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Stumbling Upon Dungeons.


The Hero

What if we found dungeons in SS by just stumbling upon them? I mean levels in the first LoZ we had to pretty much stumble upon. What if someone in a village said it smells to the east and we went there and found a tree that had some stinky smell so we torched it and we found a dungeon or level?!!!


Ask Me Why I Love The Photoshops
Jan 30, 2010
I think that this would be a pretty interesting way of getting to a new dungeon. Personally though, I prefer being told where to go. That way, I won't have any issues with getting lost and things along those lines.

The Hero

Well I'm talking about the main dungeons. Like the ones that have the key items. Besides, usable items I think are gonna be fewer in this game but just have multiple uses for them. But say this game doesn't tell you that level 6 is level 6 and you stumble upon it thinking this is the dungeon you have to be at but you can only get through have of it before you realize you don't have the necessary equipment. However, I don't think Nintendo will take that direction. They can't make this game completely confusing right? Right.
I know we are talking about main dungeons, but I ment that I was sad that the bolder in TP did not lead to an optional dungeon. (Did not even notice it until after City in the Sky though. But I would like it a LOT!!! And it would be great if there are many. As I always say, regardless of belief, quantity is better than quality.

The Hero

I agree with you somewhat Ember Incubus. Because the little optional dungeon that you speak of in TP is similar to those in aLttP where there's a random cave to find a heart piece or another item like the cape or that blue staff (sorry the name escapes me). Those would be great. But we don't want our big dungeons to be weak either.
Jun 1, 2010
That would be pretty cool as long as there is some sort of hint. Maybe you know you have to get some quest items but you don't know where they are. All you have is a vague hint like you said in your first post.


~Dancer in the Dark~
Jan 30, 2010
I think there should be certain dungeons that you have to complete. I also think there should be optional dungeons that offer treasure and various other prizes.


I think that would be fantastic -- just stumbling upon a dungeons. It would definitely up the exploration factor. As bradley said, though, they'd do well to put a few hints here and there. An optional dungeon or two would be great.


It'd b fun, but (and this is completly off topic) if they put in a leveling system, like in zelda 2 (and i loved that) i would b very dissapointed.


That would be awesome, In my opinion Zelda games have been way too obvious with secrets lately.


The Young Drifter
Jun 16, 2010
Optional Dungeons would be very fun. Not like the hidden grottos that have a block puzzle or a bunch of enemies. I'm talking like actual mini-dungeons that actually have useful items in them.

Phantom Zelda

Mostly Harmless
May 25, 2010
East Clock Town
When I saw this I thought Pokemon Mystery Dungeon :) it's kinda like that where you can get completely optional dungeons and its really fun. So yes I would love this in SS :D


Former Hylian Knight
Jun 8, 2009
you mean like in the elder scrolls games? those were very confusing games! but I get what you mean, stumbling upon various dungeons gives us the option to dive into the heart of a dungeon or take your time and grind away at multiple dungeons. Collecting loot and equipment. Suppose bosses are a bigger deal and require multiple items combined with precision sword slashes to defeat? This would force us to journey across hyrule weapon collecting, a concept I might enjoy. I'm sure Nintendo could redo the random dungeon order thing from LoZ and that if SS was non linear they would be able to balance it out somehow. I hope this is something they consider at the very least, in my opinion the Zelda games that more non linear are some of the best ones.

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