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General Art Somnolent at Sunset

Chapter Four

I was still trying to grasp the concept of this camp being a place for supernaturals, but my grip on that was sweaty. Sighing despondently, I entered my cabin, where Ashie, Tekara, and one more girl with smooth nuggets of jade for eyes named Kirana were lounging.

"So, you three are veterans here. Could you help a newbie out?" I asked.

"Sure, what's up?" Tekara asked me, ready to answer any questions I had.

"The concept of supernatural teens..... What do they mean by that? Also, why is it called Stele Falls?"

"Well, we're teens of different 'species', to an extent, of humanoid creatures. I'm a vampire, Kirana here is a witch, and Tekara is a fairy," Ashie explained. I backed away a little.

"Come on, Ashie wouldn't do that to you! She may be a vampire, but she wouldn't drink an innocent's blood," Kirana interjected.

"Anyway, the word Stele is supposed to sound like stella, the Latin word for star, though I don't think it does. They say at the cave in the forest, when the moon is invisible to the pony eye, spirits who live in the stars above come out and judge anyone within a fifteen meter radius. They're like dead Santas, except not Christmas based," Tekara went on.

"Thanks guys," I said, giving them a smile. I could tell they have no idea where I was going next.

That night, the moon glimmered with it's pale silver luminescence. Gripping my flashlight tightly, I ventured on through the ominous forest.

About twenty minutes passed before I came across a cave. I heard the sound of falling water coming from inside. Taking a deep, visible breath, I gathered my courage and tiptoed inside.

Darkness swallowed me up, save my flashlight. However, I noticed a light in front of me. It wasn't my flashlight, it was the moon. Ordinarily, I would have questioned why the moon would shed light through a cave, but at a camp with vampires and witches, who was I to complain?

Finally, the source of the sound. I had discovered Stele Falls. I wasn't alone.

Sorry this took so long, I've had a lot of homework, and I've just been procrastinating. So yeah, here! You're welcome. :P


Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011
I thought it was really good!:D I laughed at this part,

and one more girl with smooth nuggets of jade for eyes named Kirana

For some reason.^^ I just liked how you introduced my character's looks I guess.:D

Can't wait till the next chapter!:D

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