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General Art Searing Shadows - Starthorn Tree Prequel


Zoldyck family assassin
Aug 22, 2011
Your Imagination... Is life real?! Am I real?!
Edited by Mandym.

Chapter 1 – Nightmares
Katrea found herself running for her life. It was behind her--she was sure of it. And very soon, it would be upon her.
She skidded to a halt.
A vast wall, a sea of blackness, was stretching in front of her. She could not flee any further.
Acting by instinct, she grabbed a stick and swung it. The monster’s bright red eyes closed and then it vanished.
Had she done it?
Her question was answered soon after. The eyes reappeared behind her, as she shrunk under its gaze.
She was in an abandoned town: a destroyed fountain dotted the middle, water spraying everywhere. All the houses were in ruins: the remains, burnt skeletons of drywall.
Katrea fixed her gaze upon those scarlet eyes. There was nothing she could do.
The monster swung.
A flash of pain.
Her front went crimson.
And everything about her went dark.

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