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Skyward Sword Superiority and Devolution Towards What We Have Seen at E3

As more comes, I will add more information on this post.

The first one shows the graphic supperiority of ZSS (Wii) towards TP (GC).

This next one shows how ZSS's Chuchus are a mix of TWW and TP. But, MM Chuchus look nothing like the others. Luckily it is smaller.

This next one shows why the imps from ZSS are Bokoblins and how it has evolved in seperate dirrection pending on the split dirrection.

That is all that is released. I kind of want to see one about the Toadpolis from TP and ZSS.
Oct 20, 2008
As more comes, I will add more information on this post.

The first one shows the graphic supperiority of ZSS (Wii) towards TP (GC).

Some valid points, but overall, Twilight Princess looks better in regards to the actual textures, and their tones. Skyward Sword's could likely be improved even more with good normal mapping.

The latter Deku Baba looks more synthetic, largely in part due to the rendering method and textures (brighter colours and lighting, etc.).

I don't know if it would so much be considered a superiority, as a deviation from Twilight Princess's style of graphics and overall darker tone.
This next one shows how ZSS's Chuchus are a mix of TWW and TP. But, MM Chuchus look nothing like the others. Luckily it is smaller.
Chus in Skyward Sword look closer to an improved version of Majora's Mask Chus than another of the others, save for the colouring of The Wind Waker's. The dynamic transparency is definitely an improvement.

This next one shows why the imps from ZSS are Bokoblins and how it has evolved in seperate dirrection pending on the split dirrection.
The first two look rather similar; most of the things listed aren't evolutionary, but accessories, such as the satchel, and arm wraps. Loss of horn would indicate it's probably better at defending it self now.

The difference between subject 1 and 2 is mostly trivial, save for the loss of horn and gain of accessories.

On a side note, what exactly do you mean by "devolution"? Most of the statements in the charts seems to point to the opposite, especially given the usage of terms like "[..]Skyword Sword superiority", etc.
The first two look rather similar; most of the things listed aren't evolutionary, but accessories, such as the satchel, and arm wraps. Loss of horn would indicate it's probably better at defending it self now.
On a side note, what exactly do you mean by "devolution"? Most of the statements in the charts seems to point to the opposite, especially given the usage of terms like "[..]Skyword Sword superiority", etc.
To add on to the protection thing, they must be better fighters too considering they are fatter here which means they get more to eat. And by devolution, I said that because I am talking about how it looks before it evolved. And by superiority, I mean the Deku Baba part.

P.S.: Way to make my already large post larger. XD
Jun 1, 2010
I don't see all of the fuss about the graphics of Skyward Sword. I love them, although I think the bokoblins look rather odd.
Jan 28, 2010
I think the bokoblins in Skyward Sword look awesome. I mean, they do have odd proportions, but they just look like they can kick way more *** than the other ones. The only thing that needs to be changed is their nose.


Legendary Captain
May 16, 2010
Misery Mire
I'm one of the people that really hates the bokoblin design, and I can only hope they overhaul the bokoblins entirely. Now, I LOVE the Deku Babas and ChuChus though. The ChuChus look reminiscent of the Zols/Gels and I think that's what they should have looked like to begin with (I do love the WW's buzzblob [inspired] design too though).

@Ember Incubus beneath me:

The ChuChu's design in WW were obviously inspired by the buzzblob. You knew what I meant. Really, why do you always have to point out people's trivial mistakes just for the heck of it?
Last edited:
Jan 28, 2010
@Ember Incubus
Your daddy don't gotta know ;)

So many people hate the bokoblins... When I first saw them I thought they looked so unique and just plain fun to fight.They don't gotta look EVIL!
Besides, maybe since all of you hate the design so much, it'll be even more rewarding to kill them all!

I just had a theory thingy... what if the enemy designs look more childish for easier enemies, and they look more realistic for harder enemies? That is what I've noticed. The harder the enemies get the more realistic their appearance and proportions. Maybe moblins will look bad-*** while the bokoblins look, plumpy... lol
Jan 31, 2010
I didn't like the design of the bokoblins for SS, but it's still better than their TP counterparts. In TP, besides LOOKING very weak, they ARE very weak, it's even ridiculous. Careless how much bokoblins you're fighting at the same time, in TP, one spin attack and they're all gone! But not this time! This time they seem to be at least a threat.

Now, all the other creature designs look really good. I absolutely loved the deku babas and the stalfos, they look waaaaaay better.


Jun 2, 2010
Windfall Island
I actually like the bokoblin design but I really wish they would have named it something OTHER THAN a bokoblin. It doesn't make any sense to me as a bokoblin. It's just like making something look like a deku baba and calling it an oktorok. It makes no sense.

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