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Hyrule Warriors Should AoC Be Self-Contained?

Azure Sage

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By which I mean, should the game stay entirely contained in BotW and not branch out into any other games in the series? HW was like a big crossover for the series, but this game is being made specifically with the purpose of telling a story from BotW. Personally, I don't want to see other characters from the series popping up in the game because of this, not even in free mode where it doesn't matter.

That said, I wouldn't be opposed to them pulling the HW originals in as bonus characters, like Lana and Linkle and Volga. But if we do get stuff like season passes here, I want them to be contained in BotW's world, as side campaigns that still focus on the story of the Calamity. I really want to see this kept in BotW's narrative.
I think it'd be cool to see BotW versions of legacy characters but I'd prefer it if they just kept it to who was supposed to be there.

I imagine we might get an original character or two who died in the Calamity and were never mentioned again, though I never like it when that happens. One of the reasons why I don't like prequels.


not actually Canadian
Feb 19, 2020
Yes. I’d like this game to be canon. Any cameos from other games that aren’t specifically stated to not be canon would make it hard for me to take it seriously. That’s why I’m against Hyrule Warriors being canon; it’s so great a spin-off that being in the lore would feel out of place. (Why don't all the characters from other games remember the events? How can time travel be so easily accessible?) Adding cameos will make the game feel more and more like a spin-off.
Feb 7, 2014
Just keep the legacy characters out of the story mode (or however DW works) and it shouldn't matter, but yes, by all means bring some of them back.
Oct 14, 2013
If the game takes the Hyrule Warriors 1 format, then I'm ok with the story mode being strictly canon. Then add as many characters into adventure mode as they can. Stuff it full. Musou is all about fan service . Even the more serious musou games like DW8, was full of fan service characters and weapons. The Lu Bu campaign was 100% fan service as an example.

Nintendo historically has not cared about how interconnected the Zelda games are. The whole timeline was only invented due to fan demand.
I think now they care because BotW sold well and they want to milk that BotW cash cow as much as they can.


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
The main campaign and story should remain strictly canon, it should be able to contribute to the lore and timeline of Zelda. I want to see the Champions and a few of the characters that were confirmed to be around for the calamity be the focal points with a few original characters included.

For the free mode or whatever its called, I don't mind seeing a few fan favorites who don't necessarily fit the timeline. I would definitely prefer to see characters from BotW to be added, like the "new champions", as I think HW kind of already hit all the big ones and I don't want to see too many repeats.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
I'm seeing theories that Cia and Lana might make an appearence and thay could help give the game different endings. The canon ending would be failure, of course, but with Cia and Lana manipulating timelines, it could be possible that there will be a non-canon ending where you win.

To answer the question, I'd prefer the game to be self-contained to Breath of the Wild only.
I'm seeing theories that Cia and Lana might make an appearence and thay could help give the game different endings. The canon ending would be failure, of course, but with Cia and Lana manipulating timelines, it could be possible that there will be a non-canon ending where you win.

Eeeew, no. I hope that is nowhere near true. I can't see why it would be since it runs counter to the reason of why the game even exists.
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