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Sheikah Creed

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
As Yaru's red eyes adjusted to the lower light level he walked further and further until he paused. In front of him rose six pillars, three on each side, the walls, pillars, floor and ceiling were all made of a strange materiel which was slowly being covered by moss. This was the Shrine of Resurrection. An ancient sheikah shrine built to restore injured warriors to full health. But Yaru was certain it now housed a group of Yiga's and he was here to kill them all.

Yaru walked into the central chamber and closed his eyes to breathe in the slightly stale air. At that moment, a evil cackle sounded out and instantly eight Yiga foot soldiers appeared in a cloud of red smoke and instantly began to attack Yaru. In response he unsheathed his Eightfold Blade and quickly swung it in a wide ark at the enroaching attackers two of which now sported gashes along their chests. Seconds later, they suddenly screamed and fell to the ground writhing in agony.

Scared at their allies newfound pain the rest of the Yigas turned and fled. Yet one was to late; Yaru sprang forward and cought them by the back of the neck and whispered,
"I am Yaru and I am your death", his blade came down and blood squirted out.

Yuri made her way to the Shrine of Ressurection, a hideout for Yiga. When she arrived she heard the sound of blades and rounding a pillar she saw a Sheikah with wet blade. The bodies of her brothers strewn in red, and the enemy seemingly triumphant.

The Yiga quickly hide behind the pullar and reached for her chain sickle. She tried to calm her breathing as her white long hair rested against the stone pillar. Taking the handle, she bent aroubd the pillar and aimed as she threw it at the Sheikah. The sicklr flew in air like boomerang with the chain trailing like a tail, Yuri grabbing hold to guide it we if a kite at the enemy as she leapt into air and kicked with her black boots off a pillar, climbed up one, using her legs and free arm and waited for chain sickle to catch the Sheikah like a line for a fish at Lake Hylia.

King Link

The Hero of the Kingdom
Jun 16, 2024
The Great Sky Island
Yaru tensed as he heard a whistling sound. He quickly ducked as the sickle flew past him and became embedded into the wall.

“ I … will make you regret that choice vermin.” He drew his sword and readied himself for battle.

“ I am no vermin, it is you sheikah who are the vermin.” Yuri drew another sickle and in turn readied herself for the battle ahead.

The two met in a clang of metal and sparks flew from the sword and the sickle. Yuri was the first to strike creating a long cut along Yaru’s back. Yaru responded in kind delivering a deep gash along her chest.

“ You are good sheikah but… ARRGH!”

“ Goodbye Yiga right now my home brewed poison is slithering through your system just as it did your brother’s but I’m feeling kind and will tell how you may cure yourself.”

“ Please tell me please! “

“ You must gain a fairy for yourself then go to the temple of time and pray to Hylia to cleanse your soul of all evil; this will mean you can never kill again as such you can never be an assassin to anyone again. “

“ No! “

“ It is the only way. So until then goodbye. “
Only then did Yaru turn and walk out of the shrine meanwhile Yuri screamed as the poison burned through her system.

Prince Sidon

Twilight General
ZD Champion
Apr 5, 2024
The Twilight Realm
Paya saw The Hero approach, fresh from battle and an entourage of silent princesses. She looked at Link with a smile,
“Your efforts always hearten me Master Link”
She had been use to calling him Master Link and now that she was Chief she still addressed him thus, and then blushed a little.

Blink gave a nod to Link,
“It is good to see you Sir Link.” He took notice how Paya got uneasy, and blushed around him. She clearly fancied Him, and so he sighed deep inside, not showing his true feelings.

Paya noticed some cloth torn on Link’s shoulder.
“You were attacked?”
The thought of the Yiga trying to harm Him made Paya tremble a little and yet she knew in this War anyone at anytime could be lost. That she had to toughen up, but in regards to Link, it was hard.

Blink realized that he was a third wheel, and gave a bow as he stepped away for a moment. She was safe in The Hero’s presence. He went to antechamber in the castle and inside a white hooded one approached in the dark as a torch flickered.

Blink spoke,
“You found Him?”

The Cloaked One nodded and revealed a seal with three spikes un the shape of horns on the ends.

Blink raised his sleeve to show a trident of gold that was similar.

“Tell The Master.. the time is soon at hand..”

The Hodded Figure stepped with a long braid of red hair flowing out and golden eye gleaming in shadow of the hood covering before disappearing in puff of purple smoke.
"Mistress Paya tomorrow I will return to Kakariko on the morrow care to join?"
Master Kohga heard Yante's scream but did not care Yante was an example.

King Link

The Hero of the Kingdom
Jun 16, 2024
The Great Sky Island
Yuri began to weep as pain racked through her body ‘There must be some way to stop myself from dying otherwise Yante will kill himself trying to avenge me’ she thought.

Then she remembered why there were Yiga’s stationed at the shrine. She quickly ran through the facts, the shrine was rumoured to have a hot spring and that hot spring was underneath the resurrection chamber and it also fed into the waters of the healing bed.

Using the last embers of her strength she clawed her way to the bed and laid herself down into the water were she closed her eyes and began to sleep. Instantly the pain abated and she decided that when healed she would track down the mysterious sheikah maybe she may ask her brother Yante for help once he finished his mission.
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Prince Sidon

Twilight General
ZD Champion
Apr 5, 2024
The Twilight Realm
Yante Awoke strung up in a sand storm
"Yuri..." he felt his soul rip in half and go to Yuri to help her heal. "I'm coming for you"
*Yante mustered his strength and teleported to near were Yuri rested

Prince Sidon

Twilight General
ZD Champion
Apr 5, 2024
The Twilight Realm
Yuri felt her brothers conscience nearby as she whispered
“ Yante. “
She new that she was healed but it was oh so warm and comfortable she decided to stay a little longer.
"Yuri what happened here? You weren't assigned here!"
Yante sighed, "before you answer I was strung up...."

Prince Sidon

Twilight General
ZD Champion
Apr 5, 2024
The Twilight Realm
"Good morning your highness...."
"I've heard of Andar he's a sheikah reject, he's an assassin
Yante was bleeding so much that the skin under the tears of his clothes was red

King Link

The Hero of the Kingdom
Jun 16, 2024
The Great Sky Island
Yuri raked her brains how to find Andar and kill that sheikah. Until it hit her.
“ Yante is your assignment based in castle town because if so bring me with you.”

Prince Sidon

Twilight General
ZD Champion
Apr 5, 2024
The Twilight Realm
Yuri raked her brains how to find Andar and kill that sheikah. Until it hit her.
“ Yante is your assignment based in castle town because if so bring me with you.”
"Why? My assignment is to Kill Link so yes I guess, Don't fail Kohga again you don't know how bad it is to be strung up"
*Yante decided to slip into the hot spring, With the Yiga outfit, to heal his wounds*

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Andar had made his way to the threshold of Eldin, a place of refuge in this Shadow War. As he walks in a valley with high rocky walls a boulder stirred and nearly fell on him. Andar rolled and emerging from boulder shape was a figure of Gray Rock with jaggid spikes for hair:


The Stone figure crossed its arms and said,
“Going somewhere stranger?”
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