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Star Wars RP, The Last Protectors (SU)


The game is on!
Name: Dio-Pen Mali
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Weapon of Choice: Electrostaff, Mandalorian Armor (ZX miniature flame projector, Dur-24 wrist lazer, Z-6 jetpack)
Backstory: Dio-Pen grew up on Mandalore but moved to Pau City on Utapau at age 23 because he didn't like the Mandalorian lifestyle. He settled as a mechanic in an attempt to lead a peaceful life there, but when the war came to Utapau he was pulled back into the action again. He fought against the Sith because he had always trusted the Jedi, and he assisted with his mechanical skills as well. After order 66 was executed he decided to take it upon himself to seek out and protect the last of the Jedi.
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Secretly a cat
Oct 8, 2016
Name:Rin (havent thought of a second name so she doesnt have one)
Nickname: (optional)
Gender: female
Race: human
Weapon of Choice:blasters
Backstory: Had trained to be a fighter pilot and was amongst the best but she got discharged because of her inability to follow orders and her dislike of authority. She then turned to crime, stealing and smuggling various items to sell on the black market, she has managed to avoid capture due to her ability to disguise herself when necessary. Not much is known about her past because she's not really a people person and won't reveal too much.


Spaceballs: The Mafia Player
Jul 12, 2011
Spaceball 1
Name: RC-1268
Nickname: Alor
Age: 13 (body 26)
Gender: Male
Race: Human (Clone of Jango Fett)
Weapon of Choice: DC -17m ICWS. The DC-17m is a unique weapon made to fit the needs of a clone commando. With modes for standard blaster rifle, sniper rifle, or anti armor RPG launcher, the commando can use this weapon for whatever he needs. He wears Mark III Katarn Night Ops armor, designed for stealth with an alloy that prevents tracking and can render the wearer invisible to the naked eye. Unlike traditional clone armor, this armor is painted black and comes with a bunch of upgrades. It can resist standard blaster fire up to the level of blaster canon and light grenades, as well as resist shatter guns and EMPs. It comes equipped with a deflector shield, and the knuckle plates come equip with retractable vibro blade for melee combat.
Geonosis: Success
Coruscant: Success
Kashyyyk: Success
Kamino: Success
Malastare: Success
Utapau: Failure

RC-1268 would have had a perfect success rate if it weren't for his last mission on Utapau. He and his squad of Commandos frequently worked with a jedi general on their small missions. When they rescued her on Geonosis she was by no means a soldier, but as she grew with the squad they showed her combat skills she never would have learned with the jedi, abd she taught them about the force, something they would not have learned on Kamino. During one of their missions with her, she discovered a chip implant in RC-1268 and had it removed.

On Utapau, 1268's squad received order 66. The chip that was implanted in him turned out to be a control chip, essentially forcing his brain to carry out the orders he was given. Without it, he could make the choice not to execute this last order. His brothers, however, had not yet had theirs removed. He fought alongside his geberal, against his own brithers, until only he remained, the jedi dying in his arms. In her final momemts, she gave him his name. A Mandalorian one that she had learned while working with them. Alor, or Leader. She also passed on her lightsaber to him, blue, which he carries in memory of her sacrifice. Instead of joining the 501st like the rest of the troopers, Alor went off on his own quest to protect jedi from his general's fate.

(These are not all of his missions, btw. Just the major ones he was on.)
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Jes, will put up an app soon :3


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Name: Kaikoa'an Vashaeahk
Race: Negas
Age: 29
Sex: Male
Back story: Former padawan turned sith lord.
After the tragic death of his own master, Kaikoa'an traveled to his home planet, Kamino. There, he secluded himself from the rest of the world. He'd nearly given up when a beautiful young woman swooped in and and caused him to break his covent as a jedi. The woman bore him a son, and soon after the birth, both mother and son vanished.
Through the intense hardship, Kaikoa'an found a new side of the Force... Kaikoa'an sought out the Sith Lord Darth Vader, and soon became Vader's apprentice. Kaiko showed great promise and became an official Sith.
Now, Kaiko leads an army of B1 battle droids and B2 battle droids alongside his master, seeking out his long lost son and the wife who betrayed him.
Status: Vilified
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Alita the Pun

Oct 6, 2016
Nintendo Memeverse
A Mellophone Player... Mellophonista?
Name: Kaikoa'an Vashaeahk
Race: Negas
Age: 29
Sex: Male
Back story: Former padawan turned sith lord.
After the tragic death of his own master, Kaikoa'an traveled to his home planet, Kamino. There, he secluded himself from the rest of the world. He'd nearly given up when a beautiful young woman swooped in and and caused him to break his covent as a jedi. The woman bore him a son, and soon after the birth, both mother and son vanished.
Through the intense hardship, Kaikoa'an found a new side of the Force... Kaikoa'an sought out the Sith Lord Kilo Ren, and soon became Ren's apprentice. Kaiko showed great promise, however, out of greed and pure malice, Kaiko murdered Ren and took his place.
Now, Kaiko leads an army of clones, seeking out his long lost son and the wife who betrayed him.
Status: Vilified

So you will be working against us? This should be fun!



Spaceballs: The Mafia Player
Jul 12, 2011
Spaceball 1
In fact, not only does Kylo not exist, Vader abd palatine would be hunting you down with a much larger army

Alita the Pun

Oct 6, 2016
Nintendo Memeverse
A Mellophone Player... Mellophonista?
Alright here's mine:

Name: Chandra Hallor
Nickname: Sparky
Age: 25
Gender: female
Race: Human
Weapon of choice: assorted explosives. Carries a heavy blaster pistol that resides in a holster, she mainly fights with a projectile launcher that shoots firebombs. She also carries a sniper rifle that hangs across her back.
Backstory: Chandra has always gone against the rules. She had become an outlaw at an early age (16) and had designed her own armaments to fight with. She is a bit of a pyro. Now that order 66 has been enacted and the empire rises to power, she goes against the rules again and fights to protect the last of the Jedi. Her father was killed in the crossfire of clone troopers while they were attacking a Jedi. Chandra has become an extremely skilled markswoman and carries out bounties but mostly protects the Jedi.
Appearance: Chandra wears simple and practical clothes: tan cargo pants and black boots, a red tank top and a brown leather jacket with various spots of wear and tear. She it was her fathers before order 66. She almost always wears it. Her hair is dyed to resemble fire. She wears it in a high ponytail.


Spaceballs: The Mafia Player
Jul 12, 2011
Spaceball 1
Real talk, if you want to go sith then you'd have to be openly challenging Vader and the emperor, or be Vader apprentice


Screw it, just changed it to b1 battle droids and b2 battle droids.

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