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Skyward Sword: How dynamic were the fights


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
I don't just mean the bosses though they certainly do count, what did you think of each fight you had to go through in the game and do you think they could have been better? I feel like the Motion Controls could have been implemented better with the monsters such as bokoblins all they really do is guard and react to you, that's not dynamic at all. One of the better foes is Stalmaster because it does seem like it makes it's own offensive instead of defence but still it'd doesn't really count as dynamic.

What do you all think?


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
The fighting is not very dynamic at all. You can waggle that wiimote to kill most enemies without paying attention to the game.

The only sword game ever that had decent motion controls for fighting was red steel 2.
I didn't like the fights in SS, i don't like motion control in general (but i'm not going to ***** about unresponsive controls, the controls worked fine i just don't/didn't like them).

As for how fights were implemented in SS... they bugged me. Unlike TP where you could use one of many moves learned to take out foes, SS limited you to directional sword swings which made the fights repetitive and sometimes frustrating when you didn't have the patience... bokoblins aside with their irritating guarding, the likes of the Beamos with their neon blue 'slash here' strips, and that hovering missile firing robot in the mining facility really bugged me. I knew instantly where i'd be aiming and in what direction, i just had to tediously wait for them to be ready to be hit, stalfos had the same problems.

It was fun smashing Koloktos up with his big blades but it was far too fleeting.

Spin slashing being connected to the stamina meter bugged me too, especially in fights with the Imprisoned when one spin slash doesnt take out all of his toes and then you get shockwaved down a level when he takes a step....

I just don't think it really paid off, honestly the only enemies that cam out of SS with any dignity for me were the Deku Babas.

A lot of things in SS didn't work for me and combat was one of them. I found myself just ignoring enemies rather than fighting them because i couldn't be bothered with the chore of fighting them.
May 4, 2014
lemme put it this way, you'd be more entertained watching two snot nosed brats duke it out with foam swords in a toys r us isle. they at least know what a sword fight should look like.

the controls are bad and the fights look stilted and strange


Fuzzy Pickles
Mar 27, 2015
United States
I rarely accused any Wii game of having "waggle", like a lot of haters did, but if there was one game that committed the "waggle" sin, it was Skyward Sword. And Nintendo made it, of all people! I own it, just because it's a Zelda game, and I would consider it blasphemy to not own a Zelda title, but it's probably the worst game I've played on Wii. The controls just don't work. The controls felt forced, boring, and were an absolute chore. I could tell I would have liked the game for the story and the characters and everything, but I couldn't stomach the controls long enough to finish it.


Emancipated Wind Fish
May 11, 2014
United States
They weren't revolutionary, but they were very fun. They were different and that's what made the game unique from the bunch.

Kylo Ken

I will finish what Spyro started
Aug 10, 2011
It wasn't very stylish like in TP, but it was still very cool. I couldn't just flail the wii remote around and kill enemies, they'd always block it so I had to think about it a little. I figured out it's best to take the combat pace slowly, picking the spots you'd want to attack, then go in.


Jan 14, 2013
Ente Isla
The Bokoblins cheated. Constantly. I didn't like that. Every time you swung your weapon, in exactly the right place to hit with just the right aim, the **** beast switches his weapon around the instant before you hit him, so all you get is a repeated *CLANG* *CLANG* *CLANG*, with no sense of reward whatsoever! I often avoided them as many times as I could.

Most of the other enemies were cool/fun to fight/challenging for a better reason, but Bokoblins just ruined it for me, man.

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