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Should BotW2 keep the same soundtrack direction as BotW?


I just really like botw
Apr 8, 2019
BotW had a divisive soundtrack, with some people not really warming up to it's ambient nature, and some people digging it. But how should the approach to music and sound carry on into the sequel? Would you want more 'melodic' tunes to play in, say, proper dungeons or pivotal story points or maybe even in places where BotW originally kept it quiet? Or was the original BotW soundtrack direction so good that it heeds to the saying 'if it's not broken, why fix it'?

Azure Sage

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It depends on the tone and narrative of the sequel. BotW’s music direction was fantastic, fitting of a lonely adventure through overgrown wilds and ruins. The sequel might not be that kind of game, though. I wouldn’t mind if they continued with it, but more important than having a music direction I liked is having one that suits the game.
I think it worked for BotW's atmosphere, but I'd like to see memorable music return in the sequel. Listening to BotW's soundtrack on its own, there's only a handful of tracks that stand out beyond the bits of instrumentals here and there.

Hopefully BotW2 decides to go for something much more grand within the scope of the game itself, and hopefully the same is done for the music.
If the tone is like the trailer I'd like to hear more of that kind of music, the backwards game over music from the original Zelda that was all distorted.

Music can really help and while BotW's was fine I don't think it did enough and some of it sounded goofy as hell, like fighting a Hinox.

So I'd like some focused music that suits the tone a bit better.


you are not immune to propaganda
Nov 3, 2020
I think the game could benefit from doing something different with the music. I really liked Hyrule Castle's theme, and all the other pieces it incorporated. I think BOTW2 could benefit from some remixes. Just throw in some OoT songs, it'll be fine. I think the main overworld doesn't need to change, music-wise, but specific places need music, and it shouldn't just be lame background music, either.
Nov 26, 2020
nah the music is forgettable outside of a few tracks. i get what they were going for but after skyward swords amazingggg OST it was meh

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