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Spoiler Termina

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The game is on!
If Termina is a parallel to Hyrule then how would it take place in a timeline?

Termina is seen in the game Majora's Mask, there we see the same Link as in Ocarina of Time from Hyrule riding in the forest (probably the Lost Woods in Hyrule). Then he enters a portal to Termina somewhere on his way to the Clock Tower. This makes it possible to place the game in the timeline since we do have a scene taking place in Hyrule. Although if the game took place in Termina alone, perhaps even with another Link, then the games wouldn't really go anywhere specific in the timeline.

and if Link entered this parallel world through the bottom of the clocktower then where does he ride off to in the end?

I don't think the portal between Hyrule and Termina is a like a gate that you just walk through, then you're there. I think it's more abstract than that. Perhaps one who knows of the the two dimensions can easily navigating between them, or in Link's case, he followed somebody who knew about the "portal". Just my theory though...
Oct 11, 2011
I don't think that there is any more to Termina that that it is just another dimension. Travelling to other separate worlds in general (like the Sacred Realm and the Twilight Realm), have no impact on the timeline, as far as we know. Thus, Link would return to the same timeline as the one he left. The Historia does at least confirm the latter, since OoT Link reappears as the Hero's Shade in TP.

/Blue Window

Goddess Sword

I don't think the portal between Hyrule and Termina is a like a gate that you just walk through, then you're there. I think it's more abstract than that. Perhaps one who knows of the the two dimensions can easily navigating between them, or in Link's case, he followed somebody who knew about the "portal". Just my theory though...

In my opinion, the portal to Termina is the pit you fall in while chasing the Skull Kid.


Otherwise, why would there be symbols like this if it wasn't a portal?


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
I know this is off topic, but it is really interesting.

The world "Termina" is derived from the latin word "termina", meaning to end, finish. Hence, why the area of gameplay is called "Termina" Field, for it would end in only a few days, specifically 3 days before The Moon crashes into the world, bringing destruciton to the area and the areas surrounding it.


In my opinion, the portal to Termina is the pit you fall in while chasing the Skull Kid.

Hm. I think it's either that or the hallway just before the clock tower. (sorry, couldn't get a screenshot) But, as far as I'm concerned, they're both just as plausible.


I always thought it was the twisting hallway before the clock tower.
Jan 8, 2012
I think Link died in the lost woods while looking for Navi, hence why he is the Heros Shade, hence why Termina = Terminate and everything is about death.


That would have been a great twist ending, sort of like the 6th sense. If they had shown that Link had really died.
Feb 23, 2011
I know this is off topic, but it is really interesting.

The world "Termina" is derived from the latin word "termina", meaning to end, finish. Hence, why the area of gameplay is called "Termina" Field, for it would end in only a few days, specifically 3 days before The Moon crashes into the world, bringing destruciton to the area and the areas surrounding it.

Also terminus: boundary, limit. I believe the word termina is a derived form, but might [can] also be the feminine form of the word terminus. Connecting the name solely to mean "the end", as in of the world and disregarding its other meanings might be pushing it a bit; though, it is understandable why a person would do so. Termina Field seems similar to an airport or bus terminal, with pathways leading in the cardinal directions to certain destinations. To the point, I like to believe the portal to Termina could be at any point between the "rabbit hole" or the winding pathway; both appear to have space warping attributes. I place my bets on the rabbit hole. Also perhaps the rabbit hole leads to another sort of terminal, which is a kind of "room" with doors/pathways leading to other dimensions, Termina being one of them. Pendio put it nicely that is a bit more abstract than just 'going there.'

To the OP: The events of Majora's Mask are included on the timeline, because despite having occured in another dimension, they are still events nonetheless. More to the point, those events occured in the life time of the Hero of Time, so it is important they are included. Also, it is hinted that the Hero of Time returned to Hyrule after his exploits in Termina wrapped up.
Dec 29, 2011
London,, Ontario
Its in another dimension the portal will be in the lost woods probably but if Link went to the lost woods so did the mask salesman so why was he following link? or did he always know about termina and happened to be there. I can't wait for hyrule historia to come
Dec 11, 2011
If Termina is a parallel to Hyrule then how would it take place in a timeline? and if Link entered this parallel world through the bottom of the clocktower then where does he ride off to in the end?

Time doesn't stop when Link is transported to Termina. Termina is a parallel universe to Hyrule, existing on the same time plane.

At the end of MM Link heads back to town. After the carnival scenes we see the same forest from the beginning of the game, so he obviously left back through the clock tower. He most likely resumes his search for Navi

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
see I never really took much thought on this topic,there could be lots of different places you could consider the portal to termina to be,It could be when you fall in the pit,it could be when the hall starts spinning and you end up inside clock tower,or it could even be the forest you are in at the beginning.
I think Link died in the lost woods while looking for Navi, hence why he is the Heros Shade, hence why Termina = Terminate and everything is about death.

No way the Hero of Time himself, died in the Lost Woods. I don't believe that at all. Just my opinion of course. And wasn't Hero's Shade an adult? That means HoT Link lived long enough to grow into an adult again and I doubt he spent all that time in the Lost Woods. Besides, he grew up there he could find his way out easy peasy.

Other then that I think the OP question has been answered...
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