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Should There Be a Sequel to Mm

Dec 19, 2009
hiding from ninja zelda
I don't necicarily want a sequal to mm but i hope zelda wii takes place in termina. I don't like sequals (eccept oot-mm) and i really dont want nintendo to go back to a game that was made almost ten years ago and maKE a messed up sequal. (unless it is really good)


I'd like to, for the timeline sake. But it shouldn't be like MM, due to the fact its been done and honestly can get tedious.

It would explain a lot though, and i really think they could pull it off


Dec 3, 2009
Ikana Canyon
No I don't think they should do a sequel to MM.If they did they would ruin the first.What would the story line be.Link left termina why would he go back.I wouldn't mind the Happy Mask Sells Men he was very mysterious.I think the should add him to one more game.

Zelda Master

exactly where did he go? it certainly was'nt hyrule

There Should Be a Game That Explains Where Link Went After MM. I think that it would be cool. It could be a whole new adventure, as to why link did not return after MM. I'm sure nintendo could come up with something.
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Dec 16, 2009
Link left Hyrule (several times?) and keeps coming back doesn't he?
Why could he go only once to Termina then?

But I think we should agree on the gap being too big for a real sequel now. They could do something with TP or PH/ST, the rest is too old by now.

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