already bent to leap back at him. Her legs sprang out and she shot forward, swinging her sword at his back.

As always, Zoie greatly enjoyed such turnabout. He spun around to face her, but in doing so, he pointed his back to more people that wanted him gone. Gonzo and Senza were rushing madly at him now, too, the same rage filling their eyes. They were in no mood to condemn their captain for her recklessness. He needed to eat his words.

Right before he was caught in their pincer, Zoie moved his body in an unusual way. He arched his back just enough to avoid their sword swipes. Immediately afterward, he bent forward into Tetra’s face. His nose was an inch from her own. This made her jerk to a stop. He grinned and spit fire at her.

Everyone was shocked to see flames come from his mouth. That was a card he’d kept close to his chest before now. Tetra yelped and fell to her back, her body going rigid from the eerie cold washing over her. In the next moment, Zoie spun around again, swinging his axe widely. It crashed against Gonzo and Senza’s swords, sending them both flying backwards with a burst of fire. When they hit the ground, they were rigid, too.

Now it was Link and Sitri’s turn. Before Zoie could right his stance, the pair attacked in tandem. Link ducked under his axe, while Sitri leapt above it. She tightened her grip on her sword, and it was enveloped in a golden light. As she brought this down, Link swung up at his arms.

Endlessly laughing, Zoie bent backwards this time. He kicked Link’s sword aside, and he skidded back a good distance. Meanwhile, he flicked his axe upward, and the head caught against Sitri’s sword. It exploded once again, but her newfound magic kept her safe from the flames. She was still knocked backwards, but she landed on her feet next to Link.

“Come on! Give that scoundrel what-for!” Linebeck shouted, shadowboxing.

“Don’t let him get away with mocking Nudge!” Niko squeaked out.

“Hah! The words of the weak are meaningless! But you two are different from those chumps. Am I finally gonna get the good fight I’ve been waiting for?” Zoie taunted.

Link and Sitri exchanged glances. They remembered their last experience fighting together against Zoie, back in Papuchiya. They implicitly agreed that today was going to end differently. It had to.

“Even disregarding what he said about Nudge, we can’t let him run free any longer. This is it! We’re gonna take him down for good!” Sitri said.

Link nodded and brandished his sword, a fire of his own burning in his eyes.

“Hahahahaha! That’s what I like to hear! Bring it on!” Zoie howled with delight.

He didn’t wait for them to bring the fight to him. He dashed forward, carving up the ground with his axe. He unleashed a shower of fire and debris at them. Link raised his shield and dashed around to the left. At the same time, Sitri covered her sword in golden light and rushed headfirst into the wave. She split it in two, slipping right down the middle and diving right into his throat.

After yelping in pleasant surprise, Zoie bent backward under an intense jab from her sword. He kicked upward again, trying to push her back. But she slid to the right and avoided his boot, and now grabbed her sword with both hands. Zoie was in a very unfortunate position. By this point, Link had come around and was closing in on him, too. He appeared to be cornered.

But as always, when Zoie looked cornered, he proved himself to be anything but. He allowed himself to collapse down on his left arm, and used it to spring himself into a spinning roundhouse kick. His leg slammed against Sitri’s chest, and continued around to knock into Link’s shield. Both of them were forced back. He was back on his feet the next second.

Sitri growled in frustration and charged toward him again, empowering her steps with her magic. She zipped behind him and turned on her heel, trying to hit him from his blind spot. Zoie hopped forward to dodge her strike, and then hopped back into a wide swing. The head of his axe crashed against Sitri's sword once again, exploding in a brilliant array of gold and pink. The two were at a stalemate now, trying to brute-force the other away.

Link took advantage of this opportunity to rush in from behind him. He kept his shield at the ready, expecting yet another counter. And just as predicted, Zoie kicked one of his legs back even as he was grappling with Sitri. But because he was ready for it, Link was able to parry it. One bright flash of light from his shield later, and Zoie was off-balance, standing on one leg.

Sitri, still trying to win the power struggle, quickly switched her dominant sword hand. She applied a new angle of pressure, intending to push him further in the direction he was staggering. Zoie at last caved in and hit the ground on his side. Without missing a beat, both of them moved in for the kill, trying to stab their swords down through his body.

A drop of rain hit Link’s head, but it wasn’t enough to distract him from his attack. Another drop hit Sitri’s head, and though she winced, she didn’t slow down. Another still hit Zoie’s head, and when it did, he grinned in devilish excitement.

An enormous burst of pink fire emanated from Zoie’s body, interrupting their attacks. Link put up his shield at the last second, and luckily got away with just being flung backwards. Sitri, on the other hand, had put all of her power into her sword. Her body was defenseless, and she collapsed to the ground in frozen agony. Zoie rose back to his feet, laughing harder as the rain grew heavier.

“Ahahahahahaha! Looks like you’re out of luck! Now that it’s raining, this isn’t gonna end well for you!”

“What...? Shouldn’t you... get weaker if it rains? You... use fire!” Sitri breathed.

“Use your brain, kid! My fire is cold! The wetter you are, the easier it is to freeze you! I get stronger in the rain!” Zoie boasted.

Ugh, not good. Sitri can't move yet! I've gotta protect her!

Ever the defender, Link leapt in between Sitri and Zoie, his shield poised to parry. If he’d been a second slower, Sitri may well have been cleaved in two. The axe rammed against his shield with more might than it ever had before. It felt comparable to Beelzebub’s giant drill spell in force. Even though he successfully parried the strike, Link was lifted off his feet and sent flying through the air, out of the city.

In the wake of the parry, Zoie was surrounded by a raging inferno, freezing the rain in the air solid for a good few seconds. Frost crystalized across the ground, even creeping over the ailing Tetra and crew. The civilians trying to get safely away were violently shivering. The temperature was falling quickly, and it didn’t bode well for those injured in the earlier raid.

Link took in this information even as he was airborne. His shield had cracked and frosted over, and it was unlikely he was going to get a useful parry out of it again. He flicked it off his arm, and it plummeted into the sea below. In the next moment, he had his grappling hook in his hand. He threw it out below himself, trying to latch it onto a weathervane sitting atop one of the floating houses outside the city.

Successfully hooked, Link pulled as hard as he could and swung himself to safety. He tumbled down into a roll, finding himself on a large and square wooden float. There were scattered bits of debris sitting on it from a house destroyed in recent raids, but otherwise, it was empty. He righted himself and took a moment to catch his breath, eyes darting around for signs of his opponent.

The debris and the bridges linking the float to solid land were suddenly caught aflame and turned to ash, even despite the heavy rainfall. The air grew colder by the second, enough that he could see his own breath. With a loud thud that shook the whole thing, Zoie alighted down upon it. With the debris clear, they had their own little arena, all to themselves.

And with the bridges gone, there was no way to escape, and no way for anyone to come to his aid. Link was alone.

“Hahahahaha! Nowhere to go now, kid! It’s just you and me! It’s time to set in stone which of us is among the weak, and which of us is among the strong!” Zoie sneered.

Link clenched his teeth, keeping his sword at the ready. Even at that distance, he could see his crew struggling to get back on their feet. Their skin was blue, like they were suffering from frostbite. Sitri had yet to get up at all. Mako and Niko were trying to help her up, while Gonzo and Senza were searching for anything they could use to make a bridge.

It’s no use. They’ll never make it in time to help me. I’ve just gotta do it... It’s on me.

Taking a deep breath to clear his mind, Link looked dead ahead into the eyes of his adversary. He saw bloodlust and joy dancing in tune together, as if they were inseparable for him. And he also saw something else, something he’d never noticed before. Somewhere, in the depths of Zoie’s heart, there was pain and desperation, though he had no idea what they were stemming from. It felt like a hollow cry beating against his chest from within. He couldn’t make out what it was trying to say.

Nonetheless, Zoie stood ready for a battle to the death. Link knew he had to steel himself for the same. There were only two ways he was going to get out of this; dead as the loser, or alive as the victor. Such a high-stakes situation pulled a memory to the surface, as if his brain were trying to signal its relevance...

x x x

“It’s your first day of sword training, Link! How are you feeling?”

The booming voice of his excitable sword master, Orca, echoed through the roughshod dojo. The man was old, but Link couldn’t yet tell if he was wizened. He certainly had a beard that encouraged such an impression, at least. And his weapon collection was strikingly impressive.

He was also the only sword master on Outset Island, so Link’s options were limited.

“Heheh. Your silence speaks volumes. It’s okay to be intimidated. The first time you pick up a weapon is a special moment, but also a heavy one. So before you do, I have to pose a question to you! What is the number one most important thing you can do with a sword?” Orca asked.

Link tilted his head. He had to give that one some thought. When he was ready, he spoke with confidence.

“Protect someone?”

“Good guess! But no. I’ve already hinted at the answer since we’ve been talking, but perhaps it went over your head! The most important thing you can do is... pick it up.” Orca told him.

Link looked confused. He crossed his arms and stared quizzically at his master.

“Protecting someone... Protecting yourself... Killing your enemies... You can’t do any of that until you steel yourself to hold that weapon in your hands. You have to be the one to make that choice. Wielding a sword means asserting your will unto the world around you, and sometimes unto others. If you don’t have the resolve to stand strong and pick up your blade, your will is going to break. Do you understand?”

Link allowed these words to sink in for a few moments. When he felt satisfied with them, he nodded his head.

“Good, good. Glad you understand. I see great potential in you, Link... You almost remind me of my very first student... She once struggled over whether to pick up a sword, to use it to kill and protect. I like to think I was useful in guiding her to enact her will. It makes me wonder how you will fare...”

As he said this, Orca studied Link closely. He smiled widely, as though he liked what he saw in the boy’s eyes.

“Heheh. Perhaps there’s no room to doubt. When the time comes where you need to pick up your sword and see your will carried out, I hope you’ll stand firm! Let no one alter the course of your blade, or your path, Link!”

x x x

In spite of himself, Link began to grin. He flourished his sword, resting the flat part of the blade on his right arm. He felt the weight of it press down, and felt anew what it meant to pick it up. His eyes met with Zoie again, who looked so excited, he could have jumped out of his own skin. The head of his axe was engulfed in a swathe of pink flames that refused to be snuffed out.

“Hahahaha! You can’t resist it, either, can you? The thrill of battle! The electrifying sensation of dancing with death! What the hell are you waiting for? MAKE ME FEEL ALIVE!” he screamed.

As if that were an invitation to battle, Link sprinted forward. His blade grinded against the bracer on his arm, and he swung at Zoie with all his might. At least, that was how he made it look. Zoie gleefully swung his axe to clash with him. Knowing that a single hit from that magic fire would end the fight, he maneuvered to avoid a direct hit. He copied a page out of Sitri’s book and changed how he held his sword.

He didn’t switch his dominant hand. That was not a feat he could replicate without practice. However, he could easily switch to wielding it backhanded. Changing the direction of his blade all of a sudden allowed Zoie’s axe to sail clear through empty air, though it let out pulses of freezing air as it moved. Link did his best to withstand the cold and dipped beneath the arc of Zoie’s swing, turning into a spin on his heel.

As he spun, he slashed with his sword. He felt the tip of his blade tear into Zoie’s chest, but only shallowly. He darted around out of his reach and flipped his sword back to a standard position. Zoie was still laughing like a madman, bringing his weapon around for another go. Link gripped his sword with both hands now, keeping a close form and standing on guard.

Zoie unleashed a flurry of savage swings, as if he were trying to break everything in sight. Link skillfully ducked and dodged around them, occasionally swatting his sword at the axe’s hilt to keep it away. With every attack, the cold air bit into Link harder. He was beginning to feel his arm joints stiffen up, and his skin was turning blue. Such an effect just from being in the proximity of his weapon would have spelled doom for an average fighter.

But Link did not relent. He stayed calm and courageous, smacking away the axe when it suited him, and dodging when that suited him better. All the while, he continued backing away, growing closer and closer to the edge of the float. When his heel scraped against open air, he bent forward and kicked off the wooden ground.

Diving neatly through the space between Zoie’s body and his axe, Link moved into his enemy’s blindspot. Zoie reacted by cleaving his axe in a powerful spin, releasing more draining fire. Link managed to stay under it, using his smaller height to his full advantage. Pressing forward, he stabbed his sword, trying to either gut Zoie or force him to slip off the edge and into the water. But once more, Zoie defied expectations.

Laughing deliriously, Zoie reached out with his left hand and grabbed the tip of his sword. Link remembered from their fight in Papuchiya that he couldn’t easily cut through his skin, and he also remembered what transpired the last time he decided to stop his blade with his own body. He knew he couldn’t afford to let go of his weapon, so instead, he chose to ram into it. As pink fire started jetting out from Zoie’s hand, Link bashed into him with his shoulder.

Gasping in surprise, Zoie stumbled backwards, tilting dangerously over the edge. Just a bit more, and Link would have him swimming. Hopefully he’d drop his axe in the water. That was the intent, but Zoie would still not go down without a fight. He dug his boot into the wood, cracking it and indenting it in a bit. On such a scaffold, he spun his whole body around on one foot. He now had Link hanging over open water, supported only by the sword Zoie was still clutching.

All he’d have to do was let go, and Link would be helpless. He wasn’t about to let that happen. As fast as he could, Link kicked out with his legs. Zoie didn’t budge, but he didn’t expect him to. The man was like a wall, perfect for planting his feet to get some leverage. Before Zoie could let go of his sword, Link kicked off his chest and arced himself into a helm splitter. With this spin, the tip of his sword was able to slide right through Zoie’s fingers. He didn’t lose any of them, but now Link was free. He sailed over his shoulder and landed back on the wooden float, directly behind him. And when he turned to face him again, he found the axe an inch from his eyes.

It felt as though Link’s heart was being squeezed in a vice. Adrenaline pumped through his brain and into his limbs, forcing his reaction speed into overdrive. He leaned backwards just barely in the nick of time, hopping back a few paces. He had to take a moment to catch his breath. He clutched his rapidly-thudding chest with his right hand. Something felt strange about that.

Zoie didn’t seem to notice, or care. He lunged forward, hacking through the air with that deadly axe. Link resorted to dodging again, trying to get accustomed to the sensation. There was something about it that felt tangible, like he could do it again if he put his mind to it. Letting his instincts drive him, he tried to grab hold of that feeling again. He waited just a bit longer to dodge away from one of Zoie’s swings, and once more, his heart felt like it was being gripped by some invisible hand.

Time seemed to slow before Link’s eyes. He could see every minute detail about Zoie’s movements, clear as a calm ocean. Trying to hold onto this moment, he dipped forward and swung at Zoie as fast as he could force his arm to move. And miraculously, it seemed as though Zoie’s response was delayed. He couldn’t get out of the way in time, and was left with a deep gash on his cheek, under his left eye.

“Hah? Hahah? What the hell just happened?” he mazed.

This was the first time Link had ever seen him shaken. He was onto something now. He just had to keep pushing. His head was pounding in his skull, but he knew what he had to do. Reaching back to his past once more, he recalled the ultimate move Orca had taught him to cap off his training. It was now or never.

Uncharacteristically panicked, Zoie swung madly at Link, taking a step back. However, his axe still didn’t hit its mark. Link dodged at the very last second once again, ducking behind Zoie faster than his eyes could perceive it. The effort was agonizing, and he thought for sure his heart was going to explode, but he gritted his teeth and clenched the grip of his sword as hard as he could. Right as this state of hyper-adrenaline ended, right as Zoie turned around to face his enemy, Link unleashed the Hurricane Spin move he learned from Orca.

Once, twice, three times, four times, five times, Link’s blade ripped into Zoie’s flesh. These blindingly-fast spinning slashes left no room to counter. A shower of blood erupted from Zoie’s chest, and the force of the attack sent him crashing down on his back. The axe slipped out of his hand, and the flame enveloping it finally went out.

At long last, the Laughing Reaper was defeated.

Link stood over his body, arms hanging limp at his sides, panting heavily. Zoie was much the same, sprawled out on the wooden float and gasping for air. His face was frozen in disbelief. The rain finally slowed down, and the frigid cold coming from the baleful demon abated at last. The fight was well and truly over. Link could hardly believe he’d done it.

“I... I lost?” Zoie breathed. “That’s impossible... I’m not... I’m not weak... I’m strong! I HAVE TO BE STRONG! THERE’S NO WAY I COULD LOSE!”

Link fell to his bottom, startled by Zoie’s sudden shouting. He couldn’t bring himself to say anything, just stare in blank astonishment.

“WHAT THE HELL! HOW COULD I LOSE? IT DOESN’T MAKE SENSE! If... If I lost to you... Does that mean I’d lose to Mikhaeyla, too? And what about my father? If he was in his right mind, would I have lost to him? That’s... There’s no way... This can’t be... I can’t be weak! I CAN’T BE WEAK! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUGH!”

After a deep, hoarse howl into the air, Zoie went quiet. His breathing was the only sound he made for several minutes. Link had no idea what to make of such a rant. Whatever was locked deep inside his chest, it was forcing its way out now. And it was doing so very unpleasantly.

“Link! You crazy punk, you actually did it!”

Tetra’s voice pulled Link out of his own head. He was surprised to see that his crew had constructed a makeshift bridge to reach the float. It seemed they’d hammered together a bunch of loose boards laying around from broken raid barricades. The thing hardly looked stable, especially with all the burly pirates bounding across it. But his friends had come for him, all the same. He was much relieved to see it. He smiled weakly at them as they crowded around him.

He was glad to see Sitri back on her feet, too. She didn’t say anything, but he could tell she felt a bit ashamed of herself for dropping out of the fight so quickly. He gave her an encouraging nod, and her face softened into a smile. In any event, she was glad that the ordeal was over, just like he was.

And then Zoie suddenly rose up to a sitting position. Everyone got on guard, drawing their swords and crowding around Link to protect him. He was dead tired; he didn’t have another fight left in him. But even so, he motioned for the others to step aside. He looked Zoie in the eyes, and he saw something new. Something bright and clear.

“You’ve beaten me. That means you’re strong. Means I’m weaker than you. I hate it, but it’s set in stone now.” Zoie said. “As such, as one of the strong, you have the right. Link, was it? My life belongs to you now. Do whatever you want with it.”

No one seemed to move or blink for a few moments. The longer the seconds dragged on, the closer their jaws were pulled to the floor. In time, a single, unified response escaped from everyone present. It was said by everyone with such perfect timing, it almost harmonized.

“... Huh?”

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
Time for another chapter already! I've been on a roll lately... Hope I can keep this up. This one closes out the Great Bay incident, but the Third Movement has plenty more in store. Enjoy!

Chapter Twenty-Four
Denier of the Pact​

At first, Sitri felt appalled with herself. Even with the magic she was granted, she still didn’t stand a chance against Zoie. She was knocked out of the fight and unable to move, while Link was cornered all by himself on a wooden float on the sea. And he still won, even without magic. He defeated the Laughing Reaper. For a brief moment, she felt indescribably jealous of him. Hence her appallment with herself. She didn’t want to feel that way about her new friends anymore.

But all of that melted into pure confusion. Zoie’s words after being defeated defied all common sense. Just what kind of twisted logic was this man operating on, Sitri wondered.

“Huh? What the hell do you mean ‘my life belongs to you’? This some kind of joke?” Tetra spat.

“Shut up, weakling. I’m not talking to you. You didn’t beat me, he did. So he gets to decide what happens to me.” Zoie said plainly.

“Why, you little...!” Tetra growled.

“Why, though?” Link asked.

“Isn’t it obvious? You’re stronger than me, and I’m weaker than you. That’s how the world works. The strong devour the weak.” Zoie told him.

“What the hell kind of messed up world are you living in? Come join reality with the rest of us.” Tetra grumbled.

“Don’t be stupid. You people are old enough to have seen it for yourselves. Survival of the fittest is the law of the world. Just look at the raids. Everyone who died in them were weak. The ones who survived were either lucky or strong. Even I’m not exempt from the rules. That’s why I... That’s why I wanted to be at the top.” Zoie explained.

Has he seriously been living under such black and white beliefs? Is that why he was challenging everyone that seemed strong? What in the world happened to him to make him like this...

Sitri was enormously curious, but she bit her lip. She couldn’t bring herself to ask the question. Whatever his reasons were, he had attacked an uncountable number of people for it. He even destroyed Rena’s grave, something irreplaceably precious to her family and the memory of her ancestor, the Hero of Spirits. Even in this state of defeat, she hated him. She wanted him to pay for his crimes. He couldn’t be forgiven.

“Well? What are you waiting for? You won, so finish me off. Insult me, mock me like I did your dead friend, kill me, just get it over with already.” Zoie said.

Sitri looked at Link to see what he would do. He looked pained by this request, which surprised her. She wasn’t sure what she wanted him to do to Zoie, but she wanted something to happen. At the same time, she didn’t feel right about encouraging it. These contradicting emotions piled up inside her. She didn’t know if she should let them out or not.

“Oh, we’ll take care of you, all right! First off, apologize for what you said about Nudge!” Tetra commanded.

“Shut up. I told you, I listen to Link, not you.” Zoie spat.

“Urgh! You smart-mouthed punk... I’m gonna-” Tetra rasped.

“Tetra, stop.” Link said, holding out his arm. “Please, apologize for what you said about our friend. It hurt us.”

“... Fine. I’m sorry.” Zoie said.


“It’s true that I think he was weak for dying like that. But I mostly said what I said to make you people mad so you’d fight me. That part, I apologize for.” Zoie said.

It was unbelievable. His entire persona had changed. The boastful laughter was completely gone. His face, once screwed up into a permanent prideful sneer, had softened into a sober and stoic show of humility. Could a single defeat really change someone so drastically? She couldn’t wrap her head around it.

“... So? Now what? He’s got a lot of crimes to apologize for. Are you just gonna make him say sorry for all of them and send him on his way?” Sitri asked, finally speaking up.

Link crossed his arms and gave the question some serious pondering. He closed his eyes, his mouth curling into a chewy pout. Everyone watched him with bated breath, wondering what kind of punishment the swordsman in green could possibly come up with. After a few moments, his face lit up. He’d settled on an answer.

“Join us! Be our new ally and help us save Hyleigh!” he instructed.

“Wha... WHAT?!”

Every single person there, Zoie included, shouted out in major disbelief. Sitri couldn’t believe her ears. It was clear he was talking about getting him to help them fight Beelzebub, but the very idea was insane. How could Link ever think of wanting a man like Zoie to join their cause?

“Have you lost your mind, Link?! We don’t want this bastard working with us!” Tetra said.

“Yeah, there’s no way that’s gonna fly! He’s been nothing but a menace to us!” Gonzo agreed.

“And quite frankly, he’s disagreeable and a little terrifying!” Linebeck added, though his last couple words were quieter than the rest.

“Link... Are you serious? I can’t... I can’t work with him! Not after what he’s done to me!” Sitri said.

Link looked at everyone as though he wasn’t expecting them to be so vocally against his idea. He cringed back a bit, but he held his ground. He looked at Zoie, and the man was sitting in quiet amazement.

“You seriously... want me to join you?” he asked.

Link nodded cheerfully. “You can pay for your crimes by helping the people you hurt! And you’re strong, so we could use your help!”

Zoie’s mouth hung open. “What the hell... Don’t call me that. Not after you beat me... Jeez, I’ve never seen anyone like you before. Maybe that’s why you won... Maybe that’s what it takes for you to be as strong as you are...”

Link continued pressing the point. “Your life belongs to me, right? So I want you to use it for the good of others! Help us out!”

“What the hell...” Zoie repeated. He rubbed at the back of his head, looking severely conflicted. At last, he sighed in resignation. “Fine, if that’s what you want, then I have no choice but to follow. I’m with you guys until you say otherwise, Link.”

“WHAT?! You’re seriously going along with it?” Tetra exclaimed.

“You’re kidding... He’s really gonna help us?” Senza said, shocked.

“It’s almost impossible to comprehend... But if you think about it, if we have this man as our ally, we’d never have to fear another raid, would we?” Mako wondered.

“I-it’s fine! If Link says it, it’ll work out!” Niko squeaked.

“Yeah... It always does, doesn’t it?” Zuko agreed.

“I don’t believe it... How did it come this?” Sitri moaned.

I really don’t want to work with him... But I do trust Link. Maybe I should just... let this happen? I still can’t believe Zoie actually agreed to it, though. If the circumstances had aligned, and Aunt Mikha had the chance to fight hard enough to beat him... Would he have submitted to her like this, too? Or to me, if I’d won when we fought back then? It’s so weird to think about...

Sitri was so conflicted, she didn’t know what to do with herself. She simply stood there, wringing her hands in confused frustration. It boggled her mind more than anything else had before it. Could she really be okay with this? And what would Mikhaeyla have to say about it? If her aunt rejected this idea, she would surely have to side with her. But she didn’t want to lose her new friends, either. What was she supposed to do?

“... That’s enough. There’s no way I’ll allow such a thing.”

This voice startled the whole group. They turned to face the makeshift bridge, and there was Kuudo, limping angrily over to them. Byrne was following close behind her, looking terribly worried. This didn’t bode well.

I remember her. She was so rude to me in Mayscore. She said that I can’t be Aunt Mikha’s family...

She felt her anger being directed elsewhere now. Tetra and her crew looked confused, but guarded. Zoie, on the other hand, scoffed.

“Oh, it’s just you. You lost to me, so you don’t get to tell me what to do. Go away.” he barked.

“Shut your mouth! All of you, move aside. I am going to deliver justice on this wicked demon! He must be executed for his crimes!” Kuudo bellowed.

Link frowned and stood up, shielding Zoie with his body. This act came as a surprise to everyone, especially the man in question.

“What... What the hell are you doing? Move aside, I said! Do you have any idea what this monster has done?” Kuudo yelled.

“I’m not moving. He’s one of us now.” Link said fiercely.

“One of you?! Have you gone mad? He’s a lunatic criminal, and a demon! He could never be one of you!” Kuudo shouted.

Now Sitri was really angry. She stood next to Link, blocking the way to Zoie. “It doesn’t matter that he’s a demon. You need to leave, Kuudo.” she said.

“Sitri Beldine... You again. Why do you keep allying yourself with those beasts? A descendant of Alphonse’s should know better!” she spat.

“One of Alphonse’s best friends was a demon, in case you forgot! Yeah, I don’t like Zoie, and I haven’t forgiven him for what he’s done to me, but I can’t abide your attitude!” Sitri spat back.

“Kuudo... If Zoie is going to atone for his crimes by aiding the country, then isn’t that good enough? You need to come home. Please-” Byrne tried to say.

“IT’S NOT GOOD ENOUGH! NOT UNTIL HE’S DEAD!” Kuudo screamed, drawing her sword.

Sitri drew hers in response. She was furious that one of the Lokomo could be so unreasonable and so prejudiced. She was someone who watched Alphonse defeat Malladus. She was there at such a historic moment. The things she could have shared with her... But all of her knowledge would be tainted by this hatred. Everything about Kuudo made her irked and embittered. As if to show her defiance, she filled her sword with her magic.

When Kuudo saw that golden glow, she gasped in shock. “What...? That’s our magic power! How did you get that?!”

“I earned it! Anjean bestowed it to me after I proved my worth in the Tower of Spirits! She told me to use it for the betterment of Hyleigh! And right now... As much as I hate it, right now, it means defending Zoie from the likes of you!” she said strongly.

“If I’m gonna die, it’ll be by Link’s hand. I refuse to accept a punishment that doesn’t come from him.” Zoie said, grabbing his axe and shakily rising to his feet.

“You don’t uphold justice with hatred. Go cool off somewhere, and maybe we can talk things out calmly later.” Link said, brandishing his sword, as well.

Tetra and her crew stood tall next to the three of them, all holding their weapons at the ready. Even Gonzo and Senza had come around now. It was odd; each of them were ready to jump down Zoie’s throat mere minutes ago, but now faced with Kuudo, each of them felt like this was what they should be doing. Sitri felt comforted that she wasn’t alone in this feeling.

Even Byrne limped his way over to the group. “Kuudo, enough is enough. Please, go home and rest.” he said.

Kuudo stood alone now, shaking with rage and malice. Her breathing was haggard, like her ire was building up inside her throat, ready to explode out with her voice. Her eyes moved over every person there, like a cornered animal evaluating its pursuers. It was clear that she felt isolated, and Sitri did feel a little bad about that, but if she wasn’t going to relent, then it served her right, she thought.

Finally, she spoke. “All of you... are enemies to Hyleigh. Allying with demons will bring an end to this country. I hope you realize that before it’s too late. And as for you, Reaper... You don’t even deserve the acknowledgement of being addressed by your name. Mark my words, I will stop at nothing to kill you. You will fall by my hand, just you wait.”

Rasping out these words of malcontent, Kuudo turned away and left through a magic portal of her own making. That wasn’t going to be the last they saw of her, Sitri was sure. But for the moment, they could relax.

“Sheesh... Talk about uptight. What was her deal?” Senza complained.

“So we met a demon that hates humans, and now a Lokomo that hates demons... If we find a human that hates Lokomo, we’d have a full game of rock, paper, scissors.” Tetra remarked.

“I’m so sorry about her...” Byrne said ashamedly. “She’s been especially vicious in her pursuit of Zoie, ever since he attacked the Sacred Realm. I think she’s conflating him with something from her past, back in the Great War...”

“Well, I can’t say I haven’t been trying to piss a lot of people off. Whatever. If she wants to come after me, I welcome the challenge.” Zoie shrugged.

“Just don’t go picking fights with innocent people any more. You’ve gotta try and get along with us, okay? In exchange, I can spar with you when you need to let off some steam!” Link instructed.

“... Ugh, fine. I still want to fight Mikhaeyla someday, though, even if she kicks my ass.” Zoie said.

“Will you stop bothering my Aunt Mikha already? She’s got enough to deal with as it is!” Sitri admonished.

“Heh. If you can beat me in a fight, I’ll listen to you, too.” Zoie taunted.

“Alright, that’s enough, wise guy. Now that this mess is over, we need to figure out what we’re gonna do about Great Bay and its people.” Tetra said.

“Honestly... I recommend evacuating everyone to Hyleigh City.” Byrne said. “The city’s in complete shambles... It would take a lot of time and manpower to rebuild it. And if we account for the fact that it’s been raided repeatedly these past few days, it’s likely not worth the effort when it could happen again. I think it’s best that we abandon the city, at least for now.”

“Huh... Yeah, that’s probably a good idea. We’ll have to at least bury the dead first, though... Uh, who’re you again?” Gonzo said.

“Oh, I’m sorry. My name is Byrne. I’m a Lokomo acolyte working to provide relief to Hyleigh. You all are the crew I heard about from Rasta, I take it?”

“Oh, you know that guy? You probably know Mikhaeyla, then, too. Yeah, that’s us. We’ve been working with them on a solution to the raids.” Tetra said.

Sitri stared quietly at Byrne. She didn’t get the chance to speak with him much when they met at Mayscore a while back. He had a lot of history with her ancestor, Alphonse, but she learned it was forbidden to speak about past lives with the Lokomo. She reluctantly held her tongue. There were other things they had to do, anyway.

“Speaking of the raids...That prick Beelzebub never showed his face, did he? Cowardly bastard...” Tetra grumbled.

“Wait, Beelzebub? Who is that?” Byrne asked.

“Oh, guess you wouldn’t have heard yet. We found out he’s a crazy former Demon Lord who’s been instigating all of the raids these past few decades.” Tetra said.

“What?! That’s... I can’t believe it... I never imagined the raids could be... So that means the raid today was also...” Byrne said.

“Damn. Didn’t see that one coming. Beelzebub, huh? Wonder if he’s strong.” Zoie said.

“What, you didn’t know about him?” Tetra asked.

“Uh, no? Why the hell would I know something like that?” he said curtly.

“Link and Tetra helped my Aunt Mikha find him, but I still haven’t met him yet. I heard he uses some kind of brainwashing magic to control the monsters.” Sitri described.

“Wow. That means Mikhaeyla’s theory was right, after all... So that’s what you guys were up to after you left, huh?” Mako said.

“Yep. He made a pretty good mess of us, too. That jerk...” Tetra said. “Now that I think about it, since he’s responsible for this raid, it’s actually his fault that Nudge is dead... I’ll never forgive him...”

“Yeah. We can’t leave Hyleigh until we give him a good thrashing for that, if nothing else.” Gonzo said, slamming his fists together.

“S-speaking of Nudge... We should really tend to his body. I feel bad about him leaving back there like that...” Niko said.

“Yeah, you’re right. Come on, let’s go give him a proper pirate send-off.” Tetra said.

And so, the group moved away from the wooden float that was Link and Zoie’s battleground. Retracting their steps back into the city, they found the townspeople struggling to get all of the dead together in one place. Most of the bodies were militia members and volunteers, but there were a few unlucky victims among the regular population, as well. Including Nudge, twenty-two people had died. If it weren’t for the crew, it surely would have been worse, possibly even another Whittleton.

The people were fearful when they saw Zoie with them, but the crew had built up good relations in the days they’d spent protecting the town from raids. When they assured them that, even with his crotchety attitude, he was no longer a threat, they believed them. They also agreed to abandon their homes and make for Hyleigh City. With the wooden floats wrecked and burned from their defense strategy, and most of the stone buildings toppled, there was hardly anything left they could use for shelter. If more monsters showed up, they’d be done for.

As quickly and respectfully as they could, everyone worked together to bury the dead in a cleared patch of land toward the back of the island. Many tears were shed, many laments were sung, but in the end, the living had to pick up and move on. That included the crew, of course. Boyle and his train were still sitting in the station, and Sitri worked out the particulars with him. Using the Beldine Rule to her advantage, she got him to organize an evacuation effort with other engineers he knew.

Meanwhile, preparations for Nudge’s send-off were handled by his crewmates. A traditional pirate funeral involved setting the body off to sea on a small boat, and lighting it ablaze to cremate them. The townspeople were gracious enough to give them a small canoe for this purpose. Tetra and her crew carved their names into the side of it with a knife, to show Nudge that their spirits were going with him. They allowed Sitri to add her name, too, an honor she didn’t take lightly.

Mournfully, they shoved the boat into the sea and watched it drift away, into the endless blue. Link readied an arrow with a tip wrapped in an oil-soaked rag. When he nocked it in his bow, Tetra ignited it with a torch. He loosed the arrow, and it soared through the air and hit the canoe, dead on.

Slowly, Nudge’s body, draped in oiled cloths as well, was engulfed in the funeral pyre. His surviving crew stood on the beach, watching it burn away into to nothing. The smoke carried their love for him into the sky above as their tears fell down to the earth. Sitri stood right there with them. Even Byrne and Zoie sat nearby to watch. For a while, no one said anything. They just let the time pass over them.

Finally, Tetra broke the silence. “Nudge... I promise you, we’re going to finish what we started. For your sake, as well as ours. We’re going to save Hyleigh, and some day, we’re going to build our New Hyrule. I hope you’ll keep watching over us as we do. You deserve to see it. That land we can call our own...”

Link sniffled and nodded. The rest of the crew couldn’t hold in their sobs any longer. Poor Niko fell to his knees as he cried. Gonzo and Senza put their arms over each others’ shoulders as they let their emotions flood out. Mako had to remove his glasses to keep them dry from all of his tears. Zuko simply lowered his head in quiet reflection. And Linebeck had one arm covering his eyes, trying to assure everyone that he wasn’t actually crying, despite all the snotty evidence to the contrary. It was indisputable that Nudge was well-loved, and would be well-missed.

Sitri put her hand over her heart and clenched her fist. She was as good as one of them now. She wanted to help them. She wanted them at her side as she worked to be the next Hero of Spirits and save her homeland. And she felt secure in their allyship toward these goals.

I’m sorry for what happened to you, Nudge... But I promise, I’m not gonna let any of your friends follow you to the grave. We’re gonna do this! We’re gonna save Hyleigh!

a a a

Kuudo’s blood boiled in her veins. She sat atop the Tower of Spirits, quietly seething over the events she just experienced. As if Sitri’s behavior wasn’t bad enough, now a bunch of outlanders were defending demons, too. The Laughing Reaper, of all people. She couldn’t wrap her brain around it. How could they not see the folly of what they were doing? It drove her maddeningly sick.

She hoped that being on the Tower might calm her down, as it was a place created by the Spirits of Light. In the old days, the summit was wide open, with pillars at the four cardinal points. But since Anjean had restructured it five hundred years ago, it now had a peaceful canopy keeping the rain at bay. This covering also served as a lightning rod that attracted the land’s natural energy instead of electricity.

It also coincidentally created a natural wind tunnel around her. She allowed the cooling breeze to filter through her hair. Her anxious breathing eventually calmed down, but she didn’t get any less angry. She tightened her fists, clutching her sleeves to the point of crinkling the fabric. Even the beautiful landscape of Hyleigh spreading out below her could not settle her rage.

No one in this country is thinking clearly. They’ve all forgotten what happened in the past. The demons can’t be trusted, and most certainly can’t be allied with. Am I the only one left who sees them for what they truly are? If so, then I...

“I thought I sensed you up here.”

Kuudo’s shoulders jolted in surprise. She turned to find Anjean herself resting a few paces behind her.
“Wha?! Lady Anjean... How did you...?”

“Come, now. Did you really think I wouldn’t notice you perched atop my own home?” Anjean chuckled.

Kuudo bit her lip. “... Are you not occupied with monitoring Hyleigh?”

“Speaking with you isn’t enough to distract me from my duties. However, this Zoie fellow seems to be enough to distract you from yours. Please, go home. You are missed and afeared for. We want you to come back and rest.”

Kuudo clenched her teeth and stood up. “You, too? I can’t believe even you, of all people, are telling me to stop! Why? I don’t understand! This is my duty! I have to protect Hyleigh from any who would do it harm! Especially when it’s the likes of him!”

Anjean sighed wearily. “You are so focused on Zoie that you don’t even see the real threat to Hyleigh. The case has already been closed on him. You are needed elsewhere.”

“No, it hasn’t been closed! Not until he’s dead at my feet!” Kuudo argued.

Anjean frowned and pinched the space between her brows. “So you remain stubbornly dedicated to this hunt... I am disappointed in you, Kuudo. It seems there is nothing I or anyone else can say to bring you back to your senses. I only hope that you are able to stop yourself before it’s too late to turn back.”

Before she could respond, Anjean disappeared, likely returning to the heart of the Tower to continue her work. She left so abruptly that it made Kuudo more furious than ever. She stomped in place on the edge of the Tower, her fists shaking uncontrollably. Her eyes were so contorted with anger that it was making her woozy. The front of her forehead was pounding in pain from it all.

“I don’t understand... Why can’t anyone else see it? I’m not the one who’s lost her senses, it’s everyone else that’s gone crazy! The Reaper... That man... He has to be eliminated... He is the one person... I cannot allow to live!”

As she said this, she couldn’t stop painful memories from swirling in the back of her mind. The tortured screams, the scent of blood, the gory images... They were bubbling back up to the surface. And in her brain, the face of that man was becoming interlaced with Zoie’s.

“I have to... I have to kill him... Even if I’m all alone... Even if the Lokomo turn their backs on me... I will kill him, no matter what it takes!”

Azure Sage

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ZD Legend
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Gonna keep on rollin' with the next chapter today! Now the Third Movement is halfway over. Look forward to the back half of this arc!

Chapter Twenty-Five
If The Pieces Fit​

Ceres felt terribly nervous. She had only been a knight for three days, but Demon King Mikhaeyla saw fit to anoint her as one of three captains for her Grand Demonic Knights. It was a high honor, one that was unheard of for a teenager like her. At this stage in her life, she was the same as a human teenager. She would not start aging slowly until she reached maturity at the age of twenty. That made her the youngest member of the Knights by more than a century.

And yet, she was a captain still, equal in standing to Varuna and Albion, the other two captains. That was just how much faith Mikhaeyla had put in her abilities. It was a trust that she badly wanted to live up to. And she felt she could, so long as it were on the field of battle. She had little actual fighting experience, but she was willing to put in the work.

But the world of politics was an entirely different playing field, one that she was beginning to think she poorly suited. She didn’t expect to be plopped onto its stage so suddenly, but alas, as a captain, she was dragged along when Mikhaeyla called an important summit to session. Hawthorne was the commander of the knights, so he got to stay behind in St. Versailles to whip the recruits in shape, while she got to stand uncomfortably next to Varuna and Albion in the Hyleigh Council meeting chambers.

And what a stage that was. The tension in the room could be cut with a knife, and the people gathered there looked like they wanted to start reaching for knives of their own. Most of the animosity was directed to one individual in particular; a tall man in black with a scar under his left eye, sitting backwards in a chair with his arms hanging over the back post. He looked rather amused by the frightened stares he was getting.

On the other side of the room, almost as physically far away from him as they could get, crowded three of the Hyleigh Council members, having constructed a makeshift barricade out of lavish-looking chairs. Sitting at the round table in the center, looking ashamed of their compatriots, were the other two. She had been given a run-down of each member, and it was easy for her to pick out who was who. Not a one of them looked happy.

Next to the man in black was a large man wearing Lokomo robes. He looked just as uncomfortable as the others. In front of them were three young humans who looked to be Ceres’ age. She was very surprised to see others like her there. Two of them looked apologetic, but the girl with tan skin and blonde hair looked just as amused as the man in black.

And at the front of all this chaos stood Mikhaeyla, pinching her brow in what could only be described as true vexation.

“All right... I think it’s time I had an explanation for this.” she said.

“Wh-who cares about their explanation?! They need to get him out of here right now!” Mabufu whined.

“Well... I’m sure there’s a reason they brought him here.” Rasta said, sounding exasperated.

“I don’t care! He’s dangerous! Who knows when he’s gonna start attacking us?” Darius bellowed.

“He won’t. He’s with us now.” the blonde girl said, smirking as if this were entertainment to her.

“Like we can believe that!” Anderson shouted.

“I think we all need to take a breath and start over.” Llewellyn said.

“Yes, good idea.” Mikhaeyla agreed. “Link, Tetra, Sitri? It seems our friends are rather confused, and I have to admit, I am, too. Care to explain why the Laughing Reaper is sitting there looking so smug and comfortable?”

W-wait, that guy’s the Reaper?! No way!

Ceres had to put a hand over her mouth so she wouldn’t be heard audibly gasping. She’d never seen his face before, only heard the rumors. There was tell that even Hawthorne failed to defeat him, and that Mikhaeyla never had the chance to go all-out against him. She couldn’t comprehend why such an infamous person would be present at a Council meeting like it was perfectly natural.

“Ah! About that, Aunt Mikha...” the girl with green hair said anxiously.

“Aunt Mikha...?” Ceres whispered.

“That’s Sitri, Her Majesty’s niece.” Varuna whispered.

“She’s human, but Her Majesty treats her as family, and expects that we do, as well.” Albion clarified.

“O-oh. I had no idea...”

The boy in green was the next one to speak. “It’s a long story, but I defeated him, and he agreed to join us!”

“Link, come on. I know you don’t like to talk a lot, but you can’t shortcut through this.” the blonde girl said, although she was clearly trying to hold down some snickers.

“Tetra’s right. M-maybe I should explain.” Sitri said.

“Hold on, there’s a lot more to this than just Zoie here. I have experience speaking in situations like this. Please, allow me.” the Lokomo said.

“Oh! Thank you, Byrne. That’d be a great help.” Sitri said gratefully.

Now Ceres had a name for every face, but she was still uncomfortable. Just what in the world could have happened that led to such a development? The entire room was quiet now, hungry for the story. Mikhaeyla seemed to be far more patient than the rest, though.

Byrne cleared his throat and began. “First of all, allow me to apologize to you, Lady Mikhaeyla. You entrusted Zoie’s defeat to me, but I failed miserably... I am sorry. However, as you can see, he is now on our side. That’s all thanks to our friends here.” he said, flourishing his hand at Link, Tetra, and Sitri.

“So, it was you kids who managed to defeat Zoie. I’m impressed. Good work, all of you.” Mikhaeyla said, smiling warmly.

“A-actually, Link did most of the work... The rest of us didn’t last very long...” Sitri said, sounding disappointed in herself.

“And don’t forget, he’s the only reason I’m sitting here right now.” Zoie said, making the Council members flinch just from his voice.

Byrne cleared his throat again. “At any rate, there’s more that led up to this. Three days ago, Great Bay City was raided once again. Tetra’s crew fought valiantly to defend the people, but ultimately, the city was leveled to the ground. The survivors had no choice but to abandon their homes and take refuge here in Hyleigh City.”

“Which the Council has already approved.” Llewellyn added.

“I see. That’s unfortunate to hear, but I’m glad there were survivors at all.” Mikhaeyla said.

“Nudge wasn’t one of them... He died in the raid.” Tetra said quietly.

Mikhaeyla gasped, covering her mouth in horror. She looked genuinely pained by the news. Her lips quivered when she responded.

“I... I am so sorry. I can’t help but feel responsible, since I’m the one who asked you all to work with me...” she said.

“Nah, it was our choice to stay, and his choice to protect people. It hurts, but that’s that. And we’re getting off-topic.” Tetra said firmly, like she didn’t want to discuss it any further.

Byrne nodded and continued. “In the aftermath of the raid, Zoie appeared before the group again, having defeated Kuudo and myself. I only woke up at the end of it, but I witnessed Link here defeat Zoie. It was a spectacular sight. And in his defeat, he gave his life to Link and will now follow his orders.”

“Really?! And so you’re here willingly, then?” Mikhaeyla asked him.

“I wouldn’t call this ‘willingly’, though it is pretty fun to watch those Council losers squirm.” Zoie said. “But the fact is, I lost to Link, so now he gets to decide my fate. That’s the way of the world, whether I like it or not.”

“Fascinating... Such an astoundingly juvenile way of thinking, and yet you stick to it like glue, even when it works against you. I suppose that’s commendable, in a way.” Mikhaeyla said.

“He agreed to help us defeat Beelzebub!” Link added.

“I-is that okay with you, Aunt Mikha? You aren’t mad?” Sitri asked.

“Oh, no, I think it’s wonderful. I was likely just going to end up killing him, but if you can tame this stray puppy and set him on a proper path, that’s a far more preferable outcome!” Mikhaeyla said, sounding pleased.

“Hey, who are you calling a puppy?!” Zoie barked.

“The stray part didn’t bother you?” Tetra smirked.

“H-hold it, we don’t approve of this, you hear?!” Mabufu called out.

“Please calm down... You embarrass yourselves.” Llewellyn said.

“Speaking of Beelzebub... I learned about his existence from the crew here. I was shocked to hear that he’s trying to break the seal on Malladus.” Byrne said.

“Yes. It seems he’s not one to wait around, now that he’s been unmasked. It sounds like he acted again the moment he noticed I was gone... Curses.” Mikhaeyla said.

“Must be pretty cowardly. Bet I could take him down a peg.” Zoie said.

Mikhaeyla stared hard at him after that. “You know, when I called this meeting, I never imagined you would be in attendance, Zoie... How fortuitous.”

“Huh? What’s that supposed to mean? You wanna throw down again? I’m game.” he said.

“Not likely.” Mikhaeyla said wryly. “But while I was in the Mystic Realm, I investigated Beelzebub’s past. And it’s not unconnected with yours.”

“Wait, really? How so?” Sitri asked.

“When Beelzebub was a Demon Lord, he served Demon King Vanaheit. Your father, Zoie. And yet you speak as if you’ve never heard of him before. I find that curious.” Mikhaeyla said.

“What?! Hey, you weren’t lying to us, were ya?” Tetra accused.

“No! Why the hell would I bother lying to you? I... I don’t know him! At least I think I don’t...” Zoie said.

“Aha! So the cat’s out of the bag, now! I knew we couldn’t trust him!” Anderson shouted.

“Hold a moment. We don’t have all the facts yet.” Rasta said.

“Zoie, what do you mean you ‘think’ you don’t know him?” Sitri asked.

“Please, tell us. It’s time you laid your past bare.” Mikhaeyla urged.

Zoie’s face twisted into an intense scowl. It looked like talking about himself was the last thing in the world he wanted to do. His fingers gripped the edge of his chair tightly, his nails scraping against the wood. At last, he looked to Link, and the boy encouragingly nodded at him. His head hung down, and he sighed deeply.

“Fine... To tell you the truth, I don’t really remember much from those days. It’s like there’s a curtain in my brain, and I can’t move it out of the way. I couldn't tell you if this Beelzebub guy was working with my father or not. I just don’t remember.”

This revelation was a surprise to everyone in the room. Mikhaeyla studied his face closely, and she seemed to believe him.

“I see. Perhaps we can jog your memory, then. We went to where Vanaheit’s manor used to be, and it was burned to the ground. Not even the foundation was left. Does that ring a bell?” she asked.

“... No. I don’t remember ever torching the place.”

“I didn’t think it was you. There were no reports of the fire having been cold. It was probably Beelzebub.” Mikhaeyla said. “What about this, then? The one thing that was still intact was a hidden cellar. Inside, we found a large room with blood all over the floor. There was also a portrait of Malladus hanging on the wall. It seems your father was a zealot of his.”

When Mikhaeyla said that, Zoie’s eye twitched. He put his palm to his forehead, like he got a headache all of a sudden. “That... That room...”

Mikhaeyla narrowed her eyes. “That’s where it happened, isn’t it? That’s where you killed your father.”

“Huh?! He did that...?” Sitri gasped.

Zoie groaned in pain, but nodded. “Yeah... That sounds right. And the portrait... Ugh. I can almost see it... But it’s like... it’s just out of reach... This sucks.”

“You killed your father...? Why?” Link asked.

Zoie squinted, his brow furrowing so much it looked just as painful as his headache. His breathing was starting to grow labored. It was clearly taking a lot of effort for him to run through this trip down memory lane. Ceres started feeling sorry for him, in spite of herself.

“I... I just knew I had to be strong. I had to be stronger than him, or it would never stop...” he said.

“What would never stop?” Mikhaeyla asked.

“... All of it. The room, the training, the beatings... It would never end unless I could be strong. So much time in that room... All so I could be strong...” Zoie mumbled.

Oh, no... Don’t tell me he was abused? Is that why he ended up like this?

Ceres wasn’t the only one to come to that conclusion. Mikhaeyla’s lips formed a sad frown as she watched the man struggle to speak.

“I see. Perhaps your memory loss is trauma-related, then. Your mind is keeping the full truth from you because it’s painful.” she said. “It’s very possible that Vanaheit tried to turn you into a warrior that would fight for his ambitions, and resorted to unsavory methods to train you... Maybe that's why no one knew he had a son. But you turned the tables on him somehow... That’s my theory, at least.”

“Jeez... Don’t go makin’ up theories about my life.” Zoie complained.

Mikhaeyla smiled gently at him. “Very well. Thank you for putting up with my questioning, Zoie. It’s clear that Vanaheit was trying to aid Beelzebub in his nefarious goals, but until we learn more, it’s better that we focus our attention on the dastard himself. Perhaps, in the course of helping us, more of your past will come to light.”

“Who cares about his past?!” Darius shouted. “So he was abused, so what? It doesn’t excuse his crimes! If he’s connected to that crazy Beelzebub, that’s all the more reason we gotta get rid of him now! They could be working together-”

He went deathly silent the next instant. Mikhaeyla glared at him harder than most people in the room had ever seen, judging by the muted gasps. Darius turned white under her steely gaze. He quickly shrunk down, averting his eyes away in shame.

“Now, then.” she said, ignoring what just happened. “Zoie’s wanton revelry is behind him. That’s a big step forward for Hyleigh. It’s now our job to stop Beelzebub from reviving Malladus. Somehow, he’s trying to use the raids to break the Spirit Tracks. Byrne, I suggest you speak with Anjean about this. We need a Lokomo’s wisdom.”

“Very well. I’m not sure how the two could be connected, but if anyone knows, it would be her.” Byrne said.

“In the meantime, let us move on to the main reason I called this meeting. As I promised, I have assembled an order of knights to help defend the towns from these raids. Demon Lord Hawthorne has command, and he is back in St. Versailles preparing squadrons. We have accrued one hundred volunteer fighters, the vast majority of which are trained guardsmen. I would like to introduce the three captains that shall be leading them; Varuna, Albion, and Ceres.”

When Ceres heard her name, she stiffened up. She made sure her posture was appropriate, and she saluted in step with her fellow captains. Now wearing the St. Versailles guard uniform, she hoped she appeared the part she was meant to play. Sitri smiled and waved at Varuna and Albion, and they politely waved back. Ceres found herself drawn to the girl. When their eyes met, she smiled at her, too.

“One hundred? That’s an incredible result to show after just four days. As expected of Her Majesty.” Rasta said.

“Our people will be in safe hands, at last! Will they be ready to deploy soon?” Llewellyn asked.

“Just as soon as we have properly divided them up. Give us at least two more days.” Mikhaeyla said.

“Beelzebub’s not gonna be happy about them guarding all the towns, I bet. Hopefully he gets impatient and slips up.” Sitri said.

“And when he does, we’ll be there to pounce on him.” Tetra said, pumping her fist.

Wow, everyone got such a solid plan laid out! This is awesome! Hopefully now we won’t have a repeat of Whittleton... And I get to help make sure of that... Mom, dad, watch over me... I’m gonna do my best!

Ceres was feeling optimistic. With a well-defined strategy like this, surely things were going to work out. That Beelzebub wasn’t going to know what hit him. Just as she was thinking so, an echo of panicked footsteps started crashing through the hall outside the chamber. As everyone’s attention was drawn to the door, it suddenly swung open. Ceres jumped a tiny bit.

The door-swinger was a sweaty man who clearly needed a minute to catch his breath. But whatever he had to say seemed to be too urgent to wait for that.

“Hu... Hurry... Kakariko... raided!” he heaved out.

In the next moment, the man collapsed to the floor. And everyone in the room felt their blood turn to ice.

Azure Sage

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Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
Had a nice short break, but now it's time to continue! This arc is ramping up now. I hope you look forward to seeing how it'll unfold!

Chapter Twenty-Six
Tragedy Marches On​

The messenger lay flat on his face, desperately gasping for breath. Mikhaeyla examined him quickly. He likely ran all the way from the train station in one go. Her healing magic could do nothing for exhaustion, so helping him sit up and calm down was the best she could offer.

Damn you, Beelzebub... All of these raids in quick succession shouldn't be easy to do. How does he have the power to compel so many monsters at once? Either way, I won't let him get away with it.

She wasted no further time to take decisive action. Once the runner was sitting up, she stood to face the Council.

“Varuna, Albion, Ceres! This shall be your first mission! Defend the people of Kakariko!” she commanded.

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

This quick response resounded from the three knight captains, though Ceres was just half a beat slower than the other two. Mikhaeyla quickly opened a portal right there in the Council room, startling many of its members. The three of them jumped through, transporting them straight to Kakariko.

“We're going, too!” Sitri said.

“Right! Come on, Zoie!” Link said.

“Feh... Fine. I'll help you out.” Zoie muttered unwillingly.

“Hey, Rasta! Tell my boys to stay here and keep helping the refugees! I don't want them wasting their time trying to catch a train! Just leave this to us.” Tetra said.

“As you wish. Please, be careful.” Rasta urged.

“Ya gotta help them! Kakariko's right north of Anouki Village! They're our good neighbors! Please save ‘em!” Mabufu begged.

Link nodded determinedly and rushed through the portal without hesitation. Tetra and Zoie were right behind him. Sitri exchanged a worried look with her aunt, but followed behind them soon after.

I fear for her going out into the fray, but I shouldn't stop her... My personal feelings can't get in the way, especially when we need all the hands we can get.

Byrne stepped forward next. “I think I should go directly to Lady Anjean and apprise her of the situation. I'm afraid I won't be much good on the battlefield...”

“Please do. Perhaps she can come up with a plan while we are handling the raid.” Mikhaeyla consented.

“We shall leave Kakariko’s fate to you and your group, while we begin preparing the citizens for the arrival of your knights.” Llewellyn said.

“Do we have your word that they will behave themselves and display proper conduct?” Darius asked suspiciously.

Mikhaeyla frowned at the implication hidden behind his words, but she nodded. “I swear on my honor as a descendant of the Hero of Spirits’ allies, the Grand Demonic Knights will defend Hyleigh and withdraw as soon as Beelzebub is defeated.”

That seemed good enough for him. After nodding at each of the Council members, and at Byrne, Mikhaeyla turned toward her magic portal. Directly joining the battle was risky on her part, but it had to be done.

I must take care that I don't use too much power, or I will blow away the village along with the monsters. I may have to count on everyone's help more than I'd like...

a a a

Ceres stepped out of the portal and found herself facing a biting cold. She was born and raised in St. Versailles, though she did visit her mother's birthplace on occasion, thus she never got to set foot in the Snow Realm before. She was unaccustomed to the frigid weather. Surprisingly, Varuna and Albion looked unbothered by it.

“How are you guys not f-freezing? Is that the difference of being an experienced guard...” Ceres moaned.

“You know, if you coat your skin with a thin layer of magic, you can insulate yourself.” Albion said.

“W-wait, really?! Let me try!” Ceres said.

“Do it quickly. We can't have you slowed down by the climate during battle.” Varuna advised.

As Ceres practiced this trick, Link appeared through the portal. He looked around to orient himself, and as he did, Tetra and Zoie came out next. Sitri arrived the moment after.

“Ah, good. You all came, too.” Varuna said.

“Of course! I'm glad I finally get to fight alongside you two!” Sitri said.

“It'll be a delight, I'm sure. You've grown up awfully fast, Sitri. I still remember you toddling behind Lady Mikhaeyla as if it were yesterday.” Albion said.

“Hey! I wasn't that little when I met you guys...”

“Ugh... If you losers are done buddying up, can we get to the part where we fight stuff?” Zoie complained.

His attitude drew a lot of frowns out of the group, but Varuna nodded. “Annoyingly, he's right. There's no telling how long the raid has been going on before that runner arrived. We should hurry.”

“It wouldn't do to rush in unprepared. I think we ought to split into groups. We'll cover more ground and likely save more people that way.” Albion suggested.

“You saps do what you want. I just gotta kill all the monsters I find, right? Piece of cake.” Zoie said.

Saying as much, he ran off toward the village. From their position directly south of it, they could already see a lot of smoke and fire rising into the air. The gray skies above made it almost feel like night, and the orange glow of flames and the gritty black of soot colored the snow falling around the town.

Oh, man... Maybe Zoie has the right idea.

Mikhaeyla came through the portal at last. She looked at the six who were left, and looked at Zoie running up ahead of the group, and she nodded as though she already understood the situation.

“Hm. I will keep an eye on our stray puppy. You all form teams of two and get to work.”

After delivering her orders, she set out for the village. Albion smirked, feeling satisfied that his liege shared his idea. Varuna gently batted his shoulder, and then granted their three human allies a little cold protection with her magic. It didn't take the group more than a few moments to decide on matchups after that.

“Link and I are good to go. We'll take the east side of town.” Tetra said.

“Varuna and shall take the west side, then.” Albion said.

“I guess that leaves us together for the center of town... I l-look forward to working with you, Sitri!” Ceres said nervously.

“Great! It's good to meet you, Ceres!” Sitri said.

By the time the girls were done exchanging pleasantries, the other two groups were already halfway to Kakariko. They hurriedly got underway and dashed through the snow. Their boots sank down with each step, but they trudged along, getting into the headspace for a fight.

As they drew closer, the damage was becoming more apparent. The train station in the front had collapsed, and many of the buildings they could see were on fire. There were townspeople running about, pursued by miniblins chittering and chirping with delight.

Seeing that, the girls’ focus became swallowed by the desire to help. Ceres filled her feet with magic and raced forward, not registering that Sitri was keeping up with her just yet. They both drew their weapons in tandem. It seemed her ally favored a single broadsword, but Ceres found she liked to dual-wield, a straight sword in her right hand and a shorter parrying blade in her left, held in a backhand position.

With graceful form, the pair wedged the group of miniblins between themselves and cut through the bloodthirsty gremlins. The shock of seeing gold magic streak out from Sitri’s blade was almost enough to halt Ceres in her tracks. She never imagined that the girl could wield such a power as a human.

Sitri was similarly shocked by witnessing Ceres’ own power, and she knew why. Demon magic nearly always displayed hues of red or violet. Zoie was a peculiarity with his pink aura. And Ceres was yet another anomaly, with magic as black as a starless night.

This was something she’d always been self-conscious of, but it wasn’t an opportune moment to get into it; neither that nor her questions about Sitri’s ability to use magic were relevant. They were now faced with a crowd of panicked civilians. They were grateful to be rescued, but they viewed their two saviors with confusion and some apprehension.

“Th-thank you... But who are you people?” one of them asked.

“W-we’re with the Grand Demonic Knights who serve Demon King Mikhaeyla! We’ve come to save you! Captain Ceres, at your service!” Ceres said shakily.

“Demons? Come to save us? I never heard of such a thing!” they said.

“Wait, I have! Mikhaeyla is famous for helping the Council! And that old lady Wisterya has been living with us here for a long time!” another citizen said.

“Oh, I know Miss Wisterya! Is she okay?” Sitri asked.

“You’re Sitri, right? I remember you, you’ve helped us out before... I haven’t seen Wisterya, so I don’t know... But please, there are a lot of monsters! If nothing is done...!” yet another begged.

“You should evacuate south! See if you can get to Anouki Village! Go, now!” Ceres commanded, feeling a bit more confident in herself.

The citizens complied and rushed in the direction the girls had come from. Ceres let out a sigh and rolled her shoulders. Her first official interaction with the people of Hyleigh as a knight went over well, she thought. Now it was time to make good on her word, and her station.

The pair exchanged a nod and ventured deeper into the town, their weapons at the ready to strike down monsters and save innocent lives. Every time they turned a corner, they either found more fleeing citizens, or miniblins kicking around bodies that were already dead. There were so many enemies, it was dizzyingly mystifying.

When they finally had a moment to breathe, Ceres lowered her gaze to the ground and clenched her fists around her weapon grips. She couldn’t hold in all of her shaking.

“I’ve never heard of so many monsters in one place like this, even in raids... Is this what happened to Whittleton?” she said aloud.

“Yes... This is just like what I saw there. Beelzebub summoned so many at once to completely wipe the place out...” Sitri said.

“You were there?!” Ceres gasped.

“I was... But I couldn’t save a single person... I won’t let that happen again, not ever...” Sitri said ashamedly.

She was there... I can’t believe it. While my family was being slaughtered by these monsters, she was there trying to help... That’s...

“... Thank you for trying to help them... It may not have worked out then, but there’s always today! Come on, let’s keep moving! We can’t let Kakariko fall like Whittleton and Great Bay did!” Ceres said, feeling more motivated.

Sitri looked at her in awe, and then smiled brightly. She pumped her fists in the air and nodded. “You’re right! Kakariko is where Alphonse met Naomi... I wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for that. I won’t let this place be destroyed!”

“Wait, you wouldn’t? What do you mean?”

Before Ceres could get an answer to her question, the wall of the building they stood next to splintered apart. A pack of big blins came barreling through it, catching them by surprise. The pair barely had time to jump apart before being run over. And when they turned to face their enemies, what they saw horrified them.

The blins were dragging the gored-up bodies of townspeople behind them. Some were missing limbs, others were painted completely red with their own blood, and one was even without its head. And one still was choking for air, desperately clinging to life.

Ceres felt disgusted by this display of depravity. Her partner, on the other hand, was filled with a rage so intense that it startled her a bit.

“No... How could you do that to them?! You’re gonna pay!” Sitri yelled angrily.

Her body was enveloped in a golden aura, her magic responding to her emotions. The aura itself looked volatile and unstable. Ceres had never seen magic look that way before. It was off-putting, but she had to back her up.

Sitri swung her blade wildly, carving through her adversaries like they were made of paper. The show of strength was impressive enough, but she even managed to avoid letting the bursts of magic harm the villagers’ bodies. Ceres followed her lead and slashed through the arm of the brute holding up the one person that was still living. She quickly sheathed her weapons at her sides and moved him away from the group, laying him out on his back.

His condition was hard to take in. His entire body was battered and bruised, half of his limbs bent the wrong direction. It was all he could do to heave out staggered breaths, spitting up blood as he tried to take in air.

Oh, no... He’s not going to make it... If only I knew healing magic!

Cursing her lack of experience, Ceres did what she could and supported his body with a hand under his back. She placed her other hand over his heart and poured as much of her magic as she could into him. She didn’t know what she was doing, but she had to try anything, desperate for a miracle, for something to fall into place.

“... Th... Thank... you...”

The man breathed out those words in the last moment of his life. Ceres was too late. She clenched her fists and felt her eyes well up with tears. She wasn’t able to save him, but he thanked her anyway. Why did he do that? She couldn’t get his voice out of her head. It echoed around in her mind, pulling heavy emotions up from her gut.

She squeezed her eyes shut for a few moments, letting those emotions pass through her. Then she shook her head and stood back up. There was still a fight to be had, and more people to save. She looked back to where Sitri had been, but suddenly, her partner was nowhere to be seen.

“Wait, huh? Where’d Sitri run off to...?”

Examining the area, she discovered a trail of big blin bodies and limbs, marking a blood-red path through the snow. Sitri’s fight had to have carried her off that way. She gazed back down at the deceased man, and felt a new wellspring of determination building up inside her.

I’m sorry... I never got to learn your name. I couldn’t save you, but you still thanked me... I won’t forget that. And I won’t let it happen to anyone else.

Thinking this, Ceres drew her swords again and started following the mess Sitri left in her wake. However, she had to duck under a sudden attack from her flank. She vaulted forward and spun around to face her newest attacker. It was another big blin, but this one was leading a pack of white wolfos, canid monsters with sharp fangs and claws native to the Snow Realm. She gulped and backed up a few paces, surveying the situation.

Not good... There’s a lot of these guys here. I can’t ignore them. I’m sorry, Sitri... I’ll come find you soon. Hope you’re okay...

a a a

Sitri madly chased after a group of big blins through a burning neighborhood in Kakariko. As they ran, they used their clubs and maces to knock down the sides of buildings along the way, forcing Sitri to dodge and weave through a shower of rubble. She clenched her teeth and shot forward, reinforcing her steps with magic. She caught up to them at last and gripped her sword with both hands. With a great roar, she cut through three of them at once.

Their bodies splattered to the ground in pools of blood. The two that remained turned to face her, standing oddly still. She didn’t want to waste this opportunity, so she readied another blast of magic in her blade. When she cleaved through the air, an arc of golden light radiated out, slicing them neatly in half.

As they collapsed to the ground, Sitri met one of their gazes. Its eyes were spinning in its sockets, a sure sign that it was under Beelzebub’s spell. But realizing that caused a growing sensation of dread to well up inside her. The monsters were brainwashed to fight uncontrollably and to not fear death, but these ones ran from her and even tried to slow her down. That was unusual.

And when she thought about that, she realized that the last two simply stood still and let her kill them. They didn’t move or react. Once that had sunk in, she felt terror rising up through her blood. Her skin was pricked all over by goosebumps as the weight of these seemingly deliberate actions took shape in her mind. She got back on guard, and not a moment too soon.

Behind herself, a massive pulse of pressure pushed her forward. She stumbled but, thanks to her alertness, managed to stay on her feet. She turned and pointed her blade to its source. It revealed itself as a tall, lean man in a green suit. He had deep orange hair and eyes, and he was bewilderingly wearing two bowler hats on his head.

Sitri swallowed anxiously. This man... He looks just like Link and Tetra described... He couldn’t be!

“Disgusting... A mere human dares to flaunt the power of magic? I cannot stomach the sight of it. You will have to die.” he rasped.

His voice caused intense chills to ravage her bones. Sitri bit her lip and faced down this frightening adversary, gripping her beloved sword that was once wielded by Alphonse tighter than ever. It was hard to believe he would just appear like that, but she felt she knew exactly who this was.

“You’re... Beelzebub?!”

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
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ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
Time for the next chapter! I don't wanna say too much about it... but buckle up. :eyes:

Chapter Twenty-Seven
The Descendant's Tears​

“Oh, dear... Seems I’ve lost track of the stray.” Mikhaeyla said, resting her palm on her cheek.

A big blin tried to pounce on her from behind, but it was shot through the head by a pinpoint burst of red light. A mob of wolfos surrounded her and lunged for her throat, their claws extended and fangs bared. However, each of them were impaled by red spikes shooting up from the ground beneath them. Two more big blins tried to close in from both sides, but they met the same fate as those before them, left with gaping holes in their stomachs.

“Well, at least he was actually doing his job when I last saw him. Color me surprised.” she continued as if none of that had just happened.

Mikhaeyla didn’t have to move an inch to accomplish all of this. The crowd of townspeople safely enclosed within one of her barriers could scarcely believe their eyes. The way she effortlessly cleared the area of monsters left them spellbound. She turned to face them after pondering about Zoie, and gave them all a gentle smile.

“Here. If you cross through this portal, you will arrive in Anouki Village. Take care, and do be aware that the experience may leave you feeling uncomfortable. Any parents should maintain a tight grip on their children. Go, now.”

After providing her instructions, she cocked her head and such a portal opened inside the barrier. The people there expressed a great outpouring of gratitude and began to file through one by one. She stood watch to make sure everyone made it, and then rescinded both the portal and the barrier. She dusted off her knees and put her hands on her hips, examining the area.

She had been following Zoie at a distance, making sure he behaved himself. But when she stumbled across that large crowd of townsfolk, she was forced to take her eyes off him. She could still sense him nearby, but his signature was being muddled by all the magic thrown around by the rest of her allies. It was difficult for her to narrow down any exact locations.

“I suppose it’s fine. I’ll run into him again eventually. I should continue to search for survivors.” Mikhaeyla decided.

She began to march through the snow, ears attuned to any suspicious sounds. As she did, however, she began to feel a growing sense of unease. Something in the air felt off all of a sudden. It was a sensation she wasn’t unfamiliar with, like thorny vines entangling around her throat.

“This feeling... I wonder...”

Mikhaeyla was about to turn in the direction she thought it was coming from, but she heard a scream in the opposite direction. She quickly changed course, prioritizing the lives that were right in front of her, but she kept the bizarre feeling in the back of her mind.

a a a

Sitri felt a deep, primal fear tighten in her heart. Every fiber of her being told her that the man in front of her was dangerous. Beelzebub carried himself with an air of superiority, looking down on her as though she were an insect to be exterminated. And if the information her allies had gathered thus far was all true, she was in for the fight of her life. She couldn’t remember the last time she felt so afraid.

Even so, she gripped her sword with a burgeoning sense of determination. She clenched her jaw and focused her eyes on him and him alone. The fear did not leave, but it was now accompanied by righteous anger.

This man... He’s the cause of everything... It’s a long-shot, but... If I can take him down here, I’ll be recognized as the Hero of Spirits for sure! I have to do it, no matter how terrifying or powerful he is!

She brandished her sword and stared daggers at him. Her magic swelled up from deep within, blanketing her skin and her blade in equal proportions. Now her attacks would be empowered, and if he got any hits in, she’d be protected. It was a mix of offense and defense she thought of after her failure in her recent battle with Zoie. She hoped her past experiences would be enough to push her through the coming fight.

Beelzebub scowled with revulsion when he saw her ready herself. “You know who I am, and yet you do not run away? First that worm in green, and now you... You vile humans need to be reminded of your place!”

In step with his speech, he raised an arm and held it toward Sitri, and several violet tendrils of magic sprouted forth. With her body already reinforced, she was able to zip out of the way in the nick of time. The tendrils bored through the snow and twirled through the rubble behind her, serving as a vision of what could have happened to her.

I remember what Link and Tetra said about him... He can attack really fast, he can make magic drills around his arms, and he can turn into fog... I’ve gotta be just as fast! No, faster!

Still reinforced, Sitri continued sprinting around. She tried to move into her foe’s blindspot. Beelzebub conjured more tendrils, each more deadly than the last. They whipped through the air at rapid speed, forcing her to leap and duck through the ruins of the city. Burning support beams and cracked walls fell every which way around her.

Strengthening her grip on her sword filled it with golden light. When she was ready, she swung it through a piece of falling rubble. It exploded into a cloud of dust and bits of debris, giving her a smokescreen. Out of Beelzebub’s view, she quickly changed direction, trying to catch him by surprise. When she had an opening, she shot forward, kicking up a whirlwind of snow behind her.

Beelzebub’s eyes narrowed when he saw her appear out of the haze. She was closing in too fast for him to react, or so she thought. Right before her sword made contact with his chest, his body dissolved into a purple fog, just like how Link and Tetra described. Clicking her tongue, Sitri stayed on guard and continued to move. She didn’t want to be caught by surprise herself.

Her efforts were in vain. He appeared directly in front of her, despite how fast she was moving. She flinched and barely had time to roll out of the way before she crashed head-first into a drill spell. Hastily, she hopped back to her feet, and found his outstretched hand an inch from her neck. She instinctively kicked down on the ground and sprang backwards before she was caught.

“Humph. You’re quick at fleeing. You should have used that speed to escape while you had the chance.” Beelzebub scoffed.

Sitri took a moment to catch her breath. She stood back up to her full height and pointed her sword at him. “I’m not running from you! I have to take you down! I won’t let you threaten the home my ancestor worked so hard to protect!” she vowed.

Beelzebub’s eyes narrowed again, his brow furrowing. “Your ancestor? You couldn’t be...”

Sitri didn’t wait for him to finish. She lunged forward again, empowered by her magic. Beelzebub raised an arm covered by a drill spell to meet her sword. Violet light clashed against gold in a fiery display of sparks. Sitri gripped her hilt with both hands and dug her feet into the ground. She did not want to lose a power clash against this man. Not against him.

For Alphonse... Come on, I can do this! I will be like Alphonse!

Crying out in desperation, she pushed with all her might. But she could not force Beelzebub to move an inch. In time, the muscles in her arms fatigued and failed her. The golden light dimmed away to nothing, and Beelzebub grabbed her blade with a hand cloaked in violet malice.

“Pathetic. This is clearly not your own magic. The fact that you thought you could best me with a borrowed power is more insulting than the fact you thought you could best me at all.” he spat.

“Shut up! I was given this power to protect Hyleigh! I’m gonna use it to defeat you and defend the seal!” she shouted, still trying to bend her sword out of his grip.

“... Hmm. This magic appears to be Lokomo in origin. But why would they bother to give a wretched thing like you some of their power?” he mused aloud. Then his eyes widened, bloodshot with a realization that angered him. “Hold a moment... You said something about your ancestor... Then you really are...!”

His drill spell spun back into action through the hand he was grabbing her sword with. The powerful energy cut into Sitri’s arms and sent her flying away, crumpling down into the snow. She yelled out in pain, losing her grip on her beloved sword.

No! Not again! I don’t want to lose like this again! Get UP!

Screaming at herself in her mind, she already struggled to return to her feet. If she put any weight on her arms, she feared they’d split apart at the bone. But she fought through the horrific pain and planted her knee on the ground. She was about to push herself back up, but a bright flash of violet light above her back forced her down on her stomach.

“You awful worm... Your ancestor is that Alphonse, isn’t it? You’re descended from that disgusting, loathsome creature who dared to stand against Lord Malladus, and committed the unforgivable act of sealing His Greatness away!” Beelzebub roared.

“Don’t you... talk about him... like that! I’ll kill you!” Sitri growled, trying to stand up again.

It was no use. Her arms were too badly damaged, and now she had a deep gash across her back, as well. Even reinforced with magic, Beelzebub’s power was still able to break through her defenses like they weren’t even there. She grinded her teeth in frustration, her refusal to give up causing her even more pain and dying the snow around her red.

“Ahahahaha... Hahahahaha! This is too perfect! I had no idea that hateful pest had any progeny! I always wished I had the chance to exterminate anyone related to him! And you’ve graciously offered yourself up on a silver platter! Such an event cannot be coincidence! Why, this must be divine providence! This is proof that my cause is just! That my service to Lord Malladus shall be rewarded with utmost honor!” Beelzebub zealously ranted.

“No! I won’t... let you... have your way!”

His fervid words infuriated Sitri, who tried harder than ever to get back up and fight. Her sword had landed just a few paces ahead of her. Even though everything was in more pain than she could fully process, she could push through it if she reinforced herself with magic again. That was what she told herself as she managed to squeeze her arms under her chest and hoist her abdomen up.

“But I won't simply kill you, oh no! I need to have some fun with you first! I need you to suffer crushing humiliation and regret, such that you would beg me for death! And I know just how to draw it out of you!” Beelzebub threatened.

He snapped his fingers, and a cry for help reached Sitri’s ears. In a few moments, a person was dragged out from the rubble by one of Beelzebub’s magic tendrils. This person was roughly placed on the ground in front of him, between himself and Sitri. He had captured a civilian from Kakariko.

And it was someone Sitri knew. “No... Miss Wisterya!” she cried.

“... Sitri?!” the old woman coughed, sharing her recognition.

“So you know this worm? All the better!” Beelzebub laughed.

Wisterya was an old demon who had been living in Kakariko for centuries. Whenever Sitri came through to offer aid, she was around to strike up conversation and put people at ease. She had a loving family; a daughter and two grandchildren. The lines between human and demon didn’t matter to them, and that made Sitri feel good about her connection with Mikhaeyla. She didn’t want to let anything happen to this nice woman, not while she was around.

“Let her go! What do you think you’re doing?!” Sitri yelled.

“This disgusting wretch is a traitor to the Mystic Realm! She’s a demon, yet she allowed her own daughter to procreate with those filthy humans! This cannot be forgiven. She must be put to death for her transgressions. Do you think you can stop me? Well? Go on and try!” Beelzebub taunted.

His intentions were clear now. Unless Sitri could get back up and fight, he was going to kill Wisterya right in front of her. She could not allow that to happen. Not just as the next Hero of Spirits, but as a person who wanted to help others. She clenched her fists tighter than ever and crawled forward, reaching for her sword.

Beelzebub sneered in satisfaction. “Yes, that’s right! Your place is on the ground, sniveling before me just like that!”

“Sitri, you have to run... Please, this isn’t something you can handle...” Wisterya pleaded.

“No! I won’t... leave you here! I swear... I’ll save you! Just you wait!” Sitri heaved between desperate breaths, dragging her body through the snow.

Tears fell from Wisterya’s cheeks. “It’s okay... Leave me to die and save yourself. I don’t want to lose another person I care about today...” she said.

Sitri froze and looked up, away from her sword. Streams of tears were pouring down Wisterya’s face. Her voice got caught in her throat for a moment. She didn’t want to ask it, but she did.

“What do you mean... another person today?” Sitri breathed.

“This monster... He killed them. My daughter... My grandchildren... He slaughtered them right before my eyes...”

“No...! No!” Sitri yelled, crying tears of her own.

“So, I have nothing left to live for. I don’t want to keep going in a world without them... And I don’t want you to share their fate. Please don’t waste your life trying to save what’s left of mine.” Wisterya begged her.

Sitri bit her lip hard enough to make it bleed. Wisterya’s pain was unimaginable, and Beelzebub reveled in every second of it. He stood behind her, grinning like the devil he was. The weight of this situation pressed Sitri’s body back down into the snow and the dirt below it. She cried for Wisterya and her family, but she still refused to give in.

There’s no way he’s getting away with this! I am going to be the next Hero of Spirits! I should have the power to save her! I know I can do it! I have to! If I can’t do this, then what good am I?! Get up, Sitri! GET UP!

“Wisterya... Don't give up! We can’t let this monster win! I promise I’ll save you, so please, have faith in me!” Sitri urged her.

She moved forward again, and again, and again, and at last, she reached out and grabbed her sword. Slowly but surely, Sitri began to rise to her feet. Watching this, a glimmer of hope began to return to Wisterya’s eyes. This fueled her even more. Steadily, Sitri’s body was filled with power. She was almost back to her feet completely.

And at the moment she fully stood up, Beelzebub pierced through Wisterya’s chest with a burst of magic.

Time seemed to stop all at once. Sitri stopped breathing. She couldn’t cry or even scream. Not yet. The hope faded from Wisterya’s eyes as she collapsed face-first into the snow. Her blood spilled out around her, draining away the last vestiges of her life along with it. And standing above her with a blood-soaked hand was Beelzebub, grinning madly.

It was calculated. He waited for the exact moment when Wisterya started to regain a sense of hope, for when Sitri was finally capable of moving again. He wanted to make it hurt, and he did. Sitri felt her heart break into pieces as she looked at the results of her failure. Perhaps this was her greatest failure at all. Even when she was given the chance, she couldn’t save the one life that was right before her eyes.

She sank down to her knees. Her sword slipped out of her hand, and her palms pressed into the cold snow. Her injuries continued to bite at her as more and more of her own blood dripped into the white beneath her. Everything was going red. Everything was going wrong.

At last, a sob broke out of her chest. Her vision was filled with tears in moments. She buried her face into the ground and cried. Clenching her hands into fists and tucking them closer to herself, she shrunk down at Beelzebub’s feet. All she could do now was cry.

“Ahahahahaha! Yes! This is exactly what I wanted to see! This is what you deserve for being the spawn of that so-called hero! You’re weak and powerless, yet you believed yourself capable of facing me! Of saving her! And worse yet, you gave Wisterya hope that she could be saved! This is human folly at its greatest!” Beelzebub raved, tormenting her.

She was tormenting herself enough even without his help. She couldn’t bring herself to respond to or even refute anything he said. Crying was the only thing she had left in her. The crushing disappointment in herself compounded with her failure to save Wisterya, swirling through her broken heart and her head more painfully than any wound she’d received before.

No... I couldn’t do it... I couldn’t save her... Then I really am worthless, aren’t I? I’ll never be like Alphonse... I can’t do anything right... I’ve had enough... Maybe I should just die here, after all...

Beelzebub sneered delightfully as he watched her cry. “It appears you've lost the will to stand up again. Then you’ve learned your lesson. Good. I shall now do as any gracious lord should and put an end to your miserable life. Don’t worry, your pitiful friends won’t be far behind.”

Sitri still couldn’t move. She no longer wanted to. Her eyes stayed shut, but she could hear Beelzebub prepare a drill spell around his arm. He was going to kill her the same way he killed Wisterya. For a moment, she imagined how her Aunt Mikha was going to feel when she found her body, but nevertheless, she still didn’t want to move.

She heard the snow crunch beneath his feet as he drew closer. Instinctively, her muscles tensed up, readying for the coming attack. But she still stayed where she was. An image of her parents flashed through her mind, and she thought that maybe, just maybe, she’d get to see them again after this. She released the tension in her body and waited for that moment to arrive.

Instead, she heard a loud cracking sound and felt an intense burst of wind whip past her. At last, she felt like she could move again. She looked up to see what had happened and found she still couldn’t see. Her eyes were too gunked up with tears. She frantically rubbed them clean, and as she did, she felt a familiar chill worm into the air around her.

“Come on, kid, it ain’t like you to let a chump like this break your spirit. You the same Sitri who’s been standing up to me all this time? I thought you were gonna be the Hero of Spirits.”

Finally, she could see again. And she never thought she’d ever feel such relief at seeing his face in her entire life.

“Zoie...! You... came for me?” she said in utter shock.

“I wasn’t gonna let you have all the fun, was I? Though it looks like you’ve been having anything but.” he said.

Beelzebub’s face twisted into confused rage as he jumped back and created some distance between them. “You?! Don’t interfere! Is this how you repay me for leaving you to your own devices all these years?”

The meaning of his words didn’t reach either of them for the moment. Sitri was too stunned to think about it. After everything Zoie put her through, all the pain he caused her, the way he destroyed Rena’s grave, she never in her wildest imaginations thought he would come to her rescue. She had barely even begun to accept that he was on her side now, much less process the idea that he’d be willing to save someone.

“I don’t believe it... Thank you, Zoie...” Sitri said, still reeling from his arrival. “W-wait a minute, how did you know I wanted to be the Hero of Spirits?! I only told that to Link and Tetra!”

“You were muttering that to yourself when I found you in the Forest Realm that night, remember? You’re supposed to grow into a great hero so you can fight me again! Don’t let me down!” Zoie goaded.

Oddly enough, despite the curtness of his words, they made her feel better. They even renewed her a little. Sitri found herself feeling hopeful again. Zoie, of all people, in his own way, still believed in her. Maybe it was too soon for her to write herself off, after all.

She tried to stagger back to her feet, but Zoie held out his hand to stop her. “Nope. You’re gonna sit the rest of this out. This is that Beelzebub guy, right? If he messed you up this bad, he must be strong! I’m feelin’ the urge to cut loose, so don’t get in my way!” he barked.

“You insolent cur! You dare challenge me?!” Beelzebub exclaimed. “Why would you aid these insects? I made you what you are-”

No longer listening to him, Zoie shot forward and swung his axe with his full might. He seemed to be slipping back into his old persona, as he started laughing maniacally again while he fought. Beelzebub barely had time to raise his guard. He blocked the strike with both of his arms, coiled in whirling violet drills. An explosion of pink flames engulfed them both, but the cold didn’t seem to bother Beelzebub.

The evil Demon Lord pushed Zoie back and thrusted his right arm forward to follow up. Zoie leaned back and kicked it away with his boot, and suffered some cuts across his leg for his reckless parry. Even so, he continued laughing. He stomped that leg down on the ground without even wincing and swung his axe again. Beelzebub had to quickly raise his left arm to block, and was forced backwards as a result.

Zoie lunged forward again, gripping his axe’s hilt with both hands now. He fiercely cleaved it down over his opponent’s head, but Beelzebub was a tricky one. He turned into fog like he had done against Sitri and circled around. When he returned to physical form, he was behind Zoie, both arms ready to dig into his back.

As if he could sense it, Zoie whipped around into a spin. His axe knocked away both of Beelzebub’s arms and caused him to lose his balance. A hungry gleam appeared in Zoie’s eyes when he saw that. Redirecting his axe, he stepped forward into another wide horizontal swing, intending to gut his enemy.

But Beelzebub brought his arms back together. The drill spell was still active on both of his arms, and when he combined them, it expanded exponentially and exploded right in Zoie’s face. The air and the ground shook from the force of the attack, causing Sitri to flinch. A great cloud of snow and dust filled the area, obscuring her view of Zoie. Beelzebub smirked victoriously, feeling assured of himself.

In the next moment, that smirk vanished. His head jerked up and he gasped in shock. Try as he might, he couldn’t evade fast enough. Zoie’s axe came crashing down from above, carving its way across his chest. Beelzebub roared in pain and staggered backwards. His green suit was now dyed red, just like he caused the snow around himself to be with his evil acts.

The dust finally cleared, and Zoie sat on the ground laughing up a storm. He had to have thrown his axe into the air at the last second before he was hit. A crazy strategy like that was typical of him, Sitri thought. He took heavy damage for it, but he dealt a deadly strike to Beelzebub. This was her chance.

Sitri rose back to her feet, shakily gripping her sword. If she could just get over there, she could finish him off, and then everything would be over. She could redeem herself. Step by step, she started moving forward. But Beelzebub had other plans.

“Urgh! Curse you, scion of Vanaheit! You will pay dearly for this!” he bellowed. Then he turned to face Sitri. “And as for you! Don’t think this is over! I will come for you again in time! I will wipe Alphonse’s line off the face of this world yet!”

Saying as much, he snapped his fingers and a violet portal opened next to him. Sitri knew he was trying to flee, but she couldn’t get up to speed fast enough. Even as she pushed her feet to the limit with her magic, she failed to reach him in time. Beelzebub escaped.

“No...! He got away... This sucks...” Sitri complained, feeling defeated all over again.

I can't believe I let him escape... And after I let him kill Miss Wisterya, too... I'm so pathetic... But even so, I can't give up. I'll be a great hero and take him down for sure. Next time, he's mine... Next time...

Zoie's painful groans snapped her out of her own head. He was still slumped over on his rear in the snow. There were profusely bleeding cuts and gashes all over his chest and face, and his breathing was labored. She'd never seen him wounded like this before, not even when he lost to Link. It was hard to believe this was the result of a single attack. Knowing that put into perspective just how strong she'd need to be to defeat Beelzebub.

“Haha... That wasn’t as fun as I thought it’d be. ‘Least I got in a good hit before he ran with his tail between his legs.” Zoie panted. “Hey, do me a favor and bring me my axe, yeah? I need a minute before I can stand.”

“Jeez... Next time, try not to fight so recklessly!” Sitri admonished.

“Heh. Like you’re one to talk, Little Miss Hero Worship.” he spat back.

Sitri’s cheeks flushed with shame. She couldn’t argue with that. She sighed and hung her head, and started trudging toward Zoie’s axe, laying in the snow where Beelzebub had fled. For a moment, she hesitated to touch it, fearing it might explode with pink fire. She remembered that touching the hilt was usually fine, but she wanted to be sure.

She looked back over at Zoie, wanting to confirm with him if it was safe to just grab it. But when she did, she felt her heart stop once again. Suddenly appearing within her sight was Kuudo, gearing up to strike the defenseless Zoie from behind.

Azure Sage

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Let's continue with Chapter 28! The Third Movement is almost over... I hope you look forward to seeing it come together!

Chapter Twenty-Eight
Unrelenting Lokomo​

No way. Not again. I’m not letting one more person die in front of me!

Those thoughts pushed Sitri forward more than her own limbs did. Unbridled power coursed through her veins and in mere seconds, she crossed the gap between herself and Zoie. Despite her wounds, she swung her blade to intercept Kuudo’s and pushed back.

Kuudo was caught by surprise. Not expecting to be blocked, she was completely unprepared to deal with the sudden attack and was easily shoved away. Zoie did a double-take. He hadn’t even sensed her behind him at all. Sitri’s arms twinged with severe pain, and the bleeding still continued. She was barely able to stand or catch her breath. But against all odds, she finally saved someone.

“Thank goodness... You’re okay...” she wheezed.

“What the hell?! Where’d she even come from?” Zoie said.

“Sitri Beldine?! Why is it always you!” Kuudo said angrily.

Kuudo’s entire countenance exuded rage. Sitri had no idea what nook she’d popped out of, or how long she’d been hiding in it. But she knew two things for sure. One, that Kuudo had made good on her promise to come back for Zoie’s life. Two, that she could have been lying in wait for a long time, and did nothing to help with the raid. The latter made her furious beyond reason, but she barely had the strength to act on it anymore.

“Why are you getting in my way at every turn? This monster needs to die! Hyleigh will never know peace as long as he’s alive!” Kuudo argued, her voice dripping with venom.

“What is wrong with you? How can you talk about peace right now! Have you even taken a look at where you’re standing? If you seriously ignored the raid just to attack Zoie, then you're the one keeping Hyleigh from knowing peace!” Sitri accused.

“Heh. If she also ignored that Beelzebub guy for me, that’d make her a pretty sick person, huh? I know I’ve been bad, but man. She’s makin’ me look like an angel.” Zoie taunted.

“You... You’re wrong! Shut your vile mouth! I am on the side of justice! It’s incomprehensible how you could ever think of me on the same level as the Reaper!” Kuudo screamed.

Her face contorted with both hatred and pain. Her left eye twitched and began tearing up. Her forehead crinkled like she was experiencing an intense headache. For a moment, her sword arm went limp, and she clutched her face with her left hand. She was breathing heavily, like something was ripping her apart from the inside.

Seeing her like that only made Sitri angrier. Her stubborn insistence that she was on the side of justice rubbed her the wrong way. Something about that specifically just drew on her ire. She also didn’t like the way she looked like she was hurting. After everything she said and what she was doing, she didn’t want a reason to empathize with her.

“You’ve been awful to me since we’ve met, but now you’ve crossed a line! You let innocent people die just so you could keep hunting Zoie, like Miss Wisterya!” Sitri said.

“Huh? That demon? She died, huh...” Kuudo said, as if she recognized the name. “... There’s no such thing as an innocent demon! I had half a mind to put her in the ground myself! I can’t believe you have the nerve to tell me I’m crossing a line when you’re ignoring obvious threats to Hyleigh like her and the Reaper! You’re trampling all over the legacy of your ancestors, Sitri Beldine! You’re an embarrassment to Alphonse’s memory!”

That was the last straw. Sitri couldn’t even hear herself think anymore. All of the reds of her blood and the fires blended together into a pure scarlet fury that overtook her vision. Her teeth clenched together so tightly she might have chipped one. This anger invigorated her ailing body, and as if it were obeying her emotions, her magic flung her toward the object of her wrath.

Kuudo, still clutching her face, tensed the muscles in her body. A golden chain appeared around her left arm, and several links of it shot out of the ground around her. They entangled Sitri as she rushed madly toward her, bringing her sword to a full stop just an inch from Kuudo’s heart.

“You’re... a threat. I will snuff you out the same as the Reaper.” Kuudo rasped.

Sitri didn’t answer her with anything other than a scream. The golden light enveloping her limbs filled her with more power, and she wrenched her way out of the chains. When they snapped, they disintegrated into particles of gold. Kuudo leapt back out of her reach and brandished her own sword. In the same breath, they both kicked off the ground and shot toward each other.

Just before the two of them could clash, red hexagonal barriers appeared between them. When their swords crashed against those instead of each other, they expanded and pushed the two of them far apart. Sitri skidded to a stop next to Zoie, who was still down on the ground. In the next moment, the both of them were blanketed by a red light that stitched their wounds back together. This finally brought Sitri back to her senses.

I know this light... She’s here!

Alighting down between them all, now the center of attention, was Mikhaeyla. Sitri felt a burst of relief that almost knocked her off her feet all over again. Seeing her beloved aunt after all of the turmoil she’d been put through made her want to jump straight into her arms and cry. But before she could act on those impulses, she froze stiff and felt a lump appear in her throat. Even Zoie got a chill. The look in her eyes was not comforting or friendly.

“Sitri. Zoie. I’m relieved you’re still alive, but stay where you are. There is nothing to be gained from fighting now.” she said firmly.

Zoie looked like he wanted to complain, but he didn’t. Sitri gulped the lump back down and nodded. Her aunt then turned her attention to Kuudo, who was beginning to tremble. She couldn’t tell if it was from fear or anger or stress, or something else.

“Demon King Mikhaeyla... Still haunting Hyleigh, I see. I’ll fix that soon enough.” Kuudo said shakily.

“Kuudo, you disappoint me greatly. A Lokomo conducting themselves in such a horrid manner brings heavy shame upon your people. Poor Anjean must be at her wit’s end with you.” Mikhaeyla chastised.

“How dare you?! I am the one acting in Hyleigh’s benefit! Meanwhile, you demons are...!” she tried to say.

“We demons are the ones helping. My Grand Demonic Knights have managed to keep more than half of Kakariko’s population alive through their valiant efforts. Meanwhile, you continue your misguided hunt for a man who is working to atone for his crimes. Did you even try to help anyone here? Zoie has saved more lives today than you have, that much I know for certain.”

Mikhaeyla didn’t mince her words. Kuudo looked like a dagger had been twisted into her gut. She clutched her face again, trembling more than before. It looked as though she were going to point her sword at her next, but she stopped when she saw the new arrivals.

Varuna and Albion appeared from behind Sitri and Zoie, marching over to stand at their liege’s side. Ceres stumbled onto the scene next, coming from their left. Link and Tetra didn’t fail to show up, either, drawn over by all the commotion. The two of them stood behind Kuudo, boxing her in. None of them drew their weapons, but each of them stared down on her unkindly.

“C-cowards... Typical demons, you’re not going to fight me fairly.” Kuudo said, the fear in her voice palpable.

“We’re not going to fight you at all. I won’t allow anyone here to harm you, and naturally, I won’t either. But you are going to leave, and I don’t want to see you come before any of my trusted allies again until you have reflected on your actions.” Mikhaeyla commanded.

“You would give me orders? Your high and mighty attitude is insulting! As expected of a Demon King.” Kuudo said, still trying to stand her ground.

Mikhaeyla narrowed her eyes, and an immense pressure began emanating from her. The ground at her feet cracked, and bits of debris began floating into the air around her. She was enshrouded in a powerful red aura, one that Sitri had never seen before. For the first time, she felt scared of her aunt. She didn’t want to see this escalate any further. Fortunately, it didn’t look like Kuudo did, either.

“If you still insist on testing my patience, then I will refrain from lecture. I respect Anjean, and so I do not wish to harm a Lokomo if I can help it. But that is no longer my decision to make. It is yours.” Mikhaeyla warned her.

Kuudo took a step back, breaking out in a cold sweat. It was obvious that she understood what would happen if she still tried to stand up to her. The hand she held her sword with was shaking so much, the tip of her blade rattled against the ground. Defiantly, she tried to raise it one more time, but in the end, she only raised it toward the sheathe strapped to her waist. The chain wrapped around her left arm vanished, as well.

At last, she lifted her arm and opened a portal behind herself. She didn’t say another word, but she did steal final looks at everyone surrounding her, like she was making notes of their faces. Sitri felt her gaze linger on her the most. Her blood started boiling again, but in the suffocating presence of her aunt, she didn’t, or rather couldn’t, let it boil over.

Then her glare fell on Zoie again, and her lips curled into a disgusted frown. The fires burning in her eyes continued to flare on with no end in sight. That made it frustratingly clear to the group that she still wasn’t going to give up. But for the moment, she withdrew into the portal and was gone from Kakariko.

The tension in the area evaporated all at once. Sitri’s shoulders slumped down and she finally sheathed her sword. For the first time all day, she felt safe again, and her aunt was no longer exuding a frightening pressure. She started to run to her, but something stopped her.

Do I... Do I have the right? After I failed so horribly... I-

Her thoughts were interrupted. Mikhaeyla pulled her into a tight hug of her own before she could even finish disparaging herself.

“I’m glad you’re safe, Sitri. Beelzebub was here, wasn’t he? I could sense his magic. I’m so proud of you for surviving. You did good.” she said, stroking the girl’s hair.

Sitri’s eyes welled up with more tears. She felt like she’d already cried a lifetime’s worth of them today, but Mikhaeyla found a way to bring more out of her. The cold metal of her breastplate wasn’t very comfortable, but she pressed her face into it anyway and clutched the back of her uniform.

“I tried... I tried so hard, but I still let him kill someone in front of me... I couldn’t save her... I’m so sorry...” Sitri cried.

“I’m sorry, too, Sitri.” Ceres said. “I’m sorry we got separated and that I wasn’t there to help you...”

“Hey, you, uh, you saved my life just now, you know? So don’t beat yourself up too hard. That’s my job.” Zoie said bashfully.

“Wow, listen to you! Someone’s starting to enjoy being a good guy.” Tetra teased him.

“You also helped me save a bunch of people earlier! Don’t forget about that!” Ceres added.

“Thanks to everyone’s efforts, it’s just as Lady Mikhaeyla said. Over half of Kakariko’s population was safely evacuated south to Anouki Village. All of the monsters have been eliminated, as well. The first mission for the Grand Demonic Knights was a success, all things considered.” Albion informed her.

“That still leaves the other half of the population we couldn’t save, though. And the town is in utter ruins. The survivors will have to take refuge in Hyleigh City with the Great Bay evacuees. I can’t call this a complete success.” Varuna argued.

“I agree, but we shouldn’t let the negatives outweigh the positives.” Mikhaeyla said. “Many people are still alive because of the work you all did today. I can’t thank you enough.”

Sitri finally pulled herself away from her aunt and wiped her eyes. “I guess so... I’m still disappointed with myself, though. I have to keep getting better and better so this doesn’t happen again...”

“And we’ll be there to help!” Link nodded enthusiastically.

“W-we should get to Anouki Village and check on everyone! We’ll have to organize transportation to get them all to Hyleigh City, too...” Ceres proposed.

“Indeed. You performed especially well today, Ceres. I’m proud of you.” Mikhaeyla said, ruffling her hair.

Ceres giggled a bit, and Sitri smiled watching her. She seemed like someone she could be close with, or at least she hoped so. It was also reassuring to have Varuna and Albion around. And it also made her feel good that Link and Tetra were still willing to help.

Most bewildering of all, though, were her feelings of budding friendship with Zoie. She didn’t know what was going on in his head, but he saved her life and even tried to encourage her. It felt so strange to have that with someone she hated so much not too long ago. Then again, that was how her friendship with Link and Tetra started out, too. Once enemies, now friends.

As she thought about that, Kuudo appeared in her mind. She was relentless and vindictive. The things she’d said to her were unforgivable. She didn’t think there could ever be any reconciliation with her. But that was also how she thought about Zoie at one point. It was a peculiar feeling that she didn’t like.

I wonder if Kuudo was right, even if it was for the wrong reasons... I failed to defeat Beelzebub and I failed to save Wisterya... I make for a pretty poor Hero of Spirits right now. I can’t help but wonder what Alphonse would think if he could see me... What would he say? I’ll never know, and that upsets me... I don’t know if Aunt Mikha is right and I should celebrate the things I did well, or if Kuudo was right... I wish I knew what to do...

While Sitri was consumed by these thoughts, a gentle hand tapped her shoulder. She snapped up and saw Ceres smiling at her, beckoning her to follow. That was when she finally noticed the others were already moving on, heading off to Anouki Village. She felt a bit embarrassed for being so distracted with herself, but something about Ceres made her start to smile, too.

Hand-in-hand with her new friend, Sitri left behind the ruins of Kakariko Village. This was the place where Alphonse met Naomi, and from whence he departed to defeat Demon Lord Vaati. It was a place close to her heart and her family, and now it was gone. One after another, entire cities were falling all around her. It had to stop.

As she followed the others to Anouki Village, she found herself wondering what it would truly take to save Hyleigh. Would her becoming the Hero of Spirits really be enough to turn the tide?

I guess I’ll just have to keep going until I find out. I have to see what's at the end of this path...

a a a

Heavy breathing and crunching snow filled the air in the absence of other noise. Far behind her, the fires of Kakariko raged on. Kuudo staggered through a pine forest in the southeast of the Snow Realm, all by her lonesome. She was woozy on her feet, swaying left and right, bumping into and pushing off from trees as she walked. She didn’t have a destination in mind.

Her vision was swimming. The pounding in her skull wouldn’t abate. The events of her encounter with Sitri and Zoie, and by extension Mikhaeyla, left her mind fraying at the seams. She was supposed to be the upholder of justice. She was supposed to defend Hyleigh from any who would do it harm, no matter what form that harm took. Especially if it were those deceitful, despicable demons.

She was completely convinced that she wasn’t wrong to think this way. How could she be? The memories of the Great War clawed at her brain, trying to pull themselves to the forefront once more, reassuring her that she was in the right. The sights she saw two thousand years ago began to overlap with what she was seeing in the present. Seeing double, she slumped down to her knees. The ground before her seemed to blur away into something else. Something familiar.

x x x

“Press on! For the Spirits!” someone shouted.

“For the Spirits!” many more people echoed back, Kuudo’s voice among them.

A horde of monsters charged forward, and an army of Lokomo moved to intercept them. Kuudo rushed into the fray, swinging her sword through the bodies of stalfos and moblins. All around her, she watched lizalfos and bokoblins surround and cut down her brethren. One by one, their bodies dissolved into particles of light and rose into the sky above.

Kuudo roared in rage at the bloody sight piling on in front of her. The Lokomo would come back to life after spending time regenerating in the presence of the Spirits, but that didn’t make the wounds they suffered hurt any less. They would also lose all of their memories of their past lives, so the people she knew were disappearing forever, right in front of her.

She felt the spray of blood dampen her clothes as she thrusted her sword into hide after hide. The field of golden grasses was littered with corpses, and her boots splashed through puddles of red, staining everything. At last, she and a handful of her fellows managed to push the monster army to the brink.

And then the ground erupted all around them in a violent display of blood-red light. Kuudo felt herself spin through the air before landing on her side. Her left eye had been torn out of her skull, but she was still alive. Just barely.

The others around her weren’t so lucky. Most of the remaining Lokomo on that field laid strewn about through the grasslands, blood oozing from their wounds and groaning in agony. Organs and entrails decorated the field, smothering the majesty it once held. A shrill laughter filled her ears, and she heaved herself up to see where it was coming from with the one eye she had left.

He looked like pure evil encapsulated into the shape of a person. In his fist, he clutched the scalp of one of her closest allies. He was still alive, but teetering on the edge of death. The one dragging him seemed wholly amused by the nightmare he created.

“Hahaha! It’s too bad the Spirits didn’t make you Lokomo more sturdy. I’m not having as much fun as I would have liked.” he said.

“Damn you, Malladus! You’ll never get away with this!” Kuudo yelled.

“Blame the Spirits. If only they’d recovered faster from our last bout, you wouldn’t have to suffer my impatience.” Malladus taunted.

The Lokomo he had in his grasp coughed up blood. Shakily, he tried reaching out for his enemy, a bloodstained hand loosely grasping the fabric of his trousers. Malladus looked down on him and sneered.

“Ah. This one’s still holding on, huh? Let’s fix that.”

“NO! STOP!” Kuudo screamed.

Too late. Malladus tossed him into the air effortlessly and waved his hand. A myriad of red spikes shot up from the ground and impaled his body, over and over. A shower of his blood rained down on the both of them. Kuudo could do nothing but watch on in horror. Meanwhile, Malladus roared with laughter.

Just then, seven vibrant azure lights appeared in the skies above them. Malladus cocked his head back to look at them and grinned.

“Ah, just a tad too late! I guess it’s back to work, then. The Spirits will be a lot more fun than you lot, that’s for sure.” he said.

“W... Wait! We’re not done here! I’ll kill you! I swear I’ll kill you!” Kuudo shouted angrily, trying to return to her feet.

Before she could stand, a burst of red light disintegrated her right leg. She collapsed back down into the mess of blood and viscera, screaming loud enough to break her voice.

“Stay and grovel in the dirt where you belong. And count yourself fortunate that your precious Spirits reappeared when they did. That means you get to keep living! For now.” he taunted.

Malladus’s body was enveloped in the bloody light of his magic, and rose into the air away from her. On the edge of her fading vision, she could see his haunting aura clashing with the brilliance of the Spirits’. She turned her head to look where her friend had been, and watched as his body dissolved into golden light. He, too, was gone. Even whenever he would revive, he wouldn’t be her friend anymore. The man she knew was dead forever.

She clenched her fists and grinded her teeth. With what little strength she had left, she tried to crawl forward. Everything she saw was burning into her mind, pushing her forward. She had to kill him, no matter what. She could not forgive him. Not ever.

Shortly after, a new wave of Lokomo appeared to rescue the injured and fight off another horde of monsters. Kuudo’s pain and body were healed, but her mind and heart were not.

x x x

The memories of just one of many similar battles in the Great War finally subsided, though Malladus’s sneering face remained frozen at the front of Kuudo’s mind. Suddenly, his features burned away and rebuilt themselves into someone else. Someone she loathed beyond all reason. She had to kill this person, no matter what. It was the only way she could think of to make all of this stop.

“The Reaper... He’s just like Malladus was... I can’t forgive him! I can’t let him live! He has to die! For Hyleigh’s sake, and my own...”

Finally rising up from the snow, Kuudo stumbled forward some more until she found herself standing at the shore of a cold lake. Across on the other side, she saw the mountain range walling off the Tower of Spirits on the Snow Realm side. Two thousand years back, she watched as the Hero of Spirits defeated Demon King Malladus at its summit, and the Tower was moved to its home in the Physical Realm to seal him in the earth. That place was a reminder of her home and brethren, but also of her failure.

Alphonse did what I could not... He defeated that wicked monster and sealed him away. I couldn’t get the job done back then... That’s why I have to do it now. I have to kill the Reaper at any cost. If I don’t... If I can’t, this will never end! I’m so tired of this... I need it to end!

Tears spilled from her eyes as she sank back down to her knees. She slumped forward and pressed her hands into the coarse sand of the lakeshore, bunching it up between her fingers. Her teardrops hit the sand quietly, and her sobs were muffled by a growing wind around her. All alone, she knelt there and cried, lamenting the pain that refused to leave her. All alone.

Azure Sage

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ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
And now it's time for Chapter 29! In this one, we see a bunch of different perspectives, leading up to something big. Enjoy! The Third Movement only has one chapter left!

Chapter Twenty-Nine
Weight of the Aftermath​

Two days after Kakariko fell, Sitri and her allies finished escorting the survivors to Hyleigh City. The capital was now overflowing with refugees, and there was little room left inside the walls for everyone. The Council ordered that all of the Great Bay and Kakariko evacuees would have to set up camp outside the city until a better solution could be found.

No one was happy about the order. A gathering of tents outside the protection of the city walls was bound to attract monsters, and without a standing military, it would be extremely difficult to defend them. Nevertheless, the order was carried through by a 3-2 majority vote. Sitri found it easy to guess which votes were from whom.

According to Mikhaeyla, the Grand Demonic Knights would have been ready to deploy at this point, but now there was a new area to watch over. Spreading out one hundred knights between all of the remaining towns in Hyleigh was already a difficult task, but with the addition of the new refugee camp, their departure was delayed until they could factor that in, too. With Byrne still not returned from consulting with Anjean, their hands were tied for the moment. Mikhaeyla and her three knight captains decided to guard the camp themselves until further notice.

It wasn’t only an issue of defense, either. With all of these people suddenly thrust together in a new place, they were severely lacking in food, clothing, and medicine. Hyleigh City barely had enough resources to support itself as it was. The Council made it clear that rations would be extremely limited. Yet another thing to be unhappy about.

Even so, Sitri wanted to do everything she could. She had two years’ worth of experience providing relief work to draw on. If she was going to prove herself worthy of that coveted Hero of Spirits title, there would be no time for idleness. She rolled up her sleeves and got to work.

The first thing she did was visit the train station and seek out her engineer friend, Boyle. The man was always willing to cooperate with her. Using the Beldine Rule to her advantage, she got him to lead a countrywide effort to collect extra rations, which would be delivered to the camp via the railway system. It would depend on how many people in Hyleigh’s various towns would be willing to donate, and it could take several days to see results, but it was better than nothing.

Next on her list was to aid the sick and injured. Mikhaeyla had healed several people after the Kakariko raid, but too much time had passed since the Great Bay raid for healing magic to be fully effective. It worked best on fresh wounds, as Sitri heard it, and its ability to cure illness was limited. She tied her hair back and walked the medical tents in the camp, hoping to be an extra pair of hands.

As she did, she came across a familiar face. There was a doctor at one of the tents with half-rimmed glasses sliding uncomfortably far down his nose, with his receding white hair tied back in a tight bun. His white apron was stained with blood and other fluids, a sure sign that he’d been hard at work for a while now. She approached him when he wasn’t busy.

“Dr. Calip! It’s good to see you here.” Sitri said.

The doctor smiled widely when he saw her. “Sitri! I’m so glad you’re safe. With all the chaos going on, I was worried about you.”

“Is Mayscore going to be okay with you gone?”

“They’ll manage. I’m needed far more here.” Calip said.

“Yeah, it’s pretty bad. So many people need help... What do you say to having an assistant? It’s been a little while since I’ve helped you, but I can do whatever you need!”

Calip smiled again. “That would be wonderful. Would you mind helping me grind some medicine?”

“Let’s do it!”

Shoulder to shoulder, Calip and Sitri set to work at a small makeshift desk, which was really just two wooden crates pushed together. Inside their tent was a bundle of blankets serving as a mattress, and three small children lay bandaged and asleep together on it. They each looked like they had a fever, tossing and turning in their makeshift bed. Sitri’s heart ached for them.

In her bowl, she used a pestle to grind golden grass into a paste. This would then be applied to their wounds. It helped to promote the body’s natural healing abilities, and it even helped regulate fevers, but it could not cure anything. That said, it was very useful in keeping conditions from escalating. Sitri knew this grass had come from the Sacred Realm. She wondered what kind of Lokomo had delivered it, and that led her back to thinking about Kuudo.

Calip seemed to notice her pace had slowed. “What’s wrong? Something hurting you, too?”

She hesitated to answer him, wondering how to craft her sentence. “I, um... I was just reminded of something... The other day, someone said some awful things to me... And I keep wondering if she was right. If I can really make a difference for people...”

“Oh, Sitri...” Calip said, not sure how to respond.

“I remember last month when that woman in Mayscore died, even though I’d been there treating her wounds... And in the recent raids, there were people I couldn’t save... Am I really cut out for this? It hurts to think about...” Sitri continued.

Calip studied her quietly for a few moments. Silently, they worked on grinding medicine together, one batch at a time. Sitri wondered if she’d made him uncomfortable with all of her depressing talk, but when he was finished grinding, he looked her squarely in the eyes.

“I don’t know all of the details, but look at what we’ve just done. Because you helped me, the medicine was prepared faster. And now we can give it to these poor children here. I don’t know about you, but I’d say that’s making a difference for them. That’s less time they’ll spend hurting.”

He got up the next moment, wrapping the poultice he made in a cloth. Sitri did the same with hers, and together, they applied it to the children’s wounds. In just a few minutes, their faces relaxed, and their bodies stopped writhing and sunk down into the blankets in a much more peaceful state of rest. They looked to be sleeping comfortably now.

“You see? Sometimes, even the little things like this make a big difference. I know you’re always looking to do more, but you’re here now, taking this one step at a time. I think that matters more than whether or not you’re cut out for it. Does that make sense?”

Sitri took in his words carefully. A part of her understood what he was trying to say, but it wasn’t good enough. She wanted to be cut out for it. She wanted to be depended on. She wanted to be the one everyone turned to for help, and she wanted the power to help them. To get that power, she had to be the Hero of Spirits. It wasn’t enough that she was there, she had to be great, too.

She was startled out of her thoughts by a gentle touch. She looked down, and one of the sleeping children had reached out for her, curling his hand around her pinky finger. He was smiling in his sleep. Sitri’s eyes grew heavy with tears as she watched him, feeling the warmth from his grasp. She was there for him when he was in pain. Maybe that really was enough. But not for her.

I know what Dr. Calip said isn't wrong... But I still need to be the one... If I’m not, then everything I’ve done was for nothing...

Calip watched the girl cry to herself, looking upon her with worry and sadness in his eyes. Sitri felt from his gaze that he didn’t think he’d reached her. But what else was she supposed to do? She couldn’t be satisfied just from doing little things, one step at a time. She had to do it all. She had to be the Hero of Spirits.

Otherwise, Hyleigh will never be saved...

a a a

Ceres patrolled around the perimeter of the refugee encampment. The tents all surrounded the train station, on the opposite side of the Spirit Tracks from the city. In the southwest, the tents were close to the edge of some woods. That was dangerous, as it could obscure any approaching monsters from view. In the south, west, and east, the field was wide and open, so any enemies would be spotted right away. It was just that southwestern tip that made them anxious.

Mikhaeyla ordered Ceres to patrol there, in such a critical spot. That only added to her anxiety, but she was happy to have that sort of trust. She knew her liege wasn't far away, either; she was making rounds through the heart of the camp, leaving the east and west to Varuna and Albion. Ceres was feeling fairly secure, but this was her second assignment as a knight captain, and she didn’t want to mess it up. Even if she was the same rank as her fellow captains, she barely had a fraction of their experience. That always weighed in the back of her mind, pushing her to try harder.

“Oh, my, you look so tense, dear! Is something wrong?”

Ceres was surprised to be addressed out of the blue like that. She turned to find an elderly man and woman watching her. It was the woman who'd spoken to her.

“I-I'm okay! I'm just keeping my guard up in case of any problems! Do you need anything, ma'am?” she responded.

“We're alright! But why is such a young lady like yourself standing guard?” the woman asked.

“It's my job! Captain Ceres of the Grand Demonic Knights, at your service!” she said, saluting.

“Captain? At your age? You must be quite reliable, then!” the woman doted, reaching out to pat her head.

Ceres’s cheeks felt hot. She knew it was probably because of her height, but she was frequently treated like a child by older ladies. Part of her enjoyed having someone fuss over her, but a bigger part was embarrassed about it. The man, though, squinted his eyes as he scrutinized her.

“I know my eyes and ears ain't what they used to be, but did this gal say ‘Demonic’? An’ I'm pretty sure I can see some horns there on the sides of ‘er head.” he said, scratching his chin.

Ceres squirmed in place a bit, but she nodded. “Y-yes! I'm a demon! We serve Demon King Mikhaeyla and are committed to defending Hyleigh!”

“Well, I'll be. Demons protecting Hyleigh? I ain’t seen that before.” he said quizzically.

“Oh, don’t be silly. You remember Wisterya, right? She lived in our Kakariko for such a long time!” the woman said.

“Oh, yeah... Wait, was she a demon?”

“Of course she was! She was so much older than us that we were toddling around her legs as children! Or did you forget?”

“Eh, my memory’s goin’ along with everything else.” the man complained.

“I sure hope Wisterya’s okay... I haven’t seen her around the camp yet.” the woman said, placing a hand on her cheek.

“Oh... Actually, I know about her...” Ceres told them, thinking back to a recent conversation with Sitri. “Wisterya didn’t survive the raid... I’m sorry to have to tell you that.”

The pair of them sunk their heads down. “Oh, no... She was such a kind lady, too. How awful...” the woman said.

Ceres nodded in agreement. “Yeah... Everyone’s losing a lot of loved ones to these raids... My parents died in Whittleton recently. My mom was born there, but my dad was born in St. Versailles where I was raised.”

“Izzat so? Guess it goes to show, this ain’t only a human problem, or a demon problem. This is everyone’s problem. We’re all hurtin’ equally.” the man said.

“My! That might be the wisest thing you’ve said in years! I think I’m falling in love all over again.” the woman cooed.

Ceres let out an awkward laugh, but the man was right. She had felt a little worried that the Grand Demonic Knights might give Hyleigh’s people the wrong impression, and she knew Mikhaeyla was concerned about that, too. But if there were more people like these two out there, she was sure things were going to be fine.

This conflict went beyond the lines of human or demon. People like Beelzebub couldn't see that, or rather, he refused to. Ceres found renewed commitment to the Knights’ creed of coexistence. Watching these two brought the fire back to her heart.

Just like I promised, Mom and Dad... I’m gonna be right in the middle of it, helping however I can!

a a a

Mikhaeyla’s eyes flitted back and forth across many different faces throughout the encampment. She trusted her captains to do their jobs patrolling the perimeter, and it was her job to keep the peace within. She’d already seen a few squabbles break out over food and medicine in the past few hours, which she had to spend time mediating. Dealing with that sort of thing was paramount to ensuring that the encampment stayed standing.

Among the many faces of the crowd, Mikhaeyla found some familiar ones. Or rather, they found her. The voice of a little girl pulled her attention away from her task.

“It’s Miss Mikha!”

“Oh, you’re right!”

When she turned to look, she was pleased to see the mother and daughter she met on a train ride recently. “Amirah and Ericka! I’m glad to see you’re still safe.”

“Safe as one can be in a refugee camp...”Amirah said.

“Daddy’s still safe, too, by the way! He’s out looking for some food for us!” Ericka told her.

“I see. I am sorry that you were forced out of your homes. I swear to put this to rights as soon as I can.” Mikhaeyla promised them.

“Oh, please, don’t worry yourself over... Wait, why is that your responsibility? Aren’t you a refugee here, too?” Amirah asked.

That was when Mikhaeyla realized her blunder. “Ah... I didn’t actually tell you who I really was, did I?” she said sheepishly.

“Hey, Mommy, Miss Mikha is dressed a lot like those demon knight thingies!” Ericka pointed out.

The dawning realization spread out across Amirah’s face in moments. “Wait.. You mean, all along, you were...?!”

“Allow me to reintroduce myself.” Mikhaeyla began, clearing her throat. “When we met on the train, I told you my name was Mikha because I was traveling incognito. In actuality, I am Demon King Mikhaeyla, ruler of St. Versailles in the Mystic Realm and leader of the Grand Demonic Knights. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance again.”

As Mikhaeyla flourished her arms in a noble bow, Amirah inhaled so sharply she could have choked on the air itself. “Y-y-you’re... You were a Demon King the entire time?! And I was so... so informal and disrespectful... I’m so sorry!”

“Wow! Miss Mikha’s a king? That’s so cool! But wait, shouldn’t you be a queen or a princess?” Ericka asked.

“No! Ericka, please don’t start this again!” Amirah wailed, looking like she might keel over and pass out from embarrassment.

Mikhaeyla chuckled and patted the girl’s head. “Actually, no! The title of Demon King is bestowed to only the most powerful among the demons, those with the strength to rule over land and protect the weak. The gender of its recipient is irrelevant to the name. That is why I am a King.” she explained, giving the girl a wink.

“Wow! You’re so cool!” Ericka said again. “I wanna be a king, too! Do you think I can?”

“Hyleigh doesn’t have a monarchy right now, traditional or otherwise, so that may be difficult. But don’t let any barriers prevent you from pursuing your dream.” she told her.

Amirah sighed as she watched her daughter’s sparkling eyes float toward the clouds. “I’m so sorry about her... I know I said this back then, too, but you’re really a lot different than I imagined... I never thought someone I just happened to meet on a train would turn out to be such a prominent person, one working to protect Hyleigh, no less.”

“That’s why I love to mingle with people. If I were a regular Demon King like the kind you’re probably imagining, I would never do such a thing, but then I’d never get to know what people are really thinking about, or what they’re needing. I can only serve the people effectively if I’m aware of all that.” Mikhaeyla described.

“I see... You always seem to be full of such insight. I wonder if that comes with age or experience...” Amirah said. “In any case, I’m really glad we have someone like you watching our backs. Thank you.”

“Yeah, thank you!” Ericka said, smiling brightly.

Mikhaeyla smiled back and patted her head again. Her efforts were bearing fruit. She was certain that the common people of Hyleigh would be receptive to her and her knights when they deployed. Amirah and Ericka were proof that even people of vastly different standings could understand each other and communicate. And that was sure to be true for the demons of the Mystic Realm and the humans of the Physical Realm as a whole, as well.

If only everyone had the courage to try... But for those who don’t, we must be a bridge. I will see peace reign over the land yet. And I’m having a clearer and clearer idea of how to make that happen...

a a a

Zoie wandered aimlessly through the refugee camp. Mikhaeyla had asked him to help Ceres guard the south, but he didn't want to listen to her, or hang out with some snot-nosed kid. In fact, he was starting to get sick of being all buddy-buddy with these clowns. He had a mind to challenge Link to another fight so he could get out from under his thumb.

He did say I could fight him anytime, so where the hell did he run off to? Eugh, there's too many people here. I can't be bothered to look. Maybe I'll just stumble into him.

The camp was packed to bursting with weak, helpless humans who couldn't stand up for themselves. They weren't worth the trouble of protecting if they couldn't hold their own. He didn't understand why Link and the others wanted to fight so hard for their sakes. Fighting was something you did to prove your standing to the world, not defend some losers. That was how Zoie saw it, at least. That was his whole life.

And he liked it that way. Fighting was fun. Nothing made him feel more alive than when he was trading blows with a powerful opponent. It made him feel like he was worth something. It made him feel good about himself whenever he won, too. It assured him that he had a firm standing in the world, and he couldn’t help but laugh in joy at that. He proved his father wrong every time he defeated someone.

But that all fell to pieces when he was finally bested by Link. Everything he ever knew came crashing down on his head. He thought that, as the winner, Link would take his life as his own, but he never imagined Link would spin that to mean “come work for us”. But he couldn’t argue, since he lost. Link proved himself stronger, so Zoie had no choice but to submit.

Or did he? Link never really bossed him around, only kept him from messing with the others. He also treated him like an equal ally, depending on him to help their cause. None of that made any sense. There was something about Link that was just different. Zoie had no idea how to handle him. Maybe if he could win against him next time, things would start making sense again.

“H-hey... That’s not the Laughing Reaper, is it?”

Zoie’s wandering was interrupted when he overheard that hushed whisper aimed in his direction. He glanced over and saw a few humans crowded spinelessly together, peering at him and muttering amongst themselves. He'd been recognized at last. He smirked to himself, thinking that if they made a big fuss, he'd have no choice but to act out. Maybe then Link would come to him.

Just as he turned to face them, a little girl ran up between them. She stared up at him with big, shiny eyes and a huge grin.

“It's you! I remember you!” she said excitedly.

“Huh? And who the hell are you, pipsqueak?” Zoie said to her.

The crowd of adults got on guard when they saw this, like they feared he might do something to hurt her. For a moment, he thought maybe that would be the perfect way to make Link fight him all-out again. It would be easy, like squishing a bug.

“You saved me from monsters in Kakariko! Thank you so much! You were so strong and cool! You're the best!” she said.

Zoie froze in place at this innocent outpouring of gratitude. She was so small and young that she didn't even come up to his waist, and she hugged his leg tightly with a big smile on her face. This little kid, who had no way of knowing that Zoie was just contemplating hurting her, was so earnestly praising him that it made an enormous, crushing sense of guilt well up from deep in his chest. He never felt anything like it before.

He wasn't trying to save her, he was just trying to kill monsters since that was what Link asked him to do. But she wouldn't understand that even if he tried to explain it to her. In the end, the result was the same. He saved people's lives, and they were grateful for it. Even the crowd that was eyeing him suspiciously relaxed and gave him approving nods.

All of this was completely new for him. He had never known what it felt like to be thanked by others. What little he could remember of his past was spent in that wretched room, his strength beaten into him by his father. That was all he had known until he got out into the world. Interacting with others outside of a fight was not something he ever really tried. He hadn’t seen the point to it... until now.

He thought about Link again. He was always smiling cheerfully with that carefree, adventurous spirit bleeding through his every action. Zoie was always laughing, but when he compared himself to that image of Link, could he say that he was ever happy while he was laughing? He wasn’t sure anymore.

I don’t know... It hurts too much to think about. Maybe Link has the right idea about how things should be... But it doesn’t change the fact that fighting’s fun as hell. What should I even do? If I... If I decide to fight the way Link does, would I be...

Zoie sighed and scratched the back of his head in frustration. He wasn’t making any progress figuring it out, so he decided to just stop thinking about it and continue doing what he wanted. Then he looked down at the girl, still clinging to his leg with a big grin on his face. Something about her made it hard for him to resist cracking a genuine smile of his own.

“Jeez, kid, get off me, already.”

a a a

Link wiped his brow as he finished lugging crates of supplies where they were meant to go. He and the crew spent most of the past two days after the Kakariko raid ferrying things around and keeping people safe. It was a lot of labor, but it was worth it to see the smiles on people’s faces. He loved this sort of work.

He and Tetra got off easy with this most recent raid. They’d heard how Sitri and Zoie ran up against Beelzebub and Kuudo, and they felt a bit bad that they had a relatively simple time of it clearing away monsters and saving people. As soon as they arrived in Hyleigh City, they got straight to work to make up for it. Most of the tents in the camp were pitched by the crew.

Speaking of, there was a noticeable lack of pep in their steps. It wasn’t hard to realize why. Without Nudge, nothing they did together felt the same anymore. Gonzo and Senza were slower and quieter than usual, and Niko was still mopey. Zuko spoke even less than he usually did, and Mako’s lack of enthusiasm was becoming infectious. They were going to be feeling this loss for a long time to come.

There was one person among them who didn’t seem to be feeling it at the moment, though. He strutted over to the group with a whistle on his lips, looking awfully pleased with himself. Strange, considering he didn’t lift a finger to help them lug all those supplies around. Link supposed that was in character for him.

Tetra was not amused. “You scurvy-ridden sea dog... You better have a good reason for not helping us, our I’ll keel haul you next time we get back to our ship!” she threatened him angrily.

Linebeck gasped in a very exaggerated manner, his arms flinging up over his head. “Hold on, now! I can assure you that I was actually doing something important this time! And by the way, I’ve never had scurvy in my life, so don’t you even suggest it!” he protested.

“Then why do you look as cool as a sea cucumber, huh? While we’ve been over here breakin’ our backs with these crates.” Gonzo said crassly.

Linebeck quickly realized that the crew was not in the mood for his usual labor-dodging antics. With them being a man down, the physical price was almost as bad as the emotional one. He cleared his throat very loudly and got straight to business. He reached into his front pocket and produced a spectacular ring for their eyes to behold.

“Yowza, that is one regal-looking ring... Where’d you get that?” Niko asked.

“From that family over there!” Linebeck said, pointing to people sitting under a tarp. “Generous folks, really? They gave it to me after I-”

He was interrupted by Senza grabbing his collar. “Do NOT tell me you’ve been goin’ around scammin’ people while we’ve been working!”

“This is a new low, even for you, Linebeck. I’ve gone beyond angry into full-on disappointment.” Mako said.

“What?! Don’t be ridiculous! Even I’m not so tactless!” Linebeck assured them.

“Then why do you have that thing? If you swindled those people out of it, I’m seriously gonna kick your ass.” Tetra growled.

“Why must you all assume the worst of me?! Do I really come off that way to you? Besides, you’re the pirates here, not me!” Linebeck continued to whine.

Link decided it was time to step in. He knew his friend was a rupee-pincher and a bit of a scoundrel, but he’d never known him to take advantage of the poor and suffering. He moved under Senza’s arm and removed his hand from his collar, and then turned to face Linebeck directly.

“So how did you get it from them?” he asked directly.

“Ah, Link, I knew you’d have my back! Thank you, my friend!” Linebeck said, shaking the boy’s shoulders around. “You see, as I was making my rounds of the camp, keeping it safe from monsters, using my manly charms to put the people at ease-” Tetra’s glare made him gulp to a stop for a moment, but then he continued. “-I came across this family begging for money so they could go into the city and buy food and clothes at the market! I thought, maybe they don’t have time to wait for the supplies to be handed out, so I donated some of my personal rupees to their plight!”

Everyone looked shocked to hear that. “Wait, really?! You gave up your own money?” Tetra said, baffled.

“Come now, is it really so hard to believe that I would be moved by the hardships these people are enduring?” he said, offended. “So anyway, when I gave away some of my rupees, another family approached me and asked me if I had more to spare! I didn’t want this to turn into a whole thing, but, uh, it kinda did. I gave away so much of my rupees to everyone who begged, and every time I did, someone else would see that and ask, too... And... I let it all go to my head, I fear.”

“Ah. You liked the attention so much that ya gave away everything ya had, didn’t ya?” Gonzo grinned.

“Sadly, yes. Now I know what you’re thinking; how did Linebeck, seafarer extraordinaire, allow such a thing to happen? Unfortunately, I have no excuse.” he said glumly. “But! The last family I gave rupees to felt sorry for my newfound poverty and gave me that ring as thanks! They said it was a family heirloom, worth a lot of rupees, but they didn’t have time to wait to make a sale on it, given the urgency of their dilemma here. So they just gave it to me! Amazingly kind of them, isn’t it?”

The crew looked incredulous for a few moments, but then sighed and shrugged their shoulders in resignation. “You know, as much as I don’t usually believe your stories... I can actually believe this one. Weird, huh?” Tetra said.

“Why is that weird?! You all are too brutal sometimes, I swear...” Linebeck deflated.

Link giggled. He was glad to see his friend awaken to his magnanimous spirit. He knew it was in there somewhere, deep down. He’d seen it peek out a few times on his adventure through the Realm of the Ocean King with him. It was a relief to see him make good use of all those rupees he was always hoarding on his person.

“Good job! You did good this time!” Link said, patting his back.

Linebeck beamed earnestly at that. He then grabbed Link’s shoulders and shook him around some more, until he got dizzy. This drew a few laughs out of the rest of the crew. Finally, their spirits were starting to lift again.

And then a large commotion erupted elsewhere in the camp. Fearing monsters, Link and Tetra immediately sprinted to action while the crew spread out to defend the refugees in practiced coordination. Thankfully, when they arrived at the scene, they quickly saw it wasn’t a bad sort of commotion. In fact, it could have been their lifeline.

“Ah, Link and Tetra, right? Good timing. You should come, too.”

It was Byrne, who they met in Great Bay City recently. He was a Lokomo that worked with Mikhaeyla and Rasta often, they came to learn. When Link and his allies left to help Kakariko, he’d stayed behind so he could seek guidance from his people. It seemed like he’d had some success, finally. He was following behind a trail of wise-looking Lokomo, each operating some kind of two-wheeled contraption to move around.

The refugees all seemed to show deference. Whoever these Lokomo were, they had to be important big-shots, Link thought. The one at the head of the group was a woman with rosy pink hair and serene, black eyes. She glanced over at him and smiled warmly, as if she liked what she saw. Maybe she knew who he was already. He and his crew had been getting famous, after all.

It wasn’t long until Mikhaeyla appeared before them. She was patrolling within the camp to keep the peace, so of course she would take notice of a development like this so quickly. The expression she wore when she rushed over to greet them was one full of cautious hope.

“Lady Anjean! I am grateful that you’ve come to visit us personally. And it is good to see you returned, Byrne. I take it you have something to share with us?” she asked.

The rosy-haired one was Anjean, apparently. Link had heard that name mentioned as the leader of the Lokomo and the caretaker of the Tower of Spirits a few times. She seemed highly knowledgeable and kind to him. She rolled forward to speak with Mikhaeyla.

“Mhm. It’s good to see everyone working so hard together like this. The Spirits of Light are pleased. You’ve all done well, and your patience will now be rewarded.” Anjean announced.

Mikhaeyla’s face brightened up. “You mean to say you have come up with a solution to our problem?” she asked, being deliberately vague since there were common citizens surrounding them.

“Yes. Thanks to the information Byrne has provided me, all of the pieces are falling into place. With the aid of my fellow Lokomo behind me, I have come up with a plan that may finally keep Hyleigh safe for the foreseeable future. Call your Council members to meet with us within the city walls, in the plaza outside the train station. It is there that I shall explain everything.”

Tempered gasps rose up through the crowd of people. Mikhaeyla looked serious now, and nodded her understanding. Then, spotting Link and Tetra, she beckoned for them to follow her. The pair didn’t hesitate to join her at her side. Things were starting to pick up. Link waited with bated breath to finally hear of the plan that would at last put Hyleigh to rights.

This is it. This is what all of our hard work is leading to. What’s it going to be like? I can’t wait to find out!

Azure Sage

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Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
Chapter 30 is ready to go already! I really flew through this one. I'm so glad to finally be three quarters of the way through! What a feeling. At last, the things I've been cooking are ready to be served. Enjoy the conclusion of the Third Movement!

Chapter Thirty
The Moment of Reprisal​

Pins and needles traveled under Sitri’s skin, making her hands tremor. The anticipation was killing her. She stood in the plaza that welcomed visitors to Hyleigh City from the train station, where Anjean was going to reveal a plan to save Hyleigh. She couldn’t believe things had finally progressed that far, and she was excited beyond measure to be a part of it.

This is it... This could be the perfect time for her to name me the new Hero of Spirits! I’m not sure I’ve done enough to earn it, though... But just maybe... Ooh, I can’t help but feel a little hopeful for it! I wonder what’s going to happen?

A gentle hand was placed on her shoulder. She looked up at her Aunt Mikha, standing dutifully beside her. Maybe she noticed her hands shaking. Sitri always felt calm in her presence, and she was glad she got to stand right at her side for this. Varuna, Albion, and Ceres were still standing guard around the refugee camp, so they’d have to be briefed later. Also present were Link and Tetra, but not the rest of their crew. Zoie had a place next to Link.

Aside from them, Byrne stood at attention behind Anjean, arms crossed and a serious look on his face. He seemed tense. Whatever they were going to discuss, it was sure to be heavy. They were just waiting on the Council members to arrive.

After several minutes of uncomfortable silence, they finally appeared, marching through the city unhappily. They were surrounded by curious citizens, trailing after them to rubberneck over the sort of urgent business that could call all five of them out of their chambers. Rasta led the way, and he gave Sitri a pleasant smile when he saw her.

“Well, now. It is quite a rare honor to be in the presence of so many Lokomo. This must be important.” he said.

“Important enough that we must be dragged out of the privacy of our chambers? Do we really want the common folk listening in on us?” Darius complained.

“Fear not.” Anjean assured him.

She snapped her fingers, and the whole group was encircled within a golden barrier. This startled the lot of them.

“What is the meaning of this?!” Anderson yelped.

“This barrier will prevent our audience from entering with us, or eavesdropping on our words. We may all speak freely now.” she informed him.

“What’s the point of goin’ to that trouble if we could just talk in the meeting chamber?” Mabufu asked.

“Well, it is just more convenient if we do it here. You will see why soon enough.” she explained. “First, may I introduce my compatriots to you all?”

When she said this, the five Lokomo behind her wheeled up to greet everyone. One was a man with a poofy, green afro as big as his own head. Next was a man with a white beard as long as his face, with a comparatively large mustache. Third was a man with a much smaller beard, but in exchange, he had a large tuft of hair atop his head shaped like a raindrop. After him, there was a man with blazing red hair in the shape of flames. And last, a man with hair that could be mistaken for an elaborate headpiece, with braids hanging down by his ears.

All of them seemed equally eccentric. It was hard to tell what their personalities were like yet, but they all seemed just as old as Anjean. Perhaps they were just as powerful as her, too, despite how they looked.

“Here we have some of the oldest Lokomo in existence, after myself.” Anjean introduced. “May I present Sirs Gage, Steem, Carben, Embrose, and Rael.”

Each of them bowed in unison, but they did not speak. Instead, their eyes seemed to be studying everyone in attendance. Sitri felt like their gaze rested upon her a bit more than the others, or perhaps it was her imagination.

“The five of them assisted me in developing the plan I am about to reveal to you, and they will all be integral in its execution. But before we can discuss that, it’s best if we go over what we know so far. It will make more sense if we mull things over one step at a time.” Anjean said.

Mikhaeyla nodded in understanding. “Yes, let’s. Where shall we begin?”

“First of all, thanks to the efforts of Mikhaeyla and her allies, we know that the culprit behind Hyleigh’s recent turmoil is a man named Beelzebub. He was once a Demon Lord in service to Demon King Vanaheit, who secretly worshipped Malladus. We don’t know where Beelzebub got his adoration for that man, but we can be certain that the two of them were involved in a plot to free him from his seal. A plot that Beelzebub is now enacting by himself.” Anjean described.

Zoie grimaced when his father was brought up. Anjean eyed him intensely, as if she were looking for answers in his reaction.

“The so-called Laughing Reaper here is the son of Vanaheit, but he has no recollection of meeting Beelzebub, and there is no indication he has anything to do with what’s going on now. Is that correct, Zoie?”

“Yeah... I guess... I can’t give you a concrete answer, though.” he said, his voice sounding pained. “I just know that everything I did was for the pursuit of strength. I don’t give a damn about Malladus or the seal. Though I guess it would be fun to fight someone as strong as him...”

As usual, he always said a few words too many. The Council members began scowling at him again, so Sitri decided to speak up, nervous though she was.

“Wh-when we fought Beelzebub in Kakariko, he said something like he’d left Zoie to do what he wanted... So they definitely weren’t working together.” she said.

“Did he? I wasn’t listening to his drivel.” Zoie said.

“I see. So Zoie may not remember, but it seems that at one point, he did have contact with Beelzebub in the past. Curious...” Mikhaeyla said.

Zoie was looking more frustrated by the moment, like he was trying to recall something that wouldn’t rise to the surface. Anjean cleared her throat to put an end to the tangent.

“Whatever their past connection may be, it no longer holds any weight. Beelzebub is moving his plans forward while completely disregarding whatever Zoie is doing.” she said. “His plot to free Malladus from the seal started off sloppy, like he was taking shots in the dark. Gradually influencing the monster activity in Hyleigh over the past few decades was sure to harm the people, but was it enough to harm the seal? I believe that is what he was trying to uncover.” Anjean said.

“According to Link and Tetra, the Spirit Tracks running nearby the remains of Kokiri Village were affected by the raid in Whittleton. So perhaps he was on to something, after all.” Mikhaeyla said.

“Unfortunately, he was. When I heard that in Byrne’s report, I finally realized what he was up to. Beelzebub has discovered a very crucial component to how the Spirit Tracks operate... Or rather, he has discerned the source of the energy that powers them and the seal.” Anjean said.

This drew muted gasps from the group. “Wh-what kind of power is it? All I know from the legends is that Malladus was sealed into the earth of the Physical Realm, with the Tower of Spirits acting as the lock and the Spirit Tracks as the chains.” Sitri said.

“All of that is true, but the power the Tower and the Tracks use to accomplish this is the missing piece of the puzzle. They all run on the energy of the land itself, known as Force. Think of it like the power of life itself, condensed into pure energy. That is the secret behind the seal.” Anjean explained.

“The power of the land and life... Force, huh? Reminds me of something else...” Tetra said quietly.

“Beelzebub has learned that if he drains life from the land, it will affect the Force powering the Spirit Tracks. And one way to do that is by killing the life that feeds it. He stumbled onto the correct answer in the process of his raids.” Anjean described.

“Now I get it... Once he realized that, he started intensifying the raids, trying to wipe the towns out all at once for a greater effect.” Mikhaeyla said. “But, since he failed to kill nearly as many people in Kakariko and Great Bay as he did in Whittleton, the Spirit Tracks weren’t affected as much as before.”

“Very astute, Mikhaeyla. What you say is true, but if we leave the towns abandoned like they are, the Force will still weaken in those areas. Over time, this will affect the Spirit Tracks regardless.” Anjean said.

“Oh, no... How do we stop that?” Sitri asked.

“This is where our new plan comes in. We must replenish the land’s Force. And to do this, we must make use of Hyleigh’s many fonts of power.” Anjean said.

“What’s a font?” Link asked.

“It is a natural gathering of Force. There are eleven fonts throughout Hyleigh; five Minor Fonts, five Major Fonts, and one Grand Font. As it happens, the Tower of Spirits already sits on the Grand Font. That is how the Spirits of Light created the seal, by harnessing its power and resonating it with the Tower.”

“Fonts of power... It all makes sense now. Then the Spirit Tracks do not run randomly, either, do they?” Mikhaeyla asked.

“Indeed they do not. The Tracks run along the leylines, the natural rivers of energy that flow beneath the land and connect all of the fonts together. If we strengthen the Force at each of the fonts, it will strengthen the leylines, as well, and the Spirit Tracks will be that much harder to break.” Anjean said.

“That’s all well and good, but how do we strengthen them? And do we even know where they all are?” Tetra asked.

“We do. The five Minor Fonts are thus: the site of the Kokiri Village of old, Kakariko Village, Great Bay City, the site of the Goron City of old, and a location deep within the Desert Realm. The five Major Fonts are thus: Whittleton, the site of the Anouki Village of old, the site of the Zora Hall of old, the ancient Fire Temple in the heart of the Fire Realm, and the site of the Nabooru City of old.” Anjean described.

“What? Those are all... towns and cities.” Sitri said.

“Yes. Life naturally gathers at fonts, and that includes living things, of course. People tend to gather at fonts whether they realize it or not, and that’s how towns spring forth. Many of these fonts are already under disrepair, which is only making Beelzebub’s job easier.” Anjean explained.

“Right... In the two thousand years since Alphonse’s time, many of those places became abandoned. Like Zora Hall, and the old Anouki Village that used to be in the Crystal Mountains far to the northwest.” Mikhaeyla said.

“Or the old Goron City, north of the small and humble village we Gorons now claim...” Darius said.

“The Desert Realm has been completely abandoned, too, so it is the weakest of them all in Force.” Anjean said. “Since there are no longer any settlements there, restoring it is lower-priority, but it still must be done. And now that we’re on the subject, let me at last explain how we are going to do this.”

“That’s where we come in!” Gage interjected.

“The plan is simple; the five of us will take up residence in Hyleigh, just as Anjean here is doing in the Tower of Spirits.” Steem said.

“We will create Sanctuaries at each of the five Minor Fonts and watch over them as Guardians.” Carben said.

“And from our posts, we will create Temples on each of the Major Fonts in order to gather and strengthen Force! Though my job’s mostly done already, since the Fire Realm already has a temple on a font! Wahahaha!” Embrose said excitedly.

“The Sanctuaries will serve the same function as the Temples, but on a smaller scale. We will use our power to keep them resonated with the leylines, the Tower, the Tracks, and the Temples. Everything working as one cohesive system.” Rael explained.

“The Sanctuaries and Temples will be constructed with magic by harnessing the land’s Force... using this as an amplifier.” Anjean said, reaching into her robe.

She revealed a pan flute with five pipes. It looked ancient, and thanks to her magic, Sitri could sense an incredible power from it. In fact, she thought she knew what it was.

“That’s the Spirit Flute, isn’t it? I thought it was lost when Vaati destroyed Hyleigh City in Alphonse’s era!” Sitri said.

“Correct, my dear. But nothing sacred ever stays lost for good. We Lokomo can detect anything the Spirits have created, and so it was recovered over time. I’ve been holding onto it, waiting for a new use to present itself to me. And now that time has come. We will use its power to channel the Force we require to purify the fonts, and when that is done, the Lokomo Guardians will be able to construct the Sanctuaries.” Anjean said.

“And after we do, we can start building the Temples! We’ve each got instruments of our own, so we’ll be able to do that job by ourselves.” Embrose said.

“But in order to purify the fonts, we will require more than just solo performances. To fully draw out the latent power of the land, a duet is necessary.” Gage said.

“In other words, someone must play the Spirit Flute as our accompanist!” Steem said.

“And it can’t be just anyone, either. Someone with a natural affinity for the land or an internal power source of their own...” Rael said.

“From what I understand, that’s a pretty short list here in Hyleigh.” Carben said.

“That it is. Fortunately for us, I know exactly the person we need.” Anjean said, grinning confidently. “Tetra, was it? Your bloodline holds great power, if I’m not mistaken. A sacred light sleeps within you. I would like you to use that light to help save Hyleigh.”

This came as a shock to everyone, Tetra most of all. “Wait, what? How did you know that?”

“I may not have been able to unearth Beelzebub and his meddling, but little else here in Hyleigh goes unnoticed by my watchful eyes. You revealed this fact to Mikhaeyla yourself, did you not?” Anjean explained.

“She did. She told me when we met about how her family is royalty from a kingdom sunken beneath her Great Sea.” Mikhaeyla said, sharing Anjean’s grin. “How about it, Tetra? You wanted to help save Hyleigh, and now we have a task that only you can fulfil.”

“Ugh, I so don’t appreciate the pressure you’re laying on... It’s not like I can use that power whenever I want, anyway. Will this even work?” she grumbled.

“Come take hold of the Spirit Flute and you shall see for yourself.” Anjean said.

Tetra gulped anxiously. It was clear she didn’t like being put on the spot like that. The Council members had perked up now, especially when they heard that part about her being royalty. Sitri found herself uncomfortable. She felt jealous of the attention she was getting, and she didn’t like that feeling.

Stop it. They’re my friends. I can’t think like that... But I sure wish it were me instead... Man...

As Sitri squirmed around in place, Tetra finally worked up the nerve to march over to Anjean and examine the Spirit Flute. Cautiously, she reached out and touched it. When she did, a golden light flared up from the instrument, seemingly resonating with her. A tame whirlwind of pressure emanated from her and the flute, dispersing into the air around them. This sensation gave the whole group the chills.

“What... What was that?” Tetra asked.

“It seems you’re compatible with it. I had a feeling you would be. Your sacred power must be divine in origin, just like the Spirits of Light themselves. How fortuitous that you and your crew should appear in Hyleigh when you did... This must be fate.” Anjean said.

Tetra roughly shook her head. “Hang on, now. I mean... Yeah, sure, I said I wanted to help, but I dunno about this... I’ve never played an instrument in my life! There’s no way this is gonna go well!”

“Ah, don’t worry, we can put you through the paces! We’ll whip you into a proper musician in no time!” Embrose said enthusiastically.

“B-but... What about Beelzebub? There’s no way he’s not gonna catch on to what we’re doing. Am I supposed to just stand around and play a flute while he attacks us?”

“Heheh. That doesn’t suit you.” Link giggled.

“Yeah, I know that! Shut it!” she snapped at him.

“Don’t worry. The Grand Demonic Knights will accompany you.” Mikhaeyla said. “Beelzebub will undoubtedly try to interfere with us. He can’t afford to let us strengthen the seal. So when he does show himself... We will be there to crush him at last.”

“My thoughts exactly. You really are quick on the uptake, Mikhaeyla.” Anjean said. “In summation, our plan is for you and your allies to escort each of the Lokomo Guardians to the minor fonts, for Tetra and the respective Guardian to purify the font, and to potentially defend them from Beelzebub’s attacks, hopefully defeating him in the process. This will strengthen the land’s Force, which will in turn strengthen the Spirit Tracks and the seal. Is this making sense to everyone?”

“It is, but... Ugh, guess I gotta do it... I said I’d help, so no sense complaining, I guess.” Tetra said wearily.

“I can’t wait to hear you perform!” Link said excitedly.

“Damn it, shut up! Man, the boys are totally gonna rib on me about this.”

“I thought pirates loved music and singing shanties and stuff? Shouldn’t this be right up your alley?” Zoie teased.

Tetra was fuming now. “You...! You’re not wrong, technically? But shut up!”

Mikhaeyla couldn’t hold in a chuckle of her own. “I do apologize for this, Tetra. I didn’t expect our conversation from back then to have such consequences, but I am grateful for it, nonetheless. Now more than ever, we need your aid.”

As she said this, she gave a respectful bow. The Council members all followed suit, only putting her further on the spot.

“You have Lady Mikhaeyla’s trust, and so you have mine. The Council will fully support your efforts.” Rasta said.

“I can’t tell you how pleased I am that we’re finally making headway. Please, do this for our beloved Hyleigh.” Llewellyn implored.

“Your hard work defending the Ocean Realm from raids hasn’t been forgotten. You have my trust, too.” Anderson said.

“Your courage and grit are the real deal. Ever since you showed up, Hyleigh has been filled with hope. You will have the support of the proud Gorons at your backs.” Darius said.

“You fellas even tamed the Laughing Reaper, so I got nothin’ but respect for you! I know you can get it done!” Mabufu said.

“It seems we are unanimous for once. How splendid!” Llewellyn said.

“Just goes to show how much we are depending on you all.” Rasta agreed.

Tetra’s face was bright red now. “Jeez... When you lay it on thick like that, how’s a gal supposed to say no?”

“I think it’s great! I can’t wait to get started!” Link said.

“Yeah, that’s just like you... If nothing else, I trust you, Link. If you wanna do this, then I’ll play along.” Tetra said, finally relaxing.

“If I may...” Mikhaeyla began. “I suggest we wait a few days before we begin. We can’t be sure that Beelzebub won’t strike somewhere else while we’re purifying the fonts, so I would like to fully deploy my knights at each town and the refugee camp beforehand. Give us at least three days.”

“A sound idea. Then we shall commence the plan in three days’ time.” Anjean agreed.

“That’s fine, but how are we gonna get the Guardians where they need to go? We just gonna go begging around the train station?” Tetra asked.

Anjean grinned again. “I have a solution for that, as well. In fact, this is why I said it was better for us to talk out here. Turn your attention to the train station.”

The group did as she said, and right there on the tracks, a brand new train materialized out of thin air. Enshrouded in brilliant displays of golden light, it seemed to glow rapturously in the evening sun. It was painted brown and green, with golden trim. The symbol on the front was the same half gear that represented the Lokomo. It was a wonder to behold. Its appearance drew many gasps from the onlookers, who still couldn’t hear anything and were devoid of context.

“That is the Spirit Train. It was created by the Spirits of Light themselves specifically to ferry us to our intended destinations. This is their gift to us. We mustn't squander their faith.” Anjean declared.

“Wow... The Spirits really made that train just for us? That’s amazing...” Sitri breathed.

This is super serious, then! This is the moment! Maybe it’s the moment I’ve been waiting for...

Feeling hopeful all over again, Sitri decided to make use of her connections once more. “If we need an engineer, I know one that’s always willing to help me! I’m sure he'd be honored to drive the Spirit Train for us!” she said earnestly.

“Very good. We will leave it to you to recruit him. Thank you, Sitri.” Anjean said pleasantly.

Being praised sent her heart soaring into her chest. For a few moments, she felt like she could walk on air. But, contrary to her expectations and hopes, the focus of the conversation shifted away from her again.

“So, in three days, we’re gonna get to work. Better rest up while we can, then.” Tetra said.

“You’ve gotta get some rehearsing in, though, miss musician.” Zoie taunted.

“That’s it, you’re in for a good smack!” Tetra yelled.

“Now, now...” Link said, trying to keep them away from each others’ throats.

“I must brief my captains. I should get Hawthorne apprised, too. I’m sure he will want to help.” Mikhaeyla said.

“We will get to work on keeping the refugee camp running smoothly until things settle down, then. That responsibility falls to us.” Llewellyn said.

“I have complete faith in all of you. I know that the situation in Hyleigh has been hanging on by a thread for centuries, but now, we are on the cusp of a reprisal. At long last, the moment we claim Hyleigh’s future is nigh!” Anjean announced proudly.

With that, the discussion ended on a high note. Anjean rescinded her barrier, and the spectators tried to flood in with a thousand questions. The Council members had to direct them away, sending them off with promises of a full explanation in due time. And in the midst of that flood of people, everyone got split up. Link, Tetra, and Zoie headed off in one direction, and Mikhaeyla went off in another. Sitri soon found herself alone.

She felt exhausted, physically and mentally. Quickly, she staggered down an alleyway off Hyleigh City’s main road. She learned against the cold stone wall, feeling it press against her back. The pressure was smothering, whether it was from the wall or from her emotions.

The plan weighed heavily on Sitri’s mind. Sure, she was happy that Hyleigh was finally going to be on the mend, but this just wasn’t how she thought that was going to go. The fact that all of those historical sites, places Alphonse traveled through back in his era, were going to be covered up by these Sanctuaries and Temples made her feel conflicted. She felt like it was changing Hyleigh too much. The home she loved was going to be unrecognizable when this was over.

I don’t know... Maybe I’m overreacting... I wonder what Alphonse would think of this plan. I never imagined it would go this way... And Tetra’s right in the middle of it... Instead of me... That was the perfect chance for Anjean to give me the Lokomo Sword and name me the new Hero of Spirits, but she didn’t... Why not? Am I... Am I not worthy? Or am I still not ready? I’m just glad she hasn’t given it to someone else...

She raised up a fist and flexed the muscles in her arm, and it alighted with the golden magic she was given. Seeing that gentle glow put her at ease somewhat. It reassured her that she was on the right path.

I’m Alphonse’s descendant... I was granted this power after I proved my worth... I haven’t been winning much, but I’ve been working so hard and I’ve helped a lot... I’m sure that I’ll be the Hero of Spirits any day now... Especially if I can help with this plan!

Deciding on this course of action put a fire in her soul. She still wasn’t satisfied with the plan, but she didn’t have any better ideas, and maybe, if she performed well and made Anjean proud, she’d finally get what she’d been wanting all this time. That desire spurred her forward, filling her every step with purpose. It wouldn’t be long now, she told herself. Not long now.

Not long now, she repeated in her mind, over and over, until it was consumed with nothing but these thoughts.

a a a

“You had something you wished to discuss?” Anjean asked.

“Yes, and I’d prefer it if you kept this between us.” Mikhaeyla said.

Stolen away at a safe distance from the camp, Mikhaeyla confronted Anjean in the shadow of Hyleigh City’s walls before she had a chance to return to the Tower of Spirits. They were out of both view and earshot of any potential interlopers, and that was how Mikhaeyla wanted it. She steeled herself for the coming conversation.

“It’s about Sitri... You gave her that Lokomo magic, didn’t you?” she asked.

“Yes, I did. She visited the Tower and asked me about improving herself, so I saw fit to put her to trial. She passed, so I was more than happy to grant her a bit of our power.”

“I see... So it’s just as I’ve heard.” Mikhaeyla said. She bit her lip. “I don’t know how else to say this, but... Are you sure that was a wise decision?”

“How do you mean? She is Alphonse’s descendant, and she wants to help. From what I’ve seen, she has been handling the power well.” Anjean said quizzically.

“Yes, but I’m afraid this boon may prove to be too much for her, emotionally... I fear she’s growing too obsessed with the idea of being like Alphonse, and being granted the same magic he once used is going to hurt her in the long run, especially if that’s all you intend to give her.”

“Hmmm. What are you implying?”

“She may not think I know, but she is very bad at keeping secrets. I know it’s her goal to become the next Hero of Spirits, and I’m sure you do, too. All I’m saying is... If you don’t plan on entitling her, don’t get her hopes up. The disappointment may just break her.”

“Are you saying you think she’s unfit for the title?” Anjean said.

“I’m saying she’s my precious niece and I can’t bear to see her heart in so much turmoil. She’s thrusted herself head-first into so many dangers all for the hope that she can be like Alphonse, and I’m tired of watching her get hurt for it. I know it’s what she wants, but... It’s my wish that she discovers a goal that’s all her own.”

Anjean quietly contemplated these words. Whatever her true intentions were for Sitri, she was keeping them hidden, much to Mikhaeyla’s chagrin. When she spoke again, her words were just as guarded as before.

“I understand your perspective. It is my duty to ensure Hyleigh’s survival, and if Sitri can be of use to that end, then I should like her to continue on as she is.” she said coldly.

Those words unleashed a spike of anger in Mikhaeyla, but she swallowed it back. “Anjean... If my Sitri falls apart in the process, I am going to hold you responsible. Am I clear?”

Anjean nodded. “Whatever needs to be done, it will be done.” she said.

With that, Anjean turned away and vanished. All alone now, Mikhaeyla’s thoughts drifted right back to her beloved niece. The world she was born into hasn’t been kind to her, not one bit. Mikhaeyla loved her like she was her own daughter, and wanted nothing more than to shield her from all the heartache she could. But her niece always had other ideas. She sighed heavily, aching for something more she could do to help the poor girl.

Dear Sitri...You may think you know what your life is leading up to, but if for any reason, you stray from your path... I want to be there to hold you and tell you it’s going to be okay. My beloved Sitri... Please be safe.

Third Movement: The Ballad of Demons

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
Alright, it's time to begin the final arc! We're getting close to the end now. It's finally time for everything I've built up to pay off. Look forward to it! The Fourth Movement begins now!

At the break of dawn, Sitri stood atop the Tower of Spirits to take in the full majesty of Hyleigh. She got special permission from Anjean to come up there. Hoping that seeing the same sights her beloved ancestor once did would motivate her and calm her nerves, she took a deep breath, inhaling through her nose. Her chest tightened, and she let the air out of her in a quiet whistle.

She could see every corner of Hyleigh from that summit. The Forest Realm in all of its bountiful green foliage. The Snow Realm with its argent mountains and glistening plains of white. The Ocean Realm and its shimmering, jewel-like waters, dotted with sandy islands. The Fire Realm and its enormous volcano, reaching into the heavens. And the Desert Realm, its steamy dunes and craggy rocks reflecting the morning sun back into her eyes. This was Hyleigh. Her beloved homeland.

It was also once Alphonse’s home, a land he fought desperately to defend. He once traveled through each of these Realms as the Hero of Spirits, helping people and solving problems, gathering strength for his final confrontation with Demon King Malladus. At the end of his journey, he got to see this same view, looking out across the land from the top of the Tower. And she was about to embark on a quest of her own through all of those same locales.

Her heart fluttered in her chest at the thought of it. She was faithfully following in his footsteps as best she could, in the hope that she’d get to take up the mantle he once wore. And soon enough, she’d reach it. She fully believed that.

Beelzebub wants to destroy everything my eyes can see... I will never let that happen. Just like Alphonse defeated Malladus, I’m going to defeat Beelzebub and become the new Hero of Spirits. And it all starts today.

Sitri heard footsteps behind her. She turned to see Link and Tetra had also come to the top of the Tower. They were gawking at the horizon line with unbridled awe.

“Wow... I never imagined there could be a land this big... It’s a far cry from the islands on the Great Sea, that’s for sure.” Tetra said.

“Really makes me feel small... But we’re gonna protect every bit of it!” Link said encouragingly.

“Hey, guys. Did Anjean let you up here, too?” Sitri asked.

“Yep. It’s about time we got started, so if you’re done up here, come on. We’ve got a train to catch.” Tetra said.

“That time already, huh... Okay. Let’s go.” Sitri nodded.

The three of them made to descend the Tower. It had been three days now since Anjean revealed her plan to strengthen the Spirit Tracks by purifying fonts of power. Mikhaeyla’s Grand Demonic Knights were dutifully posted at each remaining town across the land, with Demon Lord Hawthorne himself standing watch over the capital and the refugee camp. The rest of Tetra's pirate crew also remained at the camp to tend to the wounded and help the Knights. All of the pieces were on the board. Now it was time to take action, and Sitri was sure they’d find Beelzebub along the way.

I’m ready now. I’ve been through a lot of awful stuff to get to this point... There’s no turning back. It’s time for us to save Hyleigh!

Fourth Movement: The Requiem of Spirits

Chapter Thirty-One
Forest Sanctuary​

In the Tower’s lobby, the entire party stood equipped for battle. There was Sitri, wielding the sword passed down through her family, the same sword Alphonse used before he became the Hero of Spirits. At her side were Link, wielding a sturdy sword of his own and a bow, Tetra with her cutlass and the Spirit Flute, and Zoie with his sun-shaped axe. Across from them were Mikhaeyla herself and her three knight captains, along with Byrne and the five Lokomo Guardians. Anjean stood at the center of everyone, looking hopeful at the array of allies before her.

“Mhm. I believe we are as prepared as we can be. Gage, the Forest Realm is in your hands.” she said.

“And you can bet I’ll do my part to keep it safe! Nature’s bounty is important for nourishing the land. I won’t allow such an important place to fall into decay.” he said, his green afro wiggling as he nodded.

“Then it’s time to depart. This is the first purification. How things go today will set the bar for the other four. Do whatever it takes to accomplish the task.” Anjean said.

“On my honor as a Demon King and descendant of the Hero of Spirits’ allies, I will keep everyone safe and defend Hyleigh from harm.” Mikhaeyla assured her.

“This is it... I practiced a lot on this damn flute, so I’m not gonna screw this up!” Tetra said.

“It’ll be fine! With all of us gathered here, there’s no way we’ll lose to the likes of Beelzebub!” Ceres said enthusiastically.

“Don’t let your guard down just because we have an impressive lineup of fighters. There’s no telling what could go wrong and how.” Varuna warned her.

“It’s our duty to safeguard this land, so we must perform at our utmost. We cannot let our liege down.” Albion said.

“Eh, who cares about all that? Long as I get to fight stuff, I’ll follow ya.” Zoie said.

“Just make sure you fight the monsters and not us, okay?” Link playfully reminded him.

“I will accompany you, as well. I am not much of a fighter, but... surely there must be a way I can help.” Byrne said.

“We’re glad to have you along! It’s gonna take all of us working together.” Sitri said.

“Young Sitri’s right. We will only win the day if we combine our powers into one force. Now, let us depart!” Gage said.

The whole group nodded in unison, save for Zoie who always behaved like he was allergic to teamwork. Nevertheless, he still followed everyone in step to the Spirit Train, awaiting them at the center of the turntable. In the engineer’s seat was Boyle, who earnestly and proudly agreed to drive after Sitri recruited him.

“I can’t thank you enough for asking me to do this, Sitri. I know I kinda left you guys in the lurch at Whittleton, and I wanna make up for it.” he said. “I’m still pretty scared to go out there, but we all rely on the Spirit Tracks, and as an engineer, I gotta do my part to protect them! And it’s an unimaginable honor to drive a train that the Spirits themselves created. I won’t let you guys down!”

“We’re the ones who have to thank you, Boyle. I’m looking forward to working with you again!” Sitri said cheerfully.

Even regular citizens like him want to help. Anjean and the Spirits are counting on us to pull through. Whatever it takes, we’re gonna do this! And I’ll show them all that I’m worthy of being the new Hero of Spirits!

Thinking as much, Sitri boarded the Spirit Train, finding a seat in the passenger car next to Mikhaeyla. Everyone else filed in, leaving Anjean and the other four Guardians behind in the Tower. The turntable started moving, pointing the train toward the Forest Realm. This was it.

“All aboard!” Boyle shouted, blowing the train’s whistle.

The Spirit Train steadily took off down the tracks, exiting from the Tower through the enormous threshold. Once they were outside, the morning light beamed through the windows of the train, illuminating the determination on everyone’s faces. The train barreled on toward the forest where Kokiri Village used to be, full steam ahead.

To arrive at their destination, they would skirt around Hyleigh City and the refugee camp, crossing the field between there and Mayscore Village further south. The forest was west of there, and Kokiri Village, or what was left of it, was deep inside it. At least for the moment, the party had a good view all around them, but once they got between those trees, their line of sight would shrink dramatically.

Nerves all in a bundle, Sitri kept glancing over Mikhaeyla to look outside the train. There was no way to know what was going to happen next. Did Beelzebub already know what they were up to? Could he sense them coming? Mikhaeyla was making no attempt to hide her presence today, hoping to lure him out. He was almost certainly going to take notice of them. The question was of when.

Halfway across the field, Mikhaeyla’s eyes widened and she shot up. “We’ve got company.”

Those three words made the rest of the party leap out of their seats. The next moment, Boyle frantically blared the whistle. Sitri ran to the front where he was and looked out ahead of the train. Gathering on the tracks at the forest entrance were a whole army of bulbin riders atop their mounts.

“Oh, no... Beelzebub is onto us!” she said.

“As expected. Varuna, Albion, Ceres, to the top of the train with me!” Mikhaeyla instructed.

The four of them hastily climbed on top, using their magic to keep their feet planted firmly to the roof of the passenger car. With Mikhaeyla in the lead, she created a gigantic longbow out of her magic. She knocked some bright red arrows, also made from her power, and aimed right for the center of the horde.

Bulbins were cousins of miniblins. They weren’t as numerous, but they were smarter and liked to ride boar-like creatures called bulbos to chase down trains. There had to be at least fifty of them crowding around, surely under the influence of Beelzebub’s puppeteering magic. Such a force would easily overrun the Spirit Train and prevent it from reaching its destination.

However, the party had a Demon King on their side. Even in such numbers, they were no threat to Mikhaeyla. With cold focus, she drew back on her magic arrows, and a fierce whirlwind kicked up around her. When she loosed them, three at once, they blasted through the air with a loud, shrill shriek that hurt Sitri’s ears. They hit the horde dead-center and detonated in fierce bursts, scattering the lot of them.

Even under the force of such power, the Spirit Tracks remained unscathed. Sitri supposed that was why Beelzebub had to resort to indirect methods to get rid of them. As the bulbin riders and their mounts rained down around the tracks, the way forward was cleared.

“Boyle, speed up! You three, take care of the survivors!” Mikhaeyla ordered.

Immediately, Varuna and Albion crafted bows out of their own purple magic power. Even though theirs paled in comparison to Mikhaeyla’s, they were still effective. The pockets of bulbins were exploding left and right from their shots. Ceres seemed to struggle getting her magic to take a solid shape, but in time, she was able to create something like a black crossbow to fire smaller shots at the straggling enemies. Her attacks were no less destructive than her allies, despite the difference in size and shape.

“Man, they’re having all the fun! Can’t I get out here and fight them all?” Zoie complained.

“Just hold on! There’s probably gonna be more soon.” Link told him.

“We’re headin’ into the forest! Keep your wits about you!” Boyle called out from the front.

In a matter of minutes, the bulbin rider force was too devastated to recover and pursue them. The Spirit Train passed through the opening the knights created and chugged on into the forest. Since both visibility and light were drastically reduced, Boyle had to slow down. The four knights stayed on top of the train, their magic weapons ready to turn toward any new foes.

For a little while, nothing much happened. Everyone kept their eyes peeled on each side of the train. Sitri pushed up a window and stuck her head out so she could get a better look. There were no sounds to be heard other than the noise the train was making. Nothing at all. Not even birds or animals.

That gave Sitri pause. Something wasn’t right if they couldn’t even hear chirping. She looked up toward the treetops to see if she could spot any birds, and that was when she saw enormous spiders leaping down toward the train.

“Look out! Skulltulas above you!” she shouted.

Right away, Mikhaeyla swung her arm in an arc over her head. This movement created a barrier that knocked all of the descending skulltulas away. The knights were safe for the moment, thanks to Sitri’s warning. None of them expected an attack to come from above their heads.

The skulltulas spun around in the air, webbing excreting from their rears like ropes that clung to the treetops. Their abdomens were patterned with the visage of skulls, threatening death to whatever they viewed as prey. They started swinging themselves back after the train, following close behind.

“Boyle, step on it!” Tetra yelled.

“Come on, lemme fight ‘em!” Zoie said.

“Not yet!” Link admonished.

“Leave them to us.” Albion said sternly.

He and his fellow captains turned their attention on the pursuing skulltulas and began firing blasts of magic at them. One by one, they were being pierced clean through and knocked out of the air. However, Mikhaeyla kept her focus on the path ahead. Something was bothering her.

She bent her knees and changed her longbow into a greatsword. She readied it for a big swing behind herself. Sitri looked ahead and quickly realized why. Reaching out from the trees were a large entanglement of fire babas. These were plant monsters with bulb-like heads lined with teeth, and as their name suggested, they could spit fire from their mouths. They relied on movement to track their prey, and there was no bigger target than a moving train.

Their vine-like bodies stretched and weaved together across the path through the woods, blocking the way forward. They knotted themselves around the trees lining the Spirit Tracks, and all opened their mouths. Sparks could be seen flickering up from within each of those voids. If that many of them were to breathe fire all at once, it would be a catastrophe; not just for the Spirit Train, but for the forest altogether.

Mikhaeyla wasn’t about to let that happen. She unleashed her swing before they could let any embers out. A powerful wave of energy cleaved right through their web of vines, interrupting their attack and clearing the way forward. The Spirit Train slipped right through and continued on.

Before they were out of the way completely, Zoie poked his head out of a window and spat some fire of his own on the vines. The fire babas were engulfed in his pink flames, burning up into cold ashes. None of his fire touched the trees around them. Sitri was surprised to see that level of control from him.

“Well done, Zoie.” Mikhaeyla grinned.

“Shut up. I was getting sick of doing nothing.” he grumbled.

With all of the enemies out of the way at last, they were finally coming up on the ruins of Kokiri Village. This was the spot where Link and Tetra first discovered and faced off against Beelzebub, as Sitri heard it. The scars of that battle were still evident. Trees were toppled and cut apart, and giant gashes were dug into the ground.

“Dear me, the land has suffered here recently... But our purification will help put that to rights, as well.” Gage said.

“I’m stopping the train! The rest is up to you guys!” Boyle said, his voice shaking from all the fear and excitement.

As soon as the Spirit Train screeched to a halt, the four knights leapt off the top of the passenger car, and everyone else sprinted outside of it. Led by Gage, the party ventured deeper into the ruins of the village. The Guardian wheeled his way forward until he came to a stop at a large, hollowed-out tree. He inspected it closely before nodding his head.

“Mhm. This is where the Fairy Queen once resided. The tree may be dead now, but the ground is still hallowed. This is where we must conduct the purification.” Gage explained.

“You’re up, Tetra!” Link encouraged her.

“Ugh... Alright, let’s get this over with.” she said, pulling the Spirit Flute off her belt.

The rest of the group took several steps back to give them space. In front of the Fairy Queen’s tree, Tetra readied the Spirit Flute at her lips, and Gage revealed a beautiful cello emanating a sacred power. They each took a deep breath, and began to play.

Instead of music, an ear-splitting buzzing sound wracked through the group. Startled out of their positions, Tetra and Gage whipped around with the rest of the party to see its source. A truly titanic stag beetle suddenly appeared, hovering over the village ruins. Its shell looked to be as tough as armor, and when it landed, the ground shook and split apart. The village was crushed under foot. It was so large, it cleared the forest away as it moved.

Each step was like thunder. An enormous forked horn crested its head, and if that wasn’t bad enough, it was emitting noxious gasses that killed off the plants surrounding it from its backside. A colossal adversary like this was unheard of in Hyleigh. Sitri shook in her boots, mouth hanging agape at the monstrous sight before her.

“Holy... What IS that?!” Tetra yelled.

“It’s not our concern. We must play.” Gage told her.

“What?! How can you say that at a time like this? I should be out there helping-”

“Tetra! Do it!” Link shouted.

She bit her lip and scrunched her face, and though she hesitated for a few moments, she nodded. It really didn’t suit her, but she knew this was for the best. She had a job that only she could do. While Sitri was panicking, Link had already calmly assessed the group’s priorities, and Tetra was able to commit to her role.

They’re so impressive... I wonder if they’ve done stuff like this before. But I... I’ve never seen a monster so big, and I just fell apart... I have to be better than that! S-somehow... we have to win!

Link and Sitri were not the only ones steeling themselves. Mikhaeyla rolled her shoulders and enveloped herself in a shroud of red aura. Varuna and Albion followed suit, drawing their identical spears into combat positions. Ceres, too, drew her swords and stood tall against this adversary. And of course, Zoie was more excited than all of them combined.

“Hahaha! Now that’s more like it! This is gonna be great!” he exclaimed in joy, flourishing his axe.

“Steady yourself. We must work as a team.” Byrne said, drawing his own sword.

“N-no matter what Beelzebub throws at us, we have to do it! We can do this together!” Sitri said, encouraging not just the group but herself, as well.

Mikhaeyla nodded. “Yes. We must not allow this beast to reach Tetra and Gage. The Grand Demonic Knights will face this enemy and protect the purification ritual!”

As a battle cry roared out from the group, they could hear somber tones from the Spirit Flute and Gage’s cello. Sitri couldn’t imagine how they could concentrate on playing in a situation like this, but what choice did they have? This was their role to play, and it was time for Sitri to play hers. As the gigantic monster let out a horrifying screech, the party before it prepared themselves for the fight ahead.
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Azure Sage

Join your hands...
Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
Time for the next chapter! This boss fight was pretty fun to write... And so were the callbacks to The Hero of Spirits. Enjoy!

Chapter Thirty-Two
A Path Strayed​

The melodies rising into the air were drowned out by the droning of the giant stag beetle monster. It was hard to tell if Tetra and Gage were making progress like that, but Sitri knew she’d have to trust them. She still didn’t like this plan very much. Changing the landscape of her beloved home nagged at her, but it was too late to complain. If she wanted to earn the Spirits’ approval, she’d have to do it.

The monster in front of her was frightening, though. It moved its head like it were swinging a sword, cutting through the air with that enormous horn. Wherever it moved, immense destruction followed. Forget about the Forest Sanctuary covering up Kokiri Village, this monster was going to wipe it off the map itself. Sitri was still scared, but she couldn’t allow that.

Before she acted, she examined the situation. Mikhaeyla had leapt to the front of the group, creating a large barrier to deflect the monster’s horn. When they crashed together, a huge gust of wind erupted through the air around them. The barrier cracked from the force of it. Sitri had never seen that happen before.

Mikhaeyla winced, and raised one of her arms up to create a magic weapon. Just as she did, Zoie leapt past her and rushed to attack the bug in a joyful frenzy. When he slammed his axe against its horn, another burst of wind ripped through the area. His flames clung to its body, but only briefly. They fizzled out before they could spread.

Next to strike were Varuna and Albion. They filled their spears with magic and lunged around, trying to catch it in a pincer. When they were on either side of its head, they reared back and thrusted forward. Violet rays of light shot out from their spears, crossing over each other where the thing’s throat should have been. As they grinded together, they tried to slice its head off.

However, just like with Zoie’s fire, the bug’s armor withstood their attack. Their light spears shattered and they had to leap back from a devastating horn sweep. Mikhaeyla, having made a long sword out of her magic, swung that to intercept its attack and protect them. But that too shattered in its wake, even as it forced the bug to back off. The frustration on her face was growing.

This thing’s armor is way too hard! Their magic isn’t working at all! That means mine probably won’t work, either. What do we do? There’s got to be a way through that shell...

She looked at the rest of her allies. Ceres and Byrne still seemed to be puzzling out the situation, but Link’s eyes were focused on the monster. They were narrowed and glaring intensely, like he was coming up with an idea. Had he really thought of a plan so quickly? What’s more, he didn’t look the least bit afraid. Once again, she felt pangs of jealousy welling up inside her.

Link nodded to himself and brandished his sword. He looked at Sitri, Ceres, and Byrne, and spoke quickly.

“Follow me. I have an idea.”

He didn’t wait for them to respond. He took off running to the side, trying to circle widely around the bug. Ceres looked back and forth between him and Sitri for a few seconds, but she followed him without complaint. Byrne was right behind her. Sitri swallowed back her envy and shook her head to focus herself.

This isn’t the time to think like that. I’ve got a job to do!

She chased after him, eyeing the other four keeping the bug busy at the front. Zoie and Mikhaeyla were whaling on its head with all their might, while Varuna and Albion tried to jump in during the lulls between its attacks. None of it seemed to be working. Whatever Link’s plan was, Sitri hoped it would help change the tides.

The bug seemed to notice the four of them running around its side. It kicked one of its legs out, trying to block their path. A shower of rocks and debris rained all around them, but Link was too nimble to fall victim to any of it. The group continued to rush on, trying to stay behind him. Byrne was struck on the head by a stray rock, and though he staggered for a few moments, he quickly caught up with the others.

They ran as fast as they could, and Sitri soon realized what Link was up to. He was trying to get behind it. Maybe its backside was vulnerable. Unfortunately, it was spewing toxic fumes and covered in a fog of poison. The dead plants warded them away from approaching. Still, Link was not deterred.

“Do you guys think you can blow those fumes away with your magic?” he asked.

“I see now. There’s no armor back here, so if we clear it away... Let me try.” Byrne said.

“I’ll help!” Ceres said enthusiastically.

Together, they raised their weapons shrouded in magic aura, Byrne shining gold and Ceres glowing black. They both swung in the same direction, the force of their motion generating a gust of wind. Puffs of that poison smoke were extinguished in its wake, much to Sitri’s surprise. There was a narrow path forward now. She and Link didn’t hesitate to dive into it.

The two of them leapt up and swung with all their might, and their blades cut into its backside. Purple fluid gushed out, and the bug writhed in agony, screeching terribly. That fluid smelled the same as the gas, so they evacuated quickly. If they could smell it, they were inhaling it. Not good.

As they staggered away, Sitri felt her head grow fuzzy, and her vision started to swim. Her throat was closing up, and she could feel her chest constricting. She glanced down and noticed a few drops of that fluid on her left hand.

Oh, no... Did I get poisoned?!

“Sitri, watch out!” Byrne shouted.

In her groggy state, she didn’t see that the bug was rapidly cleaving its horn through the ground, turning in her direction. It was trying to defend its rear from further attacks. She couldn’t dodge while in such a stupor. She was done for.

She was, until Byrne grabbed her arm and threw her to safety, taking the hit in her place.

“N-no...!” she breathed.

Unable to help, she watched his body fly off into the trees to the west. He was out of view, but a trail of blood was left splattered on the ground where he fell. That didn’t bode well for his safety. She tried to get back up to check on him, but her sense of balance was completely gone. She collapsed to the ground, unable to breathe.

No... Not like this!

A thunderous crash split her ears, cutting through the fog in her brain. Shortly after, she felt the familiar warmth of her aunt’s healing magic. Her throat opened back up, and her head stopped spinning. She looked up to see that Mikhaeyla had come to her rescue.

“Good work, kids. You found its weak spot. Now we just have to exploit it... safely.” she said.

“Haha! I’ll burn that poison to nothing!” Zoie laughed, rushing in for a strike.

“Sitri, can you stand? We still need you.” Albion said.

“I... I think I’m fine now. Thanks for healing me, Aunt Mikha.” she said.

She looked over at Link, and he didn’t look like he’d been poisoned. He got lucky... Or maybe it wasn’t luck. Somehow, he always seemed so far ahead of her. She clenched her fists in quiet bitterness. Standing at her aunt’s side, she brandished her sword again. She was worried about Byrne, but this bug was becoming more frantic now that its weakness was exposed. It wasn’t going to give her the chance to help him.

a a a

Byrne’s head was pounding so much, he was seeing double. He staggered to his feet, and as he did, he felt a sharp pain in his gut. He looked down to see a large splotch of red soaking into his Lokomo robes. He grunted in pain, placing his hand over the wound. He was no healer, but he still tried to apply some magic to it.

He took a moment to get his bearings. He had been knocked a little ways into the forest, but he could still see the giant bug stomping around through the trees. Flashes of magic aura streaked through the air, crashing loudly against its impenetrable hide. His allies were still fighting back.

Urk... This is no time for me to stand around... I must get back to-

The snap of a twig interrupted his thoughts. He jolted around and was surprised to see someone else there. This man wore a green suit and two bowler hats. That attire could only belong to one person Byrne knew of.

“You’re Beelzebub?!” he gasped.

“Hmm. You are Byrne, aren’t you? What a wretched thing, you are.” he scoffed.

This shocked him into taking a step back. He never imagined that Beelzebub would know his name.

“H-how do you know of me?”

“I studied the history of the Great War very closely. I know the name of every worm that laid a hand on Lord Malladus, including you. I could kill you a hundred times for it, but you’d revive every time... How utterly vexing. I can’t stand the sight of you.” he rasped.

“W-wait... I laid a hand on him? You mean to say I was there during the final battle of the War?” Byrne said in astonishment.

Unbelievable... That means I was fighting right at Alphonse’s side, doesn’t it?! Why did no one want to tell me of such an amazing thing? Does our law hold so much importance that even the good things from past lives must not be mentioned?

Byrne’s hands shook at this revelation. He knew that with the mastermind right in front of him, he should at least try to attack, or alert the others to his presence, but he couldn’t bring himself to move. The nature of his past life was almost before him. He’d been wanting to know so badly, and Beelzebub was not beholden to the laws of his people. Maybe he could finally find out the truth.

“Oh, you were there, alright. Coward that you are, you struck Lord Malladus from behind, as the story goes.” Beelzebub spat.

“I... I see... So at least, in my past life, I was good for something... I was of use to the Hero of Spirits...” Byrne said.

Beelzebub sneered. “Hah! Hardly. His Majesty killed you in one shot immediately afterward. You were pathetically weak.”

Byrne’s blood ran cold at that. Learning of his past death gave him chills he couldn’t shake. Perhaps it was for the best that he didn’t know, after all. But it was too late now. And even if he’d died in that battle, at least he made a difference... Didn’t he?

“I’ve never seen such a pitiful excuse for a Lokomo. Look at you, gravely wounded just from that pet I unleashed upon you lot. You think you were of use to the Hero of Spirits? When you can’t even be of use to your allies today? How laughable!” Beelzebub continued.

Byrne clenched his fists. “You...! You’re wrong! I know I’m not the best fighter, but I can still...!” he tried to argue.

“You can still what? Get in everyone’s way, perhaps, but not much else.” Beelzebub taunted. Then he grinned devilishly again. “Not only are you physically weak, you’re weak of heart, as well... Let me tell you something else I learned about you in my investigations.”

Byrne took another step back, breathing unsteadily. Was this about his past life still? From the look on his face, he likely didn’t have good news to share. He was starting to regret his desire to know the truth. Gage had the right of it all along, if he was falling apart just from the threat of the knowledge alone.

“You want to know what you were doing before you fought Lord Malladus alongside the Hero of Spirits? You were a murderer! A stray Lokomo turned assassin! There’s no telling how many humans were killed by your hand! And Alphonse’s own foster mother was one of them, if the history is to be believed! You weren’t just useless to him, you were the ENEMY! Ahahahaha!”

A murderer. The enemy. Those words put a halt to everything else happening in Byrne’s head. He even stopped breathing for a few moments. When he could finally feel his heart start to beat again, he felt like it deserved to stop for good.

“N-no... That can’t be... You’re wrong! That can’t be true!” he cried.

Beelzebub merely laughed. Byrne felt himself shrink down before the vile demon. His words were horrendous, but somehow, he could feel in his heart that they were true. He sunk down to his knees, dropping his sword to the ground. He clutched his head in his hands and shook violently from the shock of it all. His breathing turned haggard and uncontrollable, like he was hyperventilating. This news was ripping through his brain and tearing him apart from the inside.

“No... This can’t be...” he breathed in futility.

Beelzebub’s laughter continued to echo in his skull as all of the other background noise faded away. He was left with that severe headache and the words of self loathing coming from his own mind. Blood from the earlier wound on his head began to ooze down, covering his eyes in a despairing red. His own weakness kept him glued to the ground, unable to move, and unable to think of anything else.

a a a

The bug continued to shriek madly as it swung its horn around, trying to cut down its enemies and protect its weak point. Wherever the party moved, it would turn to follow them. With every step it took, the land became more devastated and the poison it spewed killed more and more of the forest.

“We can’t allow it to keep moving like that. We must split into two groups again.” Mikhaeyla suggested.

“One to keep it busy, and the other to attack its rear... That was how we wounded it before.” Varuna said.

“If it’s got any brains up there, it’ll be wary of that! I say lemme at ‘em! I’ll burn it til’ there’s nothing left!” Zoie howled.

“Don’t be foolish. Its armor can negate our magic... It must be made of anti-magic ore. But that hasn’t been in circulation for nearly a thousand years... Where did Beelzebub find it?” Mikhaeyla mused.

“That doesn’t matter now. We must get through the armor and the poison somehow...” Albion said.

“Hey! Let Zoie hit it at full strength!” Link proposed.

“Haha! See? This guy gets me!” Zoie said, his ego inflating.

“But, Link-” Sitri tried to argue.

“He can do it! I’m sure of it!”

The boy’s faith was unwavering. Sitri felt her heart wrench at the sight of it. How was he so fearless and motivated all of the time? She was starting to feel like she was in his shadow. Once more, she tried to beat those thoughts away. It wasn’t the time or place, and he was her friend. He vowed to support her. Jealousy was a poor way to repay that.

“I’m not wasting another second! I am so pumped up for this!” Zoie exclaimed, rushing forward.

The bug responded by screeching loudly again, readying its horn for another swipe. Mikhaeyla clicked her tongue, a little bothered by the impromptu strategy. Nevertheless, she crafted barriers to support her allies from the fallout of the strike. Ceres watched from behind Sitri’s shoulder, anxious to see what would unfold.

Zoie’s axe was engulfed in flames, raging like the sun itself. The air cooled around him considerably, dressing the grass with specks of frost. It wasn’t as intense as what Sitri had seen when it was raining in Great Bay, but it was coming close. He geared back, winding up and rolling his shoulder showishly.

“You said at full strength... AND THAT’S WHAT YOU’RE GONNA GET!”

As he roared, the ground beneath his feet split apart. Just as the bug’s horn closed in on him, he swung his axe with a strength that cracked through the air. The pressure made Sitri stumble backward into Ceres. His axe screamed forward at blinding speed, crashing into the forked tip of the bug’s horn so hard that the sound of it popped in their ears.

The inferno surrounding the axe spread across Zoie himself, shining a bright, malevolent pink. These flames bolstered both his strength and his spirit, his war cry ringing through the forest entire. At last, the bug’s horn chipped. Even if it could negate the magic, it could not negate that momentum. That must have been Link’s plan from the start, Sitri thought.

If that weren’t impressive enough, the bug itself was being lifted off the ground by the force of his strike. Sitri’s jaw dropped as its feet left the earth one by one. She recalled her past bouts with Zoie, and thanked the Spirits he never tried to hit her as hard as that before. The bug wailed in fright, feeling the weight of Zoie’s attack bear down on its horn. And finally, the forked tip snapped right off.

“No way...!” Ceres breathed.

“Well, well... He really pulled through.” Mikhaeyla said in awe.

As the bug rose higher into the air, the group learned something else about their enemy. The underside of it was soft like its rear. There was a gap in its armor ripe for exploitation. What’s more, there was no poisonous fog in the way.

“Just as I thought! Now let’s get it!” Link rallied.

That one call to action snapped everyone out of their amazement. They could not afford to miss this chance. Mikhaeyla shot off a quick but powerful burst of magic, and it successfully pierced into its belly. Varuna and Albion used their spears to hack some of its legs off, and Ceres leapt up into a spinning slice in midair, releasing an arc of magic that cut into its guts. Sitri was right behind her, swinging her sword into an upward cleave with a fierce wave of golden light.

Its cries of pain were deafening, but it was still alive and kicking. As Link moved in for a strike of his own, the bug stretched its wings and took flight, attempting to retreat out of their range. The force of its wingbeats pushed everyone back a few paces, save for Mikhaeyla. The bug spun around in the air high above the forest, and then turned to face down the party once more.

“Not good... It’s coming back!” Albion warned.

The bug entered the form for a divebomb. What was left of its horn was aimed straight for the center of the group. If allowed to have its way, it would destroy the remains of Kokiri Village for sure, taking Tetra and Gage out along with it. Sitri clenched her teeth in frustration, racking her brain for some kind of plan.

“The horn is still chipped... It seems I’ve found my opening, at last.” Mikhaeyla said.

In step with her words, a vibrant red aura enshrouded her. The Grand Demonic Knights armor she wore evaporated into particles of light, replaced with a black battle dress of similar motif. Wings sprouted from her back, as well, and her horns turned black. Sitri had never seen this before, and it sent pins and needles through her skin.

A greatsword of terrifying magnitude appeared in her hands, and she stood poised to swing it. At the same time, red barriers manifested to keep her allies from harm. Zoie, who was still recovering from the effort his earlier strike required, whistled in awe. Ceres and Sitri both gulped together, while Varuna and Albion quietly applied their own layer of magic to the barriers. Meanwhile, Link watched on with eyes full of stars and excitement. They knew this was going to be rough.

Just before the bug made contact with the ground, Mikhaeyla unleashed her sword upon it. The sound was monstrous, and if it weren’t for those barriers dampening its full force, Sitri was sure that alone would have rendered her unconscious. The ground shook tremendously, knocking each of them off their feet, even Zoie. A whirlwind gushed out from the epicenter of the strike, flattening the surrounding trees.

The impact was targeted for the breakage Zoie had created earlier. Mikhaeyla managed to fit the edge of her sword neatly into the crack in its armor, and in seconds, more cracks formed and rushed along the width of its body. In a brilliant display, the whole shell shattered to pieces, scattering into the wind as it crashed to the ground on its back.

It was defenseless now. There was only one thing left to be done. However, Mikhaeyla’s transformed state quickly dissipated along with her barriers, and her sword crumbled into bits of red light. Destroying its armor with brute force had clearly taken a physical toll on her. She bent over, hands on her knees and panting. Everyone else was still grounded from the force of her attack. Who was left to strike?

This is it.. This is my chance! I’ve got to-

Before Sitri could get up, a flash of green on the peripherals of her vision whipped by, pulling her attention after it. Link was already running for the beast. As the bug thrashed and flailed in a final act of desperation, he calmly weaved through the openings in its tantrum. He jumped up, level with its face, and thrusted his sword right between its eyes.

The bug let out one final baleful squeal as it writhed around on its back. In a matter of moments, its movements slowed to a stop and it curled up into a position of flexion, its remaining legs still twitching even after death. The poison fog faded away, and the earth stopped rumbling. At long last, it was dead, and the forest was safe again.

Link stood tall, though clearly exhausted. Even without magic, he’d been keeping up with everyone else. Nevertheless, he turned to face the rest of the group with a big, cheerful grin, pointing his sword to the sky in victory. The tension from the battle left everyone’s shoulders, sighs of relief and awe floating out from them each.

“Amazing work, Link! You did it!” Mikhaeyla beamed. “Everyone else, too. I am so proud of the work you did today. Even you, Zoie! I’m starting to warm up to you.”

“Ah, shut it with the mushy stuff... I just did what I wanted.” Zoie complained, though he didn’t look wholly unhappy about the praise. “I gotta admit, that was pretty fun. Hope there are more giant monsters like that next time.”

“Why would you want that?!” Ceres cried.

Sitri’s lips trembled as she rose to her feet. Her aunt’s smiling face was directed at Link instead of her. At the last moment, before she could do anything, he swooped in and stole the kill. If she had just been a little faster, she’d be the one showering in her aunt’s affections. Once more, that envy rose to the top of her throat. That ugly, ungrateful feeling was getting harder and harder to keep down.

Stop... Stop it! I should be happy that we won! That’s what matters most! Link’s my friend... I know he’s not doing it on purpose... I can’t keep thinking this way...

As she stood there wallowing in these unwanted emotions, the land started glowing in a beautiful green light. The plants killed by the toxic fumes sprung back to full vigor like nothing had happened to them, and the land repaired itself as if guided by someone’s hand. The bug’s dead body, too, disintegrated into particles of this green light. It was as though all evidence of the battle had been wiped clean.

“Wha... What just happened? Everything fixed itself!” Ceres exclaimed.

Her answer arrived with perfect timing. “Excellent work, everyone. Thanks to your efforts, Tetra and I were able to complete the purification ritual. The Minor Font here is at full power.” Gage said, wheeling over to the group.

“Sorry that took so long! Your fight was so distracting, I kept screwing up... I’ll do better next time.” Tetra said ashamedly.

“Ah, don’t feel bad, young one! It was only your first performance, after all. Your playing was lovely. I couldn’t have done this without you.” Gage told her.

“Thank you, both of you. Your hard work has led us to win the day. I am very proud of you, Tetra.” Mikhaeyla said.

Bashfully, she rubbed at the back of her neck. Her cheeks flushed with some pink, which was a rare sight on the pirate captain’s face. Link wore a glowing smile for her, full of the same pride and gratitude.

“So... What happened to the forest? Was that because of the purification?” Ceres asked.

“Indeed it was. Now that the font is powered up, the land was able to heal and monsters will no longer be able to approach this place. I can focus all of my efforts on preparing the Sanctuary now.” Gage explained.

“That’s wonderful! If we keep this up, Hyleigh will be revitalized before we know it.” Varuna said.

“Hm. We did very well today, if you don’t mind me saying. Though... Where is Byrne? I haven’t seen him for some time.” Albion asked.

“Oh, no! He got knocked away by the bug! Is he...?” Sitri asked.

“He’s still alive. In fact, I sense him coming this way.” Gage said.

“And he’s not alone.” Mikhaeyla rasped, tension shooting through her body.

She turned west, fully on guard. Approaching them through the trees was Byrne, just as Gage had said. He was covered in blood and looked like he would collapse any moment. And hovering behind him was none other than Beelzebub.

“Hmph. So you managed to slay the Stagnox. How dare you worms thwart my attempts to kill you?” he spat.

“So you’ve finally shown yourself, you coward.” Mikhaeyla growled at him.

“Byrne is so hurt... Did you do that to him?” Varuna asked.

“Hah! I didn’t have to. This fool was wounded by the Stagnox. The rest of you should have followed his example and gotten yourselves at least a little injured.” he mocked.

“Everyone... I’m sorry, but I...” Byrne began.

“And now this pathetic wretch has lost the will to fight. At least he knows what’s good for him. As for the rest of you... Now that I know what you’re up to, you can bet I won’t stand idly by.”

As he spoke, a portal appeared behind him. Mikhaeyla’s hair stood on end and she readied a burst of magic to stop him.

“Not so fast!” she shouted.

“Your efforts are futile! I will have Lord Malladus unsealed by my hand! Just you wait!”

Right before her attack could connect, he slipped away through the portal. She cursed herself as her magic blast careened uselessly into the forest behind where he once stood. He’d escaped yet again. Sitri clenched her fists, feeling frustrated by her lack of ability to help when it mattered most.

He knows what we’re doing... Today was really tough, but the next ones are gonna be even harder now... I’ve gotta stay strong! I need to do well, so I can prove myself worthy of being the Hero of Spirits! I’ve gotta do it...

Unsatisfied groans rose up from the rest of the group at Beelzebub’s unfortunate getaway. Like Sitri, they were preparing themselves for a harsher road ahead. But, for the moment, at least, it was time to rest and recover their strength for the next purification.

Byrne still seemed downcast. It looked like more than his wounds were bothering him. Gage rolled forward and prepared to heal him, but he held up his hand to stop him. His eyes looked empty, and his mouth was curled in a despaired frown.

“... Something on your mind, young one?” Gage asked him.

Byrne’s lips trembled as he hesitated to speak. Tears were forming at the corners of his eyes. When at last he let his voice out, it cracked under the weight of his misery.

“Is it true, Sir Gage? In my previous life, was I really a murderer? A cold-blooded killer?”

“...!” Gage was taken aback, unable to answer.

“Oh, dear... Did Beelzebub tell you that? He would even stoop so low...” Mikhaeyla said.

“Lady Mikhaeyla... You knew?! So it’s true then...” Byrne said, crushed.

“Wait a moment, Byrne! Your past life is no longer the life you live now! Your past sins were absolved with your previous death. You have earned your fresh start.” Gage appealed to him.

“No... That’s not enough... I killed the Hero of Spirits’ own foster mother... Is that what you were going to tell me, Sitri? That night in Mayscore? Did you wish to punish me for my horrible crime?” Byrne wailed.

“N-no! I mean, I did know about that... But-”

“Enough.” he said, interrupting her. “I... I am sorry. But I must be alone with my thoughts...”

Byrne turned and staggered away into the forest. Gage sighed and lowered his gaze to the ground. Mikhaeyla placed her palm over her mouth in regret. The rest of the others shuffled their feet around awkwardly. No one could think of anything to say.

That’s not true, Byrne... That’s not what I wanted to say back then! Alphonse forgave you and you helped him defeat Malladus! I wanted to thank you!

Her heart broke at the misunderstanding she was unable to mend. She wanted to follow after him, but he was clearly not in a state fit to talk with anyone, much less her. All she could do was hope he’d return soon, calmer and more receptive.

“Poor Byrne... This is why we forbid discussion of past lives. It is inevitable that we feel responsible for them.” Gage said. “They are no longer us, but they used to be us... It’s complicated.”

“I can’t even imagine what he’s going through. Perhaps we should allow him the space he wants?” Albion said.

“I’m afraid he’s not giving us a choice. I can no longer sense him.” Gage said, prompting Sitri to bite her lip.

“Then we’d better focus on what’s in front of us.” Mikhaeyla said. “I’m sure Byrne will come around in time. Until then, we must return to the Tower of Spirits and report our success to Anjean.”

“Yeah... Hope you guys don’t mind, but I’m gonna need to lie down for a bit after this. I know it’s lame to say that when I didn’t fight, but I feel so drained right now...” Tetra said.

“Using your power so intensely for the first time in a while probably wiped you out. Just take it easy!” Link said.

“Yes, you are the core of our whole plan. Take all the time you need.” Varuna assured her.

Tetra looked ashamed of herself, but she nodded. Link walked her back to the Spirit Train. Even from where they were, they could tell that Boyle had not fled. He dutifully waited for them amidst the chaos of the battle. He deserved their thanks for his valor.

Mikhaeyla gave a respectful bow to Gage, who was staying behind to construct the Sanctuary and the Temple. This land was to be his new home, and it was going to change drastically in the coming days. That still bothered Sitri greatly, but she held it in. She kept bottling those ungrateful complaints deep inside her, fearing she might lose her chance to become the Hero of Spirits if she objected. Her fists curled painfully tight as she walked toward the train.

This is all for the best... Isn’t it? Am I on the right path? I sure hope so...

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