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General Zelda Should the Master Sword Be Optional?


May 18, 2013
In the Zelda series where the Master Sword is featured, it's generally a very plot important item. Sometimes it has permanent upgrades like WW and SS, other times it is upgrade as in OoX and SS, other times, there already a stronger sword like in OoT.

I suggest making the Master Sword itself an optional item in the game. It can be found during a side quest.

A way it can be obtained is like finding specific items like the secret seashells in LA, or just having it be in an optional dungeon.

What do you thing? Should the Master Sword be optional? Or do think it's too important of an item?
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Hero of the Stars
Nov 10, 2011
Lost Woods
I love the Master Sword. In games that it's featured in, I prefer that it be a required item with upgrades available like in ALttP. Or even like in OoT where it's required but there is a sword more powerful
Aug 10, 2013
City of Angels
It's too important of an item. It's been in the series since the very beginning, and it's impossible to make the most iconic thing in the game an optional too. It is the Blade of Evil's Bane afterall, and it is the only way to get rid of Gannon (or any other evil entity) after all. It is sort of like Excalibur, where the wielder gains mystical/ultimate power and it proves that they are the rightful heir to the throne; it's engraved into mythical history and would be rather difficult to erase it from Britain's lore. Or even the One Ring from the Lord of the Rings. You can't ignore the fact that those items are key to those stories. Putting them aside and giving them a small role would change EVERYTHING. Same goes for Master Sword. It would change the Zelda games and the lore as we know it.

It does make Link have permanent overpowered benefits, but without the iconic, legendary sword, Zelda wouldn't be the same for me. It's too much of an epic thing to cast aside. Maybe if they add a New Game+ of sorts to Zelda games and made the Master Sword do less damage and weaken its abilities? Sort of like Master Quest, but harder since your sword does less damage? I don't know, that would be pretty cool.
Aug 12, 2013
Ashland, OR
When it comes to the master sword, it is repeatedly stated that the reason it is so special is because it has the power to vanquish evil. Sometimes you may have to give it it's "umph" back, but that's all part of the quest and part of why Link is needed in the first place: it is a daunting task and has been considered nearly impossible. Even in the games where there are specialty swords, i.e. the big goron sword and the gilded sword, you are still required to use the master sword for the kill in the fight against Ganon. Why? Because a gold-crusted sword doesn't kill evil, the master sword does. Making the sword optional would completely undermine the creation of the master sword and it's entire purpose for existing. It is not a coincidence that in OOT the sword is behind the door of time, nor is it coincidence that in multiple variations you have to prove to the sword that you are worthy. It has been stipulated that the master sword has the same requirements to wield it as the triforce has for controlling all three pieces, that the attributes of wisdom, power and courage must be active and balanced within the sword's owner. In the games where Link has to provide for the sword before it will fully provide for him, he is undergoing trials and the sword is a witness to those trials, going so far as to transform in SS. The master sword is not just any old sword that can be purchased or traded for, it is a blessed blade specifically crafted for the Hero of Time so that he is able to destroy evil. Because of it's nature and it's role in the game, we can't make it optional.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
The Master Sword is a deus ex machina; it cannot be optional. However, I believe that it should be upgradeable.

Big Octo

Jul 2, 2011
I'd have it be required, but also have optional upgrades or stronger swords entirely. I appreciated how it was upgradable in A Link to the Past and how a stronger sword existed in Ocarina of Time. Lately, though, it's been given the ultimate weapon treatment, meaning there are no stronger weapons than it. This has irritated me actually, as I want to be rewarded more for going out of my way in the game and accomplishing something difficult. Obtaining the strongest sword by only playing through the main quest-line is a weak and inexcusable idea. Hopefully this will be amended in future titles.


May 18, 2013
Okay, so apparently everyone doesn't agree with me.

Wouldn't making the Master optional make it MORE special? At least for the player.

Wouldn't that take story's focus from the sword? Since at seems the Master Sword influences other swords in the series. There's the Phantom Sword and Lokomo Sword from the DS titles.

So this isn't just about the Master Sword, it's about the super plot important "legendary" Sword that's needed to vanquish the evil.

So let me rephrase the question.

Should ALL sword upgrades be optional?
Jun 9, 2012
Yea I think the Master Sword should be optional, I think it would be a good side quest item.


gay energy
Feb 28, 2010
New York
No. Having an optional legendary sword doesn't even make sense. I mean, look at the Oracle games, the Master Sword was optional in them. I still don't understand it.

They either include it and make it important or leave it out entirely. But that doesn't mean you can't use another sword.


The Fierce Deity
Jan 16, 2013
Inside the Moon
Making the Master sword optional completely undermines its importance of it, puts it in the back of people's minds, and makes all that lore they gave it in SS seem like a waste.


May 18, 2013
No. Having an optional legendary sword doesn't even make sense. I mean, look at the Oracle games, the Master Sword was optional in them. I still don't understand it.

They either include it and make it important or leave it out entirely. But that doesn't mean you can't use another sword.
You can have optional legendary items. Would that have the sidequest be more epic?

Making the Master sword optional completely undermines its importance of it, puts it in the back of people's minds, and makes all that lore they gave it in SS seem like a waste.
I'm sorry but SS' lore felt like mostly a waste to be to begin with, I mean would they ever reference Fi ever again given her "popularity"?.:S


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Making the Master sword optional completely undermines its importance of it, puts it in the back of people's minds, and makes all that lore they gave it in SS seem like a waste.

Skyward Sword already put the Master Sword in the back of people's minds; it was treated as a mere byproduct throughout the entirety of the game. What was once the "Blade of Evil's Bane" now became the "Blade of Ear's Blood" with its autotuned robot and its apparent ability to vacuum shizzle up (remember the cutscene after you defeat Demise. ;)) Making the MS optional would not be a case of putting the blade on the backburner, as it already IS on the backburner.


Jul 1, 2012
The Master Sword is A key item/weapon, not just power wise or even specific to that one game, but to the lore of the entire series. I see it as more important than the actual Triforce, mainly because s sword plays much more of a role in the game than an item that just validates our role as a hero.

I do believe that the Master Sword can limit what games can do with offensive one-handed weapons, if we look at Majora's Mask - this game had a choice between what sword Link would use, just that sort of variety gave the game that something extra. The Master Sword's problem is that when it is included that it will be an obstacle, purely because if it's importance. The Master Sword is essentially the key item of the series.

If one were to make it optional then it completely lessens it's importance, which will carry on etc. This kind of happened in the Oracles, where it was optional -- as the final upgrade -- a bad choice in my opinion. You see a lot of people sometimes forget it's appearance in this game, as so, it's easily forgettable. Now for me, obtaining the Master Sword in any Zelda game is a significant and great moment, it's a tradition, so to say. Not only are we getting that powerful sword but all of its importance and heritage that has been hold by many past heroes and a sword that we actually forged in Skyward Sword.

Sroa Link said:
So let me rephrase the question.

Should ALL sword upgrades be optional?
Well it depends, the Master Sword is almost a stellar item, so i think eight times out of ten, chances are that it will make an appearance in some fashion, especially since the reveal of the origin story. Regarding other swords, well it depends on what that sword means to the game. Another game linked into the Four Swords saga would definitely have to use the sword for quest and lore continuity purposes. Swords like the Phantom Sword is an odd question, as it isn't really important in the grand scheme and only in that game. Plus in Phantom Hourglass it was more of a quest item, so it was compulsory. That's the real problem here, these items link a lot into plot and so on, if that specific sword didn't link in, then fine, it can be optional; however, it's a question of how the game plays out.

ihateghirahim said:
Making the Master sword optional completely undermines its importance of it, puts it in the back of people's minds, and makes all that lore they gave it in SS seem like a waste.
Don't want to go completely off the topic, but where is all this lore?

Skyward Sword told the origin of the Master Sword, the Master Sword already existed in our minds and in the series. To be honest, at best, it told a mediocre origin story, it didn't introduce anything new, lore wise.


May 18, 2013
Okay so making it optional might lessen it's importance, is it possible to make it importat despite the fact that it's optional? I mean think of Epona, she's an iconic part of the game and yet, she's optional, you don't have to get her, why can't the same be for the hypothetical game where the Master Sword is optional?

Don't want to go completely off the topic, but where is all this lore?

Skyward Sword told the origin of the Master Sword, the Master Sword already existed in our minds and in the series. To be honest, at best, it told a mediocre origin story, it didn't introduce anything new, lore wise.
Didn't it kinda contradict Master Sword's origin? It implies that Link made it what it is, even though it was forged by the ancient sages.
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Aug 12, 2013
Ashland, OR
Okay, so apparently everyone doesn't agree with me.

Wouldn't making the Master optional make it MORE special? At least for the player.

So this isn't just about the Master Sword, it's about the super plot important "legendary" Sword that's needed to vanquish the evil.

So let me rephrase the question.

Should ALL sword upgrades be optional?

I personally think that a sword of destiny is more special for the character than a sword that you can buy or trade for or find. As the Hero of Time/Winds, it is fate that you should be led to and wield the Master Sword. However, having side quests that add to it's awesomeness more than just getting magic for your spin attack would be pretty cool. Sort of like how in SS you are essentially "creating" the master sword as we know it, being able to personalize your sword, to a certain extent, would be interesting. Instead of a gilded sword, maybe there's a blacksmith somewhere hidden who will imbue your blade with special resistance, but you can only choose one option, etc. Kind of like how when you wear the red tunic you are protected against heat, but weak against ice. However a resistance in the sword should not be a give and take.

To sum up, I believe 100% the MS is obligatory. However, being able to add to it, personalize it or upgrade it poses an intriguing question for future Zelda games, if Nintendo were to incorporate such a thing.

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