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Should There Be a Sequel to Mm



If they make a sequel to Mm would it be good and would you play it and what should it be about?:huh:


Warrior Postman
Sep 30, 2009
It'd would be good if it was good. I'd buy it in a heartbeat. I would love to see another adventure in Termina. As to what I'd like it to encompass.. it's really hard to say. We, or at least I, don't really know a lot about the nature of their world.

Firstly, I'd like to see 'Termina Link' in action, as opposed to our beloved Hyrulian hero. It would allow a chance to learn a little more about Majora, the Fierce Deity Mask, and several other leftover tidbits.

I have mixed feelings on another time gimmick. On the one hand, Termina's civilization seems to be totally obsessed with time, so it would fit. But on the other, that's mostly OoT Link's thing. Time travel is like his superpower. Perhaps they could it meet it halfway with 'timed quests' or some such.

Plot? I dunno.. I think it would be pretty spiffy to introduce a sort of doppelganger quest which involves key stuff from MM. He's obviously collecting something, so he can do.. something. ;) Perhaps he needs several amulets so he can get some item. The item will give him a chance to face the infamous Fierce Deity, who comes out every X amount of years to obliterate life. *shrugs*
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Nov 26, 2008
While I think Majora's Mask was an awesome game (my favorite of the entire series, actually) on it's own, I do think the idea of a sequel is appealing, and also wise.

MM had a lot of strange aspects to it's plot, and a lot of unexplained mysteries. There was the being known as Majora and his origins, the importance of Stone Tower, the Dark Tribe who used the mask, the Fierce Deity, etc. Then there was all the weird symbology.

There's a lot of things left open... probably intentionally. But they still leave a lot of room for expansion, and I for one would be very interested in finding out more about MM's mysteries. I think it had some of the most intriguing plot elements from any of the games, and I'd love to see those aspects explored more and maybe even explained.

There's also the fact that MM had an interesting world I would like to see revisited. I wouldn't so much mind if there wasn't a sequel to MM (although I would like that), but I would at least want another game, somewhere down the line, to take place in Termina. I really would. That would make my day. :xd:

There were also a lot of unique gameplay aspects in MM, such as the time system and mask transformations. I would like to see those return, but it's hard to say if a sequel to MM would see the return of these or not. It might just play completely differently... :sweat:

So... short answer: Yes. :P


Crawfish Prime
Jul 8, 2009
New Zealand
As long as it isn't a direct sequel i'm all good with it.

Link left Termina at the end of MM with everything that needed to be done and could be done, done.

So direct sequel to MM, No thanks, well written game that takes place in Termina at a much later place, yes please.
Oct 18, 2007
There's plenty of room for a MM sequel, but what I would like to see is a direct Adult Link/OoT sequel. But yes, there should be a sequel to MM. Nintendo needs to start filling in the "century" long gaps between each new Zelda game.
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Archer Extraordinaire
Aug 31, 2009
Fishing pond
it would have to be in Termina with all of the great new weapons and the great masks from MM. But if one came out i d play it no matter what


It'd be nice if in the split timeline theory after Oot. Adult Link goes to Termina. He does different quests except he's an adult.


Jul 15, 2009
No. I'm going to be different and say no.

Despite the fact there are multiple situations that could fit nicely onto the end of it, and it would be nice to know what happened to Link.... no. MM is a one-off... all the emotion that it captures and all that makes it great is encapsulated in one game. Any sequels would not be able to replicate or continue that, and could end up detracting from it... I can't seem to explain too well, but MM is fine as it it, it needs no continuation, or that part of its unique charm would be lost.
Nov 13, 2009
The UK
I generally wouldn't like a sequel,Because in most cases, the sequel rarely lives up to the original.

Although... I'd love a game where masks play a big part again. It's fun having to re-do time just to get a single mask, so it has that longer playability.

Though if a game were to take place in Termina.. they'd need a heck of a re-vamp? because all we saw were the 4 corners, and the giants, so if a game were to take place in Termina, it would have to include the 4 Giants, and when you really think about it.. It would be the same as Majora's Mask. Unless they made like.. a "ligher version" lulz.
the game is cel shaded, everything is "lighter" in a sense that MM was the darkest Zelda game, and the Sun is crashing to earth instead ha.

But that's just me, i wouldn't be able to think of a plot that would take place in Termina.
Apr 5, 2008
Chula Vista, San Diego, CA
I would hate a sequel to that game. It was my favorite in gameplay, as I loved the sidequests it offered. However, if their either made the game similar to Majora's Mask with tons of sidequests for the optional items and Heart Pieces like this, but make it like a week instead of 3 days, or just remove that limited time system.

If you're referring to another game set in Termina, I'm all for it and it would probably be my second favorite Zelda game, as I love Termina probably more than Hyrule and far more than I love the Great Sea.

If you're referring to bringing back Majora, I'm all for that too. I'd love for Majora to be the antagonist in another game. I thought he (it?) was the best villain in a Zelda game ever. Period.

Nintendo will never do any of these, sadly, so I won't buy this unexistant game, thank you.


Crazy Cookie
Dec 6, 2009
Zee Internets
It would be nice, but I don't think it would work very well. If they made one I would play it though.

At the end of Majora's Mask there isn't really anything to build a sequel off of. You just stopped the moon from destroying the land, Skullkid and the Giants are friends again, Link went home, and all the people he helped are happy.

I don't see much more you could do in a sequel.
Dec 14, 2008
Louisiana, USA
No, I doubt they would ever do it.

Don't get me wrong, I would like it maybe, but what are they going to do? Take everything from MM and carry it over gameplay and plot wise? People hate TP because that's what, in their eyes, it did with OoT. To say that you dislike TP because it carried familiar elements is also to say you would hate a MM sequel because it's so similar to MM. Either that or people are just bound and determined to hate TP, but whatever. Back to the point I was making, I don't think they could ever do MM justice with a sequel. There's really no room for a sequel, and I personally don't care enough about the origins of Majora enough to really want a prequel. I'd probably find it boring, and I find it hard to believe it would either copy the time system or improve it; they would probably scrap it altogether, taking away the entire point of MM in the first place.

That, and I'm sure Nintendo really doesn't care enough. Go backwards and actually solve mysteries left by previous games? People, listen to me: Does that sound like Nintendo at all?
Oct 18, 2008
In my coffin
No I don't think that there should be a sequel to Majora's Mask. I think that MM works better as a one-time only game.
One of the things that I like about MM is the sense of mystery that you get from playing the game. I like the fact that some of the stuff from the game was not resolved at the end of the game. I'm afraid that a sequel to MM would try to solve some of the mysteries of Termina.
That's why I don't think that there should be a sequel to Majora's Mask.

Zelda Master

except we really don't know what happened to link at the end, he went with the skull kid and nintendo never told us what happened to him we just supposed to assumed he died I mean it is kinda sad we have no I dea what happened between the OoT peroid and WW. And link dos'nt return at least that what WW tells us but I would really like to know where he went. maybe a game explaining that. that would be cool.


Airbending Slice!
Dec 6, 2008
New Albany, Indiana
No. For starters, a sequal to a game is already long enough. I don't like trilogies in games. Plus what would happen? All is well in Termina and Link goes home, what would be after that?

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