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Breath of the Wild The Blood Moon Rises Once Again: A Community Replay of Breath of the Wild

All of this for a keese eyeball...

First white-maned lynel (iirc this was my first white-maned lynel in my first playthrough too)

Racing the blood moon to get my worthless treasure.

This is the best picture I've ever gotten of a blupee for compendium :eyes:

I was trying to get the perfect mop bokoblin picture for my compendium. To be continued later.

This guy was stuck in the ground... Could still talk to him though.

Absolutely no comment on this. Just... every single time.
lizalfos.exe has stopped working

A star fragment really did have to land over there, didn't it? :(

Waterblight possibly likes getting his picture taken?

Nyoomy boi

I'm very proud of my compendium picture for Thunderblight btw

Let's get to it, castle centipede

Accidentally picked up a shield while running around, and apparently I never acquired a royal shield before... thought the freeze frame to announce a new shield was kind of funny anyhow

I joke about this a lot, but Calamity Ganon is not only the only thing I will equip a shield to parry, but he's the only thing I actually can parry. I'm physically incapable of parrying anything else, and I have no idea why. But second half of fight went smoother than the first.

Obligatory shot of this cuz the lighting is aesthetic

Me with my meme horse

AND THEN THIS HAPPENED AND I DIDNT GET A PIC OF THE BOW OF LIGHT.. ive been working very hard to have really good compendium photos for everything end I am extremely salty my bow of light picture had to be a bad uncentered selfie because of Ganon photobombing the floating bow pic, dunno if the game lets you fix it or not
Now to normal stuff...

Not so normal, but a sheep kissed me...

I don't like fighting crusher lynels as much as the other two but beating Ganon ranked them all up to blue, and I needed to make sure I got a pic of a mighty crusher before all my lynels turn white.

Climbing the back of Ploymus Mountain with cryonis stairs... Vah Ruta doesn't suspect a thing. cryonis is my favorite rune that isn't the camera tbh

Look at how much height I've gained :eyes:

Made it!

Hey, luk a hat.

Imma bother the lynel before I airdrop on Zora's Domain. As catlike as ever...

CLEAN. More shock arrows for my collection.

Graceful, even without Mipha's grace.

I don't remember how I did this shrine in the past, but it definitely wasn't this.

I may not keep updating past this point, or I'll maybe make it less often now that I've beaten Ganon, but I would like to go back and do the Divine Beasts still. I just like doing Ganon first.
- Ridgeland
- Gerudo

- [] fall damage - Gerudo Highlands [revived by fairy]

- Ovli Plain (luminous)

- Hyrule Castle Underground (stalnox)

- Gerudo Summit (white)
- Tabantha Bridge (blue)
- Ploymus Mountain (red)

First clear stats:
- Divine Beasts: 0
- Shrines: 68
- Koroks: 99
- Map %: 22.08%


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Okay, BotW day 3 or 4 since I replayed it.
I arrived in Hateno and activated the Tech Lab. I also upgraded almost all of the sheikah slate except for Stasis. I need ancient cores so that's on my to-do list for sure. My main goals at the moment are to get the dark armor. I always loved it a huge lot so I definitely want my hands on that. But one thing I want even more is the teleport medallion. I remember how useful it is so I want that one back for sure. These are my main goals. They even come before making the map complete. I travel from area to area and when I pass a Stable I feed the dogs to take that treasure as well. That way I keep track of it. In my first playthrough I forgot to keep track so I often visited the same dogs which was kinda pointless.
Alright, all ready to go for the next two hours to play BotW again :D

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
I haven't played as often as I'd like, but I made some decent progress.

After getting the Camera rune from Hateno Ancient Tech Lab, I warped to the Roota Ooh Shrine to make my way to the Sanidin Park Ruins to get my first memory, because it was the only one near a warp point for me. Inbetween the Shrine and the Outskirt Stable I got my first Blood Moon!

I actually had no intention at first to try taming the white horse, but taking a picture of it somehow led to me gliding onto it and then using up all my stamina recovery dishes to just barely hang on long enough to tame him. I named him Shadowfax after the white horse in The Lord of the Rings.

From there I headed up into Central Hyrule to tackle a few shrines, and since the Central Tower was so close by, I went ahead and scaled it. This was a really close call, but even if I did get hit I had fairies already at this point so the no game over run is cushioned from failure from now on (unless I run out of fairies and forget, or get a game over if I try the Trial of the Sword and fail).

First time I saw Kass on this playthrough. Figuring out which stone rings properly line up took awhile for me to remember too.

This happened to be the first wolf I spotted so I took a screenshot for @Chevywolf30. I left him alone because of this awesome shot, and named him thunder wolf.

After a very long detour, I got back on track to getting to Rito village. This was the point after the detour where I finally spotted the village and Vah Medoh, and it was a relief.

I didn't look up so I was confused as to how the cooking pot was still lit while it was raining, but then I looked up and saw it was underneath one of those mushroom thingys that you can find in the Hyrule Ridge area.

I took this because I thought it was cool the sun was perfectly positioned this way, plus it looks nice.

After getting to Rito Village I warped to Kakariko to pick up the Champion's Tunic. So ends wearing the Nintendo Switch Shirt.

The final moments of Windblight.

Revali's Gale obtained! After my first playthrough I consider getting it a priority over all the other Champion abilities.

After completing Vah Medoh I went back to some sporadic Shrine questing and climbed a few more towers. I ended the day scaling the Woodland Tower and got my first Royal Claymore.

After this I didn't really get any full days worth of stuff in besides continuing to do a few random shrines as I started to head over to the Akkala region. While I was still in Eldin this happened though:

So close, yet so far. I also thought I had one more use of Revali's Gale up my sleeve but didn't, so that wasted some time.


I somehow never went over this bridge before in past playthroughs because I'd always enter Akkala from the Lanayru instead of from Eldin.


@Fraxinus here is the cricket compendium shot from yesterday. I've never been able to get this close to a cricket before with the camera without the cricket hopping away.

1. Electric Wizzrobe at Ridgeland Tower (revived by fairy)

Game Overs: None

  • Hateno
  • Central
  • Ridgeland
  • Tabantha
  • Hebra
  • Lanayru
  • Woodland
Divine Beasts:
  • Vah Medoh

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Day...... I can't even remember anymore.

Remember in the SB when I said I ran out of arrows and all I had was Shock or Bombs against a Minor Test of Strength Guardian. You all picked Shock arrows, and this is what happened to the poor thing:


Flowers in a tree <3, I like how inventive this Korok was.


Thank you @Azure Sage for the tip on how to get through the Lost Woods without a torch!

Very mood.


Here's that spear that dropped standing upright I talked about last month.

I do think this set pairs well with Lynel weapons.

No damage while fighting Waterblight.

I still don't get how this registered as a sneak attack, it was cool regardless though.


200+ hours, 3 playthroughs (original, which is semi-complete. Master Mode where I stopped three quaters of the way through the main quest. And this playthrough which is continuing with no deaths) have I said this game is gorgeous?

He just looks so happy, and yes the happy one is my Compendium shot which makes me happy as well.

This isn't what I did in any of my other playthroughs, lol.

And to wrap things up, proof of the no death run:

I haven't really played since I started Skyrim. I left off with only the Gerudo Highlands tower left to complete my map. I intend to do Vah Rudania before Naboris this time, in my first playthrough I did Rudania last. After that just complete shrines and then beat Ganon.
Last edited:
Jul 27, 2021
Guys I may join!

Several months ago I completed the 100% of the game, but I never touched the Master Mode.
This can be the good chance for giving it a try...
Last edited:
Mar 17, 2020
I know this is originally an old post but I kept meaning to post this-when I’ve had the opening with the bird I have found the bird turns up sometimes , usually when something is about to happen, either good or really bad!
Mar 17, 2020
I’ve just arrived at the shrine to do the last beast but went looking for a cooking pot. When Link came out into the open the bird was flying quite low over him and went towards the cave. It definitely appears when there is something important about.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Birds randomly pop up sometimes in the game regardless, the bird opening of the game is just an opening sequence that rarely happens. I've never tied every bird I saw in the game to some secret and I'm unsure if this is actually a gameplay mechanic, I'm leaning towards it is not.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
How many people actually finished their replays
I totally intend to. But Skyrim Mikey, Skyrim.

I have played this game numerous times and the only time I see a single big bird really close is in the game where the bird is in the starting sequence. I have found that when this bird appears there is something about.
One time it was circling above Link and found he was walking into a Talus!
Even if you don't get the bird opening those eagles or whatever always show up randomly. It sounds more like you are experiencing coincidences rather than following the bird being tied to the discovery of Talus. Now if you can convince me the bird is always flying above this particular Talus than it could be programmed to be there to cue finding the Talus.
Mar 17, 2020
I’m doing another play through and I’ve had a lot of Blood Moons, I had two back to back and maybe about 4 or 5 in about 7 Link days!
I‘ve found things where I know they weren’t there and things missing from other places, this is compared to my last play through, I also seem stronger earlier than before!

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