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SSHD ties


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
I mean, yes, it is conjecture. Nowhere did I say that's what definitively happened-- I merely offered up a possible explanation. The only people who really know what's going on with the timeline are at Nintendo (and they're probably all laughing). And yeah, there are multiple sky civilizations (the Skyloftians, the Ooca, the Wind Tribe, possibly even the Minish), so just add the Zonai to the list, I guess.
ah, it felt like you presented it as a counter point when as is, it still seems as though this game conflicts w/ past lore, but I guess we won't know for sure until nintendo says something, if they ever say anything

I hate to say I called it b/c it really would've been great to see actual ties, but god freaking damn it I called it

edit: shouldn't really say it like that as if I was the only one who saw it coming, but after getting burned the first time when skyward sword came out, it just figures they'd make the sky stuff in this game its own separate thing too
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Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013
I doubt it.

If Nintendo's writing style has taught me anything, it's that we should never expect any definitive connections between games. If they truly are floating islands in the sky then the game will contrive some reason for said islands to be totally different and somehow exist in a parallel world to the islands from Skyward Sword.
Someone better pick up that phone, because I ****ing called it.


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Feb 15, 2021
I still think it may be connected to Skyward Sword in the form of a separate timeline that takes place around the same time Oot would've in the standard timeline. But yeah, I get it. Ninty let me down on this one :mad:
Jun 7, 2023
I really don't see how it contradicts Skyward Sword.
There's still the numerous references to it carried over from Botw, Fi is still directly referenced and Ganondorf's demon form calls back to Demise. The founding of Hyrule is not a contradiction. One way to look at it is to simply say it's a new Hyrule, but we don't even need to do that.

That Hyrule was founded by Link and Zelda  is conjecture. The fandom has long  assumed this but it's never definitively stated anywhere. They only caused Hylians to return to the surface. Sonia would then be a descendant of Zelda from SS.
Jun 7, 2023
I think the only other way is to say Link and Zelda founded Grooseland.
Nah, they were cramping his style so he went into a far distant land and founded his kingdom there. It went on to become technologically advanced in merely 100 years (thanks to Groose being a brilliant scientist, he made the Groosenator after all). It's never referenced in the games because they are written from a Hylian perspective instead of a Groosean one. In reality, Grooseland has been expanding its influence across the planet while Hyrule continues to struggle against the Demon King and being trapped in the middle ages. Sheikah are in Botw again because they never actually died out, they just all moved to Grooseland. That's also where the Rito and Koroks were all along.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
I really don't see how it contradicts Skyward Sword.
There's still the numerous references to it carried over from Botw, Fi is still directly referenced and Ganondorf's demon form calls back to Demise. The founding of Hyrule is not a contradiction. One way to look at it is to simply say it's a new Hyrule, but we don't even need to do that.

That Hyrule was founded by Link and Zelda  is conjecture. The fandom has long  assumed this but it's never definitively stated anywhere. They only caused Hylians to return to the surface. Sonia would then be a descendant of Zelda from SS.

  • how long are we willing to say took place b/w the ending of SS and the backstory to TotK? b/c TotK's legend says the zonai came from the sky w/ the sacred stones and that's how hyrule was established, which just feels really off when it doesn't mention that people descended from the sky first w/ the whole triforce itself and it had to take until a random never before mentioned species to make hyrule, not to mention how primitive the early TotK hylians looked compared to the skyloftians, like what even happened?
  • the rito's existence in TotK's backstory makes zero sense, so they just came to be after SS yet had to have died off before MC, only to have an explanation to why they came back in one timeline branch (WW) and then just...randomly show up again in another? (BotW) which does NOT work b/c that means tulin and the current rito couldn't be descendants of that rito b/c they needed to have been alive for all that thousands of years, but we've never ever even seen mention of them in any other game
  • we were supposed to believe that OoT ganondorf was the first one, which obviously can't be true now if TotK ganondorf existed during the earliest time of hyrule, but does this mean during the entirety of the series besides SS, he's been there under hyrule castle this whole time? as in during certain games like OoT, WW, TP, etc., there were two ganondorfs? one of which could've been awakened at any time? imagine that
  • as for the idea that TotK's hyrule is a brand new different hyrule from the previous one which was destroyed or who knows, nothing in the game really tells us how that's the case besides all these inconsistencies, unless a developer flat out states it, we're left with a backstory that just cannot coexist w/ what we've previously known

at this point I'm talking more about how it contradicts previous lore b/c it's just soooo sloppy, they would've just been better off saying these two games were reboots of the franchise instead
Dec 9, 2009
I think the only way this makes sense is the time when the Zonai came from the sky to unite with the Hylains and Rauru & Sonia became King and Queen of Hyrule takes place centuries before the first calamity that took place 10,000 years before BOTW is. So basically this would be the “new hyrule” in ST.

Perhaps history is “repeating” itself in a way. The whole idea of the zonai descending from the sky is similar to the story we heard of Hylia in SS, except now this is a completely new timeline. I mean AOC already did that, though id love some explanation as how the sages (except tulin but his father) in TOTK decided to go back in time where they save the champions from being defeated in AOC. Perhaps they come up with the idea of doing this sometime after TOTK, so they could start the current timeline off on a clean slate resulting in the end of AOC being the “good ending” when botw was the “downfall”.

Then again, even though AOC ended on a good note… Ganondorf is still mummified and imprisoned under Hyrule Castle in that timeline….

UNLESS something happened where after AOC and BOTW, the timeline goes through ANOTHER convergence.. leading to TOTK.

Who knows. Ugh. My brain hurts. Someone make this all make sense.
Jun 7, 2023
how long are we willing to say took place b/w the ending of SS and the backstory to TotK? b/c TotK's legend says the zonai came from the sky w/ the sacred stones and that's how hyrule was established, which just feels really off when it doesn't mention that people descended from the sky first w/ the whole triforce itself and it had to take until a random never before mentioned species to make hyrule, not to mention how primitive the early TotK hylians looked compared to the skyloftians, like what even happened?
Things feeling off to you subjectively isn't really an argument I can respond to. If we look at the timeline then the kingdom of Hyrule wasn't established until after the Triforce had been sealed. That an external tribe was necessary to establish Hyrule is an assumption. We don't know why (in this hypothetical scenario) the Hylians didn't establish Hyrule right away. They weren't exactly a large sprawling civilization in SS though. They were a simple people. I'm not sure what you mean with the Hylians looking primitive, we only ever saw them during Rauru and Sonia's rule. They were wearing Zonai inspired attire (guards were wearing armor you can find in the game). They were far from primitive since Totk is literally all about the advanced technology of that era.
the rito's existence in TotK's backstory makes zero sense, so they just came to be after SS yet had to have died off before MC, only to have an explanation to why they came back in one timeline branch (WW) and then just...randomly show up again in another? (BotW) which does NOT work b/c that means tulin and the current rito couldn't be descendants of that rito b/c they needed to have been alive for all that thousands of years, but we've never ever even seen mention of them in any other game
You know, this is not on you personally because I see this everywhere. It's amazing to me how Zelda fans are simultaneously all about world building and lore, yet act like there is no world outside of the kingdom of Hyrule. We know shockingly little of the extended Zelda universe. The idea that the Rito could only ever exist as a magically induced evolution of the Zora is a headcanon that the fandom has mistaken for canon. I'm not denying their origins in Tww, those were made very clear. But where does it say that the Rito has never, and could never, exist as a separate species in the larger world? Where does it say that they were something that Valoo specifically created out of thin air? Not to mention that, while the Koroks are identical, the Rito are very different from their Tww counterparts. I don't have proof either, but I think it's a mistake to be so rigid about the lore.
we were supposed to believe that OoT ganondorf was the first one, which obviously can't be true now if TotK ganondorf existed during the earliest time of hyrule, but does this mean during the entirety of the series besides SS, he's been there under hyrule castle this whole time? as in during certain games like OoT, WW, TP, etc., there were two ganondorfs? one of which could've been awakened at any time? imagine that
It's honestly not impossible. In Japanese mythology it IS possible for a spirit (or their equivalent to one) to inhabit more than one body at a time. Think of the hero's shade being the hero of time, containing the spirit of the hero, talking to his descendant (who also contains the spirit of the hero). What's interesting in the flashback with Ganondorf in Totk, is that 2 gerudo women behind him have writing on them which translates to "Koume" and "Kotake" respectively. This is certainly conjecture, but I wouldn't say it would be outside of the realm of possibilities that they found a way to plant the demon king's spirit into a new body. Think about it, they're 400 years old and why did Ganondorf need surrogate mothers that are known to be scheming masterminds in favor of demons?

as for the idea that TotK's hyrule is a brand new different hyrule from the previous one which was destroyed or who knows, nothing in the game really tells us how that's the case besides all these inconsistencies, unless a developer flat out states it, we're left with a backstory that just cannot coexist w/ what we've previously known
So despite all of what I've said, I do think that it being a new Hyrule and a clean slate is what's more likely. If Nintendo were ever pressured into giving an answer, this is probably what they'd go with. Like you I don't like it. I agree that it would've been better to just reboot the series in that case.

Until they shut me down though, I will fight for the alternative theory. It would go well with the Zonai being the interlopers as well as the city in the sky.


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Feb 15, 2021
I think the only way this makes sense is the time when the Zonai came from the sky to unite with the Hylains and Rauru & Sonia became King and Queen of Hyrule takes place centuries before the first calamity that took place 10,000 years before BOTW is. So basically this would be the “new hyrule” in ST.

Perhaps history is “repeating” itself in a way. The whole idea of the zonai descending from the sky is similar to the story we heard of Hylia in SS, except now this is a completely new timeline. I mean AOC already did that, though id love some explanation as how the sages (except tulin but his father) in TOTK decided to go back in time where they save the champions from being defeated in AOC. Perhaps they come up with the idea of doing this sometime after TOTK, so they could start the current timeline off on a clean slate resulting in the end of AOC being the “good ending” when botw was the “downfall”.

Then again, even though AOC ended on a good note… Ganondorf is still mummified and imprisoned under Hyrule Castle in that timeline….

UNLESS something happened where after AOC and BOTW, the timeline goes through ANOTHER convergence.. leading to TOTK.

Who knows. Ugh. My brain hurts. Someone make this all make sense.
I'm going to beat Mikey to the punch here and say Wheel of Timeline.
Sep 22, 2022
Inside the walls
Something interesting to note: as I was going through different Cap/Tunic combinations, I noticed that the green in the Wild set is almost an exact color match for the green in the Sky set. It might even be the exact same shade of green, it's hard to tell if there's any difference at all. (Incidentally, the set with next-closest shade of green is the Wind set-- it's almost there, but it's just slightly different enough to notice).

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