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SPOILERS! The Hunger Games RPG


Sage of Tales
*Skips to the end*

Durnit. I wanted to run a game like this and be the Gamemaker. Well, if District 10 is still open for a female tribute... (can modify to male if needed).

Name: Vash Martinez
Gender: Female
Age: 18
District: 10
Appearance And Build: Tan, blonde, tall, kind of broad-shouldered and muscular for a teen girl
Personality: An unusual combination of pragmatist and pacifist. Hates the Games with every fiber of her being, but accepted that it was just the world she lived in. The kind who is technically strong enough to kill (physically), but she claims that she would rather die than kill. Is likely to enter the games thinking that she'll make herself some kind of a martyr, but may not live up to her ideals when she actually sees death coming her way.
Weapon of Choice: Butcher knives (if she decides to use them).
Backstory: Comes from a mixed heritage family in District 10. (One of her sets of grandparents was originally Mexican). Like most families in 10, they raised livestock, cattle specifically. Her father oversees a slaughterhouse. She knows what it takes to kill a large animal quickly and humanely. She never thought the sacrifice of people to the Capitol, however, to be humane.
Other: Yes, she is named after a pacifist-gunfighter anime' character. The name also is derived from the French for "cow," so it fits.

I think I would also like to be some random rich twit from the Capitol, but I need some kind of context - like a Sponsor or someone who works with the Gamemakers or a promoter or something.


Jan 14, 2013
Ente Isla
Aw come on, really?! I JUST got an idea for this! ...Can we actually do that? Start a new Hunger Games RP, erase the old stats of the people from before or something? Because I finally had an idea. I'll just get it down now.

Name: Madeline 'Madi' Black.
Gender: Female
Age: 13
District: ...I dunno, one that isn't too rich and Capitol-y, but also is rich enough for some people to have their hair died fancy colors. I've only seen the movies, I don't know too much of the lore, sorry...
Appearance and Build: Something like this:
iPod pics K 397.jpg
Personality: To most, she'd seem like just some scared little girl who would run away from her own shadow. ...Which she kind of is. But that's not all she is! She has much more to her than just her fear and her never-ending stutter, but she can never seem to get past it enough to show people. She tries, she's just... too scared. But she knows that she has to be brave in the Hunger Games. She's gonna die if she doesn't...
Weapons of Choice: The weapons her brother trained her in: knives, dart blowguns, and her favorite, the bo staff. She likes that one best because she can fight without drawing blood. She hates blood...
Backstory: She was orphaned when she was just a baby, because her parents were rebels. Her and her bit 'brother' were the only ones to survive the government raid that killed every single other member of that resistance group. Her brother was only six... But he took care of her as well as he could, taking her from place to place, doing whatever he had to to make sure she survived. She always appreciated him, more than anything, and dreaded that the Hunger Games would take him away from her. They never did. He reached 19 just fine, and never got called. ...But she did, just to late for him to go with her. The only thing that comforted both of them, was that he had been teaching her everything he knew about fighting and survival from the moment she turned 11, just in case this would happen. She knew what to do in there... sort of. It was just the actual doing it that she was worried about. Their goodbyes were filled with tears from her side, and as much advice as he could possibly cram in from his side. It was all he could do for her. He'd cried when she couldn't see him anymore...

...so yeah. Hehe. I wanted to do this. Even though the RP is old and really should not have brought my hopes down like it had, I want to go through with this idea that I had.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
As you said elsewhere, it's been three years. I don't mind and I'm somehow doubting anyone else will either. Want to make a new thread and take charge?
Besides... it's Hunger Games.


Jan 14, 2013
Ente Isla
I myself am bad at taking charge, but yes. Though, I've just gotta admit outright that it bugs me that you drug up an old thread. It would've been a lot easier for everyone if you had just copy-pasted the OP or something and started a new thread. But with that said, I would like to work with you, and that idea.


Sage of Tales
Oh, I didn't even see the date on the first post! I thought this was all new!

Anyway, if you're interested in the lore and haven't read the novels, Wikipedia is a friend.


This is why my District 10 tribute-bid works with cattle. 10 is the Livestock District. Other Districts have specialties and very often, the people in them are named for that specialty. (Tributes from 2 tend to be named like Capitol people - Greek and Roman derived names and District 12 seems to name its kids randomly).

If anyone is interested in a Hunger Games rp and doesn't want it to be this one, wants to start over, I am perfectly capable of being a Gamemaker. In fact, I've had an idea for a some time to try to run an rp of this nature in a similar manner as I ran the Attack on Titan rp a while back (Basically, I play "God" - decide who lives and who dies, the players have no say in it except when they're fighting each other and I make random arena dangers and such). For that, I'd probably have to give up being a Tribute, or just have my Tribute character for a short time to die early.


Nov 25, 2012
The Underground
Yeah if that's what people want then if you want to, start up a new thread. It sounds fun. And don't worry I've read the Trilogy, and seen the two movies. So I can handle myself with the lore. ;)


Jan 14, 2013
Ente Isla
Hmm, yeah, a new thread would be nice. And I'mma make Madi from District 2, that one just sounded the most like where she and Dagger would live.


Sage of Tales
Are people talking to me to get ready? If so, I'd honestly rather start an entire new sign-up thread because I don't even know if the people with older profiles are all present at the board anymore and cognizant of the rp. If I am going to be the Mod/in charge, I want to create rules and a setup from the get-go.

I was posting a character-sheet on the idea that someone else wanted to run the rp. If you're giving it away and giving it to me, let me know, with "Shadsie, make a new Hunger Games rp set up." By name, because we have people all talking at once here.


Nov 25, 2012
The Underground
Shadsie, make a new Hunger Games RP set up. I haven't seen a single person that signed up for this 3 years ago still around. Besides Deku and Myriad.


Jan 14, 2013
Ente Isla
Shadsie, make a new Hunger Games rp set up. Please. :P I want to make Madi a tribute, that Dagger can't protect with his life.

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