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sloggy slog or give up??


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
you get a book and youre like i dont like this...do you stick woth it in the hopes it will get better or do you give up??

Daku Rinku

Dampe’s Acolyte
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Ashai’s Classroom
I give up on a history book if pseudo-history. I recently did that in Christopher Tyerman, his books use to be sound and balanced, his newest book was Lon Lon Farm manure.


Pilot of Evangelion Unit 00
Jan 25, 2024
If I'm not enjoying it right away I put it down. There are too many other books I enjoy to read, and it's too easy for people to say "oh just wait it gets better" without listening to the reasons about why I'm not enjoying it.

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